This event entity represents the recording of whether a student is in attendance on a daily basis at their school.
Object Triggering
Object Triggering for Negative Attendance
This table describes logic for triggering Negative Attendance syncing of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post | When a new attendance event is verified and saved for a student. |
Calendar Attendance Type is = 004 or 004a OR Student Enrollment Type = 004 or 004a When a student has two enrollments in the same school in the same school year, report from the enrollment service type in the following order:
When a student has multiple enrollments in different schools, an attendance event is sent for each school. | |
Unknown attendance events do not send an event to Ed-Fi. The original post does not display until an excuseID is entered in the attendance table. | |
Do not send records when the student's enrollment is marked as a No Show or State Exclude. | |
Do not send records when attendance records are associated with a Calendar when the Exclude check box is checked. | |
Do not send a record when the Student has an enrollment Start Status = E: NON-SAIS DISTRICT USE ONLY! | |
A record sends for each distinct Date and Attendance Event Category Descriptor. | |
Do not send a record when the only attendance records associated with a date are marked as Tardy. | |
Do not send a record when the only attendance records associated with a date are marked as Exempt. | |
Do not send records when the Grade Level Exclude checkbox is marked in the grade level tied to the calendar in which the student is enrolled. | |
Update the attendance event when new attendance is entered. When an attendance status is changed, the first event must be deleted from Ed-Fi and a new record sent. The Attendance Event Category Descriptor is a primary key and does now allow updates in Ed-Fi. | |
Delete | Delete attendance record when all attendance is removed for the day. |
Object Triggering Logic for AOI Positive Attendance
Set Up AOI Positive Attendance
- For AOI positive attendance to be enabled in any school, System Administration > Attendance > Positive Attendance Preference MUST be set to Yes.
- Note: Toggling this to 'on' does nothing to preclude negative attendance or non-AOI positive attendance from working in the district.
- Student must be set up with a service type = T: AOI.
- Student should also have attendance type = 017.
- Positive Attendance checkbox must be checked on a course.
- The regular Attendance checkbox can remain checked and has no impact on reporting.
- When a student is reporting positive AOI attendance - any other type of attendance (when entered) is completely ignored.
- AOI positive attendance ONLY sends data when present minutes exist and are entered/saved for a valid student (no defaults for being present are sent as is done with Non-AOI).
- AOI positive attendance sends whatever duration is saved, even when the amount of present minutes exceeds the actual course (it is based entirely off of time in/time out entered).
- lunch minutes and passing minutes are a not looked at in any way for AOI positive attendance.
- AOI positive attendance sends whatever duration is saved, even when the amount of present minutes exceeds the actual course (it is based entirely off of time in/time out entered).
- Once AOI positive attendance is entered/saved (via either teacher's campus instruction positive attendance module or via student's positive attendance module) it automatically pushes to Ed-Fi, with no resync needed.
This table describes logic for triggering AOI Positive Attendance syncing of this object.
- Enrollment Service Type is = T: AOI
- Calendar Attendance Type is = 017 or Student Enrollment Type = 017
- Do not send records when the student's enrollment is marked as a No Show or State Exclude.
- Do not send records when attendance records are associated with a Calendar when the Exclude check box is checked.
- A record sends for each distinct Date and Attendance Event Category Descriptor.
- Do not send a record on a date where a student has '0' instructional minutes.
Action | Trigger |
Post | When a positive attendance amount is entered and saved to the attendance unit table. |
Put | Update the attendance event when attendance events are changed/added. |
Delete | Delete attendance record when all attendance is deleted for a day.
Object Triggering Logic for Non-AOI Positive Attendance
This table describes logic for triggering non-AOI Positive Attendance syncing of this object.
- Enrollment Service Type is NOT = T: AOI
- Calendar Attendance Type is = 017 or Student Enrollment Type = 017
- Do not send records when the student's enrollment is marked as a No Show or State Exclude.
- Do not send records when attendance records are associated with a Calendar when the Exclude check box is checked.
- A record sends for each distinct Date and Attendance Event Category Descriptor.
- Do not send a record on a date where a student has '0' instructional minutes.
- Only positive attendance records for the school that the student is actively enrolled in on a given date are sent.
Action | Trigger |
Post | Records are suppressed for the current day and sent in a batch at midnight of each day. |
Put | Update the attendance event when attendance events are changed/added for any day that is not the current day. |
Delete | Delete attendance record when all attendance is deleted for any day that is not the current day.
Object Triggering for Learning Modality
When a student is in blended learning group that is 100% virtual or there is a 'Virtual Code Override' day event on the calendar, then districts should not use the distance learning attendance codes on the virtual days. When the distance learning attendance codes are used in this scenario, it creates a duplicate learning modality record causing data issues at the state.
This table describes logic for triggering Learning Modality syncing of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post | Records are sent daily for each day the student is marked as attending any part of the day remote. It sends through batch at midnight of the day the student is marked as attending any part of the day remote. |
Post | Send attendance event when a blended learning group is added to the current day or previous days for a student that was previously 100% in person and is now remote for any portion of the day. Note: When the blended learning group is added for a future date, the attendance event is sent at midnight on the day the membership starts. |
Post | Send attendance event when a 'Virtual Override' day event is added to the current day or a previous day on the calendar. Note: When the day event is added to a future date on the calendar, the attendance event is sent at midnight on the day of the event. |
Put | Update the attendance event when attendance events are changed/added for any day the student spent any amount of the day remote. |
Delete | Delete attendance record when all attendance is deleted for any day that the student attended any amount of the day remote. Note: When the student is 100% virtual due to a blended learning group or 'Virtual Override' day event and attendance records are deleted, only the 'Absent' attendance events are deleted. |
Delete | Delete attendance record when student's blended learning group is updated moving the student to 100% in person when they were previously remote for any portion of the day. |
Delete | Delete attendance record when the 'Virtual Override' day event is removed from the current day or a previous day on the calendar. |
School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic
This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
None | When a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS but no new data sends. |
Resync | When a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it is deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table. |
Resync | When a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it is deleted from the ODS. |
Resync | When a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync needs to be done to reflect the changes. |
Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic
This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post/Delete | When any part of the Natural Key Changes
Scope Year Logic
This table describes scope year logic of this object.
