Term Report (Rhode Island)

Tool Search: Term Report

The Term data submission reports school term information from the Local Education Agencies.

screenshot of the term report editor

A term is a division of an academic year and may be divided into semesters, trimesters, quarters, etc. Each term start and end date is included in the report.

Report Logic

The following logic is assigned to each term sequence.


  • S1 - Sequence 1 of 2 Semester Term
  • S2 - Sequence 2 of 2 Semester Term


  • T1 - Sequence 1 of 3 Trimester Term
  • T2 - Sequence 2 of 3 Trimester Term
  • T3 - Sequence 3 of 3 Trimester Term


  • Q1 - Sequence 1 of 4 Quarter Term
  • Q2 - Sequence 2 of 4 Quarter Term
  • Q3 - Sequence 3 of 4 Quarter Term
  • Q4 - Sequence 4 of 4 Quarter Term

5 Term Schedule

  • M1 - Sequence 1 of 5 Term Schedule
  • M2 - Sequence 2 of 5 Term Schedule
  • M3 - Sequence 3 of 5 Term Schedule
  • M4 - Sequence 4 of 5 Term Schedule
  • M5 - Sequence 5 of 5 Term Schedule

Year Long Schedule

  • Y1 - Sequence 1 of 1 Term Schedule


  • Sequence 1 of 1 Summer Schedule
    • Name must be Summer

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Format of the Term report. It can be generated in either CSV or HTML.
  2. Select the Calendars to include on the report.
  3. Click the Generate Extract button. The report displays in a new browser window in the selected format.

Screenshot of an example of the term report in CSV format. Term Report - CSV Format

Screenshot of an example of the term report in HTML format. Term Report - HTMl Format

Report Layout

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

District Code

Identifier assigned to the LEA by the State Education Agency.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


District Information > State District Number

School Code

State assigned school number.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters


 School Information > School Detail > State School Number

Term Code

Code used to identify the term. See the Report Logic section for report codes.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Term

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Terms Detail > Sequence

Term Begin Date

The month, day and year in which the term begins.

Date field, 10 characters



System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Term Detail > Start Date

Term End Date

The month, day and year in which the term ends.

Date field, 10 characters



System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Term Detail > End Date


Description of the term.

Alphanumeric, 200 characters


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Term Detail > Name