Core SIF - Authentication

Tool Search: SIF

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

The Authentication object allows a system that stores usernames and/or passwords to share them with other applications through SIF. The provider of the Authentication object may only support providing a username or a password, or it may support both.

The Authentication object is also able to transmit a user's network identity through SIF. If the user has an account in a network directory system that supports LDAP, the user's distinguishedName or username is shared to uniquely identify the user to applications that support LDAP or native network authentication options.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Batch SIF_Condition elements:

  1. @RefId
  2. @SIF_RefId
  3. @SIF_RefObject

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
AddWhen username is created.
ChangeWhen username is changed.
DeleteWhen username is deleted.

Object Population and Business Rules

The SIF Agent and Zone must have access rights assigned to  Authentication.
The district must belong to the same calendar and year assigned to the SIF Zone in order to populate.
Selecting or de-selecting the State Exclude on Enrollment OR No Show on Enrollment will not send Deletes or Adds.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C or O
@RefIdThe SIF RefId that uniquely identifies this authentication object.

@SIF_RefIdThe SIF RefId of a student or staff member

@SIF_RefObjectThe type of SIF object that the SIF_RefId attribute identifies.
  1. Reports StudentPersonal if Student
    1. A student with an enrollment and a user account
  2. Reports StaffPersonal if Staff
    1. A staff member who has a district assignment record with a user account
  3. Reports StudentContact if Student's Contact
    1. A contact for a student with a user account. Contact must have a relationship with student and no enrollment.

Census > People > Demographics

Student Information> General> Enrollments

Staff > District Assignment

Census> People> Relationships>



AuthenticationInfoThe authentication information for one system.

AuthenticationInfo/SystemAn identifying string for the system that supports this authentication information.

AuthenticationInfo/System/@TypeSpecific type of user identification.Reports "Infinite Campus"

AuthenticationInfo/UsernameThe identification string for this user.Reports from UsernameSystem Administration> User Security> Users
AuthenticationInfo/DistinguishedNameThis is the distinguished name of the user in a network directory system.Optional. Does not report.

AuthenticationInfo/PasswordListAllows a provider or publisher to specify the same password using multiple algorithms, if supported.

Do not send.