Tool Search: MSDS Extracts
The Early Roster Extract is a collection of expected fall student enrollments within a district. This report is required for creating the Direct Certification Report and fulfills MSDS data submission requirements.
Michigan MSDS Early Roster Extract Editor
Students reported on the Early Roster Extract should not be included in the End of Year submission.
Report Logic
The following describes report logic:
- Report a record for all active students enrolled in the selected calendar(s) during the date range entered on the extract editor. Active students are those whose Enrollment End Dates are Null or after the Count Date.
- If a date is only entered in the Count Date field, a data snapshot is taken as of that date.
- Students with the State Exclude checkbox selected on their enrollment record will not be included in the extract.
- The most recent enrollment record prior to the Count Date is used when reporting data.
- If the Only New or Returning Students checkbox is checked, only students meeting the following conditions will report:
- Student has only one enrollment record.
- If the most recent prior calendar year's enrollment record does not have an End Status = 19 or null, the student is reported.
Generating the Report
- Select the Early Roster Extract Type.
- Enter the Count Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. If no date is entered in the Previous Count Date field, a data snapshot is taken as of this date.
- Enter the Previous Count Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. This date correlates with the Count Date entered to create a date range. Student data within this data range will report.
- Check the Students w/o UICs checkbox, if desired. Checking this checkbox means only students within the selected calendar(s) that do not have a State ID assigned are reported.
- Check the Only New or Returning Students checkbox, if desired. Refer to the Report Logic section above for more information about this field.
- Select the Submitting Entity. This describes the entity submitting the extract to the state.
- Select the Format. For submission to the state, use the State Format (XML).
- Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit records reported. When an Ad hoc Filter is selected, records report based on the options selected in the editor, not the Campus toolbar.
Check the Validate checkbox, if desired. Selecting this checkbox means Campus will run a check on the XML data to validate it is correct. If errors are found, the extract will list these errors for correction based on the schema.
- Select which Calendar(s) to include within the extract.
- Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.
Users can submit a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to be generated in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. See the Batch Queue article for more information about submitting a report to the batch queue.
Extract Layout
Element | Description & Format | Location |
Schedule Version Major | Always reports a value of Collection. | N/A |
Schedule Version Minor | Always reports a value of 1. | N/A |
Collection ID | Always reports a value of 101. | N/A |
Collection Name | Always reports a value of EarlyRoster. | N/A |
Submitting System Vendor | Always reports a value of Infinite Campus. | N/A |
Submitting System Name | Always reports a value of Campus. | N/A |
Submitting System Version | Always reports the current system version. | N/A |
Submitting Entity Type Code | Reports the Submitting Entity.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | MSDS Extracts > Submitting Entity Not dynamically stored |
Submitting Entity | ||
Submitting Entity Code | The state-assigned identification code of the entity submitting the extract. Alphanumeric, 10 characters | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override School Information > Schools Detail > School Number
Personal Core | ||
UIC | The student's Unique Identification Code (UIC), also known as the State ID. Numeric, 10 characters | Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID Person.stateID |
Last Name | The student's legal last name. Alphanumeric, 25 characters | Demographics > Last Name Identity.lastName |
First Name | The student's legal first name. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Demographics > First Name Identity.firstName |
Middle Name | The student's middle name or initial. Alphanumeric, 25 characters | Demographics > Middle Name Identity.middleName |
Suffix | The abbreviated name suffix that follows a student's full name and provides additional information about the student. Alphanumeric, 9 characters | Demographics > Suffix Identity.suffix |
Date of Birth | The student's date of birth. Date field, 10 characters | Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date Identity.birthDate |
Multiple Birth Order | Indicates the student is part of a multiple birth. This field is intended to provide some distinguishing data for cases where the cultural practice is to provide twins (triplets, etc) of the same gender with the same first name, or where children of the same gender have similar first names. If null, reports as 1. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Multiple Birth Order Identity.multipleBirthOrder |
Gender | The student's gender. Report Legal Gender. If Legal Gender = NULL, report Gender. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Protected Identity Identity.gender |
School Demographics | ||
Operating District Number | The State-assigned district number. Numeric, 5 digits | District Information > District Detail > State District Number District.stateNumber |
School Facility Number | The State-assigned school number as determined by SCM/EEM. Numeric, 5 digits | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override
School Information > Schools Detail > State School Number School.Number |
Student ID | The student's Local Student Number (not UIC). Numeric, 20 characters | Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number Person.studentID |
Grade | The student's grade level. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Enrollments > Grade Enrollment.Grade |
S2E2 Code | Reports the S2E2 Code for students being educated in a Specialized Shared Educational Entity. Numeric, 5 digits | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > S2E2 Code Enrollment.s2e2 |
Bldg Otherwise Attend | Reports the building the student would otherwise attend. Numeric, 5 digits | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Building Otherwise Attend Enrollment.facilityCode |
Personal Demographics | ||
Resident LEA Number | State assigned, five-digit code for the district in which the student resides. Numeric, 5 digits | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District Enrollment.residentDistrict |
Student Resident County | Primary county code in which the child resides. Numeric, 2 digits | Addresses > Address Info > County Address.county |
Ethnicity | The student's race ethnicity.
Numeric, 6 digits | Demographics > Race Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
Contact | This component is not reported if the Homeless component is reported for a student. An address is reported if the student has an active Household address prior to the Count Date that is marked as Physical and is not marked as Secondary. An address is also reported if the student has an active household address with Secondary and Mailing marked. If more than one address that meets report criteria is found, reports the address that includes a household relationship to the student with Guardian marked and the lowest Emergency Priority number. If multiple Guardians or no Guardians are found, reports the address with the highest record ID. Additionally, reports any Physical Address that have a relationship of Mother, Father, or Other if the student has a locked IFSP active during the extract date range. | |
Address Type Descriptor | The type of address being reported. Reports as Physical if the student has an active household address with Physical marked. Reports as Mailing if the student has an active household address with Secondary and Mailing marked. If the student has an address associated with a Guardian relationship of Mother, Father, or Other, reports as Mother, Father, or Other (respectively). Alphanumeric | Census > Household > Address > Physical, Mailing Address.physical Address.mailing |
Street Number Name | The number and name of the address being reported. Reports Number + Prefix + Street + Tag + Direction. Alphanumeric,100 characters | Census > Households > Address Info Address.number |
Apartment Room Suite Number | Reports additional address information, such as apartment, room, suite, or lot number. | Census > Households > Addresses > Apt Address.apt |
City | The city or town of the address. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Census > Households > Address Info > City |
State Abbreviation Descriptor | The abbreviation of the state of the address. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Census > Households > Address Info > State Address.state |
Postal Code | The 5 or 9 digit zip code of the address. Numeric, 10 digits | Census > Households > Address Info > Zip |
Telephone Number | The primary telephone number of the student's parent or guardian. Reports the household Phone Number | Census > Households > Phone |
Electronic Mail Address | The email address of the student's parent or guardian. Alphanumeric | Census > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Email |