Infinite Campus is designed to seamlessly transfer data between District and State Editions using Data Interchange Service (DIS) functionality. Using this functionality, anytime specific records or fields are saved, the system is told to send this information from the district to the state. This ensures information between districts and the state stay in sync and information reported out of the state is accurate.
Many fields within Infinite Campus send information from districts to the state automatically when modified and saved in the District Edition however, some information can only be sent by initiating a manual resync. The sections below will explain how you can manually resync information from your district to the state and how you can manually resync information for specific person, identity, and enrollment records.
For a breakdown of which fields within Infinite Campus sync between District and State Editions, see the Fields Which Sync Between District and State section below.
Manually Resync Information Between a District and the State
You can manually resync batches of information from the district to the state using the Resync State Data tool.
Please see the Resync State Data article for a comprehensive guide on how to perform this process and better understand its functionality.
Resync Scenarios
A district can resync its data to the state, as needed. However, the following resync scenarios are mandatory:
End of a school year | A resync must be performed at the end of a school year, after districts have finished entering all data for that year. This resync must be completed before the scoped year of the district/state zones is switched to the new school year. This should be a full resync. |
Start of a school year | A resync must be performed at the beginning of a school year, after all enrollments have been rolled forward and the scoped year of the district/state Zones has been updated to match the new school year. This should be a full resync. |
Database modifications | A resync must be performed if data is added or edited directly within the database, instead of within the Infinite Campus interface. Modifying data within the database is not recommended. This may be a partial or full resync. Deleting data directly within the database will cause orphaned records as DIS is unable to detect this type of record deletion. |
State resync request | The state may request a resync for the purpose of state reporting, gathering attendance snapshots, pulling end-of-year attendance summaries, etc. Districts cannot deny or prevent a resync initiated by the state. This may be a partial or full resync. |
Infinite Campus strongly recommends using the Verification Summary tool to generate district/state verification reports before resynching a scenario not listed above. Comparing verification report results will indicate whether or not a resync is necessary.
Resync Specific Person/Identity and Enrollment Records to the State
You can manually sync Person/Identity and Enrollment records for a specific user or set of users via the Selective Sync tool. This tool is especially helpful when troubleshooting records or errors or wanting to resync a specific set of records without the need for a larger, more intensive sync via the Batch Resync tool.
Please see the Selective Sync article for a comprehensive guide to this process and the tool's functionality.
Analyze Data Inconsistencies Between the District and State
You can analyze inconsistencies between your district and the state using the Verification Summary tool.
This tool breaks down the total number of records which exist at the district and the state (for said district), the total number of district-level records which do not exist at the state, the total number of state-level records (related to the district) which do not exist at the district, and the number of records where values in a key field differ (Differences) for the following areas:
You can review a breakdown of this data by selecting the Verification Summary Report as well as re-verify the data between the district and the state by selecting Re-Verify.
For a comprehensive guide on how to use and understand this tool, please see the Verification Summary article.
Data Setup Impacting District/State Syncing
For more information about how certain data setups can impact whether or not certain records sync between districts and the state, see the Data Setup Impacting District to State Syncing article.
Fields Which Sync Between District and State
Information synced between districts and the state are grouped into objects. Objects are collections of fields that make up the purpose of the object syncing information. For example, the Behavior Incident object contains all of the information needed to populate and update a behavior incident record properly.
The sections below explain each object synced between districts and the state, the fields that make up each object, and whether each field is synced to the state when its information has been changed and saved and/or a batch resync request has been initiated.
Data for this object is only pushed down from the State Edition to districts.
Data for this object is only pushed down from the State Edition to districts.
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
alignment | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
context | X | X |
contextDescription | X | X |
damages | X | X |
description | X | X |
incidentGUID | X | X |
incidentID | X | X |
localizedLocation | X | X |
location | X | X |
locationBIE | X | X |
locationDescription | X | X |
locked | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
mostSeriousAction | X | X |
mostSeriousEvent | X | X |
priorActionsTaken | X | X |
referralPersonID | X | X |
referralTimestamp | X | X |
status | X | X |
timestamp | X | X |
title | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
eventID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
name | X | |
code | X | |
alignment | X | |
weaponCode | X | X |
violenceIndicator | X | X |
timestamp | X | |
staffName | X | X |
referralName | X | X |
comments | X | X |
context | X | |
location | X | |
victim | X | X |
damages | X | |
offenderType | X | X |
reporterType | X | X |
policeNotified | X | X |
gangRelated | X | X |
hateCrime | X | X |
alcoholRelated | X | X |
drugsRelated | X | X |
fightRelated | X | X |
seHearing | X | X |
eventGUID | X | X |
drugCode | X | X |
civilProceedings | X | X |
arrest | X | X |
charges | X | X |
schoolSponsoredEvent | X | X |
lawViolation | X | X |
boardViolation | X | X |
nonSchoolHours | X | X |
altComments | X | X |
injury | X | X |
stateEventCode | X | X |
stateEventName | X | X |
regionalEventCode | X | X |
regionalEventName | X | X |
unsafeSchoolChoiceEvent | X | X |
victimReferral | X | X |
offenderReferral | X | X |
timeClassifier | X | X |
timeDescription | X | X |
locationClassifier | X | X |
locationDescription | X | |
incidentType | X | X |
incidentDescription | X | X |
weaponDescription | X | X |
drugCode2 | X | X |
drugCode3 | X | X |
drugCode4 | X | X |
drugCode5 | X | X |
name2 | X | X |
name3 | X | X |
name4 | X | X |
name5 | X | X |
offenderKnown | X | X |
weaponCode2 | X | X |
weaponCode3 | X | X |
weaponCode4 | X | X |
weaponCode5 | X | X |
medicalTreatmentProvided | X | X |
numOfStuVictims | X | X |
numOfSchPersonnelVictims | X | X |
numOfNonSchVictims | X | X |
policeReport | X | X |
hearingStatus | X | X |
code2 | X | X |
code3 | X | X |
code4 | X | X |
code5 | X | X |
eventCodeBIE | X | X |
weaponCodeBIE | X | X |
locationCodeBIE | X | |
incidentID | X | X |
nonStudentVictim1Desc | X | X |
nonStudentVictim2Desc | X | X |
nonStudentVictim3Desc | X | X |
localIncidentID | X | X |
propertyIncident | X | X |
stateEventCode2 | X | X |
stateEventCode3 | X | X |
stateEventCode4 | X | X |
stateEventCode5 | X | X |
stateEventName2 | X | X |
stateEventName3 | X | X |
stateEventName4 | X | X |
stateEventName5 | X | X |
referralDate | X | X |
contextDescription | X | |
typeID | X | X |
schoolResourceOfficer | X | X |
responseRequired | X | X |
mostSevere | X | X |
courtDesignated | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
unknownOffenders | X | X |
student | X | X |
teacher | X | X |
staff | X | X |
other | X | X |
homicideIndicator | X | X |
shootingIndicator | X | X |
unfounded | X | X |
retaliationRelated | X | X |
teamReview | X | X |
gangRelatedDescriptor | X | |
indeterminateVictim | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
typeID | X | X |
schoolID | X | X |
code | X | X |
name | X | X |
category | X | X |
alignment | X | X |
demerits | X | X |
stateEventCode | X | X |
regionalEventCode | X | X |
federalEventCode | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
archived | X | X |
typeGUID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
classification | X | X |
availableInReferral | X | X |
allowProtectedClass | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
roleID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
eventID | X | X |
role | X | X |
demerits | X | X |
comments | X | X |
roleGUID | X | X |
campusIDofResponsibility | X | X |
roleBIE | X | X |
injury | X | X |
physicalInjury | X | X |
bodilyInjury | X | X |
injuryDescription | X | X |
cost | X | X |
relationshipToSchool | X | X |
otherRelationship | X | X |
overridePersonID | X | X |
overrideFirstName | X | X |
overrideMiddleName | X | X |
overrideLastName | X | X |
overrideSuffix | X | X |
overrideGender | X | X |
overrideBirthdate | X | X |
violationLevel1 | X | X |
violationLevel2 | X | X |
violationLevel3 | X | X |
employmentType | X | X |
overridePhysicalInjury | X | X |
overrideBodilyInjury | X | X |
overrideRole | X | X |
weaponCount | X | X |
weaponsDetected | X | X |
weaponsDetectedComment | X | X |
motivationCode | X | X |
medicalServiceProvided | X | X |
disabilityManifest | X | X |
motivationDescription | X | X |
portal | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
lawReferred | X | X |
schoolRelatedArrest | X | X |
physicalAssaultOfEmployee | X | X |
protectedClass | X | X |
notReported | X | X |
lawReferralCode | X | X |
lawReferralDate | X | X |
studentDirectedViolence | X | X |
teacherDirectedViolence | X | X |
staffDirectedViolence | X | X |
otherDirectedViolence | X | X |
craftScreeningConductedDate | X | X |
craftScreeningResults | X | X |
hearingOfficer | X | X |
Database Fields | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
resolutionID | X | X |
roleID | X | X |
name | X | X |
code | X | X |
removalReason | X | X |
alignment | X | X |
timestamp | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
expulsionCode | X | X |
expulsionServiceProvided | X | X |
auxiliaryCode | X | X |
schoolDaysDuration | X | X |
altPlacement | X | X |
altPlacementSped | X | X |
