Requests and Rosters - Video

Tool Search: Requests and Rosters

General Information

The Requests and Rosters tool provides a means to quickly perform schedule-related tasks such as:

  • Mass-enter or delete course requests for a filtered group of students
  • Make adjustments to the status of several students on the same roster
  • Manually build a roster
  • Copy a roster to one or more other course sections

Requests and Rosters is typically used:

Requests: Enter, Edit And Adjust

This video demonstrates how to use the Requests and Rosters tool to enter, edit and remove course requests at a high school for the upcoming school year.

Rosters: Copy and Adjust

This video demonstrates how to use the Requests and Rosters to copy a roster from one course section to another using an elementary school as an example.  

Tasks completed include: 

  • Copying from one year to the next 
  • Removing a student from a roster 
  • Adding a student to a roster
  • Copying the adjusted roster to other course sections within the same year.

Related Tools

Reports To Run and Why:

Request Batch Report prints a list of student requests, one page per student for the selected calendar, that can be given to students if necessary. This allows staff, students and parents to review and verify requests that have been made.

Request Detail Report returns student course request information for the upcoming school year. This information is used to plan the course schedule for the next school year, for example the number of sections that are needed to fulfill requests for a specific course.

Schedule Units Report shows a count of the number of units that can potentially be filled by a student's course requests. The report can be generated for all students, or filtered to only those students who have not requested enough courses to fill their schedule.