Logic |
Attendance sends to the scope year for the school year the attendance dates are associated with based on the student's enrollment.
Event Queue Detail
This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.
Campus Table | Ed-Fi Action | Fields |
attendance | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table used for sending data for this resource. |
Object Data Elements
This table describes data elements sent within the Student School Attendance Event resource.
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Business Rules | M, C or O | Data Source GUI Path | Database Field |
id | The unique identifier of the resource. | M | |||
attendance Event Category Descriptor | Key for Attendance Event Category Type. |
| M | Attendance > Status + Excuse | attendance. status attendance. excuse |
eventDate | Date for this attendance event. | Enter the date for the attendance record being reported. | M | Attendance> Date | attendance. date |
school Reference | A reference to the related School resource. | Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the School resource. | M | ||
session Reference | A reference to the related Session resource. |
| M | ||
student Reference | A reference to the related Student resource. | Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource. Note: The Ed-Fi ID reports from the Student State ID field. | M | ||
attendance Event Reason | The reported reason for a student's absence. | This is optional, does not report. | O | ||
educational Environment Descriptor | The setting in which a child receives education and related services.
| This is optional, does not report. | O | ||
event Duration | The amount of time for the event as recognized by the school. Absence Amounts must be less than or equal to the Student Membership FTE, since absences are measured in quarter day increments. (For brick and morter Schools) (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00) | Only report field when reporting attendance. Do not report when reporting Learning Modality. See Arizona Attendance Calculation Appendix below. | C | ||
Minutes | The amount of time, in minutes, that the student received instruction during the reported attendance period and the "In Attendance" code is used (For AOI schools) (1, 2, 3). | Only report for students with attendance code of '017: Positive'.
| C | Calendar Information > Attendance Type Enrollments > Attendance Type | attendance Unit table |
modalityTimeType DescriptorId | The Modality Time Type is defined for a student. | When reporting Learning Modality, report 'Percentage'. Otherwise, do not report. | C | ||
modalityType DescriptorId | The ModalityType is defined for a student. | When reporting Learning Modality, report 'Remote'. Otherwise, do not report. | C | ||
modalityTime | The amount of time, in percentage, the student was either present remote or absent remote in a give day. Valid values are 25, 50, 75, 100. | When reporting Learning Modality, see the Arizona Attendance Calculation Appendix. Otherwise, do not report. | C | ||
etag | A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. | O |
Attendance Event Category Descriptors
Code Value | Description |
5 | ABSENCE - DL |
Arizona Attendance Calculation Appendix
Event Duration Calculations
This is reported in Negative Attendance attendance reporting.
For ALL grade levels:
The following are not considered when calculating attendance:
- No Show flag
- Threshold values on the calendar or grade level tool.
- Students Homebound on the day of the absence
- Student Information > General > Programs > Program
The following are considered when calculating attendance:
- State Exclude flags on the enrollment, calendar, and grade levels
- Students who have absences during the year in which the 004 Absence Transaction is being generated.
- Students FTE value:
- For all reporting based on FTE value, FTE value is identified in the following method:
- When Enrollment.percentEnrolled is not NULL, report based on the value entered in the record.
- When Enrollment.percentEnrolled is 0%, do not report.
- When Enrollment.percentEnrolled is NULL, report based on the value entered into the default field on the Enrollment.percentEnrolled attribute.
- When Enrollment.percentEnrolled is NULL, and the default field on the Enrollment.percentEnrolled attribute is NULL, report based on a value of '1.00'.
- When Enrollment.percentEnrolled is not NULL, report based on the value entered in the record.
- Student's absent amount cannot exceed their FTE value.
- For all reporting based on FTE value, FTE value is identified in the following method:
- Exclude Present Minutes from total minutes missed. (Student Information > General > Attendance)
- Present minutes for student's cannot include Lunch Time. (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods)
- All State Grade Level codes except for the following.
- PS: Preschool
- Students are reported in positive attendance minutes on '017'.
- PS: Preschool
- Exclude Absence Types of: 'Tardy', 'Present', and 'Early Release'.
- Exclude Absence Status of: 'Exempt'.
Half Day KG: Kindergarten or UE: Ungraded Elementary (Excluding Homebound Students)
Kindergarten Code must = A: Half Day Every Day
- System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels
- Calculation: Number of Instructional minutes attended / (Scheduled minutes X FTE)
Percent Attended | Absence Reports |
26% or more | Do not report student |
0 - 25% | 100/75/50% FTE: .50 25% FTE: .25 |
Full Day KG: Kindergarten or UE: Ungraded Elementary (Excluding Homebound Students)
Kindergarten Code must equal one of the following codes:
- B: Full Day Every Other Day
- C: Full Day 3 Days a week
- D: Full Day Every Day Spring-Only
- E: Full Day Every Day
- F: Full Day Every Day Title 1
System Administration > Calendar >Calendar > Grade Levels
Calculation: Number of Instructional minutes attended / (Scheduled minutes X FTE )
Percent Attended | Absence Reported |
50% or more | Do not report student |
0 - 50% | 100% FTE: 1.00 75% FTE: .75 50% FTE: .5 25% FTE: .25 |
Grades 1-8 (Excluding Homebound Students)
- The Attendance Calculation drop list value determines how a school calculates attendance for grades 1-8. Please note that grades 9-12 and kindergarten do not use this setting. (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar.
Half Day/Whole Day QD Quarter Day - Calculation: Number of Instructional minutes attended / (Scheduled Instructional Minutes X FTE).
- Notes:
- Scheduled Instructional Minutes sum all instructional periods with period start/end times that a student has ANY active, non-state excluded, attendance taking course scheduled into it.
- Instructional Minutes Attended include any present minutes entered for a period on the attendance screen.
