ILPA Team Members (Kentucky)

Tool Search: ILPA Team Members

The ILPA tools are used only in Kentucky.

The Team Members tool lists the individuals who are part of a student's education team, including team managers, family and advisors. The Role assigned to team members determines whether the student displays in the team member's Caseload. Members can be added through finding an existing person and linking them or by entering a person without using Census.

Screenshot of the ILPA Team Members tool.ILPA Team Members

Only those individuals who need to view student ILPA information should be added as a team member.

Team Member Information in Ad hoc Query Wizard

Use the Student Data Type in the Filter Designer to build reports that include Team Members information. These fields are available in the Student > Learner Planning > Team Members

Team Member Detail Fields

Select an existing Team Member to view the Team Member Detail. This table describes the fields available on the Team Member Detail.



Ad hoc Field Name

Start Date

The first date that the team member record is active.


End Date

The last date that the team member is considered active. Active team members display in bold in the team member list.



The title of the individual in relation to the special education team membership.


Caseload Role

This field varies by module

Counseling/ILPA (KY Only)

The Caseload Role field describes the team member's involvement in the student's counseling team. Roles are not linked to tool rights. The Role of Counselor places the student on the user's Counseling Caseload.

Special Education/Response to Intervention

The role of the member in relation to the team. Options are:

  • Service Provider 
  • Case Manager

Because Entering a New Team Member does not link Census records, Service Provider and Case Member records added this way do not result in students displaying in the team member's Caseload. Use the Find and Link Team Members tool to add students to a Caseload. 

See the Special Ed Caseload or RTI Caseload articles for additional information.

Personal Learning Plans

The role of the member in relation to the team. The only option is Service Provider.

Because Entering a New Team Member does not link Census records, Service Provider and Team Member records added this way do not result in students displaying in the team member's Caseload. Use the Find and Link Team Members tool to add students to a Caseload.


Last Name

The last name of the team member.


First Name

The first name of the team member.

SuffixThe suffix of the team member.N/A

Service Coordinator

Indicates the team member is responsible for coordinating the services the student receives.



The agency the team member is associated with.


The address associated with the team member, either the home address or the address of the agency.



The credentials that qualify the individual for team membership.



Any comments associated with the team membership.


Other Phone

Other phone number for contacting the individual.


Work Phone

The work phone number of the individual.


Cell Phone

The cell phone number of the individual.



The email address of the individual.


Find and Link Team Members

The Find and Link New Team Members tool allows user to select new team members from a limited list based on likely candidates, such as those connected to the student in Census, the student's teachers, and other staff members. Existing individuals are then linked to the student and their information provided. See the following table for a description of the fields in this editor.

One new team member can be added at a time. For example, when a selection is made in the Census dropdown, no other selections can be made.

Find and Link Team Members

Special Ed Only

When adding team members, only add those who need access to the student in a special education context. Teachers who only need to know that a student has an IEP and do not need access to read it should not be added to the team. An icon on the roster displays for students with IEPs.

Find New Team Member Fields




This dropdown list is made up of individuals who have a connection of the student though Census, such as members of the student's household, other guardians and emergency contacts. Individuals are listed with their Name (last, first), their status as a guardian of the student (Guard/Non-guard) and their relationship with the student (Mother, Father, etc).

Caseload Role

This field varies by module

Counseling/ILPA (KY Only)

The Caseload Role field describes the team member's involvement in the student's counseling team. Roles are not linked to tool rights. The Role of Counselor places the student on the user's Counseling Caseload.

Special Education/Response to Intervention/Personal Learning Plans

The Role field describes the access this individual has to the student.

  • Service Provider Student displays in the Service Provider section of the team member's Caseload.
  • Case Manager Student displays in the Case Manager section of the team member's Caseload.

Classroom Teachers

This field pulls a list of the student's current teachers, based on the the student's schedule.

