Abbreviated School Day (Oregon)

The Abbreviated School Day Program tracks students who receive instruction or education services for fewer hours than most students in the same grade within the student's resident school district. Data recorded here reports in the Abbreviated School Day Collection. 

Overlapping records are not allowed. When a student's program status changes, the current record needs to be ended, and a new record needs to be added with the new program status.

Screenshot of the Abbreviated School Day editor, located at Student Information, State Programs. Abbreviated School Day Record

Read - Access and view the Abbreviated School Day tool.
Write - Modify existing Abbreviated School Day records.
Add - Add new Abbreviated School Day records.
Delete - Permanently remove Abbreviated School Day records.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Use the Federal/State Program Updater to import existing Abbreviated School Day records for students or to update records for multiple students.  

State Definition of Abbreviated School Day

An abbreviated school day means any school day during which a student receives instruction or educational services for fewer hours than most students in the same grade within the student’s resident school district. A student on an abbreviated school day for more than 10 school days per school year constitutes an abbreviated school day program.

Any student who has an IEP, a 504 plan, or is undergoing an initial evaluation to determine eligibility for either Special Education or Section 504 and who is placed on an abbreviated school day program for greater than 10 school days per school year must be reported in the Abbreviated School Day Collection. 

Each instance of a student being placed on an abbreviated school day program during the reporting period is entered separately. The reporting period for each school year is July 1 to June 30.

See the Oregon Department of Education website for more information.

Add an Abbreviated School Day Record

  1. Click New. The Abbreviated School Day editor displays. 
  2. Enter the Initial Program Participation Date
  3. Enter any Comments for this student related to their abbreviated school day.
  4. Enter a date in the Parent Signature for Information Receipt field. 
  5. Enter the total Student Weekly Minutes for the abbreviated day.
  6. Enter the total Resident District Weekly Minutes for the abbreviated day. 
  7. Select the applicable Program Reason Code for this student. 
  8. When the Program Reason Code is 06: Other, Enter Detail in Program Reason Comment, enter the reason for Code 06 in the Other (Required for Reason Code 06) field. 
  9. Enter the Expected Full School Day Return date. 
  10. Enter the Program Consent Parent Signature date.
  11. Click Save.

End an Abbreviated School Day record by selecting the record and entering a date in the Last Consecutive Participation Date field. Click Save when finished. 

Print a summary of the student's Abbreviated School Day records by selecting the Print Summary Report button. This lists all instances of their Abbreviated School Day records in chronological order (most recent first) with the provided comments. The Start Date (Initial Program Participation Date), End Date (Last Consecutive Participation Date), and Abbreviated School Day (Comments) are included in the report. 

Abbreviated School Day Field Descriptions

Initial Program Participation Date

Indicates the date the student started an Abbreviated School Day Program for this event.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > startDate (planOfStudy.startDate)


Abbreviated School Day Program

Last Consecutive Participation Date

Indicates the last date the student participated in the Abbreviated School Day Program for this event.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > endDate (planOfStudy.endDate)


Abbreviated School Day Program


Provides additional comments or notes about the student's participation in the Abbreviated Day Program. This field in included in the Print Summary. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > comments (planOfStudy.comments)


Abbreviated School Day Program

State Defined Elements

Parent Signature for Info. Receipt

Indicates the date the district obtained the required parental signature of acknowledgment of receipt for the student to participate in an Abbreviated Day Program. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > legalInfoSignReceived (planOfStudy.leagalInfoSignReceived)


Abbreviated School Day Program

Student Weekly Minutes

Lists the total number of weekly minutes the student participates in the Abbreviated School Day Program. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > studentWeeklyMinutes (planOfStudy.studentWeeklyMinutes)


Abbreviated School Day Program

Resident District Weekly Minutes

Lists the total weekly minutes available to other students in the same grade at the resident district who are not participating in Abbreviated School Day Programs. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > residentMinutesAvail (planOfStudy.residentMinutesAvail)


Abbreviated School Day Program

Program Reason Code

Selected code indicates the reason the student is on an Abbreviated School Day Program. 

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To help student meet their IEP goals related to behavior
To help student meet their medical needs
Student/parent choice to alter student's education program
Student/parent choice due to needing less than full school day credits to graduate
Student has limited access to school due to Court Order
Other, enter details in Program Reason Comment

Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudent > reasonCode (planOfStudent.reasonCode)


Abbreviated School Day Program

Other (Required for Reason Code 06)

When the Reason Code entered above is 06: (Other), enter detail in Program Reason Comment, additional information is required to describe further why the student participates in the Abbreviated School Day Program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudent > reasonComment (planOfStudy.reasonComment)


Abbreviated School Day Program

Expected Full School Day Return

Indicates the date the student is expected to return to a full school day. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > expectedReturnDate (planOfStudy.expectedReturnDate)


Abbreviated School Day Program

Program Consent Parent Signature

Indicates the date the parent signed required consent to place the student on an Abbreviated School Day Program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > consentSignReceived (planOfStudy.consentSignReceived)


Abbreviated School Day Program