- When 'Attendance Calculation' = QD: Quarter Day, report as follows:
100% FTE
75% FTE 50% FTE 25% FTE Percent Attended Absence
ReportedPercent Attended Absence
ReportedPercent Attended Absence
ReportedPercent Attended Absence
Reported1 or greater Do not report 1 or greater Do not report 1 or greater Do not report 1 or greater 1 or greater .75 - .99 .25 .66 - .99 .25 .5 - .99 .25 0 - .99 .25 .50 - .74 .5 .33 - .65 .5 0 - .49 .5 .25 - .49 .75 0 - .32 .75 0 - .24 1 - When 'Attendance Calculation' = HW: Half Day/Whole Day, report as follows:
- Notes:
100% FTE | 75% FTE | 50% FTE | 25% FTE | ||||
Percent Attendance | Absence Reported | Percent Attendance | Absence Reported | Percent Attendance | Absence Reported | Percent Attendance | Absence Reported |
.75 - 1 or greater | Do not report | .75 - 1 or greater | Do not report | .75 - 1 or greater | Do not report | .25 - 1 or greater | Do not report |
.25 - .74 | .5 | .25 - .74 | .25 | .25 - .74 | .25 | 0 - .24 | .25 |
0 -.24 | 1 | 0 -.24 | .75 | 0 -.24 | .5 |
Grades 9-12
The following considerations are made:
- A course is only considered as attendance taking when it meets the following criteria:
- Course is active.
- Attendance checkbox is checked.
- State Exclude is unchecked.
- Course has a grading task where the credit value is greater than 0 or Null (Scheduling > Courses > Grading Tasks > Credit).
- A Section Student Detail record with a Career Readiness value of Yes cannot exist for the same course number in a different calendar on the given attendance date for the student.
- 4 day calendar
- 5 day calendar
Report students as followings for 004a: Negative Method 1 Attendance:
- Absence amount = FTE x (1 - ((The number of classes attended) / (The number of classes scheduled)))
- Value is reported as rounded UP to the nearest quarter (eg.: 1, .75, .50, .25, 0).
- It should be impossible to send a value of '0', since that would suggest that a student's negative absence record for a date is '0', meaning there was no negative attendance event.
- Value is reported as rounded UP to the nearest quarter (eg.: 1, .75, .50, .25, 0).
- To be considered a class for the purposes of the calculation, the course needs to be scheduled into an instructional period, and the student actively scheduled into a course/section on a given attendance date.
- To be considered absent for a period, a valid absent code must be assigned. Present minutes are ignored, so when an absent code is assigned to a period, the whole period is considered absent, even when the student was present for the majority of the period.
Report Students as follows for For 004: Negative Method 2 Attendance:
Example Calculations
Example 1: Student is 100% FTE; Schedule is a full day
Student is absent for the full day (a full day of attendance should report).
- Period 1 – 55 minutes (Absent)
- Period 2 – 60 minutes (Absent)
- Period 3 – 45 minutes (Absent)
- Period 4 – 75 minutes (Absent)
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum of Attended Minutes | Absent all periods. | 0 Reports absence of 1. |
Example 2: Student is 100% FTE; Schedule is a full day
Student is not absent at all (no attendance should report).
- Period 1 – 55 minutes (Present)
- Period 2 – 60 minutes (Present)
- Period 3 – 45 minutes (Present)
- Period 4 – 75 minutes (Present)
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum of attended minutes | Period 1 (60) + Period 2 (60) + Period 3 (45) + Period 4 (75) | 240 minutes |
Total attended minutes divided by 60 | 240 / 60 | 4 4 = Expected FTE hours (4) Do not report. |
Example 3: Student is 100% FTE; Schedule is a half day.
Student is partially absent (some amount of attendance should report).
- Period 1 – 30 minutes (Absent)
- Period 2 – 25 minutes (Present)
- Period 3 – 35 minutes (Present)
- Period 4 – 30 minutes (Present)
- Period 5 - 25 minutes (Present)
- Period 6 - 40 minutes (Present)
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum of attended minutes | Period 2 (25) + Period 3 (35) + Period 4 (30) + Period 5 (25) + Period 6 (40) | 155 minutes |
Total attended minutes divided by 60 | 155 / 60 | 2.58 hours 2.58 < Expected FTE Hours (4) |
Total scheduled minutes | Period 1 (30) + Period 2 (25) + Period 3 (35) + Period 4 (30) + Period 5 (25) + Period 6 (40) | 185 minutes |
Total scheduled hours | 185 / 60 Total scheduled minutes divided by 60 | 3.08 hours 3.08 < Expected FTE (4) Leave scheduled minutes at 185. |
Percent attended | 155 / 185 Total Attendance Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | .84 Absent reports as .25 .84 is between .75 = .99 |
Example 4: Student is 100% FTE; Schedule is a half day.
Student is partially absent (some amount of attendance should report).
- Period 1 – 30 minutes (Absent)
- Period 2 – 25 minutes (Absent)
- Period 3 – 35 minutes (Absent)
- Period 4 – 30 minutes (Present)
- Period 5 - 25 minutes (Present)
- Period 6 - 40 minutes (Present)
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum of attended minutes | Period 4 (30) + Period 5 (25) + Period 6 (40) | 95 minutes |
Total attended minutes divided by 60 | 155 / 60 | 1.58 hours 1.58 < Expected FTE Hours (4) |
Total scheduled minutes | Period 1 (30) + Period 2 (25) + Period 3 (35) + Period 4 (30) + Period 5 (25) + Period 6 (40) | 185 minutes |
Total scheduled hours | 185 / 60 Total scheduled minutes divided by 60 | 3.08 hours 3.08 < Expected FTE hours (4) Leave scheduled minutes at 185 |
Percent Attended | 95 / 185 Total Attended Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | .51 .51 is between .50 -.74. Absent should report as .5 |
Example 5: Student is 100% FTE; Schedule is a full day.
