Many of the tools included in the Scheduling Components modules contain fields that are specific to the state of Missouri. These fields can be used for district-tracking purposes or these fields may directly affect state reporting. The information below further defines these state-specific fields to provide guidance in entering data.
Course Information
Tool Search: Course Information
The Course tool contains information about courses attached to this calendar or school. Many of the Course fields are unique to the state of Missouri. These fields are further described below. All other fields in the Course tool do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Course Information article.
Course Information Editor
Field | Description | Additional Information | Reports |
State Code | Course code that identifies assignment. Every assignment must be identified by a course code except pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and elementary classes in self-contained classrooms. When a teacher has more than one grade in a self-contained elementary classroom or is teaching morning and afternoon pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classes, show as separate assignments. |
Database Location: Course.stateCode
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > stateCode |
Competency Based | Indicates the course is competency-based for reporting purposes. |
Database Location: Course.competencyBased
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > courseInfo.competencyBased |
Dual Credit | Dual Credit, referred to as Dual Credit Site in Missouri, is the site at which instruction of a college credit (dual credit) course is given.
See the Dual Credit section below for the available codes and descriptions. |
Database Location: Course.pseoType
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > courseInfo.pseoType |
Program | Program, referred to as Course Program Code in Missouri, is the code identifying special funding or approval for the course.
See the Program section below for the available codes and descriptions. |
Database Location: Course.program |
MOSIS Course Assignment
Grade | Use the Grade field to select the grade level at which the curriculum for the course is designed to be taught. |
Database Location: Course.grade
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > courseInfo.grade | |
CTE Program Type | Use this field to select the course program type code of CTE approved program. |
Database Location: Course.programType
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > courseInfo.programType |
Online Learning | When course instruction is delivered online, mark this checkbox. |
Database Location: Course.distanceCode
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > courseInfo.distanceCode |
MOSIS Student Course Completion Extract |
Virtual Provider |
Use this field, to provide the code that identifies the entity responsible for the development of the virtual course content. The Virtual Provider value selected on the Section tool is the value that reports. When this field is left blank on the Section tool, the value reports from the Course tool.
When 15: Other is selected as the Virtual Provider, users MUST use the Other Virtual Provider field to enter the name of the entity and further details on the provider.
Database Location: Course.provider
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > courseInfo.providerID |
Other Virtual Provider |
This field is required when code 15: Other is reported in Virtual Provider field. When the entity is not listed in the virtual provider code list, please provide further details in this field. The Other Virtual Provider value selected on the Section tool is the value that reports. When this field is left blank on the Section tool, the value reports from the Course tool.
When 15: Other is selected as the Virtual Provider, users MUST enter the name of the entity and further details on the provider in this field. |
Database Location: Course.providerDisplay
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > courseInfo.providerDisplay |
MOSIS Student Course Completion Extract |
Report when a course is virtual instruction through MOCAP-Instruction or MOCAP-Curriculum. Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP).
The Virtual Instruction value selected for the section overrides the Virtual Instruction value selected in the Course tool.
See the Virtual Instruction section for the available codes and descriptions. |
Database Location: Course.virtualInstruction
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > courseInfo.virtualInstruction |
MOSIS Course Assignment |
Section Information
Tool Search: Section Information
The Section tool within the Course folder is provided as a view screen, listing all sections for the selected course and basic identifying information about that section - the assigned primary teacher, where the section meets, in what term and for what period, and how many students are in each section.
Once the user selects the Edit link next to a Section number, additional tools display, providing more details about that course section. Scheduling staff, principals, counselors, etc. can use the tools available in this view to manage course section information - entering grades, creating rosters, recording attendance, etc.
Many of the Section fields are unique to the state of Missouri. These fields are further described below. All other fields in Section tool do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Sections article.

Field | Description | Additional Information | Reports |
Dual Credit Site Code | Dual Credit Site Code is the sit at which instruction of a college credit (dual credit) course is given. |
Database Location: Course.pseoType
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Course Information > sectionInfo.pseoType |
Competency Based | Indicates the section is competency-based for reporting purposes. |
Database Location: Course.competencyBased
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.competencyBased |
Online Learning (Override) | When section instruction is delivered online, mark this checkbox. The section setting overrides the setting on the Course tool. |
Database Location: Section.distanceCode
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.distanceCode |
MOSIS Student Course Completion Extract |
Virtual Provider |
Use this field to provide the code that identifies the entity responsible for the development of the virtual course content. The setting on the Section tool overrides the setting on the Course tool.