lawEnforcement | X | X |
durationReason | X | X |
restraintReason | X | X |
resolutionGUID | X | X |
daysOverride | X | X |
removalReason2 | X | X |
hearingCode | X | X |
stateResCode | X | X |
stateResName | X | X |
regionalResCode | X | X |
regionalResName | X | X |
returnDate | X | X |
noPlay | X | X |
gFSAModification | X | X |
GFSAModificationDescription | X | X |
disabilityManifest | X | X |
zeroTolerance | X | X |
motivationCode | X | X |
motivationDescription | X | X |
campusIDAssignment | X | X |
actLength | X | X |
oalDetermination | X | X |
transferOption | X | X |
transferOutcome | X | X |
daysServedNextYear | X | X |
staffName | X | X |
discAssignDate | X | X |
endTimeStamp | X | X |
resolutionCodeBIE | X | X |
lawContactName | X | X |
parentCode | X | X |
parentComment | X | X |
serviceProvided | X | X |
serviceLocation | X | X |
modificationReason | X | X |
modificationDescription | X | X |
modificationLength | X | X |
modificationDate | X | X |
duration | X | X |
durationUnits | X | X |
status | X | X |
typeID | X | X |
adminPersonID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
permChangePlacement | X | X |
attendanceExcuseID | X | X |
remainingDuration | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
stateResolutionDetail | X | X |
disciplineReason | X | X |
casApprovalRequired | X | X |
arrest | X | X |
charges | X | X |
inconsistentCodeOfConduct | X | X |
durationHours | X | X |
workProvided | X | X |
intervention | X | X |
instructionalSupport | X | X |
alternatePlacementSchool | X | X |
alternatePlacementEA | X | X |
hoursOverride | X | X |
removalServiceDeclined | X | X |
disciplineProcess | X | X |
alternateSchoolID | X | X |
assignedBy | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
typeID | X | X |
schoolID | X | X |
code | X | X |
name | X | X |
category | X | X |
alignment | X | X |
demerits | X | X |
stateResCode | X | X |
regionalResCode | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
subtype | X | X |
archived | X | X |
typeGUID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
attendance | X | X |
calculateDuration | X | X |
intervention | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
responseID | X | X |
roleID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
responseTypeID | X | X |
date | X | X |
startTime | X | X |
endTime | X | X |
duration | X | X |
approverPersonID | X | X |
preResponseActions | X | X |
responseDetails | X | X |
postResponseActions | X | X |
room | X | X |
studentInjured | X | X |
studentInjuryDetails | X | X |
behStatus | X | X |
guardianContacted | X | X |
guardianContactedDate | X | X |
guardianContactedTime | X | X |
guardianContactedName | X | X |
guardianContactedDetails | X | X |
responseGUID | X | X |
responseCodeBIE | X | X |
studentInjurySeverity | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
imminentDangerToSelf | X | X |
imminentDangerToStaff | X | X |
imminentDangerToOtherStudents | X | X |
stepsTakenComment | X | X |
untrainedStaff | X | X |
restraintSeclusion | X | X |
seclusionRoomStateStandards | X | X |
seclusionRoomLocked | X | X |
studentDiedResponse | X | X |
responseUnknownTimes | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
typeID | X | X |
schoolID | X | X |
code | X | X |
name | X | X |
category | X | X |
alignment | X | X |
demerits | X | X |
stateResCode | X | X |
regionalResCode | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
subtype | X | X |
archived | X | X |
typeGUID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
attendance | X | X |
calculateDuration | X | X |
intervention | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
harassmentID | X | X |
roleID | X | X |
harassmentType | X | X |
harassmentDesc | X | X |
category | X | X |
harassmentGUID | X | X |
religiousAffiliation | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
drugID | X | X |
roleID | X | X |
drugType | X | X |
drugDesc | X | X |
drugCategory | X | X |
drugGUID | X | X |
Field Database | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
weaponID | X | X |
roleID | X | X |
weaponType | X | X |
weaponDesc | X | X |
weaponCategory | X | X |
weaponCategory2 | X | X |
weaponGUID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
calendarID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
schoolID | X | X |
endYear | X | X |
name | X | X |
number | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
exclude | X | X |
summerSchool | X | X |
studentDay | X | X |
teacherDay | X | X |
wholeDayAbsence | X | X |
halfDayAbsence | X | X |
calendarGUID | X | X |
alternativeCode | X | X |
title3 | X | X |
title3consortium | X | X |
title1 | X | X |
legacyKey | X | |
schoolChoice | X | X |
type | X | X |
countDate | X | X |
assignmentRequired | X | X |
sifExclude | X | X |
positiveAttendanceEnabled | X | X |
positiveAttendanceEditDays | X | X |
track | X | X |
typeBIE | X | X |
sequence | X | X |
externalLMSExclude | X | X |
attendanceType | X | X |
echs | X | X |
stem | X | X |
programType | X | X |
deleteIndicator | X | X |
deleteOrigin | X | X |
deleteReasonCode | X | X |
deleteReasonComments | X | X |
deleteRequestedByID | X | X |
deleteRequestedTimestamp | X | X |
deleteStatus | X | X |
deleteFailureReason | X | X |
deleteRequestedByGUID | X | X |
foodServiceEnrollOverride | X | X |
secondarySchool | X | X |
virtual | X | X |
ignoreCourseMasterPush | X | X |
rolledForwardID | X | X |
crossSiteEnrollmentOpen | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
campusToolPublishedTabID | X | X |
toolID | X | X |
campusToolPublishedTabGUID | X | X |
customAccess | X | X |
customPublishStatus | X | X |
filterID | X | X |
publishedBy | X | X |
publishedTimestamp | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
careerReadinessID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
careerReadinessGUID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
year | X | X |
type | X | X |
hours | X | X |
courseName | X | X |
stateCode | X | X |
courseNumber | X | X |
sectionNumber | ||
careerCluster | X | X |
employer | X | X |
supervisor | X | X |
phone | X | X |
X | X | |
position | X | X |
comments | X | X |
passStatus | X | X |
credentialOrDegree | X | X |
creditsEarned | X | X |
otherCredentialOrDegree | X | X |
minutes | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
otherType | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
careerTechnicalEducationID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
careerTechnicalEducationGUID | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
comments | X | X |
specialPopulation | X | X |
cipCode | X | X |
ctePathway | X | X |
educationFacility | X | X |
studentOrganization | X | X |
studentOrganizationMemberID | X | X |
studentOrganizationCharterID | X | X |
certCredentialDegree | X | X |
otherCertCredentialDegree | X | X |
hours | X | X |
dualEnrollment | X | X |
courseNumber | X | X |
courseName | X | X |
stateCourseCode | X | X |
creditsEarned | X | X |
scedCode | X | X |
schoolCode | X | X |
alternativeSchoolCode | X | X |
alternativeSystemCode | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
districtID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
relatedBy | X | X |
contactID | X | X |
contactGUID | X | X |
private | X | X |
secondary | X | X |
mailing | X | X |
mailingHHL | X | X |
guardian | X | X |
portal | ||
messenger | ||
householdID | X | X |
householdPhone | X | X |
householdName | X | X |
personGUID | ||
contactPersonID | X | X |
studentNumber | X | X |
staffNumber | X | X |
staffStateID | ||
lastName | X | X |
firstName | X | X |
middleName | X | X |
suffix | X | X |
gender | X | X |
birthdate | X | X |
relationship | X | X |
seq | X | X |
grade | X | X |
calendarName | X | X |
homePhone | X | X |
workPhone | X | X |
cellPhone | X | X |
pager | X | X |
X | X | |
secondaryEmail | X | X |
comments | X | X |
communicationLanguage | ||
number | X | X |
street | X | X |
tag | X | X |
prefix | X | X |
dir | X | X |
apt | X | X |
city | X | X |
state | X | X |
zip | X | X |
county | X | X |
addressLine1 | X | X |
addressLine2 | X | X |
residentDistrictID | X | X |
residentDistrictNum | X | X |
residentDistrictType | X | X |
residentDistrictName | X | X |
addressID | X | X |
location_code | ||
tract | ||
block | ||
privatePhone | X | X |
privateAddress | X | X |
modifiedDate | ||
addressL1 | ||
addressL2 |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
logID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
dateTimeStamp | X | X |
text | X | X |
contactByID | X | X |
module | X | X |
contactType | X | X |
contactMode | X | X |
logGUID | X | X |
modifiedTimeStamp | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
readOnly | X | X |
createdByID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
courseID | X | X |
courseMasterID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
departmentID | X | X |
number | X | X |
stateCode | X | X |
name | X | X |
description | X | X |
comments | X | X |
active | X | X |
type | X | X |
teachingMethod | X | X |
vocationalCode | X | X |
distanceCode | X | X |
honorsCode | X | X |
activityCode | X | X |
homeroom | X | X |
transcript | X | X |
requestable | X | X |
required | X | X |
attendance | X | X |
unitAttendance | X | X |
expectedHours | X | X |
terms | X | X |
schedules | X | X |
periods | X | X |
gpaWeight | X | X |
bonusPointsAvail | X | X |
maxStudents | X | X |
priority | X | X |
sectionsToBuild | X | X |
pseoType | X | X |
pseoCredit | X | X |
specialEdCode | X | X |
coursePart | X | X |
grade | X | X |
program | X | X |
programType | X | X |
virtualInstruction | X | X |
technology | X | X |
highlyQualified | X | X |
allowTeacherRequests | X | X |
standardsBased | X | X |
specialCode | X | X |
abbreviation | X | X |
altStateCode | X | X |
coreSubject | X | X |
transcriptField1 | X | X |
transcriptField2 | X | X |
transcriptField3 | X | X |
transcriptField4 | X | X |
transcriptField5 | X | X |
subjectType | X | X |
CourseGUID | X | X |
lock | X | X |
acceleratedCourse | X | X |
dualEnrollmentCourse | X | X |
honorsCourse | X | X |
substituteCredit | X | X |
secondaryCredit | X | X |
level | X | X |
stateReportExclude | X | X |
subjectArea | X | X |
spedArea | X | X |
scedSubjectArea | X | X |
scedCourseId | X | X |
scedLowestGrade | X | X |
scedHighestGrade | X | X |
scedAvailableCredit | X | X |
scedCourseLevel | X | X |
scedSequenceNum | X | X |
scedSequenceMax | X | X |
noAutobuild | ||
provider | X | X |
repeatable | X | X |
cipCode | X | X |
creditType | X | X |
contentStandard | X | X |
edFiTermType | X | X |
termType | X | X |
externalLMSExclude | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
endOfCourseRequirement | X | X |
courseCertificationDescription | X | X |
stateGradeLevelHigh | X | X |
stateGradeLevelLow | X | X |