Student is partially absent (some amount of attendance should report).
- Period 1 – 55 minutes (Absent)
- Period 2 – 60 minutes (Absent)
- Period 3 – 45 minutes (Absent)
- Period 4 – 80 minutes (Present)
- Period 5 - 55 minutes (Present)
- Period 6 - 70 minutes (Present)
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum of attended minutes | Period 4 (80) + Period 5 (60) + Period 6 (70) | 210 minutes |
Total attended minutes divided by 60 | 210 / 60 | 3.5 hours 3.5 < Expected FTE Hours (4) |
Total scheduled minutes | Period 1 (60) + Period 2 (60) + Period 3 (45) + Period 4 (80) + Period 5 (60) + Period 6 (70) | 375 minutes |
Total scheduled hours | 375 / 60 Total scheduled minutes divided by 60 | 6.25 hours 6.25 6.25 > Expected FTE hours (4) Need to recalculate total scheduled minutes to match FTE |
Total scheduled minutes | 240 Expected FTE hours (4) * 60 = 240 | |
Percent attendance | 210 / 240 Total Attended Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | .88 .88 is between .75 -.99 Absent should report as .25 |
Example 6: Student is 75% FTE. Schedule is a half day.
Student is partially absent (some amount of attendance should report).
- Period 1 – 30 minutes (Absent)
- Period 2 – 25 minutes (Absent)
- Period 3 – 35 minutes (Absent)
- Period 4 – 30 minutes (Present)
- Period 5 - 25 minutes (Present)
- Period 6 - 40 minutes (Present)
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum of Attendance Minutes | Period 4 (30) + Period 5 (25) + Period 6 (40) | 95 minutes |
Total attended minutes divided by 60 | 95 / 60 | 1.58 hours 1.58 < Expected FTE Hours (3) |
Total scheduled minutes | Period 1 (30) + Period 2 (25) + Period 3 (35) + Period 4 (30) + Period 5 (25) + Period 6 (40) | 185 minutes |
Total Scheduled Hours | 185 / 60 Total Scheduled Hours divided by 60 | 3.08 hours 3.08 > Expected FTE hours (3) Need to recalculate total scheduled minutes to match FTE. |
Total scheduled minutes | 180 Expected FTE hours (3) * 60 = 180 | |
Percent Attended | 95 / 180 Total Attended Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | .53 .53 is between .33 -.65 Absent reports as .5. |
The number of hours a student is expected to attend on a regular school day is based on the FTE value for the student:
- When the student has 100% FTE, the student is expected for 4 hours.
- When the student has 75% FTE, the student is expected for 3 hours.
- When the student has 50% FTE, the student is expected for 2 hours.
- When the student has 25% FTE, the student is expected for 1 hours.
- When the student has 00% FTE, the student is not expected for any hours.
Sum total attended minutes for the day:
- An attended period is a period that has no attendance code or has an attendance code with an Absent Status that is NOT 'Absent'.
- When a period has an attendance code with an Absent Status of Absent and present minutes are entered, the present minutes are included.
- When a period is between 55 - 60 minutes, then it should count as 60 minutes in the sum.
When total attended minutes is 0, report an absence equivalent to the student's FTE:
- Stop processing here as the resource is reporting.
- Student FTE reporting:
Student's FTE Absence to Report 100 1 75 .75 50 .50 25 .25
When total attended minutes divided by 60 is >= expected FTE hours, do not report resource at all:
- Stop processing here as resource should not report.
When total attended minutes divided by 60 is < expected FTE hours, complete the following:
- Sum total scheduled minutes for the day. Note: When a period is between 55 - 60 minutes, then it should count as 60 minutes in the sum.
- Calculate total scheduled hours by dividing total scheduled minutes by 60. Note: Do NOT round this value.
- When total scheduled hours is > expected FTE hours, then set scheduled minutes to expected FTE hours multiplied by 60. Else, leave scheduled minutes as the original calculation.
- Calculate percent attended by dividing total attended minutes by total scheduled minutes. Round to the second decimal place using normal rounding.
- Report absence value based on the student's FTE table below:
100% FTE 75% FTE 50% FTE 25% FTE Percent Attended Absence Reported Percent Attended Absence Reported Percent Attended Absence Reported Percent Attended Absence Reported 1 Nothing reported 1 Nothing reported 1 Nothing reported 1 Nothing reported .75 -.99 .25 .66 -.99 .25 .50 -.99 .25 .0 -.99 .25 .50 -.74 .5 .33 -.65 .5 0 -.49 .5 .25 -.49 .75 0 -.32 .75 0 -.24 1
For all calculations:
Do not report data with the following State Exclude Flags:
- Enrollment State Exclude flag omits student from report.
- Calendar Exclude flag omits school from report.
- Grade Level State Exclude flag does not omit student from report.
For the calculations in Appendix A:
When FTE is missing, the default is = 1.
Modality Time
Student is 100% virtual for a day
When the student is in a blended learning group (BLG) and the BLG has a day event on the calendar (marking the day as virtual) or there is a 'Virtual Code Override' day event on the calendar:
- When reporting attendanceEventReason of In Attendance - DL, use calculation for Event Duration to determine percent of time in attendance.
- When grade is KG or UE and Kindergarten Code is 'A: Half Day Every Day'.
100%/75%/50% FTE | 25% FTE | ||
Absent Calculation | In Attendance - DL' to report | Absent Calculation | 'In Attendance - DL' to report |
.5 | Do not report | .25 | Do not report |
0 | 50 | 0 | 25 |
100% FTE | 75% FTE | 50% FTE | 25% FTE | ||||
Absent Calculation | 'In Attendance - DL' to report | Absent Calculation | 'In Attendance - DL' to report | Absent Calculation | 'In Attendance - DL' to report | Absent Calculation | 'In Attendance - DL' to report |
1 | Do not report | 1 | Do not report | 1 | Do not report | 1 | Do not report |
.75 | 25 | .75 | Do not report | .75 | Do not report | .75 | Do not report |
.5 | 50 | .5 | 25 | .5 | Do not report | .50 | Do not report |
.25 | 75 | .25 | 50 | .25 | 25 | .25 | Do not report |
0 | 100 | 0 | 75 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 25 |
Note: The value cannot exceed the student's FTE. For example, when a student is 75% FTE and present all day, only 75 can report, not 100.
