Outcome Measures Plan (Montana)

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

The Outcome Measures Plan is used to capture student special education plan information and match the required documentation provided by the state of Montana. This document describes each editor, a description of each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions.

The current print format of this document is the MT OMP 2022.2. Plan formats are selected in the Special Ed Plan Types tool.

Screenshot of Editor Home screen.Editor Home

Editor Home

The Editor Home lists the editors available, their status, and Modification and Completion information.

NameThe name of the editor.

The state of the editor. Statuses can be:

  • In Progress indicates a user has entered and saved data in that editor.
  • Not Started is the default status for all editors.
  • Complete indicates a user has clicked the Complete button on the editor, and the editor is read-only. This does not lock the editor from further editing but indicates the user considers the editor finished.
  • Not Needed indicates a user has clicked the Not Needed button on the editor. This is usually done for editors that do not apply to the student.

The following statuses are only available for certain state-specific documents:

Modified ByThe date and the user by whom the editor was last edited.
Completed ByThe date and the user who clicked the Complete button for that editor.

General Information

The following table lists the actions available for the editors. When resizing the window, certain buttons are condensed into a single Action button. 


Different editors have different save options. Click the arrow next to the Save & Stay button to view all saving options for any given editor.

  • Save captures progress and navigates the user to the Editor Home or to the List Screen for List editors. See the Editor Types section for additional information.
  • Save & Stay captures progress and keeps the user on the current editor. This save button is the default save option and is usually found within the detail screen or list editors, such as Goals and Objectives. 
  • Save & Next captures progress and navigates the user to the next editor.
  • Save & New captures progress and creates a new record. This save button is usually found within the detail screen of a list editor, such as Goals and Objectives. See the Editor Type section for additional information.

Retrieves a new copy of data from the student's record. This includes enrollment, student, parent/guardian, and team member information. This also returns any accidentally deleted records. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

A side panel displays a listing of all the student's applicable enrollment records. See the Enrollments tool documentation for additional information.

CancelNavigates the user to the Editor Home screen or the List Screen for List editors.


Changes the status of the editor. 

  • Complete indicates the editor is finished. This makes the editor read-only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. The user must click In Progress to further edit after an editor is marked Complete.
  • Not Needed indicates the editor does not apply to the student's plan or evaluation. This makes the editor read-only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. Click the In Progress button to further edit after an editor is marked Not Needed.
  • In Progress only displays when the editor is in the Complete or Not Needed status and allows additional edits to be made.

The following status is only available for the Nevada IEP:

  • Complete Pending eSignature only displays for certain editors. This button marks the editor as complete until the parent/guardian electronically signs those plan sections via the Campus Parent Portal. See the Special Ed eSignature Process articles for additional information.

Prints the entire document.

EditorsOpens a side panel listing all the available editors and their status. Select an editor from this list to navigate to that editor or click Close to collapse the side panel.
PreviousNavigates the user to the previous editor.
NextNavigates the user to the next editor.

Editor Types

There are two types of editors available: List or Basic editors. When navigating to a Basic editor, the list of fields within the editor is displayed. List editors display a list of all records within that editor. Clicking an existing record or the New button opens the detail view for an individual record.

Editor Lock Out and Release Logic

Only one user at a time can actively work on an editor. A person with a padlock icon (Screenshot of the Padlock Icon.) displays in the Editors side panel, Editor Home, and List Screen of list editors indicating which editors currently have users working on them. Hovering over the icon displays the name of the user who has checked out the editor, including the current user (you).

Editors that are currently being edited are read-only for all other users. The name of the person working on the editor displays in the header. 

To release an editor, the user must:

  • navigate to the next editor by clicking Save and Next or the Editors button and selecting the next editor from the side panel.
  • click the Cancel button to return to the Editor Home screen.
  • log out of the Campus application.
  • navigate to a different tool in the Campus application.

Editors are automatically released when the in-application timeout limit has been exceeded. This is a back-end process and is usually around 30-60 minutes.

Template Banks

Certain fields within several editors have an Add Template icon that displays next to their name. Clicking this button displays a side panel with the available library of predetermined text for that field. Template Banks are managed in System Administration.

Screenshot of the Add Template icon highlighted and the Template Bank side panel displayed on the right.Template Bank Side PanelClick the plus (+) icons next to the category to view the available template values.

Screenshot of an expanded Template Bank Category on the left and several template values selected on the right. Expanded Category and Values SelectedTemplate Bank Categories display on the left and the selected text displays on the right. Click the Add button to add the template value. This adds the template to the queue of values on the right. The red X removes selected templates while the sequence field can be used to reorder the templates. Another option is to use the up and down arrows next to the sequence field to reorder values. 

Click Cancel to go back to the document. The Clear Selected Template(s) button removes all selected template values from the right selection screen. 

Once selections are finalized, click the Insert Selected Template(s) button to add the values to the field within the document in the selected order. Template values are separated by carriage returns.

Screenshot of an example field with several template bank selections added.Example Template Bank Selections in the Document

Text Editors

Images should not be inserted into text fields. 