templateGroupID | X | X |
hideStandardsOnPortal | X | X |
responsive | X | X |
courseOnlyCurriculum | X | X |
embeddedCourseNumber | X | X |
enrollmentLocation | X | X |
wblCourseType | X | X |
msixCode | X | X |
gradeCalcPushTimeStamp | X | X |
compositesPushTimeStamp | X | X |
instructionalTime | X | X |
cteSpecialPopulation | X | X |
teacherMinutes | X | X |
roomType | X | X |
statePartnerCode | X | X |
stateProgramCode | X | X |
gssmCategory | X | X |
altAchievementStandard | X | X |
academicPoints | X | X |
dualCreditCode | X | X |
postSecondaryCredits | X | X |
advisory | X | X |
charterNonCoreCollegePrep | X | X |
middleSchoolCoreCourseInd | X | X |
instructionLanguage | X | X |
dualLanguageProgram | X | X |
highQualityCTEInd | X | X |
serviceDistrict | X | X |
academicLevel | X | X |
coCurricular | X | X |
college | X | X |
postsecondaryCreditBIE | X | X |
advancedPlacementBIE | X | X |
internationalBaccalaureateBIE | X | X |
dualCreditBIE | X | X |
collegePreparationBIE | X | X |
careerDevelopmentBIE | X | X |
coreTypeBIE | X | X |
approvedBIE | X | X |
fundedBIE | X | X |
providerID | X | X |
providerDisplay | X | X |
careerClusterELO | X | X |
offCampusELO | X | X |
cteIndicator | X | X |
providerSchool | X | X |
providerSchoolName | X | X |
nonTraditionalCourse | X | X |
scedInstructionalDeliveryMode | X | X |
worldLanguage | X | X |
ninetyAttendance | X | X |
activityType | X | X |
dualEnrollAUN | X | X |
ignoreCourseMasterPush | X | X |
competencyBased | X | X |
creditEarnedMethod | X | X |
alternativeEd | X | X |
allowCrossSiteEnrollment | X | X |
crossSiteCourse | X | X |
crossSiteCourseGUID | X | X |
Data for this object is only pushed down from the State Edition to districts
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Reques |
Course.courseID | X | |
Course.courseMasterID | X | |
Course.calendarID | X | |
Course.departmentID | X | |
Course.number | X | |
Course.stateCode | X | | | X | |
Course.description | X | |
Course.comments | X | | | X | |
Course.type | X | |
Course.teachingMethod | X | |
Course.vocationalCode | X | |
Course.distanceCode | X | |
Course.honorsCode | X | |
Course.activityCode | X | |
Course.homeroom | X | |
Course.transcript | X | |
Course.requestable | X | |
Course.required | X | |
Course.attendance | X | |
Course.unitAttendance | X | |
Course.terms | X | |
Course.schedules | X | |
Course.periods | X | |
Course.gpaWeight | X | |
Course.bonusPointsAvail | X | |
Course.maxStudents | X | |
Course.priority | X | |
Course.sectionsToBuild | X | |
Course.pseoType | X | |
Course.pseoCredit | X | |
Course.specialEdCode | X | |
Course.coursePart | X | |
Course.grade | X | |
Course.program | X | |
Course.legacyKey | X | |
Course.programType | X | | | X | |
Course.highlyQualified | X | |
Course.allowTeacherRequests | X | |
Course.standardsBased | X | |
Course.specialCode | X | |
Course.abbreviation | X | |
Course.altStateCode | X | |
Course.transcriptField1 | X | |
Course.transcriptField2 | X | |
Course.transcriptField3 | X | |
Course.transcriptField4 | X | |
Course.transcriptField5 | X | |
Course.coreSubject | X | |
Course.subjectType | X | |
Course.CourseGUID | X | |
Course.lock | X | |
Course.acceleratedCourse | X | |
Course.dualEnrollmentCourse | X | |
Course.honorsCourse | X | |
Course.substituteCredit | X | |
Course.secondaryCredit | X | |
Course.level | X | |
Course.stateReportExclude | X | |
Course.subjectArea | X | |
Course.spedArea | X | |
Course.scedSubjectArea | X | |
Course.scedCourseId | X | |
Course.scedLowestGrade | X | |
Course.scedHighestGrade | X | |
Course.scedAvailableCredit | X | |
Course.scedCourseLevel | X | |
Course.scedSequenceNum | X | |
Course.scedSequenceMax | X | |
Course.noAutobuild | X | |
Course.provider | X | |
Course.repeatable | X | |
Course.expectedHours | X | |
Course.cipCode | X | |
Course.creditType | X | |
Course.contentStandard | X | |
Course.edFiTermType | X | |
Course.externalLMSExclude | X | |
Course.termType | X | |
Course.modifiedDate | X | |
Course.modifiedByID | X | |
Course.endOfCourseRequirement | X | |
Course.courseCertificationDescription | X | |
Course.stateGradeLevelHigh | X | |
Course.stateGradeLevelLow | X | |
Course.templateGroupID | X | |
Course.hideStandardsOnPortal | X | |
Course.responsive | X | |
Course.courseOnlyCurriculum | X | |
Course.embeddedCourseNumber | X | |
Course.enrollmentLocation | X | |
Course.wblCourseType | X | |
Course.msixCode | X | |
Course.gradeCalcPushTimeStamp | X | |
Course.compositesPushTimeStamp | X | |
Course.cteSpecialPopulation | X | |
Course.instructionalTime | X | |
Course.teacherMinutes | X | |
Course.roomType | X | |
Course.stateProgramCode | X | |
Course.statePartnerCode | X | |
Course.gssmCategory | X | |
Course.altAchievementStandard | X | |
Course.academicPoints | X | |
Course.dualCreditCode | X | |
Course.postSecondaryCredits | X | |
Course.charterNonCoreCollegePrep | X | |
Course.middleSchoolCoreCourseInd | X | |
Course.instructionLanguage | X | |
Course.dualLanguageProgram | X | |
Course.highQualityCTEInd | X | |
Course.serviceDistrict | X | |
Course.advisory | X | |
Course.academicLevel | X | |
Course.coCurricular | X | | | X | |
Course.postsecondaryCreditBIE | X | |
Course.advancedPlacementBIE | X | |
Course.internationalBaccalaureateBIE | X | |
Course.dualCreditBIE | X | |
Course.collegePreparationBIE | X | |
Course.careerDevelopmentBIE | X | |
Course.coreTypeBIE | X | |
Course.approvedBIE | X | |
Course.fundedBIE | X | |
Course.providerID | X | |
Course.providerDisplay | X | |
Course.offCampusELO | X | |
Course.careerClusterELO | X | |
Course.cteIndicator | X | |
Course.providerSchool | X | |
Course.providerSchoolName | X | |
Course.nonTraditionalCourse | X | |
Course.scedInstructionalDeliveryMode | X | |
Course.ninetyAttendance | X | |
Course.worldLanguage | X | |
Course.activityType | X | |
Course.dualEnrollAUN | X | |
Course.ignoreCourseMasterPush | X | |
Course.virtualInstruction | X | |
Course.competencyBased | X | |
Course.creditEarnedMethod | X | |
Course.alternativeEd | X | |
Course.allowCrossSiteEnrollment | X | |
Course.crossSiteCourse | X | |
Course.crossSiteCourseGUID | X | |
Section.sectionID | X | |
Section.trialID | X | |
Section.courseID | X | |
Section.number | X | |
Section.teacherDisplay | X | |
Section.maxStudents | X | |
Section.classType | X | |
Section.schedGroupID | X | |
Section.roomID | X | |
Section.lunchID | X | |
Section.lunchcount | X | |
Section.milkcount | X | |
Section.adultcount | X | |
Section.serviceDistrict | X | |
Section.serviceSchool | X | |
Section.multipleTeacherCode | X | |
Section.lockBuild | X | |
Section.lockRoster | X | |
Section.giftedDelivery | X | |
Section.giftedContentArea | X | |
Section.teacherPersonID | X | |
Section.parapros | X | |
Section.skinnySeq | X | |
Section.legacyKey | X | |
Section.highlyQualified | X | |
Section.homeroomSection | X | |
Section.teachingmethod | X | |
Section.sectionGUID | X | |
Section.lock | X | |
Section.nonHqtReason | X | |
Section.nonHqtExplanation | X | |
Section.spedArea | X | |
Section.validateAssignments | X | |
Section.mediumOfInstruction | X | |
Section.instructionalSetting | X | |
Section.transcriptField6 | X | |
Section.creditRecovery | X | |
Section.distanceCode | X | |
Section.provider | X | |
Section.transcriptField7 | X | |
Section.sessionType | X | |
Section.sessionNumber | X | |
Section.edFiTermType | X | |
Section.pullCourse | X | |
Section.pullDate | X | |
Section.externalLMSExclude | X | |
Section.termType | X | |
Section.modifiedDate | X | |
Section.modifiedByID | X | |
Section.competencyBased | X | |
Section.hideStandardsOnPortal | X | |
Section.alternativeEd | X | |
Section.altSchoolCode | X | |
Section.altSystemCode | X | |
Section.classMet | X | |
Section.contentCompleter | X | |
Section.enrollmentLocation | X | |
Section.markingPeriod | X | |
Section.msixCode | X | |
Section.pushPersonId | X | |
Section.program | X | |
Section.gradeCalcPushTimeStamp | X | |
Section.compositesPushTimeStamp | X | |
Section.categoriesPushTimeStamp | X | |
Section.instructionalTime | X | |
Section.altAchievementStandard | X | |
Section.honorsCode | X | |
Section.academicPoints | X | |
Section.dualCreditCode | X | |
Section.postSecondaryCredits | X | |
Section.contentStandard | X | |
Section.charterNonCoreCollegePrep | X | |
Section.spedDelivery | X | |
Section.advisory | X | |
Section.middleSchoolCoreCourseIndSec | X | |
Section.highQualityCTEIndSection | X | |
Section.providerIDOverride | X | |
Section.providerDisplayOverride | X | |
Section.customcount1 | X | |
Section.customcount2 | X | |
Section.customcount3 | X | |
Section.providerSchoolOverride | X | |
Section.providerSchoolNameOverride | X | |
Section.ninetyAttendanceOverride | X | |
Section.immersionLanguage | X | |
Section.worldLanguage | X | |
Section.vocationalCode | X | |
Section.certificationDescription | X | |
Section.virtualInstruction | X | |
Section.creditEarnedMethod | X | |
Section.stateCode | X | |
Section.specialEdCode | X | |
Section.allowCrossSiteEnrollment | X | |
Section.crossSiteMaxStudents | X | |
Section.crossSiteSection | X | |
Section.crossSiteSectionGUID | X | |
Section.crossSiteInstructionalSetting | X | |
Section.wblProgramCategorySec | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.historyID | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.sectionStaffID | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.assignmentID | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.role | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.staffType | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.startDate | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.endDate | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.createdByID | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.createdDate | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.modifiedByID | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.modifiedDate | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.comments | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.endReason | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.percent | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.personID | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.trialID | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.sectionID | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.federallyFunded | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.accessStartDate | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.accessEndDate | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.overrideStartDate | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.overrideEndDate | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.overrideReason | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.fieldCode | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.nonCertified | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.certificationLevel | X | |
