Special Education Students (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Tool Search: ISEE Extracts

The Special Education Students reports active and exited Special Education students and those students who are not yet identified as needing special education services but who have been evaluated. Students with Plans and/or Evaluations will be included in the report.

Users are recommended to use the 2013 or newer print formats for Idaho Evaluations. These formats include the fields needed for data collection found in the Eligibility Determination editor.

  • Active Special Education students have an enrollment and a locked IEP that is active (based on start and end date) at least one day during the reporting date range.
  • Exited Special Education students have a locked IEP that is active (based on start and end date) at least one day during the date range AND they have a date entered for Inactive Date on the Enrollments Tab that falls within the reporting date range.

Screenshot of the Special Education Students ISEE extract editor.
 Image 1:   Special Education Students   (ISEE Extract Editor) 

Special Education Students Extract Logic

A record reports for each of the following scenarios. Multiple records may report per student:

  • Student has one or more locked IEPs active on the extract End Date. Data reports from the most recent locked IEP.
  • Student has only an Initial Evaluation active during the extract date range. To report, student may not have an IEP active between the Initial Eval Date and the extract End Date.
  • Student has a Special Ed Exit Date on their Enrollment that falls within the extract date range.
  • For each reportable student, one record reports for each reportable IEP or Evaluation:
    • A Reportable Studentis one who:
      • Has at least one active enrollment in the selected calendar(s) that is not marked as No Show or State Exclude and is not in a Grade Level or Calendar marked as State Exclude.
      • Students with partial enrollments are included if the 'Include Partial Enrollments' checkbox is marked.
    • A Reportable Planis one that: 
      • Belongs to a student with a Special Ed Status of SE: Special Education or U: Undetermined and is
      • Locked and active during the Date Range entered in the extract editor.
      • An Active student should only report one record per IEP. If a student has two Plans that are active and locked during the date range; i.e., the Plan is renewed during the reporting period, one record from the most recent locked IEP is reported.
      • An Exited Student reports one record per Special Ed Exit Date on their Enrollment that falls within the extract date range.
    • A Reportable Evaluationis one that:
      • Belongs to a student with no active special education record within the extract Date Range or who has an Eligibility Determination Date on their evaluation that falls after their Enrollment's Special Ed Exit Date and is
      • Locked and not under Reassessment and has is flagged as Initial.
      • An Eligibility Determination Date that falls on or between the extract Date Range. 

If the document format does not contain all editors that capture data used in this report, a student record may not include all state-required data.

Report Editor Field Descriptions



Report Type

Select Special Education Students. The following ISEE extract types are also available:

Start Date

The earliest date from which data is pulled for the report. (Required)

End Date

The latest date from which data is pulled for the report. (Required)

Include Partial Enrollments

This checkbox indicates that secondary enrollments should also be included.

Ad Hoc Filter

This field allows users to use an Ad hoc filter that was created in the Ad hoc Filter Designer. Only one Student Ad hoc filter may be selected.


The format in which the report will generate. Options include CSV (State Format) and HTML.

Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. Can be set to display only the active year's calendars, or be sorted by school or by year.

Batch Queue

Users have the option of submitting a District Calendar report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Special Education Students Extract Layout


Description & Format

Campus Location


The student's unique Idaho Student Identification Number.

Numeric, 9 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID



The State School Number from the student's School of Origination. This is the school responsible for the student's education according to IDEA.

For Evaluation records, reports the school code of the school in the Student Demographics editor of the evaluation.

For active or exited Plan records, reports the school code of the Resident School in the Enrollment Status editor of the plan.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > State School Number; Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Student Demographics > School Name; Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Resident School



The school where the student receives their education, based on the student's School of Origination. If Serving School is not populated, reports the State School Number

For Evaluation records, reports as null.

For active or exited Plan records, reports the Serving School in the Enrollment Status editor of the plan.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving School OR System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number; Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > Enrollment Status editor > Serving School



The primary exceptionality of the student. 

