Daily Attendance Extract (Michigan)

Tool Search: MI State Reporting

The Daily Attendance Percentage report provides a list of students who are actively enrolled in the selected calendar(s) during the entered date range.

A day in attendance is defined as any day a student is enrolled and present for any part of the day.

Screenshot of the Daily Attendance extract editor.

If a student is enrolled in multiple calendars, the student is reported once based on the Enrollment record marked as the Primary service type. If more than one enrollment is marked as Primary or neither enrollment is marked as Primary, the attendance information for the earliest enrollment start date will be reported.

Generating the Daily Attendance Extract

  1. Determine whether to include district totals or individual calendar/school totals by selecting either the Combined or Separateradio buttons.
    • Combined Attendance Total will combine each selected calendar into one attendance total for district reporting.
    • Separate Attendance Total will report separate attendance totals for each individual calendar selected.
  2. Enter the Date Range for this report. Students actively enrolled at any time during the date range will be reported. Enter dates in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icons to select a date.
  3. Select Generate Extract or Submit to Batch to schedule the report to generate in the background. The report generates in PDF or DOCX format listing the attendance totals in the selected style (combined or separate).

Data Elements for the Daily Attendance Extract

The name of the School, address and phone number will appear at the top of the report. Signature and Date lines will appear at the bottom of each report. 

Element Name
Campus Location


Date range from which to report attendance information entered on the report editor.

A record will report for each Instruction day in the date range entered. 

Date field, MM/DD/YYYY

MI State Reporting > Daily Attendance > Date Range

Not dynamically stored

Number of Pupils Scheduled to be in Attendance

Total number of students actively enrolled on the indicated date. Only primary enrollments are counted. 

Numeric, 5 digits

Calculated from Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date, End Date, Service Type; MI State Reporting > Daily Attendance > Date Range

Number of Pupils in Attendance

Total number of students who are in attendance on the indicated date. 

Numeric, 5 digits

Calculated from Student Information > General > Attendance

Percentage in Attendance

Percentage of pupils in attendance versus pupils scheduled to attend.

Calculation is based on Number of pupils in attendance divided by Number of Pupils Scheduled to be in Attendance.

Numeric, 5 digits

Calculated, not dynamically stored