2. When reporting attendanceEventReason of 'Absence - DL', use calculation for Event Duration to determine percent of time absent.
Student is virtual for part of the day
When the student has an attendance code with a State Code of 'DLA' or 'DLP' on a given day:
Grades 9-12 Example Calculations
Example 1: Student is 75% FTE.
- Period 1 - 28 minutes (Distance Learning Present)
- Period 2 - 33 minutes (Distance Learning Present)
- Period 3 - 38 minutes (Distance Learning Present)
- Period 4 - 33 minutes (Distance Learning Absent)
- Period 5 - 33 minutes (In Person Present)
- Period 6 - 33 minutes (In Person Present)
- Period 7 - 32 minutes (In Person Present)
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum Attended Minutes for In Person Present | Period 5 (33) + Period 6 (33) + Period 7 (32) | 98 minutes |
Total In Person Attended Hours | 98 / 60 Total Attended Minutes Present / 60 | 1.63 = 1 hour Rounded down to nearest whole number 1 is not >= 3 (expected hour count for 75% FTE) |
Total remaining hours calculation | 3 - 1 FTE hours expected minus In Person Hours attended | 2 |
Total attended minutes | Period 1 (28) + Period 2 (33) + Period 3 (38) + Period 5 (33) + Period 6 (33) + Period 7 (32) | 197 minutes |
Total attended hours | 197 / 60 Total attendance minutes divided by 60 | 3.28 = 3 Round down to nearest whole number 3 attendance hours = 3 expected hour count for 75% FTE |
Total attended distance learning | 2 * 25 Total remaining hours times 25 | 50 In Attendance - DL reports as 50 |
Example 2: Student is 100% FTE
- Period 1 - 28 minutes (Distance Learning Present)
- Period 2 - 33 minutes (Distance Learning Present)
- Period 3 - 38 minutes (Distance Learning Present)
- Period 4 - 33 minutes (Distance Learning Present)
- Period 5 - 33 (In Person Present)
- Period 6 - 33 (In Person Present)
- Period 7 - 32 (In Person Present)
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum Attended Minutes for In Person Present | Period 5 (33) + Period 6 (33) + Period 7 (32) | 98 minutes |
Total In Person Attended Hours | 98 / 60 Total Attended Minutes Present / 60 | 1.63 = 1 hour Rounded down to nearest whole number 1 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Total Remaining Hours | 4 - 1 FTE hours expected minus In Person Hours attended | 3 |
Total Attended Minutes | Period 1 (28) + Period 2 (33) + Period 3 (38) + Period 4 (33) + Period 5 (33) + Period 6 (33) + Period 7 (32) | 230 minutes |
Total Attended Hours | 230 / 60 Total attendance minutes divided by 60 | 3.83 = 3 hours Rounded down to nearest whole number 3 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Distance Learning Minutes Attendance | Period 1 (28) + Period 2 (33) + Period 3 (38) + Period 4 (33) | 132 minutes |
Total Scheduled Minutes | Period 1 (28) + Period 2 (33) + Period 3 (38) + Period 4 (33) + Period 5 (33) + Period 6 (33) + Period 7 (32) | 230 minutes |
Total Scheduled Hours | 230 / 60 Total Scheduled Minutes divided by 60 | 3.83 hours 3.83 < 4 (expected hours for 100% FTE) |
Total Attended Distance Learning | 132 / 230 Distance Learning Attendance Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | .57 .57 is between .50 - .74. In Attendance - DL Reports as 50. |
Total Attended Minutes | Period 1 (28) + Period 2 (33) + Period 3 (38) + Period 4 (33) + Period 5 (33) + Period 6 (33) + Period 7 (32) | 230 minutes Total Attendance Minutes = Total Scheduled Minutes. No further action needed. |
Example 3: Student is 100% FTE
- Period 1 - 55 minutes (In Person present)
- Period 2 - 60 minutes (In Person present)
- Period 3 - 55 minutes (Distance Learning present)
- Period 4 - 60 minutes (Distance Learning absent)
NOTE: Period minutes between 55 and 60 count as 60 minutes.
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum Attended Minutes for In Person Present | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 2 (60) | 120 minutes |
Total In Person Attended Hours | 120 / 60 Total Attended Minutes Present / 60 | 2 hours 2 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Total Remaining Hours | 4 - 2 FTE hours expected minus In Person Hours attended | 2 |
Total Attended Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 2 (60) + Period 3 (55) = 60 | 180 minutes |
Total Attended Hours | 170 / 60 Total attendance minutes divided by 60 | 3 hours 3 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Distrance Learning Minutes Attended | Period 3 (55) = 60 | 60 minutes |
Total Scheduled Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 2 (60) + Period 3 (55) = 60 + Period 4 (60) | 240 minutes |
Total Scheduled Hours | 240 / 60 Total scheduled minutes divided by 60 | 4 hours |
Total Attended Distance Learning | 60 / 240 Distance Learning Attended Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | .25 .25 is between .25 and .49; reports as 25 In Attendance - DL Reports as 25. |
In Person Absent Minutes | 0 No In Person Absent Minutes | 0 |
Distance Learning Absent Minutes | Period 4 (55) = 60 | 60 |
Percent Attended | 180 / 240 Total attended minutes / Total scheduled minutes | .75 Percent attended is between .75 - .99; Absence - DL reports as 25 |
Example 4: Student is 100% FTE
- Period 1 - 55 minutes (In Person present)
- Period 2 - 60 minutes (In Person present)
- Period 3 - 55 minutes (Distance Learning present)
- Period 4 - 60 minutes (Distance Learning absent)
- Period 5 - 60 minutes (Distance Learning absent)
NOTE: Period minutes between 55 and 60 count as 60 minutes.