SectionStaffHistory.minutes | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
dataCertificationObjectMemberID | X | |
dataCertificationObjectID | X | |
personID | X | |
certificationStatus | X | |
dataCertificationObjectMemberGUID | X | |
certificationTimestamp | X | |
recertificationTimestamp | X | |
districtID | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
dataCertificationTypeMemberID | X | |
dataCertificationTypeID | X | |
districtID | X | |
personID | X | |
active | X | |
type | X | |
dataCertificationTypeMemberGUID | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
snapshotID | X | |
snapshotDateTime | X | |
toolCode | X | |
subIdentifier | X | |
readableSubIdentifier | X | |
createdByID | X | |
prismParams | X | |
snapshotGUID | X | |
districtID | X | |
size |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
dataValidationDefID | X | X |
name | X | X |
description | X | X |
validationRuleType | X | X |
className | X | X |
adHocFilterID | X | X |
sqlDef | X | X |
isDistinct | X | X |
stateOwned | X | X |
states | X | X |
BIE | X | X |
nonBIE | X | X |
districtEdition | X | X |
stateEdition | X | X |
archived | X | X |
hidden | X | X |
custom | X | X |
dataValidationDefGUID | X | X |
procedureID | X | X |
deletedByState | X | X |
syncStatus | X | X |
baselineID | X | X |
owner | ||
premium |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
dayID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
structureID | X | X |
periodScheduleID | X | X |
date | X | X |
instruction | X | X |
attendance | X | X |
schoolDay | X | X |
duration | X | X |
comments | X | X |
startTime | X | X |
endTime | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
districtID | X | X |
ncesDistrictID | X | X |
number | X | X |
name | X | X |
type | X | X |
state | X | X |
comments | X | X |
address | X | X |
city | X | X |
zip | X | X |
county | X | X |
phone | X | X |
fax | X | X |
X | X | |
districtGUID | X | X |
stateLinked | X | X |
url | X | X |
contactLastName | X | X |
contactFirstName | X | X |
inactive | X | X |
spedFax | X | X |
spedPhone | X | X |
spedContactFirstName | X | X |
spedContactLastName | X | X |
regionNumber | X | X |
legacyKey | ||
spedAddress | X | X |
spedCity | X | X |
spedState | X | X |
spedZip | X | X |
spedCounty | X | X |
groupNumber | X | X |
federalTaxID | X | X |
nationalProviderID | X | X |
mchpProviderID | X | X |
districtCode | X | X |
physicalAddress | X | X |
physicalCity | X | X |
physicalState | X | X |
physicalZip | X | X |
status | X | X |
ISDNumber | X | X |
eSignatureRegistrationHTML | ||
eSignatureTermsOfUseHTML | ||
supportAdviceHTML | ||
supportAdvicePhone | ||
modifiedByID | ||
modifiedDate | ||
regionNumberBIE | X | X |
supportAdviceEmail | ||
displayAdvicePhone | X | |
displayAdviceEmail | X | X |
stateType | X | X |
stateTypeName | X | X |
masterStateType | X | X |
otherStaffContactName | X | X |
otherStaffContactPhone | X | X |
otherStaffContactAddress | X | X |
otherStaffContactCity | X | X |
otherStaffContactState | X | X |
otherStaffContactZip | X | X |
otherStaffContactName2 | X | X |
otherStaffContactPhone2 | X | X |
otherStaffContactAddress2 | X | X |
otherStaffContactCity2 | X | X |
otherStaffContactState2 | X | X |
otherStaffContactZip2 | X | X |
spedContactFirstNameAlt | X | X |
spedContactLastNameAlt | X | X |
spedPhoneAlt | X | X |
entityID | X | X |
programOfStudy | X | X |
spedEmail | X | X |
otherStaffContactName3 | X | X |
otherStaffContactName4 | X | X |
otherStaffContactEmail | X | X |
otherStaffContactEmail2 | X | X |
contactTitle | X | X |
programType | X | X |
federalTest | X | X |
districtEditionType | X | X |
pkProgramEvaluation | X | X |
allowCrossSiteEnrollment | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
resultID | X Only field which syncs to the state | |
endYear | ||
districtID | ||
objectName | ||
parentID | ||
resultTimestamp | ||
status | ||
statusTimestamp | ||
calendarID | ||
calendarName | ||
calendarGUID | ||
localCount | ||
remoteCount | ||
missingLocalCount | ||
missingRemoteCount | ||
fieldDifferenceCount |
Dual Language Immersion
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
dliID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
dliGUID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
dliYear | X | X |
languageCode | X | X |
assessmentDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
comments | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
Early Warning
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
earlyLearningID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
location | X | X |
setting | X | X |
householdCount | X | X |
familyCount | X | X |
annualFamilyIncome | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
earlyLearningGUID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
highestEducationMother | X | X |
halfDayPCProgram | X | X |
eiNumber | X | X |
delayTransitionReason | X | X |
familyIncomeSource | X | X |
eligibilityDate | X | X |
serviceStartDate | X | X |
completionDateIEP | X | X |
referralCFC | X | X |
classroomIDEA | X | X |
programHours1 | X | X |
programHours2 | X | X |
sessionID1 | X | X |
sessionID2 | X | X |
screener | X | X |
screenerExitStatus | X | X |
serviceEndDate | X | X |
providerType | X | X |
serviceType | X | X |
endingProviderReason | X | X |
headStart | X | X |
parentsAsTeachers | X | X |
earlyLearningParticipant | X | X |
enrollmentID | X | X |
enrollmentType1 | X | X |
enrollmentType2 | X | X |
enrollmentType3 | X | X |
enrollmentType4 | X | X |
fundedType1 | X | X |
fundedType2 | X | X |
fundedType3 | X | X |
fundedType4 | X | X |
other1 | X | X |
other2 | X | X |
other3 | X | X |
other4 | X | X |
earlyHeadStart | X | X |
gatewayRegistryMemberID | X | X |
providerHasGatewaysCredential | X | X |
licensedChildCare | X | X |
meetsAtRiskCriteria | X | X |
addEligFactors | X | X |
qualFactors | X | X |
attended | X | |
programCode | X | |
elProgramName | X | |
elProgramAddress | X | |
nameNotProvided | X | |
addressNotProvided | X | |
noProgramStartAndOrEnd | X | |
numOfMonths | X | X |
numOfVisits | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
countyOfPreK | X | |
preKPastYear | X | |
firstYearAttendingKN | X | |
yrPreKAttended | X | |
referralDateToCDW | X | |
dateDistrictNotified | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
personID | X | X |
dateStamp | X | X |
endYear | X | X |
allGRAD | X | X |
attendanceGRAD | X | X |
stabilityGRAD | X | X |
behaviorGRAD | X | X |
academicsGRAD | X | X |
attendanceImpact | X | X |
stabilityImpact | X | X |
behaviorImpact | X | X |
academicsImpact | X | X |
earlyWarningScoreDailyMetadataID | X | |
districtID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
personID | X | X |
yearStamp | X | X |
monthStamp | X | X |
endYear | X | X |
timeStamp | X | X |
allGRAD | X | X |
attendanceGRAD | X | X |
stabilityGRAD | X | X |
behaviorGRAD | X | X |
academicsGRAD | X | X |
attendanceImpact | X | X |
stabilityImpact | X | X |
behaviorImpact | X | X |
academicsImpact | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
personID | X | X |
endYear | X | X |
timeStamp | X | X |
allGRAD | X | X |
attendanceGRAD | X | X |
stabilityGRAD | X | X |
behaviorGRAD | X | X |
academicsGRAD | X | X |
attendanceImpact | X | X |
stabilityImpact | X | X |
behaviorImpact | X | X |
academicsImpact | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
employmentID | ||
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
employmentGUID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
teachingStartYear | X | X |
teachingYearsModifier | X | X |
licenseNumber | X | X |
ftePercent | X | X |
seniority | X | X |
educationLevel | X | X |
grade | X | X |
subjectArea | X | X |
certification | X | X |
housse | X | X |
housseCompletionDate | X | X |
major | X | X |
subjectMatterCompetency | X | X |
highlyQualified | X | X |
salary | X | X |
additionalCompensation | X | X |
benefitsValue | X | X |
exceptionalContractCondition | ||
employmentStatus | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
probation | X | X |
probationDate | X | X |
tenureDate | X | X |
seniorityDate | X | X |
lastDateWorked | X | X |
hireStatus | X | X |
retirementDate | X | X |
edFiEdOrgTitle | X | X |
totalYearsDistrictExperience | ||
stateRole | X | X |
districtStaff | X | X |
assignmentCode | X | X |
exclude | X | X |
override1 | X | X |
override2 | X | X |
sifExclude | X | X |
exitReason2 | X | X |
exitReason3 | X | X |
expectedAttendance | X | X |
actualAttendance | X | X |
certified | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
assignmentID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
schoolID | X | X |
departmentID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
titleCode | X | X |
title | X | X |
type | X | X |
assignmentCode | X | X |
teacher | X | X |
specialed | X | X |
behavior | X | X |
health | X | X |
advisor | X | X |
supervisor | X | X |
foodservice | X | X |
excludeReferral | X | X |
fte | X | X |
highlyQualifiedTeacherDate | ||
nationalBoardCertification | ||
alternateType | X | X |
highlyQualified | X | X |
readingFirst | X | X |
pdYear | X | X |
pdClass | X | X |
pdClassType | X | X |
pdClassOfferedBy | X | X |
pdCredit | X | X |
pdHours | X | X |
program | X | X |
counselor | X | X |
subjectMatterCompetency | X | X |
grade | X | X |
resourceTeacher | X | X |
pupilSupport | X | X |
suAdmin | X | X |
title1 | X | X |
schoolAdmin | X | X |
hoursPerDay | X | X |
daysPerYear | X | X |
salary | X | X |
federalFundingPercent | X | X |
generalFundingPercent | X | X |
otherFundingPercent | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
assignmentGUID | X | X |
stateTitle | X | X |
approver | X | X |
spedAgeGroup | X | X |
bieTitle | X | X |
programCategoryBIE | X | X |
assignmentLevelBIE | X | X |
spedAgeGroupBIE | X | X |
primaryTeachingArea | X | X |
annualHours | X | X |
daysPerWeek | X | X |
primary | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
finance | X | X |
framProcessor | X | X |
responseApprover | X | X |
rti | X | X |
externalLMSExclude | X | X |
exclude | X | X |
nonEmployeeResource | X | X |
resourceTitle | X | X |
comments | X | X |
actualAttendance | X | X |
eisPositionCode | X | X |
healthLicense | X | X |
additionalDaysProgram | X | X |
activity | X | X |
contractType | X | X |
override1 | X | X |
override2 | X | X |
typeBIE | X | X |
experiencedEducatorBIE | X | X |
accessToIDEA | X | X |
mentorID | X | X |
adminTypeBIE | X | X |
adultEd | X | X |
ell | X | X |
activityPreapprover | X | X |
pdReason | X | X |
serviceIndicator | X | X |
spedLevel | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