The Virtual Provider value selected on the Section tool is the value that reports. When this field is left blank on the Section tool, the value reports from the Course tool. |
Database Location: Section.provider
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.providerIDOverride |
Other Virtual Provider |
This field is required when code 15: Other is reported in the Virtual Provider field. When the entity is not listed in the virtual provider code list, please provide further details in this field.
The Other Virtual Provider value selected on the Section tool is the value that reports. When this field is left blank on the Section tool, the value reports from the Course tool. |
Database Location: Section.providerDisplayOverride
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.providerDisplayOverride |
MOSIS Student Course Completion Extract |
Virtual Instruction |
Report when a course is virtual instruction through MOCAP-Instruction or MOCAP-Curriculum. Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP).
The Virtual Instruction value selected for the section overrides the Virtual Instruction value selected in the Course tool.
See the Virtual Instruction codes and descriptions section below for available values. |
Database Location: Course.virtualInstruction
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.virtualInstruction |
MOSIS Course Assignment |
Assessment Type | Determines the pre-code file for which to generate an extract. |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.assessmentType |
MOSIS Pre-Code File Extracts |
Map Sort | Use this field to indicate how labels are sorted. |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.mapSort |
Assignment Comment | Free-form notes used to indicate (1) job titles for Course 887900, (2) course titles for "Other" (xxxx99) courses, (3) supplemental assignment for Course 880000, (4) teachers assisted by an aide, (5) aides assisting a teacher, or (6) other nonstandard info. |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.assignmentComment |
N/A |
Caseload |
Number of students served in an educational setting other than a regularly scheduled class. Caseload is NOT allowed for CTE Enrollments. Caseload should report for all educators with Assignment Code = 60: Teachers. The number of students served in an education setting other than a regularly scheduled class. |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Couse > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.caseload |
MOSIS Course Assignment |
Position Code |
Position code of educator’s assignment. The June Summer Course Assignment file requires a record for every position code of 60: Teachers. A Position Code must report. When the field on the Section tool is left blank, the value reports from the Assignment Code on Census. When both fields are blank, a default value of 60: Teachers reports. |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.positionCode
Semester Code | The length of the course. |
Database Location: CustomSection.value |
MOSIS Student Course Completion Extract
Course Time Unit | The unit of time for which the grade and credit earned was for. (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, S1, S2, T1, T2, T3, YL) |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.courseTimeUnit | |
Minutes Per Week | Number of instructional minutes per week calculated from standard day length (SDL). |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.minutesPerWeek |
MOSIS Course Assignment |
Test Method | Method used to administer the assessment: oinline or pencil and paper. |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.testMethod |
MOSIS Pre-Code File Extracts |
Combined Course | Combined classes are situations where students of two or more different subjects or course sequence levels (or grade levels for self-contained elementary classes) are taught during the same time period by the same teacher. |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.combinedCourse |
MOSIS Course Assignment |
Assignment Num (0 excludes section) |
The number used to uniquely identify an instance of an educator's course assignment also used to link that course to the records of students within the course.
To exclude the section from the MOSIS Course Assignment, MOSIS Student Course Completion Extract, and MOSIS Student Assignment reports, enter a 0 (zero) in this field. Sections with an Assignment Number = 0 are excluded from state reports. |
Database Location: Section.assignment Number
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.assignmentNumber |
Late Start | The date on which the course is added after the school year has begun, filled for the first time after the beginning of the school year, or an individual replaces the original course educator after beginning of school year. |
Database Location: CustomSection.assignStartDate |
MOSIS Course Assignment
Early End | The date on which the course is eliminated prior to the end of the school year, the individual is transferred out of position prior to end of school year leaving position vacant, or the individual is replaced in the position with another individual prior to end of school year. |
Database Location: CustomSection.assignEndDate | |
Delivery Method | The way in which instruction is administered.
See the Delivery Method section for the available codes and descriptions. |
Database Location: Section.teachingMethod
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.teachingMethod | |
Program |
The Program code should designate the funding source in which staff are being paid.
