Elementary Individual Education Plan (Delaware)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:07 am CDT
Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
The Elementary Individual Education Plan captures information about elementary student special education plans and matches the required documentation provided by the state of Delaware. This document describes each editor, each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions. For information on general functionality, navigation, and additional plan and evaluation features, see the core Plan and Evaluation Information article.
The current print format is DE Elementary IEP 2025. Delaware is a State Edition. Districts cannot change the plan format.
Editor HomePlan Header
The Plan Header editor stores plan information as well as related dates.
This editor must be saved before entering data into other editors.
Plan Header Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
Plan Type Required |
The type of plan. Options include:
- Annual IEP
- Annual IEP/Reevaluation Eligibility Determination
- IEP Meeting
- IEP Revision
- IEP Revision/Reevaluation Eligibility Determination
- Initial Eligibility Determination
- Initial IEP
- Initial IEP/Initial Eligibility Determination
- PPPS Meeting
- Reevaluation Eligibility Determination
N/A |
Meeting Date Read-only |
The day the student's team met. |
This field is populated from the Meeting Date from the Meeting Participants editor. |
IEP Initiation Date Required |
The first day of the student's plan. |
N/A |
IEP End Date |
The last day of the student's plan. |
N/A |
Most Recent ESR Date Read-only |
The date of the student's most recent Evaluation Summary Report. |
This field pulls in the date from the most recent, locked Evaluation Summary Report when it exists. |
Temporary Placement |
Temporary Placement Date |
The date of the temporary placement. |
N/A |
Agency Representative |
The name of the agency representative in charge of the placement. |
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
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Enrollment Information
The Enrollment Information editor is a read-only editor that pulls in district and school information where the student is enrolled. This editor also documents the student's disability(ies).
Enrollment Information Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
Primary Disability Required |
The student's first disability. Options include:
- 1000 Autism
- 1100 Deaf-Blind
- 1400 Developmental Delay
- 0200 Emotional Disability
- 0700 Hearing Impairment
- 0300 Learning Disability
- 0100 Mild Intellectual Disability
- 0400 Moderate Intellectual Disability
- 0603 Orthopedic Impairment
- 0601 Other Health Impairment
- 0900 Partially Sighted
- 1600 Pre-School Speech Delay
- 0500 Severe Intellectual Disability
- 1200 Speech and/or Language Impairment
- 1300 Traumatic Brain Injury
- 0800 Visually Impaired
N/A |
Secondary Disability |
The student's second disability, when applicable. The options available are the same as the Primary Disability options. |
N/A |
Tertiary Disability |
The student's third disability, when applicable. The options available are the same as the Primary Disability options. |
N/A |
District of Residence |
The student's district of residence. |
This field pulls in from the student's Enrollment record when available but can be manually edited.
Attending Building |
The building where the student attends school. |
Upon Refresh, this field is pulled from the Enrollment tool but can be manually edited. |
Grade |
The student's grade. |
Upon Refresh, this field is pulled from the Enrollment tool and cannot be modified.
Database Location: enrollment.grade |
District Information |
District Number |
The district number associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > State District Number |
District Name |
The district name associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > Name |
District Address |
The district address associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > Address |
District Phone |
The district phone number associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > Phone |
District SPED Address |
The district special education address associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > SPED Address |
District SPED Phone |
The district special ed phone number associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > SPED Phone |
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Student Information
The Student Information editor pulls demographic information regarding the student. This is a read-only editor.
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record.