personID | X | X |
lastYearState | X | X |
lastYearTitle | X | X |
publicEducation | X | X |
privateEducation | X | X |
nonEducation | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
credentialID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
area | X | X |
credentialType | X | X |
creditHours | X | X |
number | X | X |
date | X | X |
employmentCredentialType | X | X |
subjectType | X | X |
coreSubject | X | X |
metHousse | X | X |
housseDate | X | X |
subjectCompetency | X | X |
degreeType | X | X |
fullCertification | X | X |
lepCredential | X | X |
licenseNumber | X | X |
licenseType | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
campusCode | X | X |
institutionType | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
credentialGUID | X | X |
spedRelatedService | X | X |
eduState | X | X |
subjectArea | X | X |
paraprofessionalQualification | X | X |
stateReported | X | X |
majorCipCode | X | X |
minorCipCode | X | X |
stateCompetency | X | X |
lcType | X | X |
description | X | X |
expectedHQDate | X | X |
educationInstitution | X | X |
degreeSubject | X | X |
degreeCompletionDate | X | X |
employer | X | X |
title | X | X |
employmentCity | X | X |
employmentState | X | X |
certifiedExperience | X | X |
districtCredit | X | X |
stateCredit | X | X |
publicCredit | X | X |
privateCredit | X | X |
nonEdCredit | X | X |
degreeSubjectMinor | X | X |
whStartMonth | X | X |
whStartYear | X | X |
whEndMonth | X | X |
whEndYear | X | X |
districtExperience | X | X |
outOfDistrictExperience | X | X |
branch | X | X |
activeDuty | X | X |
healthLicense | X | X |
subjectTypeBIE | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
enrollmentID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
structureID | X | X |
grade | X | X |
serviceType | X | X |
active | X | X |
classRankExclude | X | X |
noShow | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
startStatus | X | X |
startComments | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
endStatus | X | X |
endComments | X | X |
endAction | X | X |
nextCalendar | X | X |
nextGrade | X | X |
diplomaDate | X | X |
diplomaType | X | X |
diplomaPeriod | X | X |
postGradPlans | X | X |
postGradLocation | X | X |
gradYear | X | X |
stateExclude | X | X |
servingDistrict | X | X |
residentDistrict | X | X |
residentSchool | X | X |
mealStatus | X | X |
englishProficiency | X | X |
englishProficiencyDate | X | X |
lep | X | X |
esl | X | X |
language | X | X |
citizenship | X | X |
title1 | X | X |
title3 | X | X |
transportation | X | X |
migrant | X | X |
immigrant | X | X |
homeless | X | X |
homeSchooled | X | X |
homebound | X | X |
giftedTalented | X | X |
nclbChoice | X | X |
percentEnrolled | X | X |
admOverride | X | X |
adaOverride | X | X |
vocationalCode | X | X |
pseo | X | X |
facilityCode | X | X |
stateAid | X | X |
stateFundingCode | X | X |
section504 | X | X |
specialEdStatus | X | X |
specialEdSetting | X | X |
disability1 | X | X |
disability2 | X | X |
disability3 | X | X |
disability4 | X | X |
disability5 | X | X |
enrollmentGUID | X | X |
privateSchooled | X | X |
spedExitDate | X | X |
spedExitReason | X | X |
childCountStatus | X | X |
grade9Date | X | X |
singleParent | X | X |
displacedHomemaker | X | X |
legacyKey | ||
legacySeq1 | ||
legacySeq2 | ||
endYear | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
localStudentNumber | ||
modifiedDate | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
dropoutCode | X | X |
eip | X | X |
adult | X | X |
servingCounty | X | X |
attendanceGroup | ||
projectedGraduationDate | X | X |
withdrawDate | X | X |
rollForwardCode | X | X |
rollForwardEnrollmentID | X | X |
cohortYear | X | X |
disability6 | X | X |
disability7 | X | X |
disability8 | X | X |
disability9 | X | X |
disability10 | X | X |
nextStructureID | X | X |
schoolEntryDate | X | X |
districtEntryDate | X | X |
mvUnaccompaniedYouth | X | X |
externalLMSExclude | X | X |
schoolOfAccountability | X | X |
localStartStatusTypeID | X | X |
localEndStatusTypeID | X | X |
schoolChoiceProgram | X | X |
dpsaCalculatedTier | X | X |
dpsaReportedTier | X | X |
excludeFromDpsaCalculation | X | X |
crossSiteEnrollment | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
evalID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
date | X | X |
type | X | X |
name | X | X |
school | X | X |
birthdate | X | X |
grade | X | X |
studentNumber | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
createdByID | X | X |
locked | X | X |
typeID | X | X |
legacyKey | X | X |
consentDate | X | X |
evalCompliance | X | X |
evalResult | X | X |
archive | X | X |
evalGUID | X | X |
determinationDate | X | X |
extensionDays | X | X |
eligibilityDate | X | X |
referralDate | X | X |
otherID | X | X |
primaryLanguage | X | X |
referralType | X | X |
dateCompleted | X | X |
completionType | X | X |
delayReason | X | X |
eDelayReason | X | X |
consentObtained | X | X |
iepConsentDate | X | X |
disability1 | X | X |
disability2 | X | X |
disability3 | X | X |
disability4 | X | X |
disability5 | X | X |
ecReferringAgency | X | X |
ecTransitionDate | X | X |
transferDate | X | X |
earlyReferral | X | X |
earlyTransfer | X | X |
spedReferral | X | X |
spedTransfer | X | X |
delayReasonText | X | X |
meetingDelayReason | X | X |
reasonIEPNeverImplemented | X | X |
meetingReason | X | X |
meetingReason1 | X | X |
meetingReason2 | X | X |
meetingReason3 | X | X |
meetingReason4 | X | X |
meetingReason5 | X | X |
meetingReason6 | X | X |
meetingReasonText | X | X |
timeliness | X | X |
referralAgency | X | X |
transitionTimeliness | X | X |
conferenceTimeliness | X | X |
physicianName | X | X |
physicianPhone | X | X |
physicianAddress | X | X |
partCServicesEligibilityDate | X | X |
reEvalConsentDate | X | X |
eligibilityServicesCode | X | X |
exitDate | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
fapeOfferDate | X | X |
ratingParticipant1 | X | X |
ratingParticipant2 | X | X |
ratingParticipant3 | X | X |
ratingParticipant4 | X | X |
ratingParticipant5 | X | X |
assessmentCategory | X | X |
assessmentOutcome | X | X |
contactName | X | X |
contactTitle | X | X |
contactPhone | X | X |
contactName2 | X | X |
contactTitle2 | X | X |
contactPhone2 | X | X |
disabilityString | X | X |
publishDraftToPortal | X | X |
publishDraftToPortalTimestamp | X | X |
stateReportExclude | X | X |
evaluationDelayReason | X | X |
evaluationLateReason | X | X |
dueDate | X | X |
printInEval | X | X |
inviteDate | X | X |
meetingDate | X | X |
meetingTime | X | X |
meetingLocation | X | X |
meetingType | X | X |
noticeDate1 | X | X |
notice1Modality | X | X |
specifyOther1 | X | X |
noticeDate2 | X | X |
notice2Modality | X | X |
specifyOther2 | X | X |
noticeDate3 | X | X |
notice3Modality | X | X |
specifyOther3 | X | X |
parentQuestionnaire | X | X |
studentQuestionnaire | X | X |
meetingFName | X | X |
meetingFPhone | X | X |
meetingFEmail | X | X |
meetingCheck1 | X | X |
meetingCheck2 | X | X |
meetingCheck3 | X | X |
meetingCheck4 | X | X |
meetingCheck5 | X | X |
meetingCheck6 | X | X |
meetingCheck7 | X | X |
meetingCheck8 | X | X |
meetingCheck9 | X | X |
meetingCheck10 | X | X |
specifyOther4 | X | X |
comments | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
eloID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | |
modifiedDate | X | |
eloGUID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
programType | X | X |
indicator | X | |
totalProgramHrs | X | |
sessionsPerWk | X | |
locationCode | X | |
serviceProvider | X | |
serviceProviderType | X | |
programCode | X | |
learningType | X | |
stateCode | X | |
performanceEvaluationCode | X | |
leaSponsoredInd | X | |
certificatedSupervisedInd | X | |
cohortYear | X | |
diplomaDate | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
formID | X | X |
documentID | X | |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | |
FDF | X | |
name | X | |
modifiedDate | X | |
modifiedByID | X | |
createdDate | X | |
createdByID | X | |
comments | X | |
module | X | X |
archive | X | |
formGUID | X | X |
enrollmentID | X | |
sortByDate | X | |
locked | X | X |
personName | X | |
formDocName | X | |
draft | X | |
endYear | X | |
requireStudentES | X | |
requireGuardianES | X | |
studentFill | X | |
guardianFill | X | |
startTimestamp | X | |
endDate | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
fosterCareID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
placementType | X | X |
schoolOfOrigin | X | X |
fosterCareGUID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
agency | X | X |
caseWorkerFName | X | X |
caseWorkerLName | X | X |
fosterID | X | X |
published | X | X |
caseWorkerPhone | X | X |
custodyStartDate | X | X |
custodyEndDate | X | X |
facilityAddress | X | X |
facilityRights | X | X |
responsibleSchool | X | X |
responsibleSchoolPaid | X | X |
stateFunds | X | X |
fosterHome | X | X |
summerSchool | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
Graduation.graduationID | X | X |
Graduation.districtID | X | X |
Graduation.personID | X | X |
Graduation.grade9Date | X | X |
Graduation.cohortYearNGA | X | X |
Graduation.cohortYearNCLB | X | X |
Graduation.diplomaDate | X | X |
Graduation.diplomaType | X | X |
Graduation.diplomaPeriod | X | X |
Graduation.postGradPlans | X | X |
Graduation.postGradLocation | X | X |
Graduation.gradYear | X | X |
Graduation.projectedGraduationDate | X | X |
Graduation.nclbStatus | ||
Graduation.dropoutCodeBIE | X | X |
Graduation.diplomaTypeBIE | X | X |
Graduation.postGradPlansBIE | X | X |
Graduation.collegeEntranceReqStatus | X | X |
Graduation.postsecondaryAcceptanceStatus | X | X |
Graduation.postsecondaryAppStatus | X | X |
Graduation.postsecondaryEnrollmentPlans | X | X |
Graduation.advancedIntCertificate | X | X |
Graduation.alternateGradCertificate | X | X |
Graduation.collegeReadyDiploma | X | X |
Graduation.differentiatedDiploma | X | X |
Graduation.gedResult | X | X |
Graduation.internationalBaccalaureate | X | X |
Graduation.scholarship | X | X |
Graduation.graduationOptions | X | X |
Graduation.fiveYear | X | X |
Graduation.ctePlacementRelation | X | X |
Graduation.followUpCourse | X | X |
Graduation.followUpSection | X | X |
Graduation.followUpZip | X | X |
Graduation.followupStatus | X | X |
Graduation.postGradDetermination | X | X |
Graduation.expectedGraduationTimeframe | X | X |
Graduation.coursesCompletedDate | X | X |
Graduation.texasGrant | X | X |
Graduation.completedCoursework | X | X |
Graduation.onTimeGradYr | X | X |
Graduation.projectedGradYr | X | X |
Graduation.hathaway | X | X |
Graduation.stateScholarship | X | X |
Graduation.natlScholarship | X | X |
Graduation.cohortYearNGADetermination | X | X |
Graduation.grade9Determination | X | X |
Graduation.modifiedDate | X | X |
