Tool Search: MOSIS Extracts
The Pre-code File is used for the End-of-Course Exception Report, MAP, MAP-A, LEP/ELL and PRSFN Assessments and is collected six times during the year (due dates are listed in the table below).
Pre-code File Extracts Editor
Report Due Dates
Assessment | Grades | Due Date |
End-of-Course (EOC) Fall | Grades 9-12 | October 8 |
End-of-Course (EOC) Spring | Grades 9-12 | January 21 |
End-of-Course (EOC) Summer | Grades 9-12 | September 9 |
MAP Spring | Grades 3-8 | January 21 |
LEP/ELL (WIDA) Spring | Grades Kindergarten-12 | November 12 |
End-of-Course (EOC) Exception | Grade 12 | March 3 |
Personal Finance Spring | May 25 | |
Personal Finance Summer | August 31 | |
Personal Finance Fall | January 25 |
Based on the selected assessment type, the state creates a report showing all assessments taken by a student for students marked as enrolled on the third Wednesday of September or last Wednesday in January (Count dates in MOSIS Student Core - October and February report submissions). Districts can download this tab delimited file, made available so it can be merged into local systems for analysis.
If a student has not participated, districts have three options:
- Enroll the student in the spring administration of the assessment.
- Report to the DOE those students who had prior accountability fulfillment.
- Not respond and accept the Level Not Determined (LND) for the student. (No points awarded if LND is >= 5%.)
Report Logic for the Subject Field
There are two possible ways to set up data to populate the Subject field.
- Option 1: Map the state codes to the selections on the Subject dropdown list on the Assessment Test Detail.
- Option 2: Return the user-entered state code from the Dictionary Detail.
Option 1
Select the appropriate subject for each test, as defined in the table below.
Test Detail Subject Entry | State Code Returned in Extract |
Comm Arts | ENGL12 |
Math | ALGEB1 |
Science | BIOLO1 |
SocialStud | AMGOV1 |
Option 2
Enter the State Code on the Dictionary item for the Test Type in the Custom Attribute Dictionary.
When the MAP-A checkbox on the student's enrollment is marked, a record reports for each of the four state assessment subject codes (ENGLI2, ALGEB1, BIOLO1, AMGOV1). Only one record reports per student per state subject code. When more than one assessment record with an EOC exception code exists for a student for one of the four required EOCs, the record with the most recent date on the Test Score Detail reports. When the Assessment Type is ACT, all records report as blank.
Extract Layouts
The following extract layouts display dependent on the assessment type chosen.