Student Daily Attendance Report (Maine)

Tool Search: Attendance Report

The Student Daily Attendance Report details student daily attendance data for upload into the Maine Department of Education's state system.

Screenshot of the Maine Student Daily Attendance Report.Maine Student Daily Attendance Report Editor

Report Logic

Logic determines the report population as follows:

  • Reports one record per student's date of reportable attendance per school.
    • A student must have a Primary Enrollment in the calendar(s) selected on the report editor.
    • Students with enrollment records marked State Exclude are excluded from reporting.
    • Students with enrollment records marked No Show are excluded from reporting.
    • Students in Grade Levels marked Exclude from state reporting are excluded from reporting.
    • Students in calendars marked Exclude are excluded from reporting.
    • A student must have reportable attendance in their Primary Enrollment for a Date record to report.
      • Days NOT flagged School, Instruction, and Attendance - do not report.
      • Days the student is either not enrolled or is not rostered into at least one attendance-taking class in the Primary Enrollment do not report.
      • ONLY Enrollments in Calendars selected on the extract editor are considered.
        • Should there be multiple enrollments for the same student, in the same school, on the same date AND attendance is tied to both: total attendance minutes calculate from all selected calendar enrollments in the same school on that date report the derived Attendance Status to the enrollment marked primary. 

Please see the Attendance Calculation Terms section below for more information about what constitutes a Scheduled Day, Enrolled Day, etc.

Generating the Extract

  1. Select the Reporting Period. The quarter selected in this field will pre-populate the Start and End Dates as follows:
    • Quarter 1: Start Date with 07/01/YYYY & End Date with 09/30/YYYY
    • Quarter 2: Start Date with 10/01/YYYY & End Date with 12/31/YYYY
    • Quarter 3: Start Date with 01/01/YYYY & End Date with 03/31/YYYY
    • Quarter 4: Start Date with 04/01/YYYY & End Date with 06/30/YYYY 
  2. Enter a Start Date.
  3. Enter the End Date. This is the last day in the date range of reported data. Only data between the Start and End Date is reported.
  4. To exclude cross-site data from the report, mark the Exclude Cross-Site Data option. To include this data, be sure the checkbox is left unmarked. 
  5. Select which State Grade Levels will report data. 
  6. Select which Calendars will report data.
  7. Select the report Format. For submission to the state, select the CSV (State Format). 
  8. To further narrow results, select an Ad Hoc Filter (optional).
  9. Decide if you want to generate the report or send the report to the state: 

    Generate Report

    Click the Generate Report button to immediately generate the report. The report will appear in a separate window in the designated format.

    Submit to Batch

    Clicking the Submit to Batch button to send the extract to the Batch Queue List. Batch Queue functionality provides the ability to schedule when the extract is generated and allows users to navigate away from the Student Daily Attendance editor while the extract is being built. The Batch Queue List also lets users view and access historical reports which were run through the Batch Queue tool.

    Send to State

    Clicking the Send to State button will send the report data to the state system (Synergy). Reports sent to the state will appear in the Web Service Queue List where you can view its current status (Status), view all data sent to the state (View Submission), and review any errors returned from the state (View Result).


    This functionality requires proper Web Service Account and Web Service Configuration setup.

Understanding the Report

Use the table below to better understand what each report column means and how it reports data.

Format and LengthCampus UI and Database Location

Logic reports the District Number associated with the student's enrollment record.

Numeric, 4 digitsSystem Administration > Resources > District Info > State District Number

State Student ID

Logic reports the Student State ID of the student.

Numeric, 9 digitsCensus > Demographics > Student State ID

School ID

Logic reports the School Number associated with the student's enrollment record.

Numeric, 4 digitsSystem Administration > Resources > School > School Number

Year Code

Logic reports the school year by concatenating the Start Year and End Year of the School Year associated with the student' enrollment record with a hyphen (for example, 2017-2018).

Datefield, 9 digits


System Administration > Calendar > School Years



DateThe attendance status date.

Report the instructional date of record

  1. Has School Day = true, AND Instructional = true AND Attendance = true
    1. Should any one of these be false, a date record would not report
  2. Has at least one period where Non-Instructional <> true
  3. Falls on/between a student's primary Enrollment Start Date and primary Enrollment End Date

Attendance StatusThe status of the reported date.

Report Derived attendance status (code) as follows:

  1. Report as Present when following is true:
    1. Student must NOT be flagged Absent Excused and/or Absent Unexcused for >50% of their scheduled day.
    2. Absent Exempt, counts as present
  2. Report as ExcusedAbsence when the following is true:
    1. Student MUST be flagged Absent Excused for >50% of their scheduled day
  3. Report as UnexcusedAbsence when the following is true:
    1. Student is flagged Absent Unexcused for >50% of their scheduled day
    2. Should a student have both unexcused and excused absences that total >50% of their scheduled day, yet individually neither excused nor unexcused marks total >50% of their scheduled day - report as UnexcusedAbsence 

ModalityThe instructional delivery model for the student on the reported date.

Logic looks to see if the Student has an active Instructional Mode record on that date:
  • If Yes, report: Remote
  • If no, report: FaceToFace

Attendance Calculation Terms

Instructional PeriodA Period where Non-Instructional <> true
School DayA Calendar Day where School Day = true AND Instructional = true AND Attendance = true
Enrolled DayA School Day that falls on or between a student's enrollment record Start Date and End Date. If End Date is null, the calendar End Date is used.
Scheduled DayAn Enrolled Day in which the student has at least one Instructional Period scheduled.
Minutes Scheduled

The sum of the minutes the student has scheduled in Instructional Periods minus Lunch Minutes within a Scheduled Day.

Minutes Absent

The difference of Minutes Scheduled minus the sum of all Instructional Periods where attendance Status = Absent AND Excuse <> Exempt less Present Minutes

Minutes Absent Excused

The difference of Minutes Scheduled minus the sum of all Instructional Periods where attendance Status = Absent AND Excuse = Excused less Present Minutes

Absent DayScheduled Day where (Minutes Absent / Minutes Scheduled) > 0.5
Excused Absent DayScheduled Day where (Minutes Absent Excused / Minutes Scheduled) > 0.5

Tool Rights

Users must have at least R(ead) tool rights in order to generate the Student Daily Attendance Report.

Screenshot of the Tool Rights Editor highlighting the Student Daily Attendance section.Student Daily Attendance Report Tool Rights