  • Active Plan: reports the Exceptionality 1 from the reported plan's Enrollment Status editor. 
  • Exited Plan: reports the Exceptionality 1 from the Enrollment Status editor of the plan with an End Date closest to the student special education Exit Date. 
  • Evaluation: reports as null.

See the Exceptionality Code List following this table.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > ID IEP/Plan > Exceptionality 1



The Special Education Environment from the IEP/Plan that is active and locked at any time during the reporting date range. For an "Exited" student, this is the environment that was active at the time of the Special Ed Exit Date. Will report as Null for evaluation records.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > ID IEP/Plan > Special Ed Setting



The number of direct and indirect minutes per week the student receives services or that service providers consult on this student. For active and exited plans, calculated from all active, reportable related or ancillary services provided to the student in the IEP/Plan of record. Reports as Null for evaluation records.

This field only reports if the student is enrolled in a grade level mapped to a State Grade of PK. Value reports as a whole number. 

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > Special Education > IEP/Plan > Related Services > Minutes per Session/Session Frequency

Calculated, Not stored.


Reports as Y if the student's Determination Date is within the extract date range and the Early Childhood Referring Agency ID is ecDHW. If the Agency ID is not ecDHW, reports as N. Otherwise reports as null. 

Reported from the most recent locked Evaluation active on or prior to the Start Date of the student's reportable plan where Eval Type is a value other than Reassessment. Where no Plan exists, will report Transition Date if the Eligibility Determination Date is within the date range on an Evaluation.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Evaluation > Evaluation Editor > Early Childhood Referring Agency ID



Indicates if the eligibility decision was made prior to the student's 3rd birthday. Reports as Y if the decision is made prior to the student's 3rd birthday and N if after.

See the ECDecTim Field Logic section for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility Determination > Eligibility Determination;
Census > People > Identity > Birth Date

Calculated, not dynamically stored


Indicates how many days late the eligibility of IEP decision occurred if on or after the student's 3rd birthday. 

Must only report a value when the student is in a grade mapped to stateGrade=PK. When gradeLevel !=PK, ECDecLate must be blank.

When gradeLevel=PK, calculates the number of days between the student's Birth Date and the EC Eligibility Determination Date.

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility Determination > Eligibility Determination;
Census > People > Identity > Birth Date

Calculated, not dynamically stored


The reason entered for why the student's eligibility determination was delayed.

If ECDecTim reports as N, reports the EC Late Determination Reason.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility Determination > EC Late Determination Reason



Additional information about why the student's eligibility determination was delayed.

If the ECLateRea is O: Other, reports the EC Late Determination Reason Detail.

Alphanumeric, 250 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility Determination > EC Later Determination Reason Detail



The date on which the student was first identified as qualifying for Special Education services. Reports Eligibility Determination Date from the Eval marked as Initial. 

If the student does not have an Initial Eval, reports Eligibility Determination Date based on the earliest historic locked Eval.

If the student does not have an Evaluation, reports the Eval Date from the earliest historic locked Plan.

Otherwise reports as null.

Date field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY

(2012 Formats) Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility Determination Date

(Previous Formats)
Evaluation > Evaluation Date OR Plan > Start Date, Eval Date



The date the student first received Special Education services in the reporting year. If the student has an active, locked Plan, reports the Start Date  if it falls on or after the current year enrollment Start Date. If the Plan Start Date falls before the current enrollment Start Date, reports the current year enrollment Start Date.

For reporting purposes, multiple IEPs with no gaps between services are considered continuous service. In that instance, this field reports the date continuous service began in the reporting year, either the earliest IEP Start Date if it falls after the earliest Enrollments Start Date, or the earliest Enrollment Start Date if not.

Date field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY

Student Information > Special Education > Plan > Start Date



Reports the Start Date of the active locked ID IEP.

Date field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Plan > Start Date



Reports the Eval Consent Date. When reporting a record for an IEP, date reports from the locked Eval with the most recent Evaluation Date that is on or prior to the Start Date of the plan of record. When reporting a record for an Initial Evaluation, date reports from the locked Eval with an Eligibility Determination Date within the reporting date range.

