MN v3.3 - Parents

This entity represents a parent or guardian of a student, such as mother, father or caretaker.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When the Guardian check box is checked AND 1 person is a student and 1 person is not a student.

  • The guardian does NOT have to be a member of the same household as the student to report.
  • Start date must be on or before today's date.
  • End date must be on or after today's date.

  • Person must have an Ed-Fi ID to send.
  • A record will not send if the student they are associated with has an enrollment marked as a no show, state exclude or enrollment is in a calendar or school marked as Exclude.
  • A record will not send unless the parent/guardian is also is saved as a 'Caregiver' on the student's Early Education tool.
  • A record will not send unless the Registration Date from the Early Education tool record is NULL or that it is prior to the end of the current year's end date.
  • A record will not send unless the exit date is NULL or that it is after the current year's start date.

A record will be updated when any of the following are changed and saved:

  • When the person’s identity record is changed.
  • When one of the person’s household locations is changed.
  • When one of the person’s household memberships is changed.
  • When one of the person’s relationships that is marked Guardian is changed.
  • When the contact information has changed:  Phone or email.
  • When the Early Education record that the Parent is tied to is chang.
DeleteN/A - a Parent record is a shared resource among all districts in the state and cannot be deleted.  When the Student Parent Association is removed, the district will no longer have authorization to see the parent record.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.

Delete/PostCascading Deletes:  The logic for an Ed-FI ID change will update all resources impacted by this change.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Business Rules

A parent record will report when they are a guardian to a student with an enrollment aligned to a scoped year.

  • The related pair start date must be null or on/before the scope year end date to report.
  • The related pair end date must be null or on/after the scope year end date to report.
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
  • A resync must be completed on the Parents resource when a new scope year is connected in order for this data to send.

When using data in Campus that has an effective date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year: Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report.
  • Previous Years: The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years: The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year: The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years: The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years: The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.

campusObjectTypeObject Key Data Source

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
relatedPairPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
contactPutEmail, Telephone
identityputFirst name, Last Name, Middle Name Suffix, gender

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Parents resource. Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for information to send to Ed-Fi.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O


idThe unique identifier of the resource. M 
parentUniqueIdA unique alpha-numeric code
assigned to a parent.

Report the following:

  1. ('District.entityID'+’-‘+'first 4 char of districtGUID'+“-“+'personID'), or if District.entityID is NULL, then...
  2. (‘District.type’+’District.number’+’000’+’-‘+'first 4 char of districtGUID'+“-“+'personID')

addressesReport the person's

This field is optional, does not 



electronicMailsThe numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the individual or organization belongs.

This field is optional, does not 


firstNameA name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during anothernaming ceremony, or through legal

Report the first name from the person's 

current identity record.

First Name

An appendage, if any, used to
denote an individual's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III).

Report the Suffix from the person's 

current identity record.

C Census >
People >
Identities >

An unordered collection of parent International Addresses. This entity represents a parent or guardian of a student, such as mother, 
father or caretaker.

This field is optional, does not 


languagesThe language(s) the individual 
uses to communicate. 

This field is optional, does not 


lastSurnameThe name borne in common
by members of a family. 

Report the last name from the 

person's current identity record.

MCensus >
People >
Identities >
Last Name

loginIdThe login ID for the user; 
used for security access 
control interface.

This field is optional, does not 


maidenNameThe person''s maiden name,
if applicable.

This field is optional, does not 


middleNameA secondary name given to
an individual at birth,
baptism, or during another naming ceremony. 

Report the middle name from the 

person's current identity record.

OCensus >
People >
Identities >
Middle Name

otherNamesAn unordered collection of parent Other Names. This entity represents a parent or guardian of a student, such as mother, father or caretaker.

This field is optional, does not


An unordered collection of parentIdentificationDocuments. 
This entity represents a parent or guardian of a student, such as mother, father or caretaker.

This field is optional, does not report.

personalTitlePrefixA prefix used to denote the
title, degree, position or seniority of the person.

This field is optional, does not report.

sexDescriptorA person's gender.
  1. Report the Gender from the Person's current identity record.
    • This is NOT legal gender.
  2. Report the following based on the value selected in the drop list.
    • Female report 'Female'.
    • Male report 'Male'.
    • If blank or Non-binary, report 'Not Selected'.
OCensus >
People >
Identities >

telephonesAn unordered collection of 
parent telephones. This entity 
represents a parent or guardian of a student, such as mother, father or caretaker.

This field is optional, does not report.

Classification of classroom
volunteer capacity of a parent.
E.g., Full-time volunteer or
part-time volunteer. General
purpose but initially implemented for Early Education.
If a value exists, and it is mapped in the Resource Preferences area, report the mapped value.

Otherwise, do not report.

OStudent Information > State Programs > Early Education > Participant Type


The extent of formal 

instruction a parent has received (e.g., the 

highest grade in school 

completed or its equivalent 

or the highest degree received).

This endpoint is actually 

referencing the levelOfEducation

Descriptor, with the specific namespace:



If a value exists, and it is mapped in the Resource Preferences area, report the mapped value.

Otherwise, do not report.

OStudent Information > State Programs > Early Education > Educational Background

birthDateThe month, day, and year on which the parent was born.Report the value if it exists.

Otherwise, do not report.

OCensus > People > Identities > Birth Date
householdIncomeAnnual income of the household in monetary
Report the value if it exists.

Otherwise, do not report.

OStudent Information > State Programs > Early Education > Household Income

householdSizeNumber of people in the household.Report the value if it exists.

Otherwise, do not report.

OStudent Information > State Programs > Early Education > Household Members

Is parent is receiving
interpreter assistance?
Report 'true' if checkbox is selected.

Otherwise, report 'false'.

OStudent Information > State Programs > Early Education > Requires Interpreter

_etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the 
version of the resource.

This field is optional, does not report.


Resource Preferences

The Ed-Fi Configuration tool is used to establish Ed-Fi data resources. 

The following describes how to set the resource preferences for the Parents resource. 

 If a mapping is changed, a resync must be performed on the resource in order for the new mappings to send correctly.
  1. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Classroom Volunteer Descriptors

     Any item not mapped will not report to Ed-Fi.
    EarlyEducationCaregiverMN Participant Type
    UI LocationStudent Information > State Programs > Early Education > Participant Type

  2. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Level of Education Descriptors

    EarlyEducationCaregiverMN Educational Background
    UI LocationStudent Information > State Programs > Early Education > Educational Background

  3. Click Save.