See the Program section below for available codes and descriptions. Users are able to make a Program selection on the Course tool as well. Be aware that when a selection is made here in the Section tool, this is the selection that reports. |
Database Location: Section.program |
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) is a digital platform created to support K-12 teachers and improve student outcomes. Mark the HMH check box when the course is part of the HMH curriculum. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting. |
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.HMH |
N/A |
Distance Learning |
This field is used only for district-tracking purposes.
Database Location: CustomSection.value
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.distance_learning |
N/A |
Section Student Detail
Tool Search: Section Student Detail
The Section Student Detail tool provides a location where districts can collect course-related state reporting data for individual students in a course section. This data is not scheduling-related and can include both localized state reporting data elements provided by Campus (for example, Work Based Learning) and custom District-Defined data elements created by a district administrator. Section Student Detail is only available for districts in states with at least one Campus Attribute (i.e. a State Reporting field) for which they wish to collect data via this tool.
See the core Section Student Detail article for tool rights, Ad hoc, and instructions for using this tool.

Section Student Detail Side Panel
Select an existing record or click New to open the Section Student Detail side panel.

The following fields report on the MOSIS Student Course Completion Extract, MOSIS Student Assignment, and MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance extracts.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Dual Credit Site Code | Dual Credit Site is the site at which instruction of a college credit (dual credit) course is given. |
Database Location: dbo.sectionStudentDetail
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Query Wizard > Course/Section > Section Information > Section Student Detail > serviceDetail (sectionStudentDetail.serviceDetail) |
No Credit | A Yes/No dropdown indicating this student does not receive any credit for this course/section. |
Database Location: dbo.sectionStudentDetail
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Query Wizard > Course/Section > Section Information > Section Student Detail > noCredit (sectionStudentDetail.noCredit) |
Repeat | A Yes/No dropdown indicating this student must retake this course/section. |
Database Location: dbo.sectionStudentDetail
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Query Wizard > Course/Section > Section Information > Section Student Detail > repeat (sectionStudentDetail.repeat) |
Codes and Descriptions
Dual Credit
Click this Course Information Dual Credit link to return to the Course Information section.
Code | Description | Definition |
DIST | District | District was site of Dual Credit instruction. |
COLL | On College Campus | College campus was site of dual credit instruction. |
ITV | Instructional Television | Instructional Television was site of dual credit instruction. |
ACC | Area Career Center | Area Career Center was site of dual credit instruction. |
ITVN | Instructional TV non-Dual Credit Instruction | Instructional Television was site of non-dual credit instruction. |
Click this Course Information Program link to return to the Course Information table. Click this Section Information Program link to return to the Section Information table.
Code | Description | Definition |
00 | Nonfunded | Nonfunded (Used with district-funded [not state or federally assisted] Career Education, Non-State Approved Gifted,and Supplemental Programs and with general and pre-career education Familyand Consumer Sciences classes) |
01 | Career Education | Career Education (populated/system displayed on save) |
02 | Career Education Special Needs | Career Education Special Needs (Disadvantaged and Handicapped) |
03 | Title I. NCLB | Include those staff in a Title I targeted or school-wide building (not a school-wide building who is pooling their funds) who is being paid with Title I.A funds. |
04 | Title 1.C NCLB Migrant Program | Title I.C-ESEA (Migrant Program) |
05 | Title V NCLB |
Title V NCLB |
06 | Special Education | Special Education -K-12 and Early Childhood Special Education age 5K (kindergarten eligible) and 6 |
07 | Early Childhood/Parent Education | Early Childhood/Parent Education (Early Childhood Development Act) |
08 | Gifted | Gifted (use course code 990808) |
09 | Special Ed to other districts | Special Education (fiscal agent) services provided to other districts |
10 | Title IV NCLB | Title IV-ESEA |
11 | Safe Schools Educational Services Grant | Safe Schools Educational Services Grant (State) |
13 | Schoolwide Pool (Fed,State,Local Funds) | Include those staff in a Title I schoolwide building where funds are being pooled (state, local, and some federal funds) and for which those staff members are being paid from the pool. |
