TSDS Extract (Texas)

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The Texas Student Data System (TSDS) is a statewide system for data collection, management, and reporting in Texas education. TSDS replaces and expands on the existing Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS).

To be considered for TSDS reporting, enrollments must overlap with at least one instructional day.

Interchange Descriptions

The following interchange information is used for loading data to the Education Data Warehouse (EDW).

Education Organization  

The Education Organization interchange is used to exchange organizational information about a state’s education agencies, from campus to Local Education Agency to Education Service Center to State Education Agency. In addition, the interchange (optionally) supports the definition of the education offerings provided by campuses, specifically the courses taught, the sections in each course offered and the class period and location of those sections, and the alternative/supplemental programs offered.

Education Org Calendar  This interchange identifies every weekday during the school year and identifies whether it was an instructional day. It also reports the attendance periods for each school selected.
Master Schedule  

The Master Schedule interchange is used for education organization’s education course offerings schedule.

SSA Organization AssociationThe SSA Organization Association Extension identifies the ESC/LEA fiscal agents and the ESC and/or LEA member(s) for each type of shared services arrangement (SSA) that exists among two or more ESCs and or LEAs.
Staff Association  

The Staff Association interchange is used to exchange a wide variety of personnel, demographic, employment, assignment, teaching, and attendance information about staff of education organizations.

Student  The Student interchange is used when only student identification, characteristic, and demographic information is required to be exchanged. The Student information includes identifiers, name sex, ethnicity and race, birth data and contact information. In addition, flags are included for economically disadvantaged, school food service eligibility, and limited English proficiency. Information is included regarding the student’s home situation, language(s), displacement status, and disabilities.
Student Enrollment  The Student Enrollment interchange is used to exchange campus enrollments and/or enrollments in specific class sections.
Student Attendance  

The Student Attendance interchange is used to exchange daily attendance or class-level attendance. The interchange schema can be used in cases where just absences are reported, or where both attendance and absences are reported.

Student Discipline  The Student Discipline interchange is used to exchange discipline incidents and discipline actions. The exchange may be used to exchange student discipline data for student records or longitudinal analysis or used to exchange anonymous discipline data.
Student Transcript   

The Student Transcript interchange is used to exchange a wide range of grade information. The schema can be used to exchange a complete academic record, select transcript information, report card grades for a grading period, or end-of-year report card or graduation associated with a student.

Student Program  

The Student Program interchange information is used to exchange students’ participation in programs. The interchange includes extensions for Bilingual, English as a Second language (ESL), Extended Year Services (ESY), Special Education, Career and Technical Education (CTE), Supplemental Services, and Title I Part A programs.

Student Restraint  

The Student Restraint interchange is used to exchange the student restraint events.

Kindergarten (EDCS Extract)  

The TSDS Kindergarten (EDCS Extract) includes student demographic and assessment data. Kindergarten EDCS data reporting is mandatory. LEAs who administer the Commissioner’s List of English Reading Instruments are required to collect and report this data. 


As of Release Pack .1901, this submission is no longer available. Users who want to report ECDS data should use the ECDS Submission option.

Student ParentThe Student Parent Interchange reports metadata about assessments, specifically the definitions of the assessments, the learning objectives, the learning standards, and assessment items. 
Student AssessmentThe Student Assessment Interchange reports data about assessments, specifically the definitions of the assessments, learning objects, learning standards, and assessment items.
Assessment MetadataThe Assessment Metadata interchange includes data about assessments, specifically the definitions of the assessments, the learning objects, learning standards, and assessment items. 

File Naming Convention


1District CodeThe district code for with the data is being uploaded.  (System Admin > Resources > District Information > State District Number) 6 digits
2Campus IDThe Campus ID if Campus data is reporting. 000 is used for district data.  (System Admin > Resources > School > State School Number) 3 digits
3Collection Code

The collection code is a character string that uniquely identifies the data collection.

The first four characters of the Collection Code are the ending year of the school year.

The next five characters of the Collection Code indicate the type of data being submitted. This is determined by the Submission dropdown in the extract editor  (TX State Reporting > TSDS Extracts) .

Additional types can be chosen using the checkboxes on the extract editor.

  • FALL1 - Submission 1
  • FALL2 - Submission 1 plus Resubmission checkbox

  • FALL3 - Submission 1 plus Working Collection checkbox

  • MDYR1 - Submission 2

  • MDYR2 - Submission 2 plus Resubmission checkbox
  • MDYR3 - Submission 2 plus Working Collection checkbox

  • SUMR1 - Submission 3
  • SUMR2 - Submission 3 plus Resubmission checkbox

  • SUMR3 - Submission 3 plus Working Collection checkbox
  • EXYR1 - Submission 4

  • EXYR2 - Submission 4 plus Resubmission checkbox
  • EXYR3 - Submission 4 plus Working Collection checkbox

  • TSDS - ECDS Interchanges/SPPI-14/Class Roster
9 characters

The timestamp is a date in YYYYMMDDHHMM format.

The Timestamp is a system generated value at the time the data is extracted.

12 digits
5InterchangeThe interchange is the name of the interchange being submitted.N/A