Student Bus Assignment

Tool Search: Student Bus Assignment

The Student Bus Assignment Report prints bus information for students in either list or badge form. The report can be generated based on bus number or teacher, and will print student transportation data as of the entered effective date. Use Avery Labels 74541 for best results when printing in badge format.

See the Printing Labels information for additional settings that may need to be modified prior to printing this report.

Screenshot of Bus Assignment Report tool with all available selections that can be made before generating report.Student Bus Assignment Report

Report Logic

This report will print student transportation data entered on the Transportation tab as of the entered Transportation/Enrollment Effective Date. Only students who have active transportation records on the entered date will be included with the data from the transportation record active on that date.

Bus information looks first for the bus number, then a bus ID (internal identification number) for proper grouping.

Report Editor

The following information details the available options on the Student Bus Assignment Report.

Print Selection

This report can be printed by Bus Number (sorted by student) or by Teacher (sorted by bus). When generating by Bus Number, select a specific bus number from the dropdown list, or leave the selection at All Buses.

When generating the report by Teacher, select a specific teacher or leave the selection at All Teachers. Further sorting can be done by choosing a Period and a Period Schedule.

Also enter a Transportation/Enrollment Effective Date in mmddyy format. This date is defaulted to the current date and will cause the report to only include students who are actively enrolled and have a transportation record as of the entered date.

Route Information

This report can print Route Type information, specifying either Pick-up Location or Drop-off Location.

Report Options

Determine how the report prints - in a List or as Badges. When printing as a badge, select options to include student pictures and to skip the printing of page breaks. Page breaks are inserted between buses when printing by bus, or between teachers when printing by teachers, unless the Skip Page Breaks options is selected.

Also, determine if the report should include homeroom teachers and the students' grade levels.

Then, choose how the report prints by selecting either PDF or DOCX from the Report Format field.

Generate the Student Bus Report

  1. Select the appropriate option for printing this report - by Bus Number or By Teacher. Make additional teacher options as desired.
  2. Enter a Transportation/Enrollment Effective Date in mmddyy format.
  3. Select the Route Type.
  4. Select the Location of the Route Type.
  5. Select the appropriate options for the format of this report by choosing either the Print List or the Print Bus Badges options.
  6. If the homeroom teacher should be printed on the report, mark the Include homeroom teacher checkbox.
  7. If the student's grade level should be printed on the report, mark the Include student grade level checkbox.
  8. Select the Report Format.
  9. Click the Generate Report button.