Requests and Rosters - Video

Tool Search: Requests and Rosters

General Information

The Requests and Rosters tool provides a means to quickly perform schedule-related tasks such as:

  • Mass-enter or delete course requests for a filtered group of students
  • Make adjustments to the status of several students on the same roster
  • Manually build a roster
  • Copy a roster to one or more other course sections

Requests and Rosters is typically used:

Where do I ...? 

The following table lists common tasks, shows the tool previously used to accomplish the task, and provides a video showing how each task is currently accomplished using Requests and Rosters. Select the corresponding video to see a a brief tutorial. The Fullscreen icon in the lower right corner of the video maximizes it.

Task Previous Tool Request and Rosters (Tutorials)

Add or remove course requests based on a scheduling team, an Ad hoc filter, existing requests, or from previous section rosters.


  • Create course requests for 9th grade required courses. 
  • Remove course requests for a specific course.
Screenshot of the Course Request Wizard tool.
Add Course Requests

Remove Course Requests

Copy section rosters from one course to another course.


  • Copy a Second Grade Homeroom from the current year to the Third Grade Homeroom they will occupy in the upcoming year.
  • Adjust the Homeroom roster and copy it to corresponding course rosters (e.g. Reading, Math, Science) into which the same group of students is to be placed.
Screenshot of Roster Copy Wizard tool. Copy, Then Adjust Rosters

Manually build section rosters for specific courses or grade levels or groups of students. Add or remove students from a section.


  • Filter to and add Special Ed students to a specific course section.
  • Manually add and remove students from a section of 4th Grade Music in next year's calendar.

Screenshot of Section Roster Setup tool. Manually Build Rosters (filter and add)
Manually Adjust Rosters

Indicate whether a student is repeating a course and/or receiving credit for a course. Update the Start and/or End Date for all students in a course section.
  • Mark students in an Independent Study course as Repeat or No Credit. 
  • Simultaneously update the Start and End dates for three different middle school exploratory wheel course sections that take place in the same term with the same students. 
Screenshot of Section Roster Batch Edit tool. Mark Students as Repeat/No Credit

Update Start/End Date for Entire Roster

Related Tools

Reports To Run and Why:

Request Batch Report prints a list of student requests, one page per student for the selected calendar, that can be given to students if necessary. This allows staff, students and parents to review and verify requests that have been made.

Request Detail Report returns student course request information for the upcoming school year. This information is used to plan the course schedule for the next school year, for example the number of sections that are needed to fulfill requests for a specific course.

Schedule Units Report shows a count of the number of units that can potentially be filled by a student's course requests. The report can be generated for all students, or filtered to only those students who have not requested enough courses to fill their schedule.