Graduation.modifiedByID | X | X |
Graduation.governorsSeal | ||
Graduation.boardEdSeal | ||
Graduation.boardEdCTESeal | ||
Graduation.beAdvanced | ||
Graduation.beExcellence | ||
Graduation.courseworkCompletionDate | X | X |
Graduation.earlyGrad | X | X |
Graduation.ascCredit | X | X |
Graduation.economicsMet | X | X |
Graduation.fineArtsMet | X | X |
Graduation.phyEdMet | X | X |
Graduation.commonwealthScholar | X | X |
Graduation.schoolID | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathMath | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathReading | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathWriting | X | X |
Graduation.cteSurvey | X | X |
Graduation.cteSurveyDate | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathMathDate | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathReadingDate | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathWritingDate | X | X |
Graduation.coreExempt | X | X |
Graduation.miltAlt | X | X |
Graduation.OGTOnly | X | X |
Graduation.certOfDegree | X | X |
Graduation.creditAccommodation | X | X |
Graduation.cipCode | X | X |
Graduation.cteProgramType | X | X |
Graduation.comment | X | X |
Graduation.stem | ||
Graduation.businessIndustry | ||
Graduation.publicService | ||
Graduation.artsHumanities | ||
Graduation.multiDisciplinary | ||
Graduation.gradPath | X | X |
Graduation.credentialTypeCode | X | X |
Graduation.indGradCommittee | X | X |
Graduation.diplomaNumber | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathMathReimburse | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathReadingReimburse | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathWritingReimburse | X | X |
Graduation.extracurricularActivities | X | X |
Graduation.payingJob | X | X |
Graduation.careerInstruction | ||
Graduation.gradScore | X | X |
Graduation.firstPostSecondaryCertLic | X | X |
Graduation.secondPostSecondaryCertLic | X | X |
Graduation.thirdPostSecondaryCertLic | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathELA | X | X |
Graduation.ptech | X | X |
Graduation.employabilitySkills | X | X |
Graduation.postsecondaryReadyCompetencies | X | X |
Graduation.localPathway | X | X |
Graduation.elaADC | X | X |
Graduation.mathADC | X | X |
Graduation.scienceADC | X | X |
Graduation.socialStudiesADC | X | X |
Graduation.coreExemptDate | X | X |
Graduation.coreMet | X | X |
Graduation.altAssessment | X | X |
Graduation.expandedTestScore | X | X |
Graduation.postsecondaryStatus | X | X |
Graduation.postSecondaryInstitution1BIE | X | X |
Graduation.postSecondaryInstitution2BIE | X | X |
Graduation.postSecondaryInstitution3BIE | X | X |
Graduation.eduInstitutionType | X | X |
Graduation.associatesInstitution | X | X |
Graduation.iepGradCourseReq | X | X |
Graduation.iepGradAttendance | X | X |
Graduation.financialAidMetDate | X | X |
Graduation.compSciLang | X | X |
Graduation.earlyHighSchoolGrad | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathSpeaking | X | X |
Graduation.gradPathSpeakingDate | X | X |
GraduationSeal.graduationSealID | X | X |
GraduationSeal.graduationID | X | X |
GraduationSeal.stateSeal | X | X |
GraduationSeal.earnedDate | X | X |
GraduationSeal.method | X | X |
GraduationSeal.proficiencyDate | X | X |
GraduationSeal.language | X | X |
GraduationSeal.status | X | X |
GraduationSeal.certification | X | X |
GraduationSeal.type | X | X |
GraduationSeal.IBCVendor | X | X |
GraduationSeal.IBCExamFee | X | X |
GraduationSeal.provider | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
screeningID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
type | X | X |
date | X | X |
comments | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
screeningGUID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
homelessID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
homelessGUID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
primaryNightTimeResidence | X | X |
unaccompaniedYouth | X | X |
homelessServed | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
servicesReceived | X | X |
educationalBarriers | X | X |
runaway | X | X |
comments | X | X |
causeOfHousingCrisis | X | X |
causeOfHousingCrisis2 | X | X |
missingDocAssistance | X | X |
mcKinneyVentoConsult | X | X |
academicReferrals | X | X |
academicEnrichment | X | X |
afterSchoolProgramAttended | X | X |
beforeSchoolProgramAttended | X | X |
summerSchoolProgramAttended | X | X |
transportation | X | X |
crossDistrictTransDistrict | X | X |
welfare | X | X |
communityAgencyReferral | X | X |
homelessOther | X | X |
supportServices | X | X |
instructionalServices | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
homelessServiceID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
homelessServiceGUID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
serviceType | X | X |
location | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
immCertificateID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
expirationDate | X | X |
certificateType | X | X |
certificateDate | X | X |
immCertificateGUID | X | X |
staffName | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
instructionModeID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
instructionModeGUID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
status | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
school | X | X |
learningModality | X | X |
comments | X | X |
percentVirtual | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
lepID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
lepGUID | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
identifiedDate | X | X |
expectedExitDate | X | X |
exitDate | X | X |
firstYearMonitoring | ||
secondYearMonitoring | ||
parentNotifiedDate | X | X |
parentDeclined | X | X |
comments | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
yearsLEP | X | X |
interruptedSchooling | X | X |
nep | X | X |
elpaTier | X | X |
thirdYearMonitoring | ||
fourthYearMonitoring | ||
parentDeclinedDate | X | |
slife | X | X |
slifeIdentifiedDate | X | X |
programType | X | X |
raelIdentifiedDate | X | X |
longTermEL | X | X |
atRiskEL | X | X |
flaggedEnglishFluencyDate | X | X |
fifthYearMonitoring | ||
actionCode | X | X |
languageVerification | X | X |
sentDate | X | X |
completeDate | X | X |
conductedBy | X | X |
notes | X | X |
liepInstructionLanguage | X | X |
exitState | X | X |
determinedMisidentifiedDate | X | X |
stateOfEmergency | X | X |
stateMLLStatus | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
lepAccommodationID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
lepAccommodationTypeID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
comment | X | X |
lepAccommodationGUID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
testFormat | X | X |
altAccommodation | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
lepAccommodationTypeID | X | X |
code | X | X |
name | X | X |
type | X | X |
description | X | X |
inactive | X | X |
published | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
stateCodeMappingID | X | X |
lepAccommodationTypeGUID | X | X |
origin | X | X |
bieCodeMappingID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
lepServiceID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
lepServiceTypeID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
parentRefusedServices | X | X |
dateRefused | X | X |
comment | X | X |
lepServiceGUID | X | X |
modifiedByID | ||
modifiedDate | X | X |
schoolID | X | X |
serviceMinutes | X | X |
titleIII | X | X |
funding2 | X | X |
funding3 | X | X |
funding4 | X | X |
stateReported | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
location | X | X |
langInstructProgram | X | X |
bilingualEdHours | ||
frequency | X | X |
frequencyPeriod | X | X |
otherSetting | X | X |
eldProgram | X | X |
bilProgram | X | X |
languageTime | X | X |
otherTime | X | X |
sheltered | X | X |
waiverDate | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
lepServiceTypeID | X | |
code | X | |
name | X | |
type | X | |
description | X | |
inactive | X | |
published | X | |
districtID | X | |
stateCodeMappingID | X | |
lepServiceTypeGUID | X | |
origin | X | |
bieCodeMappingID | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
medicaidInsuranceID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
type_dep20092 | ||
carrierName_dep20092 | ||
carrierAddress_dep20092 | ||
carrierCity_dep20092 | ||
carrierState_dep20092 | ||
carrierZip_dep20092 | ||
number | X | X |
policyGroupNumber | X | X |
insuredPersonID | X | X |
relationship | X | X |
employersName | X | X |
verifiedDate | X | X |
releaseDate | X | X |
denialOfBillingDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
planName | X | X |
medicaidInsuranceGUID | X | X |
insuranceID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
migrantID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
migrantGUID | X | X |
msixID | X | X |
lastQualifyingArrivalDate | X | X |
fromState | X | X |
toState | X | X |
migrantCOEStatusIndicator | X | X |
priorityForService | X | X |
eligibilityExpirationDate | X | X |
lastQualifyingMoveDate | X | X |
published | X | X |
regionalCode | X | X |
mis2000ID | X | X |
servicesStartDate | X | X |
servicesEndDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
continuationOfServicesReason | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
periodScheduleID | X | X |
structureID | X | X |
name | X | X |
seq | X | X |
regularSchedule | X | X |
periodScheduleGUID | X | X |
exceptionDay | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
identityID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
effectiveDate | X | X |
lastName | X | X |
firstName | X | X |
middleName | X | X |
suffix | X | X |
alias | X | X |
gender | X | X |
birthdate | X | X |
ssn | X | X |
raceEthnicity | X | X |
birthCountry | X | X |
dateEnteredUS | X | X |
birthVerification | X | X |
comments | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
hispanicEthnicity | X | X |
identityGUID | X | X |
lastNamePhonetic | X | |
firstNamePhonetic | X | |
dateEnteredState | X | X |
birthCertificate | X | X |
immigrant | X | X |
dateEnteredUSSchool | X | X |
raceEthnicityFed | X | X |
raceEthnicityDetermination | X | X |
birthStateNoSIF | X | X |
birthCity | X | X |
birthCounty | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
birthVerificationBIE | X | X |
refugee | X | X |
homePrimaryLanguage | X | X |
stateHispanicEthnicity | X | X |
birthState | X | X |
homePrimaryLanguageBIE | X | X |
homeSecondaryLanguageBIE | X | X |
languageAlt | X | X |
languageAlt2 | X | X |
foreignLanguageProficiency | X | X |
literacyLanguage | X | X |
legalFirstName | X | X |
legalLastName | X | X |
legalMiddleName | X | X |
legalSuffix | X | X |
legalGender | X | X |
usCitizen | X | X |
visaType | X | X |
originCountry | X | X |