14 | Homeless | Homeless |
15 | Remedial Reading with District Funds | Remedial Reading, Reading Recovery, Early Literacy Learning-HB474 Reading Programs (Remdedial Reading) - Paid with District Funds |
16 | Juvenile Detention Center | Juvenile Detention Center |
17 | Early Childhood Special Education | Early Childhood Special Education - 3 and 4-year olds (and 5 Pre-K) |
19 | Special Ed by another district/co-op | Special Education (participating district) services provided by another district/co-op |
20 | Title II.A NCLB | Title II.A-ESEA |
21 | Federal Programs Administrative Pool | Federal Programs Administrative Pool |
22 | Reading First | Reading First |
24 | Extended Day Child Care Program | Extended Day Child Care Program (EDCCP) |
25 | Child Care Development Fund | Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) |
26 | 21st CCLC | 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) |
27 | Missouri Preschool Projects | Missouri Preschool Projects |
28 | Title II.D NCLB | Title II.D NCLB |
29 | Title III NCLB (LEP) | Title III – ESEA (English Learner) |
30 | Title VI Part B, Subpart 1 NCLB (REAP) | Title VI Part B, Subpart 1-Small, Rural School Achievement Program-ESEA (REAP) |
31 | Title VI Part B, Subpart 2 NCLB | Title VI Part B, Subpart 2-Rural and Low-Income School Program-ESEA |
32 | Even Start | Even Start |
33 | Comprehensive School Reform | Comprehensive School Reform |
34 | Charter Schools | Charter Schools (Federally Funded) |
35 | MO Options Programs | MO Option Program |
36 | Refugee Children School Impact Program | Refugee Children School Impact Program |
37 | At-Risk | Title I.D (ESEA) –Delinquent Institution –Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk |
38 | Title II.B NCLB (Math and Science Partnerships) | Title II.B – ESEA (Mathematics and Science Partnerships) |
39 | Title III NCLB (Immigrant) | Title III – ESEA (Immigrant) |
43 | Sch Improvement Grants | School Improvement Grants 1003(g) (SIG) - ESEA |
44 | School Improvement | Title I School Improvement (a) - ESEA |
50 | Missouri Virtual Instructional Program | Missouri Virtual Instructional Program |
51 | Early Learning Blended Funding | Early Learning Blended Funding |
52 | MOCAP Curriculum | MOCAP Curriculum |
Virtual Instruction
Click this Course Information Virtual Instruction link to return to the Course Information table. Click this Section Information Virtual Instruction link to return to the Section Information table.
Code | Description | Definition |
MOCAPI | MOCAP-Instruction | MOCAP Instruction (Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program) (old program code 50) |
MOCAPC | MOCAP Curriculum Only | Report for courses where districts are using the MOCAP curriculum (old program code 52). |
Delivery Method
Click the Section Information Delivery Method link to return to the Section Information table.
Code | Description | Definition |
AE | After School, Every Day | After School, Every Day (School Age Child Care) |
AS | After School, Some Days | After School, Some Days (School Age Child Care) |
BE | Before School Every Day | Before School, Every Day (School Age Child Care) |
BS | Before School, Some Days | Before School, Some Days (School Age Child Care) |
CO | Co-Teaching | Co-teaching, time during which two fully certificated teachers in the general education classroom (one general education teacher and one special education teacher) work together to provide instruction to students. Examples: Class within a class, team teaching, blended early childhood program. |
EC | Embedded Credit | Embedded Credit |
EL | Early Literacy | Early Literacy (K-2 program associated with Reading Recovery) |
H | Before-or After-School Services | Before-or After-School Services (including Early Childhood Special Education, MPP and Block Grant Early Childhood Program) |
IC | Instructional Coach | Instructional Coach |
IG | Individual/Small Group | Individual/Small Group-time during which a special education teacher provides instruction to a single special education student or a small group of special education students on a resource basis. Instruction could be in the general education classroom or in a setting removed from the general education classroom. Examples: Itinerant models and ECSE itinerant teachers, both traveling and school-based, speech/language pathology, resource rooms. |
IH | Institution Instructional Services | Institution (Delinquent or Neglected) Instructional Services - Before or After School |
IN | Early Childhood Sped (ECSE) Integrated Classroom | Early Childhood Special Education Integrated Classroom that has both ECSE students and up to 50% non-disabled peers. |
J | Career Ed Special Needs Disabled | Career Education Special Needs -Disabled |
JH | Career Ed Special Needs - Disabled, Before/After | Career Education Special Needs - Disabled, Before-or After-School Services |
K | Career Ed Special Needs-Disadvantaged | Career Education Special Needs-Disadvantaged |
KH | Career Ed Special Needs-Disadvantaged, Before/After | Career Education Special Needs-Disadvantaged, Before-or After-School Services |