Only reports if the IDSpedDate is in the current year.

Date field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation



Calculates the number of days from the locked Eval of record. If the number of days between the Eval Consent Date and the Reg Eligibility Determination Date from only a non EC Evaluation (or Evaluation Date if null) is less than or equal to 60, reports as Y. Otherwise reports as N

Only reports if the IDSpedDate is in the current year.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > Consent Date and Evaluation > Eligibility Determination Date OR Evaluation > Evaluation Date OR Plan > Eval Date

Calculated, not dynamically stored


If 60DTline reports as Y, reports the number of days calculated.

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > Consent Date and Evaluation > Eligibility Determination Date OR Evaluation > Evaluation Date OR Plan > Eval Date

Calculated, not dynamically stored


If 60DTline reports as N, reports the Late Determination Reason. Reports from only a non EC Evaluation.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility Determination > Late Determination Reason



If Late Determination Reason is SE, reports the State Exception Rule. Reports from only a non EC Evaluation.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Eval > Eligibility Determination > State Exception Rule



Reports based on the type of plan/eval:

  • Exited Plan: reports as N if the SEExit Date reports a value. 
  • Active Plan, no Evaluation: If SEExit Date is null and the student does not have an active, locked evaluation, reports the Special Ed Status of the reported plan.
  • Active Plan, with Evaluation: If student has an active, locked evaluation, reports the EC Eligibility Determination for an EC eval or the Eligibility Determination for other types of evals. If null, reports based on the Special Ed Status of the student's plan. 
  • Initial Evaluation: If the student has an active, locked evaluation but no plan, reports the EC Eligibility Determination for an EC eval or the Eligibility Determination for other types of evals. 


  • E if Sped Status or Eligibility Determination is E: Eligible
  • N if Special Ed Status or Eligibility Determination is N: Not Eligibile
  • if Special Ed Status or Eligibility Determination is U: Undetermined or WD: Withdrawn by Parent.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Exit Date; Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility Determination; Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > Special Ed Status



When reporting from an IEP that is Active or Exited and Special Ed Status contains a U: 

  • MO: Leave Code is 2A, 2B, or 2C
  • SD: Leave Code is 6A
  • WD: Special Ed Status is WD
  • NC: Consent Not Received (Eligibility Determination editor of the Evaluation) is marked. 

When reporting from an Initial Evaluation and student has no IEP, reports as NC if Eligibility Determination is U and Consent Not Received is marked. 

Otherwise reports as null.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Calculated, not dynamically stored


The status of the student relative to Special Education. If the Special Ed Exit Date is within the extract date range, reports as I (Inactive). If the student has an active, locked Plan and the Exit Date is null or not within the extract date range, reports based on Special Ed Status: A if SE: Special Education, I if N: Not Eligible or U: Undertermined. If the student does not have an active, locked Plan, reports based on whether the student has an Evaluation, as follows based on Eligibility Determination: 

  • If E, reports A: Active
  • If U, reports I: Inactive
  • If N, reports T: Tested not Eligible

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > Enrollment > Special Ed Exit Date OR Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > Special Ed Status OR Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility Determination

Calculated, not dynamically stored.


If the student is inactive, the date they left Special Education. Reported only if the date is within the reporting date range.

Date Field, 10 digits in, MM/DD/YYYY

Student Information > Enrollment > Special Ed fields



If the student is inactive, the reason that they are now inactive.

See the Exit Reason Codes following this table.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Enrollment > Special Ed fields



The Case Manager's unique Idaho Staff Identification Number for the staff person who has the active Case Manager role during the reporting date range. If there is more than one staff person listed as the Case Manager during the reporting date range, the person who has that role at the end of the date range reports. If more than one person has an active Case Manager Role at the end of the date range, the Staff ID of the person with the most recent Team Member Start Date reports.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Team Members



  • Any notes or comments about this student's record. Report text as entered in (dbo.SEEvaluationResults > discussionText) ONLY if field 18 Late Determination Reason (delayReason) reports as SD or ST.
  • Late Determination Reason Comments is not visible when Late Determination Reason is blank and/or NOT = SD or ST.