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum Attended Minutes for In Person Present | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 2 (60) | 120 minutes |
Total In Person Attended Hours | 120 / 60 Total Attended Minutes Present / 60 | 2 hours 2 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Total Remaining Hours | 4 - 2 FTE hours expected minus In Person Hours attended | 2 |
Total Attended Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 2 (60) + Period 3 (55) = 60 | 180 minutes |
Total Attended Hours | 180 / 60 Total attendance minutes divided by 60 | 3 hours 3 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Distance Learning Minutes Attended | Period 3 (55) = 60 | 60 minutes |
Total Scheduled Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 2 (60) + Period 3 (55) = 60 + Period 4 (60) + Period 5 (60) | 300 minutes |
Total Scheduled Hours | 300 / 60 Total scheduled minutes divided by 60 | 5 hours 5 > 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Total Scheduled Minutes | 4 x 60 Expected FTE hours (4) * 60 | 240 minutes Total attendance Minutes (180) < Total Scheduled scheduled Minutes (240) |
Total Attended Distance Learning | 60 / 240 Distance Learning Attended Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | .25 .25 is between .25 and .49; reports as 25 In Attendance - DL Reports as 25. |
In Person Absent Minutes | 0 No In Person Absent Minutes | 0 |
Distance Learning Absent Minutes | Period 4 (60) + Period 5 (60) | 120 |
Percent Attended | 180 / 240 Total attended minutes / Total scheduled minutes | .75 Percent attended is between .75 - .99; Absence - DL reports as 25 |
Example 5: Student is 100% FTE
- Period 1 - 55 minutes (In Person present)
- Period 2 - 55 minutes (In Person absent)
- Period 3 - 55 minutes (In Person absent)
- Period 4 - 60 minutes (Distance Learning absent)
- Period 5 - 60 minutes (Distance Learning present)
- Persion 6 - 55 minutes (Distance Learning present)
NOTE: Period minutes between 55 and 60 count as 60 minutes.
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum Attended Minutes for In Person Present | Period 1 (55) = 60 | 60 minutes |
Total In Person Attended Hours | 60 / 60 Total Attended Minutes Present / 60 | 1 hour 1 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Total Remaining Hours | 4 - 1 FTE hours expected minus In Person Hours attended | 3 hours |
Total Attended Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 5 (55) = 60 + Period 6 (55) = 60 | 180 minutes |
Total Attended Hours | 180 / 60 Total attendance minutes divided by 60 | 3 hours 3 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Distance Learning Minutes Attended | Period 5 (55) = 60 + Period 6 (55) = 60 | 120 minutes |
Total Scheduled Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 2 (55) = 60 + Period 3 (60) + Period 4 (60) + Period 5 (55) = 60 + Period 6 (55) = 60 | 360 minutes |
Total Scheduled Hours | 360 / 60 Total scheduled minutes divided by 60 | 6 hours 6 > 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Total Scheduled Minutes | 4 x 60 Expected FTE hours (4) * 60 | 240 minutes Total attendance Minutes (180) < Total Scheduled scheduled Minutes (240) |
Total Attended Distance Learning | 120 / 240 Distance Learning Attended Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | .5 .5 is between .5 and .75; reports as 50 In Attendance - DL Reports as 50. |
In Person Absent Minutes | Period 2 (55) = 60 + Period 3 (60) | 120 |
Distance Learning Absent Minutes | Period 4 (60) | 60 |
Percent Attended | 180 / 240 Total attended minutes / Total scheduled minutes | .75 |
In Person Absent Percent | 120 / 240 In Person Absent Minutes / Total Scheduled Minutes | .5 Report nothing further. In Person Absent Percent (.5) + Percent Attended (.75) = 1.25 1.25 > 1 |
Example 6: Student is 100% FTE
- Period 1 - 55 minutes (In Person present)
- Period 2 - 55 minutes (In Person absent)
- Period 3 - 60 minutes (Distance Learning absent)
- Period 4 - 55 minutes (Distance Learning present)
NOTE: Period minutes between 55 and 60 count as 60 minutes.
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum Attended Minutes for In Person Present | Period 1 (55) = 60 | 60 minutes |
Total In Person Attended Hours | 60 / 60 Total Attended Minutes Present / 60 | 1 hour 1 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Total Remaining Hours | 4 - 1 FTE hours expected minus In Person Hours attended | 3 hours |
Total Attended Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 4 (55) = 60 | 120 minutes |
Total Attended Hours | 120/ 60 Total attendance minutes divided by 60 | 2hours 2 < 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Distance Learning Minutes Attended | Period 4 (55) = 60 | 60 minutes |
Total Scheduled Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 2 (55) = 60 + Period 3 (60) + Period 4 (55) = 60 | 240 minutes |
Total Scheduled Hours | 240 / 60 Total scheduled minutes divided by 60 | 4 hours 4 = 4 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) |
Total Attended Distance Learning | 60 / 240 Distance Learning Attended Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | .25 .25 is between .25 and .49; reports as 25. In Attendance - DL Reports as 25. |
In Person Absent Minutes | Period 2 (55) = 60 | 60 |
Distance Learning Absent Minutes | Period 3 (55) = 60 | 60 |
Percent Attended | 120 / 240 Total attended minutes / Total scheduled minutes | .5 |
In Person Absent Percent | 60 / 240 In Person Absent Minutes / Total Scheduled Minutes | .25 Percent attendance (.5) + In person absent percent (.25) = .75 .75 < 1 |
Distance Learning Percent | 1 - .25 - .5 1 minus In Person Absent Percent minus Percent Attended | .25 Absence - DL reports as 25. .25 is between 0 and .25 |
Example 7: Student is 75% FTE
- Period 1 - 55 minutes (In Person present)
- Period 2 - 55 minutes (In Person absent)
- Period 3 - 60 minutes (Distance Learning absent)
NOTE: Period minutes between 55 and 60 count as 60 minutes.