The following section lists each editor and describes each field on the editor.

Outcome Measures Plan

The Outcome Measures Plan editor is used to document the student's Assessment Date.

Screenshot of the Outcome Measures Plan editor.Outcome Measures Plan Editor

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Enrollment Information

The Enrollment Information editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment record. This editor is read only.

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General Information section for additional information.

Screenshot of Enrollment information editor.Enrollment Information

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FieldDescriptionAd HocValidation
School Name
The name of the school associated with the student's Enrollment record.N/AThis field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
School Phone The phone number of the school associated with the student's Enrollment record.N/AThis field is pulled from System Administration > Resources > School > School Phone.
Grade The student's current grade.

Enrollment > Grade


This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
District Information
District Number The district number associated with the Enrolled school.N/ASystem Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number
District Name The district name associated with the Enrolled school.N/ASystem Administration > Resources > District Information > Name
District Address The district address associated with the Enrolled school.N/ASystem Administration > Resources > District Information > Address
District Phone The district phone number associated with the Enrolled school.N/ASystem Administration > Resources > District Information > Phone

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Student Information

The Student Information editor displays basic information about the student such as demographic information. This is a read-only editor. 

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General Information section for additional information.

Screenshot of student information editor.Student Information Editor

Click here to expand...

FieldDescriptionAd Hoc
Last NameThe student's last name.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


First NameThe student's first name.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Middle NameThe student's middle name.

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


SuffixThe student's suffix.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


AgeThe age of the student.Census > People > Demographics > Age
BirthdateThe student's birthdate.

Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date


GenderThe student's gender.

Census > People > Demographics > Gender


Federal DesignationThe student's federal race designation.Census > People > Demographics > Federal Designation
Federal Race(s)The student's federal race(s).Census > People > Demographics > Race(s)
Race, Ethnicity (state)The student's state race/ethnicity designation.Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity Determination

The student's address.

This field becomes a dropdown when more than one address exists for the student. The primary household displays by default.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt; address.city; address.state; address.zip

Student NumberThe student's identification number.Census > People > Demographics > Student Number
State IDThe student's state identification number.Census > People > Demographics > State ID
Case Manager Information
NameThe first and last name of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members
TitleThe role of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members
PhoneThe phone number of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members

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Parent/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian. 

The Delete button next to each parent/guardian can be used to remove a parent/guardian from the IEP. 

The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data. This also returns any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

Screenshot of Parent Guardian information editor.Parent/Guardian Information Editor

Click here to expand...

FieldDescriptionAd HocValidation
Last NameThe last name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
First NameThe first name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Middle NameThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
SuffixThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
RelationshipThe relation of the parent/guardian to the student.Census > People > RelationshipsThis field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
SequenceThe print order of the parent/guardian(s) on the IEP.N/AWhen no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. When any Sequences are selected, only parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number prints in the order defined.
AddressThe parent/guardians' address.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt; address.city; address.state; address.zip

This field populates from Census. 

When there are multiple addresses for a person, a drop down with an option to select which address displays. When there is only one address, the drop down only has one option. The populated address is the one marked "Primary."

Home PhoneThe home phone number of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Household PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Work PhoneThe work phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Work PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Cell PhoneThe cell phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Cell PhoneThis field populates from Census.
EmailThe primary email address for the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > EmailThis field populates from Census.

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Outcome Measures 3-6 Children

The Outcome Measures 3-6 Children editor is used to document the type of outcome measures evaluation.

Screenshot of the Outcome Measures 3-6 Children editor.Outcome Measures 3-6 Children Editor

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Type of Outcome Measures Evaluation: The type of evaluation. Options include: Initial or ExitN/A
Check the assessment procedure(s) used to draw these conclusions: The assessment methods used to draw these conclusions. Options include: 
  • Academic
  • Behavioral
  • Class-Based Assessment
  • Communication
  • Developmental
  • Observations
  • Psychological
  • Social/Emotional
  • Other (Describe in notes)
Specify A text field used to further explain the assessment procedures used.This field displays and is required when "Other" is selected above.
Rating Scale
Positive Social-Emotional, including Social Relationships The numeric rating of the student's positive social-emotional skills.Only whole numbers (1-7) can be entered.
Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills, including Early Language, Communication and Early Literacy The numeric rating of the student's acquisition and use of knowledge and skills.Only whole numbers (1-7) can be entered.
Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Individual Needs The numeric rating of the student's use of appropriate behaviors.Only whole numbers (1-7) can be entered.
This section is only available when "Exit" is selected as the Type of Outcome Measures Evaluation.
Positive Social-Emotional Skills, including Social Relationships
The numeric rating of the student's positive social-emotional skills.Yes or No
Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills, including Early Language, Communication and Early Literacy
The numeric rating of the student's acquisition and use of knowledge and skills.Yes or No
Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Individual Needs
The numeric rating of the student's use of appropriate behaviors.Yes or No

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Previous Versions

Outcome Measures Plan (Montana) [.2243 and previous]