Counselor Staff

Counseling/PLP/ILPA only

This field includes staff members who have a District Assignment of Counselor. Individuals are listed with their Name (last, first) and Title.

Special Ed Staff
Special Ed Only
This field includes staff members who have a District Assignment of Special Ed. Individuals are listed with their Name (last, first) and Title.
Response to Intervention Staff
RTI Only
This field includes staff members who have a District Assignment of Response to Intervention. Individuals are listed with their Name (last, first) and Title.

Advisor Staff

This field includes staff members who have a District Assignment of Advisor.

Once the desired individual is selected, click Add Team Member to add the individual to the student's special education team. Contact information populates from Census and the Start Date of the team membership defaults to the current date. For an explanation of the fields that display for a team member, see the Team Member Fields table below.

Add Team Members with Find and Link New Team Member

  1. Select the Find and Link New Team Member button. The Find New Team Member editor displays.
  2. Select the desired individual from the appropriate dropdown list.
  3. Assign that individual a Caseload Role.
  4. Click the Add Team Member button. The person displays in the Team Member Editor.

Selecting the newly added individual displays that person's team member detail, noting when the individual was added as a team member to that student, the assigned role, specific qualifications or comments. Certain information in this record is pulled from saved Census data. Use the Refresh Census Information button to pull updated information from the Identities tool. Edits can be made to this detail record to add qualifications and comments and to designate the Agency of the team member or to mark them as the Service Coordinator.

Enter New Team Members

Individuals who are not yet entered into Census or who do not have a District Assignment record can be added to a student's team by entering information about the team member. Team Members added in this way only exist as a record for this student; they are not added to Census and are not available to add to any other student's teams.

Team Member Detail

Enter New Team Member Fields



Ad hoc Fields

Start Date

The first date that the team member record is active. Defaults to the current date.


End Date

The last date that the team member is considered active. Active team members display  in bold in the team member list.



The title of the individual in relation to the special education team membership.


Last Name


The last name of the team member.


First Name


The first name of the team member.


Service Coordinator

Indicates the team member is responsible for coordinating the services the student receives.



The agency the team member is associated with.


The address associated with the team member, either the home address or the address of the agency.



The credentials that qualify the individual for team membership.



Any comments associated with the team membership.


Other Phone

Other phone number for contacting the individual.


Work Phone

The work phone number of the individual.


Cell Phone

The cell phone number of the individual.



The email address of the individual.


Add New Team Members with Enter New Team Members

  1. Select the Enter New Team Member button. A Team Member Detail editor displays.
  2. Enter all required fields.
  3. Optional: enter all desired fields as defined above.
  4. Click the Save button when finished. The new member displays in the Team Member Editor.

Link All Classroom Teachers

The Link All Classroom Teachers button adds all of the student's teachers to their team. This option adds each Primary Teacher assigned to a course section in which the student is scheduled to view the student's education plan. The student's Rostered Dates are used to pull teachers associated with those courses, not the teacher's active Start and End Dates.

The Link All Classroom Teacher Date Override dialog displays. Start dates populate for each record based on when the student is enrolled in that teacher's class unless a different start date is entered. Entering a date pulls in teachers with the date entered as the start date.

The option to Link All Classroom Teachers only displays when the Special Ed Preference Enable Team Member List to Populate from Classroom Teachers is set to Yes.

Link All Classroom Teachers

Start and End dates populate for each teacher's record based on when the student is enrolled in that teacher's class. Membership records for teachers in future sections are entered as inactive memberships.


A PDF of all or just active team members can be printed by selecting the Print Active Only or Print All buttons.

To print a list of all active team members, click the Print Active Only button. To print all team members, including inactive ones, click the Print All button. The list of team members prints in PDF format, sorted by Active and Inactive, with the Name, Title and Contact Information for the team members.

When a team member's contact option is marked as Private on the Demographics tool, that value is hidden from view and does not print.

Print Team Members

Previous Versions

ILPA Team Members (Kentucky) [.2211 - .2315]