Action | Calculation | Result |
Sum Attended Minutes for In Person Present | Period 1 (55) = 60 | 60 minutes |
Total In Person Attended Hours | 60 / 60 Total Attended Minutes Present / 60 | 1 hour 1 < 3 (expected hour count for 75% FTE) |
Total Remaining Hours | 3 - 1 FTE hours expected minus In Person Hours attended | 2 hours |
Total Attended Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 | 60 minutes |
Total Attended Hours | 60 / 60 Total attendance minutes divided by 60 | 1 hour 1 < 3 (expected hour count for 75% FTE) |
Distance Learning Minutes Attended | 0 | 0 |
Total Scheduled Minutes | Period 1 (55) = 60 + Period 2 (55) = 60 + Period 3 (60) | 180 minutes |
Total Scheduled Hours | 180 / 60 Total scheduled minutes divided by 60 | 3 hours 3 = 3 (expected hour count for 100% FTE) Total attendance minutes (60) < Total scheduled minutes (180) |
Total Attended Distance Learning | 0 / 180 Distance Learning Attended Minutes divided by Total Scheduled Minutes | 0 In Attendance - DL does not report. Student has no DL attendance minutes. |
In Person Absent Minutes | Period 2 (55) = 60 | 60 |
Distance Learning Absent Minutes | Period 3 (55) = 60 | 60 |
Percent Attended | 60 / 180 Total attended minutes / Total scheduled minutes | .33 |
In Person Absent Percent | 60 / 180 In Person Absent Minutes / Total Scheduled Minutes | .33 Percent attended + In Person Absent Percent = .66 .66 < 1 |
Distance Learning Percent | 1 - .33 - .33 1 minus In Person Absent Percent minus Percent Attended | .33 Absence - DL reports as 25. .33 is between 0 and .33. |
Grades 9-12 Logic
Sum total in person attended minutes and store this value:
- An in person attended period is a period that has no attendance code or has an attendance code with an Absent Status that is NOT Absent and the state code is NOT DLA or DLP.
- When a period has an attendance code with an Absent Status of Absent, the state code is NOT DLA or DLP and present minutes are entered, the present minutes should be included.
- When a period is between 55 - 60 minutes, then it should count as 60 minutes in the sum.
Calculate the number of in person hours a student has attended by dividing total in person attended minutes by 60.
- When in person attended hour count is greater than or equal to FTE hours, do not report resource at all:
- Stop processing here as resource should not report.
- When the student has 100% FTE, the student is expected for 4 hours.
- When the student has 75% FTE, the student is expected for 3 hours.
- When the student has 50% FTE, the student is expected for 2 hours.
- When the student has 25% FTE, the student is expected for 1 hours.
- When the student has 00% FTE, the student is not expected for any hours.
- When in person attended hour count is less than (<) FTE hours, complete the following:
- Calculate the total remaining hours student needs to attend by subtracting the in person attended hours (rounded down to nearest whole number) from the FTE expected hour count. Store this number for future use.
- Calculate the total attended minutes for the student using the Negative Method 2 calculation
- When total attended minutes divided by 60 is >= FTE hours, then multiply the total remaining hours student needs to attend by 25. Report this value as In Attendance - DL.
- Stop processing here as 'In Attendance - DL' should only report.
- Whentotal attended hours is less than (<) FTE
- Sum total distance learning attended minutes:
- A distance learning attended period is a period that has an attendance code with a state code of 'DLP'.
- When a period has an attendance code with a state code of 'DLA' and present minutes are entered, the present minutes should be included.
- When a period is between 55 - 60 minutes, then it should count as 60 minutes in the sum.
- Sum total scheduled minutes for the day. Note: when a period is between 55 - 60 minutes, then it should count as 60 minutes in the sum.
- Calculate total scheduled hours by dividing total scheduled minutes by 60. Note: Do NOT round this value.
- When total scheduled hours is > expected FTE hours, then set scheduled minutes to expected FTE hours multiplied by 60. Else, leave scheduled minutes as the original calculation.
- Report 'In Attendance - DL' by completing the following:
- Divide total distance learning attended minutes by total scheduled minutes and round to the second decimal place using normal rounding.
- Report 'In Attendance- DL' value based on the table below using percent attended and student's FTE. Continue processing to determine, what, if anything for Absence DL should report.
- When total attended minutes is >= total scheduled minutes, do nothing further. Stop processing here as no 'Absence - DL' record should report.
- When total attendance minutes is < total scheduled minutes, do the following:
- Calculate the number of in person absent and distance learning absent minutes a student has and store each value.
- In person absent minutes are when a student has an attendance code with an Absent Status of 'Absent' and the state code is NOT 'DLA'.
- When there are present minutes entered, then subtract the present minutes from the total period minutes and use that value in the sum.
- Distance learning absent minutes are when a student has an attendance code with a state code of 'DLA' .
- When there are present minutes entered, then subtract the present minutes from the total period minutes and use that value in the sum.
- In person absent minutes are when a student has an attendance code with an Absent Status of 'Absent' and the state code is NOT 'DLA'.
- When distance learning absent minutes = 0, then do nothing. Stop processing here as no 'Absence - DL' record should report
- Calculate percent attended by dividing total attended minutes by total scheduled minutes. Round to the second decimal place using normal rounding. Store this value.
- When in person absent minutes = 0, then do the following:
- Report 'Absence - DL' value based on the table below using percent attended and student's FTE (Note, this value should match what was reported in Event Duration * 100).
- Stop processing here as all values have reported.
- When both distance learning absent minutes and in person absent minutes are greater than 0, then do the following:
- Calculate in person percent absent by dividing in person absent minutes by total scheduled minutes
- When in person percent absent + percent attended is greater than or equal to 1, then do nothing.
- Stop processing here as no 'Absence - DL' record should report.
- When in person percent absent + percent attended is less than 1, then do the following:
- Calculate distance learning percent absent by subtracting both in person percent absent and percent attended from 1.