Alphanumeric, 250 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Eval

 Exceptionality Code List




Specific Learning Disability 


Intellectual Disability


Speech Impairment


Language Impairment


Emotional Behavioral Disorder


Other Health Impairment


Orthopedic Impairment


Hearing Impairment


Visual Impairment




Multiple Disabilities


Developmental Delay 


Autism Spectrum Disorder


Traumatic Brain Injury

 Service Type Options




Speech Therapy


Language Therapy


Occupational Therapy


Physical Therapy


School Psychological Services


Social Work


Licensed Psychological Services


Adaptive PE


School Health




Vision Services


Hearing Services


Specially Arranged Transportation


Family Support Services


One-to-one Paraprofessional in general classroom


Vocational services (Job coach/placement)


Vocational rehabilitation


Assistive Technology Device


Assistive Technology Service


Intensive Behavior Intervention


One-to-one Paraprofessional outside of gen classrm


Hearing Interpretive Services


Title I Services


Psycho-Social rehabilitation


Orientation and Mobility


Community-based education


Emotion/Behavior intervention


Extended School Year


Other Spec Ed Services

ECDecTim Field Logic




  • The student does not have an active or exited Plan during the extract date range. 
    • The student has an active, locked Eval with an Eval Type is not Reassessment.
    • The Eligibility Determination Date falls during the extract date range
    • The EC Eligibility Determination Date is on or before the student's 3rd birthday.
  • The student has an active or exited Plan during the extract date range. 
    • The student has an active, locked Eval with an Eval Type other than Reassessment.
    • The Evaluation Date falls on or is prior to the start date of the locked Plan.
    • The EC Eligibility Determination Date is on or before the student's 3rd birthday.


  • The student does not have an active or exited Plan during the extract date range. 
    • The student has an active, locked Eval with an Eval Type other than Reassessment. 
    • The Eligibility Determination Date falls during the extract date range.
    • The EC Eligibility Determination Date is after the student's third birthday.
  • The student has an active or exited Plan during the extract date range. 
    • The student has an active, locked Eval with an Eval Type other than Reassessment.
    • The Evaluation Date falls on or is prior to the start date of the locked Plan.
    • The EC Eligibility Determination Date is after the student's 3rd birthday.

Exit Reason Codes





Graduated - Met State Standards

Student exited by meeting comparable academic requirements that are equally as rigorous as regular academic requirements established by the district and received an identical diploma. Also include:

  • Students who continued in secondary education and a GED program and received a GED
  • Students incarcerated in juvenile detention or adult corrections and received a GED.


Completed - Adapted Requirements

Student received a diploma by completing graduation requirements that modified the coursework, exempted the student from the course, or identified alternate methods of demonstrating competence as identified by the IEP team.


Reached maximum age

Student completed the semester in which he or she turned 21 without receiving a diploma or certificate.


Dropped out

Student was on last year’s child count, is not currently enrolled, and does not meet the definition for any other inactive reason.

  • dropouts
  • runaways
  • expelled students (not receiving district services)
  • students whose status is unknown
  • students who left school and then received a GED


Transfer to Another Education Environment

Student moved out of the district’s catchment area or otherwise transferred to another district or LEA and is known to be continuing in a general or special education program. Include students receiving education in:

  • residential treatment centers
  • juvenile detention centers
  • correctional facilities
  • private schools
  • Job Corps
  • Virtual Charter Schools
    To use this code there must be verification that the student is continuing in some education program in the form of a request for records or a statement from the parents.


No Longer Eligible for Program

Student no longer has an IEP and receives all educational services from a regular education program. Include: • Students placed in a private school who are receiving general but not special education • Students known to be receiving general but not special education in a home school setting. • Students no longer receiving special education due to parental revocation of consent.



Student died since the last count.


Revoked Consent

10Extended School Year
12Summer Break




