Setup for Reporting MCCC Data via Ed-Fi

Use this overview for the basic setup for reporting MCCC data via Ed-Fi. Refer to the individual resource articles for detailed information about data elements, descriptors, and reporting logic. See Index > State Specific Information > Minnesota > Minnesota Ed-Fi > MN Ed-Fi Resources. The list of resources relevant to MCCC can be found in step 3 'Resource Mapping' located below in this article.

1. Prerequisite: Setup of new School Year

  1. Follow setup for new school year
  2. MN Ed-Fi Checklist for Starting the 2024-2025 School Year
  3. Setup of new 24-25 Ed-Fi Configuration. Key and secret provided by MDE.

2. MCCC Grading Task

Create or use existing state reported grading task. Recommendation: 1 for Elem, 1 for MS, 1 for HS > transcript.

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Task needs to be added to each reported course(s).

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3. Resource Mapping

Grades (Grading Tasks) 

Map each grading task for MCCC in the Ed-Fi Grades Resource.

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Click HERE for a link to Grades Resources documentation.

Grade Levels

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Click HERE for a link to Grade Levels Resources documentation.

Grading Periods

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Click HERE for a link to Grading Periods Resources documentation. 


Map Calendars to Ed-Fi Code(s). If unsure which code to use, please check with MDE which Ed-Fi Calendar Code Descriptor should be used for state reported calendars in 24-25 and later. Calendars need to have instructional days marked as School Day, Instruction, Attendance

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Click HERE for a link to Calendars Preferences documentation.

Class Periods 

If applicable – only needs to be filled out for reporting non-instructional periods). Class Period Type Descriptor defaults to report ‘During School’.

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Click HERE for a link to Class Periods Preferences documentation.


Auto-mapped – Course need 5 digit numeric state code, exclude courses that should not report to MDE via the ‘State Exclude’ box on the course editor.

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Click HERE for a link to Courses Preferences documentation. 

Course Offerings


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Click HERE for a link to Course Offerings Preferences documentation.



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Click HERE for a link to Sections Preferences documentation. 


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Click HERE for a link to Sessions Preferences documentation.

Teachers – Staff Section Associations

Primary Teacher of the section

Prerequisite: Ed-Fi ID = File Folder Number and indicator ‘Teacher of Record’

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Click HERE for a link to Staff Section Associations documentation.

Section Rosters - Student Section Associations

Auto-mapped to Ed-Fi Descriptors

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Click HERE for a link to Student Section Association documentation.

4. Other Considerations

  1. Issue: Courses marked state exclude still report to MDE. 
    1. Check if the course master was marked as state excluded and has been pushed down to schools. If a course is marked as not state reported it should not be reporting to MCCC.
    2. Please double check data. Uncheck ‘state report exclude’ and recheck > save. A resync for all schedule related data including courses for this school should be performed as well.
  2. Best practice for entering the state code for the course is to NOT enter a leading zero. Local Course numbers should also not begin with a zero or a letter or special character.
  3. The days for term start and end dates must be marked as instructional (in addition to school / attendance day). For example, if the last instructional day of Term1 falls on a Friday, then the start date of Term 2 should be the following Monday (not Saturday).’
  4. Terms and periods need to have all information entered. Periods ALWAYS need start and end time. Courses/Sections or Periods cannot be responsive.
  5. For MCCC each reported period needs the start and end time filled in, if state reported courses are scheduled into it.

Any district attempting to submit MCCC data needs to be on the most recent version of Campus.