- Report 'Absence - DL' based on the table for the student's FTE:
- Report 'Absence - DL' value based on the table below using percent attended and student's FTE (Note, this value should match what was reported in Event Duration * 100).
- Calculate the number of in person absent and distance learning absent minutes a student has and store each value.
- Sum total distance learning attended minutes:
- When total attended minutes divided by 60 is >= FTE hours, then multiply the total remaining hours student needs to attend by 25. Report this value as In Attendance - DL.
Grades KG, UE, or 1-8
- Sum total scheduled minutes and multiply by student's FTE and store this value.
- Sum total in person attended minutes and store this value.
- An in person attended period is a period that has no attendance code or has an attendance code with an Absent Status that is not 'Absent' and the state code is not DLA or DLP.
- When a period has an attendance code with an Absent Status of Absent, the state code is NOT DLA or DLP and the present minutes are entered, the present minutes should be included.
- Use the Negative Method attendance definition of a period.
- When In Person Attended Minutes is greater than or equal to Total Scheduled Minutes, do not report resource at all.
- Stop processing here as resource should not report.
- When In Person Attended Minutes is less than Total Scheduled Minutes.
- Sum total distance learning attended minutes and tore this value.
- A distance learning attended period is a period that has an attendance code with a state code of DLP.
- When a period has an attendance code with a state code of DLA and present minutes are entered, the present minutes should be included.
- Determine total attended minutes by summing Distance Learning Attended Minutes and In Person Attended Minutes. Store this value.
- When Total Attended Minutes are greater than or equal to Total Scheduled Minutes
- Calculate remaining minutes needed by subtracting In Person Attended Minutes from Total Scheduled Minutes. Store this value.
- Divide Remaining Minutes Needed by Total Scheduled Minutes and round to two digits using normal rounding rules. Store this value as DL Percent Attended.
- When Total Attended Minutes less than Total Scheduled Minutes:
- Divide Distance Learning Attended Minutes by Total Scheduled Minutes, round to two digits using normal rounding rules. Store this value as DL Percent Attended.
- Report 'In Attendance - DL' based on the tables below using DL Percent Attended, a student's FTE, grade, and attendance reporting type.
- When grade is KG or UE:
- When Kindergarten code is A: Half Day Every Day:
- When Kindergarten code is one of the following:
- B: Full Day Every Other Day
- C: Full Day 3 Days a week
- D: Full Day Every Day Spring-Only
- E: Full Day Every Day
- F: Full Day Every Day Title 1
- When Kindergarten code is A: Half Day Every Day:
- When grade is 1-8:
- When Attendance Calculation is QD: Quarter Day:
- When Attendance Calculation is HW: Half Day/Whole Day:
- When In Person Attended Minutes is greater than 0:
- When In Person Attended Minutes = 0
- When In Person Attended Minutes is greater than 0:
- When Attendance Calculation is QD: Quarter Day:
- When grade is KG or UE:
- Calculate total percent attended buy dividing Total Attended Minutes by Total Scheduled Minutes and store this value.
- Calculate the number of in person absent and distance learning absent minutes a student has and store each value.
- In person absent minutes are when a student has an attendance code with an Absent Status of Absent and the state code is not DLA.
- When there are present minutes entered, then subtract the present minutes from the total period minutes and use that value in the sum.
- Distance learning absent minutes are when a student has an attendance code with a state code of 'DLA'.
- When there are present minutes entered, then subtract the present minutes from the total period minutes and use that value in the sum
- In person absent minutes are when a student has an attendance code with an Absent Status of Absent and the state code is not DLA.
- When Distance Learning Absent Minutes = 0, then do nothing.
- Stop processing here as no 'Absence - DL' should report.
- When In Person Absent Minutes = 0,
- Report 'Absence - DL' value based on the tables below using Total Percent Attended (rounded to two digits using normal rounding rules), student's FTE, and student's grade (Note, this value should match what was reported in Event Duration * 100)
- When grade is KG or UE:
- When Kindergarten code is A: Half Day Every Day:
- When Kindergarten code is one of the following:
- B: Full Day Every Other Day
- C: Full Day 3 Days a week
- D: Full Day Every Day Spring-Only
- E: Full Day Every Day
- F: Full Day Every Day Title 1
- When Kindergarten code is A: Half Day Every Day:
- When grade is 1-8:
When Attendance Calculation is QD: Quarter Day:
When Attendance Calculation is HW: Half Day/Whole Day:
Stop processing here as all values have reported.
- When grade is KG or UE:
- Report 'Absence - DL' value based on the tables below using Total Percent Attended (rounded to two digits using normal rounding rules), student's FTE, and student's grade (Note, this value should match what was reported in Event Duration * 100)
When In Person Absent Minutes and Distance Learning Absent Minutes are both greater than 0.
Calculate in person percent absent by dividing in person absent minutes by total scheduled minutes.
When in person percent absent + total percent attended is greateer than or equal to 1, then do nothing.
- Stop processing here as no 'Absence - DL' record should report.
- When in person percent absent + total percent attended is less than 1, then do the following:
- Calculate distance learning percent absent by subtracting both in person percent absent and total percent attended from 1 and round to two digits using normal rounding rules.
- Report 'Absence - DL' value based on the tables below using distance learning percent absent, student's FTE, and student's grade.
- When grade is 1-8:
- When Attendance Calculation is QD: Quarter Day:
- When Attendance Calculation is HW: Half Day/Whole Day:
- When Attendance Calculation is QD: Quarter Day:
- When grade is 1-8:
- Report 'Absence - DL' value based on the tables below using distance learning percent absent, student's FTE, and student's grade.
- Calculate distance learning percent absent by subtracting both in person percent absent and total percent attended from 1 and round to two digits using normal rounding rules.
- Sum total distance learning attended minutes and tore this value.
Student is in person or is AOI
When the student is not in a BLG, there is no 'Virtual Code Override' day event on the calendar, the student/calendar has an attendance type of 017, or the student has a local service type of T:AOI, do not report.
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