National Records Exchange


This tool is only available for Campus District Edition users.

The National Records Exchange (NRE) allows student records to be exchanged among Campus districts across the nation. The National Router contains a registry of Campus districts that are participating in the NRE process of requesting and releasing student records across or within state boundaries.

Any Campus district may participate in the NRE, including districts that are currently DIS-connected to a Campus State Edition. 

This article includes the following topics:

screenshot of the national records exchange tool

Registration Process

The NRE registration process is performed through the National Records Exchange tool.

The following sections describe the NRE registration process:

Not Registered - Inactive

To register your district for the Campus National Records Exchange, read the Terms of Service, mark the I have read and agree to the Terms of Service checkbox (if you agree) and click the Register with the National Records Exchange button. 

Screenshot of NRE tool with status of InactiveNot Registered - Inactive

Once registration is complete, the Exchange Registration field will list the IP address and application name, the Registered By field will appear and list the user who initialized the registration process with a timestamp of when registration was requested and the Exchange Status field will display as "Active" (see Image 3).

When the registration is processed, a query is run on the district’s census data, specifically on school addresses. Associated cities and zip codes are bundled and sent to the National Router for district-searching purposes.

Cities and zip codes that exist for only a small percentage of the district's student population (1% or less) are not sent to the Router. For example, this prevents a Maine district from associating with the city and zip code of a student’s guardian who lives in Montana.

Registered - Active

When the National Router has received the request and authentication is complete, the Exchange Status will display as “Active.” The Exchange Registration field will report the IP address and application name. The Registered By field will list the user who initiated the registration process and a timestamp of when this occurred.

Screenshot of NRE tool with Active statusRegistered - Active

User Security Tool Rights

Location: User Account Information > Individual Tool Rights > Modify Tool Rights

Tool rights must be assigned to the individual(s) who will release and request national records transfers.

The district system administrator and his/her backup (if applicable) should be the only users with rights to the National Records Exchange tool.

The following tool rights relate to the full process of the National Records Exchange:

Student Information Rights

  • Student Information > General > Records Transfer - To request a records transfer, the user must be able to access the student’s Records Transfer tab.
  • Student Information > Allow Unfiltered Search - This allows unlimited searching.

System Administration Rights

  • Student Records Transfer - This tool allows the user to view all historical records transfer requests sent and received by the district. This tool may be helpful for historical records (after Process Inbox messages have been deleted).
  • Student Records Transfer > Notify Process Inbox - This tool allows the user access to the main page for monitoring the status of all records transfer requests. This includes request messages entering and exiting the district.
  •  Student Records Transfer sub-rights - The sub-rights in the records transfer area specify a user’s ability to access specific types of data/import wizards when made available through a released records transfer.
  • National Records Exchange - This allows user access to the NRE registration page for requesting participation and checking the active status, as necessary.

Initiating a New National Records Transfer

Tool Search: Student Records Transfer, Records Transfer

The Records Transfer tab is one part in the District to District records transfer process provided within Infinite Campus. This process provides a method to electronically share data between two districts with a common entity, such as state, region or governmental body. 

The state (or common entity) must have a record of the student in order for the records to be transferred.

New National Transfer Request

To Initiate a New National Records Transfer

Both the requesting district and releasing district must be using Campus and have National Records Exchange functionality enabled in order for this process to work properly.

  1. Select the New National Transfer Request button. A District Locator editor displays.
  2. Enter the State abbreviation of where the student records are. This is the only required field. 
  3. Enter the District Name, City Name of the district and the Zip Code, if known.
  4. Click the Search button to find matching results. Select the District if it is the correct match. The request will be sent.

The school will receive a message in the administrator's Process Alerts (formerly Process Inbox) to release the student's records. Once that is done, the transfer district will receive a message saying the records have been released.

Student Matching Logic

The former district will retrieve the national transfer request message from its queue and
 attempt an exact match of the student. Matches are determined automatically, through system logic, and require no user interaction.

Required Match Logic:

  • First Name
  • Last Name 
  • Birth date
  • Gender

 Additional Match Logic:

  • Middle Name (exact match or first initial match)
  • SSN

Match Not Found

  • If more than one student matches the criteria, the system will throw an error indicating that an exact match was not found.
    "Error Message: The student requested matches more than one record in your system, transfer not possible."
  • Similarly, an error will also occur if no exact match is found in the former district.
    "Error Message: The student requested does not exactly match any records in your system, transfer not possible."
  • If an exact match is not found within the former district, an invalid request error message will display. If the former district sends the error report to the new district, the new district will receive a confirmation of the request error.

Import Wizards

See the Data Import Wizards section of the Student Records Transfer article for more information.

National Router

The National Router is a server that Campus hosts and maintains. The router is a special-purpose version of the Campus application that maintains a master list of participating district agents. The router acts as a directory service: it locates the district from which a records transfer is requested and provides a secure channel through which those records may travel to the destination district.

National Router Agent

Tool Search: Agent Setup

Once a district has elected to participate in the NRE and has completed the proper registration procedures, a CampusRouter agent will appear on the agent list of the district, representing the agent dedicated to NRE data transfers. This agent communicates with the Campus agent (which represents the district student data).

Screenshot of agent setup tool with fields filled outAgents

The CampusRouter is the National Router Agent, which cannot be configured through the Agent tool but is available for viewing.

Router Zone

Tool Search: Zone Setup

The Campus (National Router) agent communicates exclusively with the district’s main Campus agent within a zone named NationalRouter that is scoped to allow exchange of data in All Schools and All Years.

The zone will NOT be available for configuration by the district.

Screenshot showing fields used for Zone setupZones

Router Data Access Rights

Tool Search: Data Access Rights

The Data Access Rights tool does not display data access rights or agents to the user. The Router automatically sets the necessary data access rights in the InfiniteRouter zone, and users cannot modify them.

Screenshot of data access tool rightsData Access Rights

NRE Withdrawal Process

If a district wishes to revoke its participation in the NRE process, they should submit a support ticket.

National records exchanges will no longer occur when NRE has been disabled. 

All NRE functionality will be removed; that is, the district will not be able to request or respond to national records transfers.

Terms of Service

Below are the National Records Exchange's terms of service.

Screenshot detail of terms of service