hispanicWriteIn | X | X |
asianWriteIn | X | X |
caribbeanWriteIn | X | X |
centralAfricanWriteIn | X | X |
eastAfricanWriteIn | X | X |
latinAmericanWriteIn | X | X |
southAfricanWriteIn | X | X |
westAfricanWriteIn | X | X |
blackWriteIn | X | X |
alaskaNativeWriteIn | X | X |
americanIndianWriteIn | X | X |
pacificIslanderWriteIn | X | X |
easternEuropeanWriteIn | X | X |
middleEasternWriteIn | X | X |
northAfricanWriteIn | X | X |
usEntryType | X | X |
multipleBirth | X | X |
languageSurveyDate | X | X |
certificateOfIndianBlood | X | X |
birthGender | X | X |
languageInterpreter | X | X |
languageAltInterpreter | X | X |
languageAlt2Interpreter | X | X |
educationLevel | X | X |
pronounID | X | X |
tribalEnrollment | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
planID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
typeID | X | X |
districtID | X | |
startDate | X | |
endDate | X | |
label | X | |
createdDate | X | |
createdByID | X | |
modifiedDate | X | |
modifiedByID | X | |
locked | X | |
status | X | |
legacyKey | X | |
archive | X | |
planGUID | X | X |
amendedFromPlanID | X | |
postSecGoalsPlanID | X | |
psgPlanStartDate | ||
psgPlanEndDate | ||
copiedFromPlanID | X | |
amendedByID | X | |
amendedBy | X | |
endDatePreAmend | X | |
oldModifiedDate | X | |
multiSelectCode1 | X | |
multiSelectName1 | X | |
multiSelectCode2 | X | |
multiSelectName2 | X | |
amendmentStartDate | X | |
autoEnded | X | |
publishDraftToPortal | X | |
publishDraftToPortalTimestamp | X | |
stateReportExclude | X | |
sentForEsign | X | |
submittedFromPortal | X | |
sentForEsignTimestamp | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
progressReportID | X | X |
planID | X | |
personID | X | X |
reportDate | X | |
modifiedDate | X | |
modifiedByID | X | |
createdDate | X | |
createdByID | X | |
legacyKey | X | |
districtID | X | |
archive | X | |
progressReportGUID | X | X |
enrollmentID | X | |
module | X | X |
vcField1 | X | |
vcField2 | X | |
progressReportFormat | X | X |
locked | X | |
informedDate | X | |
publishDraftToPortal | X | |
publishDraftToPortalTimestamp | X | |
progressReportNum1 | X | |
progressReportNum2 | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
pregnantAndParentingID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
pregnantAndParentingGUID | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
tuitionType | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
participationID | X | X |
programID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
eligibilityStartDate | X | X |
eligibilityEndDate | X | X |
userWarning | X | X |
description | X | X |
elSettingCode | X | X |
elInstructionalSupport | X | X |
proficiency | X | X |
concentrator | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
need | X | X |
location | X | X |
programCategory | X | X |
type | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
participationGUID | X | X |
staffPersonID | X | X |
choiceProgram | X | X |
minutesOfHomeboundInstruction | X | X |
participationDetails | X | X |
planOntrackStatus | X | X |
planErrorMessage | X | X |
planUpdatedDate | X | X |
planParentSignature | X | X |
planParentSignatureDate | X | X |
studentStatus | X | X |
nonTraditional | X | X |
programSessionID | X | X |
status | X | X |
deliveryMethod | X | X |
completion | X | X |
performance | X | X |
hours | X | X |
percentComplete | X | X |
awardNonCte | X | X |
programArea | X | X |
cteExitReason | X | X |
externalVendorSourcedId | X | X |
externalVendorPartnerKey | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
customID | ||
personID | X | X |
enrollmentID | ||
attributeID | X | X |
value | X | X |
date | X | X |
customGUID | X | X |
districtID |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
rosterID | X | X |
trialID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
sectionID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
lock | X | X |
stateUseFlag | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
repeatCourse | X | X |
courseCode | X | X |
specialCode | X | X |
noCredit | X | X |
status | X | X |
rosterGUID | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
eoc | X | X |
creditRecovery | X | X |
eipDelivery | X | X |
ellDelivery | X | X |
giftedDelivery | X | X |
altAchievementStandard | X | X |
removePts | X | X |
dualCreditCode | X | X |
postSecondaryCredits | X | X |
instructionalSetting | X | X |
spedDelivery | X | X |
attendanceStatus | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
provider | X | X |
crossSiteSection | X | X |
crossSiteStudent | X | X |
crossSiteRosterGUID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
requestID | X | X |
requestGUID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
endYear | X | X |
schoolID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
structureID | X | X |
startTermID | X | X |
endTermID | X | X |
filterID | X | X |
name | X | X |
code | X | X |
collectType | X | X |
interval | X | X |
tooltip | X | X |
primaryTeacher | X | X |
teacher | X | X |
sectionStaff | X | X |
includeNonInstructCourse | X | X |
includeDuplicateSection | X | X |
windowStartDate | X | X |
windowEndDate | X | X |
periodStartDate | X | X |
periodEndDate | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
rosterSectionID | X | X |
rosterSectionGUID | X | X |
requestID | X | X |
sectionID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
rosterSectionStaffID | X | X |
rosterSectionStaffGUID | X | X |
requestID | X | X |
rosterSectionID | X | X |
staffPersonID | X | X |
completed | X | X |
certifiedTimestamp | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
rosterSectionStudentID | X | X |
rosterSectionStudentGUID | X | X |
requestID | X | X |
rosterSectionStaffID | X | X |
studentPersonID | X | X |
rosterID | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
amount | X | X |
comment | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
structureID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
name | X | X |
structureGUID | X | X |
stateGeneratedScheduleID | X | X |
sequence | X | X |
externalLMSExclude | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
schoolID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
ncesSchoolID | X | X |
number | X | X |
name | X | X |
type | X | X |
comments | X | X |
address | X | X |
city | X | X |
state | X | X |
zip | X | X |
phone | X | X |
fax | X | X |
X | X | |
url | X | X |
dualEnrollment | X | X |
title1 | X | X |
principalName | X | X |
principalTitle | X | X |
principalEmail | X | X |
schoolGUID | X | X |
catalogID | X | X |
satNumber | X | X |
standardCode | X | X |
agency | X | X |
restructureStartDate | X | X |
restructureEndDate | X | X |
groupNumber | X | X |
aypGrouping | X | X |
reportingSchoolID | X | X |
physicalAddress | X | X |
physicalCity | X | X |
physicalState | X | X |
physicalZip | X | X |
county | X | X |
status | X | X |
accreditation | X | X |
gradeType | X | X |
sector | X | X |
locale | X | X |
locale2 | X | X |
blueRibbon | X | X |
title1distinguished | X | X |
entityID | X | X |
aypStatus | X | X |
size | X | X |
sessionType | X | X |
fRYSCServiceCenterCode | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
typeBIE | X | X |
agencyBIE | X | X |
schoolLevel | X | X |
stateClassification | X | X |
externalLMSExclude | X | X |
exclude | X | X |
providerNumber | X | X |
otherEmail | X | X |
schoolLevel2 | X | X |
schoolLevel3 | X | X |
schoolLevel4 | X | X |
schoolLevel5 | X | X |
gradeType2 | X | X |
gradeType3 | X | X |
gradeType4 | X | X |
gradeType5 | X | X |
gradeTypeHigh | X | X |
gradeTypeHigh2 | X | X |
gradeTypeHigh3 | X | X |
gradeTypeHigh4 | X | X |
gradeTypeHigh5 | X | X |
alternateFramework | X | X |
victory | X | X |
zoom | X | X |
eden | X | X |
historyComments | X | X |
otherStaffContactName | X | X |
otherStaffContactPhone | X | X |
otherStaffContactAddress | X | X |
otherStaffContactCity | X | X |
otherStaffContactState | X | X |
otherStaffContactZip | X | X |
published | X | X |
federalTest | X | X |
employerID | X | X |
campusEnrollmentType | X | X |
abbreviatedName | X | X |
otherStaffContactName2 | X | X |
pkFullDayWaiver | X | X |
ncesDistrictIDOverride | X | X |
allowCrossSiteEnrollment | X | X |
districtIrnOverride | X | X |
Syncs data within the 'scope end year'
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
gpaID | X | X |
gpaGUID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
endYear | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
weightedGPA | X | X |
unweightedGPA | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
sectionID | X | X |
trialID | X | X |
courseID | X | X |
number | X | X |
teacherDisplay | X | X |
maxStudents | X | X |
classType | X | X |
schedGroupID | X | X |
roomID | X | X |
lunchID | X | X |
lunchcount | X | X |
milkcount | X | X |
adultcount | X | X |
serviceDistrict | X | X |
serviceSchool | X | X |
multipleTeacherCode | X | X |
lockBuild | ||
lockRoster | ||
giftedDelivery | X | X |
giftedContentArea | X | X |
teacherPersonID | X | X |
parapros | X | X |
skinnySeq | X | X |
legacyKey | X | |
highlyQualified | X | X |
homeroomSection | X | X |
teachingmethod | X | X |
sectionGUID | X | |
lock | X | |
nonHqtReason | X | |
nonHqtExplanation | X | |
spedArea | ||
validateAssignments | X | X |
mediumOfInstruction | X | X |
instructionalSetting | X | X |
transcriptField6 | X | X |
creditRecovery | X | X |
provider | X | X |
distanceCode | X | X |
transcriptField7 | X | X |
sessionType | X | X |
sessionNumber | X | X |
edFiTermType | X | X |
pullCourse | ||
pullDate | ||
externalLMSExclude | X | X |
termType | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
competencyBased | X | X |
hideStandardsOnPortal | X | X |
alternativeEd | X | X |
altSchoolCode | X | X |
altSystemCode | X | X |
classMet | X | X |
contentCompleter | X | X |
enrollmentLocation | X | X |
markingPeriod | X | X |
msixCode | X | X |
pushPersonId | X | X |
program | X | X |
gradeCalcPushTimeStamp | X | X |
compositesPushTimeStamp | X | X |
categoriesPushTimeStamp | X | X |
instructionalTime | X | |
altAchievementStandard | X | X |
honorsCode | X | X |
academicPoints | X | X |
dualCreditCode | X | X |
postSecondaryCredits | X | X |
contentStandard | X | X |
charterNonCoreCollegePrep | X | X |
spedDelivery | X | X |
advisory | X | X |
middleSchoolCoreCourseIndSec | X | X |
highQualityCTEIndSection | X | X |
providerIDOverride | X | X |
providerDisplayOverride | X | X |
customcount1 | X | X |
customcount2 | X | X |
customcount3 | X | X |
providerSchoolOverride | X | X |
providerSchoolNameOverride | X | X |
ninetyAttendanceOverride | X | X |
immersionLanguage | X | X |
worldLanguage | X | X |
vocationalCode | X | X |
certificationDescription | X | X |
virtualInstruction | X | X |
creditEarnedMethod | X | X |