LI | Low Incidence Self-Contained | Low Incidence Self-Contained - Time during which a special education teacher is responsible for the content of and provision of instruction to special education students in a setting primarily designed for low incidence disability categories, including multiple disabilities; deaf/blind; autism; physical, other health, visual or hearing impairments. See the Missouri State Plan for Special Education, Section IX, Class Size and Caseloads for more information. |
NI | Neglected Institution-Instructional Services | Neglected Institution-Instructional Services |
PA | Personal Assistant-Special Ed One-on-One Aide | Personal Assistant-Special Education One-on-One Aide |
PI | Push-in Instructional Method | Push-in Instructional Method |
RR | Reading Recovery | Reading Recovery |
RT | Reading Recovery Teacher Leader | Reading Recovery Teacher Leader |
S | Electronic Media-Satellite | Electronic Media-Satellite |
SC | Self-Contained (Special Education) | Self-Contained - Time during which a special education teacher is responsible for the content of and provision of instruction to special education students in a setting removed from the general education classroom. For ECSE, this would include reverse mainstream models. Example: Departmentalized instruction in a specific content area such as mathematics. |
0 | Team Teaching Member 0 | Team Teaching Member 0 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
1 | Team Teaching Member 1 | Team Teaching Member 1 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
2 | Team Teaching Member 2 | Team Teaching Member 2 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
3 | Team Teaching Member 3 | Team Teaching Member 3 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
4 | Team Teaching Member 4 | Team Teaching Member 4 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
5 | Team Teaching Member 5 | Team Teaching Member 5 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
6 | Team Teaching Member 6 | Team Teaching Member 6 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
7 | Team Teaching Member 7 | Team Teaching Member 7 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
8 | Team Teaching Member 8 | Team Teaching Member 8 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
9 | Team Teaching Member 9 | Team Teaching Member 9 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T0 | Team Teaching Leader 0 | Team Teaching Leader 0 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T1 | Team Teaching Leader 1 | Team Teaching Leader 1 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T2 | Team Teaching Leader 2 | Team Teaching Leader 2 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T3 | Team Teaching Leader 3 | Team Teaching Leader 3 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T4 | Team Teaching Leader 4 | Team Teaching Leader 4 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T5 | Team Teaching Leader 5 | Team Teaching Leader 5 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T6 | Team Teaching Leader 6 | Team Teaching Leader 6 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T7 | Team Teaching Leader 7 | Team Teaching Leader 7 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T8 | Team Teaching Leader 8 | Team Teaching Leader 8 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
T9 | Team Teaching Leader 9 | Team Teaching Leader 9 (Team teaching identifies teachers cooperating in a joint instructional project within the same subject and group of students. Each team should be identified by a number and each teacher's assignment for that team project must be identified by the same team number. Indicate the team leader by the letter "T" preceding the team number in the delivery system. For example, the leader of Team 1 within a building would be designated by a delivery system of "T1" and the other members of that team would be shown with a "1" in the delivery system. Report the total class enrollment for the team leader, and leave the enrollment blank for other teachers on the team. Team teaching delivery system codes are not to be used for special education teachers.) |
V | Virtual Class | Virtual Classes- Situations where students study subjects using technology, intranet and/or internet methods of communication that can take place outside of the regular school district facility. |
VH | Virtual Before/After School | Before/After School Virtual Classes - Situations where teachers work outside the regular school day to provide instruction to students using technology that allows the instruction to take place outside of the regular school district facility and at any time. |
PU | Pull-Out | Students pulled from regular classroom for supplemental instruction. Not used for Special Education Personnel. |
ST | STEM or STEAM | Educators that provide science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) or science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) integrated instruction. |
BI | Behavior Interventionist | Educators that provide comprehensive behavior support services, consultation, and staff training. |
Previous Versions
Scheduling Components (Missouri) [.2311 - .2343]
Scheduling Components (Missouri) [.2307 and previous]