Special Education Table 13 Extract

Tool Search: Special Education Extracts

The Table 13 Extract reports a count of students with and without disabilities, ages 3-21, subject to expulsion. Two rows report for each LEA.

Screenshot of the Special Education Table 13 Extract editor.Special Education Table 13 Extract

Report Logic

In order to be included in the report, students must have a behavior resolution with a State Code of one of the following:

  • S5: Expulsion - less than one calendar year
  • S6: Expulsion - one calendar year
  • S7: Expulsion - more than one calendar year

Row 1: Count of Children with Disabilities, Ages 3-21 Logic

Students must have a Special Ed Status of Y: Yes on or after the behavior incident date.

Students must be enrolled in one of the following state grade levels:

  • ECH
  • PKA
  • PKP
  • PKH
  • PKF
  • K4A
  • K4P
  • K4F
  • K5A
  • K5P
  • K5F
  • 001-012

Row 2: Count of Children without Disabilities, Grades K-12

Students do not have a Special Ed Status of N: No IEP or E: Exited on or after incident date.

Students must be enrolled in one of the following state grade levels:

  • K4A
  • K4P
  • K4F
  • K5A
  • K5P
  • K5F
  • 001-012

Row 2 does not count students in Pre-K grade levels.

Report Editor



Extract Type

Determines the type of Extract being generated. For this extract, select Table 13 Extract.

FormatDetermines how the extract generates. Extracts can be generated in State Format (comma delimited) or HTML. Use the HTML format for reviewing and verifying data prior to submission to the state. Use the State Format for submitting the data to the Department of Education.
Report Generation

To generate the report immediately, use the Generate Extract option. To choose when the report generates, use the Submit to Batch option. Submit to Batch is useful when generating the report for several calendars or for larger amounts of data being reported. See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Table 13 Extract

  1. Select the Table 13  Extract from the Extract Type dropdown.
  2. Select the Format of the extract.
  3. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button, if available. The extract displays in the selected format.

Report Layout

Element Name
Row 1: Row 1: Per LEA, Total number of children with disabilities, ages 3-21

Reports the district number of the reporting school.

Numeric, 9 digits

District Information > State District Number


Count - Children Subject to Expulsion - Received Education Services During Expulsion

Reports the total number of students who have:

  • A Behavior Resolution State Code of S5, S6 or S7.
  • An Alternate Education Assignment  of AR: Received Services.
  • A Special Ed Status of Y: Has IEP at the time of the Behavior Incident.
  • A Special Ed Service Exit Date that is either null, on or after the Behavior Incident date.

Numeric, 10 digits

Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Resolution Details > Resolution Type

Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Resolution Details >Alt. Ed Assignment and Services

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Service Exit Date

Count - Children Subject to Expulsion - Did not Receive Educational Services During Expulsion

Reports the total number of students who have:

  • A Behavior Resolution State Code of S5, S6 or S7.
  • An Alternate Education Assignment  that is not AR: Received Services.
  • A Special Ed Status of Y: Has IEP at the time of the Behavior Incident.
  • A Special Ed Service Exit Date that is null or after the Behavior Incident date.

Alphanumeric, 255 characters

Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Resolution Details > Resolution Type

Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Resolution Details > Alt. Ed Assignment and Services

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Service Exit Date

Row 2: Per LEA, Total number of children without disabilities, grades K-12

Reports the district number of the reporting school.

Numeric, 9 digits

District Information > State District Number


Count - Children Subject to Expulsion - Received Education Services During Expulsion

Reports the total number of students who have:

  • A Behavior Resolution State Code of S5, S6 or S7.
  • An Alternate Education Assignment  of AR: Received Services.
  • A Special Ed Status of blank, N: No, E: Exited.
  • A Special Ed Service Exit Date that is on or before the Behavior Incident date.

Numeric, 10 digits

Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Resolution Details > Resolution Type

Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Resolution Details >Alt. Ed Assignment and Services

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Service Exit Date

Count - Children Subject to Expulsion - Did not Receive Educational Services During Expulsion

Reports the total number of students who have:

  • A Behavior Resolution State Code of S5, S6 or S7.
  • An Alternate Education Assignment  that is not AR: Received Services.
  • A Special Ed Status of blank, N: No, E: Exited.
  • A Special Ed Service Exit Date that is on or before the Behavior Incident date.

Alphanumeric, 255 characters

Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Resolution Details > Resolution Type

Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Resolution Details >Alt. Ed Assignment and Services

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Service Exit Date