stateCode | X | X |
specialEdCode | X | X |
allowCrossSiteEnrollment | X | X |
crossSiteMaxStudents | X | X |
crossSiteSection | X | X |
crossSiteSectionGUID | X | X |
crossSiteInstructionalSetting | X | X |
wblProgramCategorySec | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
section504ID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
startDate | X | |
endDate | X | |
comments | X | |
modifiedByID | X | |
modifiedDate | X | |
section504GUID | X | X |
disability | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
location | X | X |
location2 | X | |
contactPersonID | X | |
disability2 | X | |
disability3 | X | |
disability4 | X | |
disability5 | X | |
disability6 | X | |
disability7 | X | |
potentialEL | X | |
elScreener | X | |
createdDate | X | |
programStatus | X | |
accommodations | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
gradeLevelID | X | |
calendarID | X | |
structureID | X | X |
name | X | |
seq | X | |
standardDay | X | |
kindergartenCode | X | |
standardCode | X | |
excludeGPA | X | |
schoolChoiceSeatCount | X | |
wholeDayAbsence | X | |
halfDayAbsence | X | |
maxMembershipDays | X | |
comments | X | |
stateGrade | X | |
regionalGrade | X | |
assignmentExempt | X | |
excludeState | X | |
attendanceTime | X | |
gradeLevelGUID | X | |
regionalExclude | X | |
excludeFromSIF | X | |
excludeAgeValidation | X | |
externalLMSExclude | X | |
excludeOnlineRegistration | X | |
excludeEnrollment | X | |
overrideStartDate | X | |
overrideEndDate | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
teamID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
staffPersonID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
lastName | X | X |
firstName | X | X |
title | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
role | X | X |
module | X | X |
qualifications | X | X |
homePhone | X | X |
workPhone | X | X |
cellPhone | X | X |
X | X | |
dueProcessCheck | X | X |
teamGUID | X | X |
agency | X | X |
fetched | X | X |
address | X | X |
surrogateParentCheck | X | X |
suffix | X | X |
hideContactInfo | X | X |
ideaParent | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
termScheduleID | X | X |
structureID | X | X |
name | X | X |
primary | X | X |
termScheduleGUID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
testID | X | X |
parentID | X | X |
name | X | X |
code | X | X |
type | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
stateCode | X | X |
act | X | X |
sat | X | X |
psat | X | X |
sat2 | X | X |
transcript | X | X |
questionLabel | X | X |
useRawScore | X | X |
useScaleScore | X | X |
usePercent | X | X |
usePercentile | X | X |
useQuestionCount | X | X |
useNormalCurveEquivalent | X | X |
useDate | X | X |
endYear | X | X |
portal | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
useResult | X | X |
state | X | X |
testGrade | X | X |
itemCount | X | X |
transcriptDisplay | X | X |
useInvalid | X | X |
useReasonCode | X | X |
teacherScored | X | X |
SPEDTeacherNotAdmin | X | X |
NoSupportingEvidence | X | X |
testGUID | X | X |
nclbType | X | X |
nclbTypeOther | X | X |
alternate | X | X |
useReceivedAccommodation | X | X |
useCustom1 | X | X |
useCustom2 | X | X |
useCustom3 | X | X |
useCustom4 | X | X |
useItemsAttempted | X | X |
useStanine | X | X |
useQuartile | X | X |
useGradeEquivalent | X | X |
usePerformanceLevel | X | X |
useInclude | X | X |
useLocalPercentile | X | X |
useLocalStanine | X | X |
useLexileScore | X | X |
useDevelopmentalScore | X | X |
useFinalRating | X | X |
stateScoreType1 | X | X |
stateScoreType2 | X | X |
assessmentType | X | X |
standardType | X | X |
acctState | X | X |
acctAcadStdGroupID | X | X |
naep | X | X |
editNotAvailable | X | X |
PESCTestCode | X | X |
PESCSubTestCode | X | X |
published | X | X |
scoresPublished | X | X |
nationalCode | X | X |
hideFromStudent | X | X |
consortiumCode | X | X |
useModification2 | X | X |
useModification3 | X | X |
useModification4 | X | X |
useModification5 | X | X |
useElCode | X | X |
useAccommodation | X | X |
useNonParticipationReason | X | X |
useForm | X | X |
useTestingDistrict | X | X |
useTestingSchool | X | X |
useTestingGrade | X | X |
useErrorBand | X | X |
useModificationComments | X | X |
contentStandard | X | X |
maxRawScore | X | X |
version | X | X |
revisionDate | X | X |
categoryType | X | X |
testAccommodationsEligible | X | X |
usePointsPossible | X | X |
usePointsEarned | X | X |
rootID | X | X |
archived | X | X |
testAdministration | X | X |
description | X | X |
resultValueMin | ||
resultValueMax | ||
learningObjectiveSource | X | X |
learningObjectiveID | X | X |
modifiedDate | ||
status | ||
addedByVendor | X | X |
fieldTest | X | X |
reportViaDataMart | X | X |
seq | X | X |
useModification | X | X |
useResultLevel | X | X |
useLanguage | X | X |
useComments | X | X |
useGraduationRequirement | X | X |
useProgress | X | X |
useResponsibleEntityID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
scoreID | X | X |
parentID | X | X |
testID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
date | ||
questionCount | X | X |
rawScore | X | X |
scaleScore | X | X |
percent | X | X |
result | X | X |
percentile | X | X |
normalCurveEquivalent | X | X |
language | X | X |
modification | X | X |
comments | X | X |
resultLevel | X | X |
elCode | X | X |
accommodation | X | X |
scoreGUID | X | X |
nonParticipationReason | X | X |
graduationRequirement | X | X |
itemsAttempted | X | X |
stanine | X | X |
quartile | X | X |
gradeEquivalent | X | X |
performanceLevel | X | X |
modificationComments | X | X |
custom1 | X | X |
custom2 | X | X |
custom3 | X | X |
custom4 | X | X |
invalid | X | X |
reasonCode | X | X |
sectionID | X | X |
include | X | X |
modification2 | X | X |
modification3 | X | X |
modification4 | X | X |
modification5 | X | X |
receivedAccommodation | X | X |
form | X | X |
localPercentile | X | X |
localStanine | X | X |
testingDistrict | X | X |
testingSchool | X | X |
lexileScore | X | X |
developmentalScore | X | X |
finalRating | X | X |
progress | X | X |
standardsType | X | X |
testingGrade | X | X |
acctProfLevelItemID | X | X |
schoolID | X | X |
responsibleEntityID | X | X |
altStandardAchieved | X | X |
errorBand | X | X |
stateCertification | X | X |
excludeFromTranscript | X | X |
pointsPossible | X | X |
pointsEarned | X | X |
gradeLevelOverride | X | X |
status | ||
scoreStatus | ||
modifiedDate | ||
proficiencyValue | X | X |
proficiencyELValue | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
addedByVendor | X | |
imported |
All the data on a student's transcript is stored in the TranscriptCourse and TranscriptCredit tables. When syncing to the state, this data is stored in one table called TranscriptCourseSE. All of the above below comes from the TranscriptCourse table except for totalCredits, which comes from TranscriptCredit.
NOTE: TranscriptCourse records that are manually entered (as opposed to using the Transcript Post Wizard), will not sync to TranscriptCourseSE because they do not have a SectionID, which is a key identifier in the table.
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
transcriptID | X | |
districtID | X | |
personID | X | |
endYear | X | X |
sectionID | X | |
stateCode | X | X |
grade | X | X |
score | X | X |
percent | X | X |
actualTerm | X | X |
exempt | X | X |
teacherPersonID | X | |
ncesGrade | X | X |
termStartDate | X | X |
termEndDate | X | X |
date | X | X |
transcriptGUID | X | X |
totalCredit | X | X |
gpaWeight | X | X |
gpaValue | X | X |
gpaMax | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
twentyFirstCCLCID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
twentyFirstCCLCGUID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
comments | X | X |
location | X | X |
attendanceHours | X | X |
attendanceDays | X | X |
exitReason | X | X |
program | X | X |
programProvider | X | X |
fallVisits | X | X |
springVisits | X | X |
summerVisits | X | X |
increasedMathGrade | X | X |
increasedReadingGrade | X | X |
turningHomeworkOnTime | X | X |
homeworkSatisfaction | X | X |
participatingInClass | X | X |
volunteering | X | X |
attendingClassRegularly | X | X |
beingAttentiveInClass | X | X |
behavingWellInClass | X | X |
academicPerformance | X | X |
gettingAlongWellWithOthers | X | X |
comingMotivatedToLearn | X | X |
classParticipation | X | X |
positiveClassroomBehavior | X | X |
positivePeerRelationships | X | X |
evaluationDate | X | X |
staffPersonID | X | X |
createdDate | X | X |
programStatus | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
shotID | X | X |
vaccineID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
date | X | X |
exempt | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
expiresDate | X | X |
vaccineShotGUID | X | X |
State-Specific Objects
The following objects are state-specific and only sent by districts in said state.
Delaware Objects
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
Most Recent Update Month | X | |
Most Recent Update Year | X | |
Eligibility Month | X | |
Eligibility Year | X | |
Eligibility | X |
Nevada Objects
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
adultEdID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
districtID | X | X |
endYear | X | X |
programOutcome | X | X |
el | X | X |
creditsWaived | X | X |
twelveHourReqOverride | X | X |
elEntryLevel | X | X |
elPostLevel | X | X |
adultEdGUID | X | X |
modifiedByID | X | X |
modifiedDate | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
calendarID | X | X |
personID | X | X |
date | X | X |
lastModifiedDate | X | X |
scheduledMinutes | X | X |
absentMinutes | X | X |
absentPeriods | X | X |
unexcusedAbsentMinutes | X | X |
unexcusedOnlyAbsentMinutes | X | X |
unexcusedAbsentPeriods | X | X |
unexcusedOnlyAbsentPeriods | X | X |
tardies | X | X |
mostCommonExcuseID | X | X |
stateAbsentMinutes | X | X |
customAbsentMinutes | X | X |
stateScheduledMinutes | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
excuseID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
code | X | X |
description | X | X |
status | X | X |
excuse | X | X |
stateCode | X | X |
bieCode | X | X |
attendanceExcuseGUID | X | X |
behavior | X | X |
participationBased | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
schoolMonthID | X | X |
calendarID | X | X |
name | X | X |
startDate | X | X |
endDate | X | X |
seq | X | X |
mode | X | X |
excludeStartDate | X | X |
excludeEndDate | X | X |
closeDate | X | X |
schoolMonthGUID | X | X |
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
ADAOverride | X | Only populates the ADAOverride in dbo.Enrollment which is not populated in the District Edition. |
North Carolina Objects
Database Field | Syncs to State Upon Save | Included in a Batch Sync Request |
SpecialEDState | X | X |