Student Information Editor
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Field Name |
Description |
Database and UI Location (when Refreshed is clicked) |
Last Name |
The student's last name. |
Demographics > Last Name
identity.lastName |
First Name |
The student's first name. |
Demographics > First Name
identity.firstName |
Middle Name |
The student's middle name. |
Demographics > Middle Name
identity.middleName |
Suffix |
The student's suffix. |
Demographics > Suffix Name
identity.suffix |
Birthdate |
The student's birthdate. |
Demographics > Birth Date
identity.birthDate |
Student ID |
The student's ID number. |
Enrollment > Student Number
identity.studentNumber |
Address |
The student's address. |
Households > Address Info
address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt; address.city; address.state; address.zip |
Case Manager Information |
Name |
The first and last name of the team member. |
Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
Title |
The role of the team member. |
Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
Phone |
The phone number of the team member. |
Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
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Parent/Guardian Information
The Parent/Guardian Information editor pulls the contact information of the student's parent/guardian(s).
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the parent/guardian's record.
Parent/Guardian Information Editor
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Field |
Description |
Print Sequence |
The order in which the parent/guardian displays. |
Name |
The name of the parent/guardian. |
Address |
The address of the parent/guardian. |
Home Phone |
The parent/guardian's home phone. |
Work Phone |
The parent/guardian's work phone. |
Cell Phone |
The parent/guardian's cell phone. |
Email |
The parent/guardian's email. |
Home Primary Language |
The language the parent/guardian speaks at home. |
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Meeting Participants
The Meeting Participants editor records team meetings and participants for the student.
Team Meeting Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
Print in Plan |
Indicates this record prints. |
Meeting Invite |
The day of the meeting invitation. |
This field populates from the locked Meeting Invitation document. All locked Meeting Invitation types display in this dropdown. |
Meeting Date Read-only |
The day of the meeting. |
This field populates from the locked Meeting Invitation document. |
Invitation Date Read-only |
The day of the invitation. |
This field populates with the last Meeting Date from the locked Meeting Invitation document. |
Meeting Location Read-only |
The location of the meeting. |
This field populates with the Meeting Location from the locked Meeting Invitation document. |
Meeting Time Read-only |
The time of the meeting. |
This field populates with the Meeting Time from the locked Meeting Invitation document. |
Meeting Purpose Read-only |
The purpose of the meeting. |
This field populates with the Purpose(s) from the locked Meeting Invitation document. |
Attendance |
First Name |
The first name of the team member. |
This field populates from the Team Members on the selected Meeting Invitation. |
Last Name |
The last name of the team member. |
This field populates from the Team Members on the selected Meeting Invitation. |
Role Name |
The role of the team member. |
This field populates from the Team Members on the selected Meeting Invitation. |
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Data Considerations
The Data Considerations editor documents the student's strengths and data sources used to analyze the student's performance and the impact of the student's disability.
Data Considerations Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
1. What are the student's strengths? *Required |
A description of the student's strengths. |
*This field is required to Complete the editor. |
2. What are the educational concerns of the parent (or student, if appropriate)? *Required |
A description of the parent's educational concerns for their student. |
*This field is required to Complete the editor.
3. What multiple data sources (including district or statewide assessments) are being used to create this IEP? *Required |
A description of the data sources included in creating the IEP. |
*This field is required to Complete the editor.
4. How does the child's disability affect the child's involvement and progress in the general education curriculum? *Required |
A description of how the student's disability impacts their progress in the general education curriculum. |
*This field is required to Complete the editor.
5. What are the child's other educational needs that result from the child's disability? *Required |
A description of the student's educational needs based on their disability. |
*This field is required to Complete the editor.
6. Will the student participate with non-disabled students in extracurricular and non-academic areas? *Required |
Indicates the student will participate with non-disabled peers in extracurricular and non-academic areas. Options are Yes or No. |
*This field is required to Complete the editor. |
If yes, identify supports and services on the "Needs, Services and Annual Goals" page *Required |
A description of the supports and services needed for the student to participate with non-disabled peers in extracurricular and non-academic areas. |
"Will the student participate with non-disabled students in extracurricular and non-academic areas?" |
If no, explain why the student will not participate with non-disabled students in extracurricular and non-academic areas *Required |
A description of why the student will not participate with non-disabled peers in extracurricular and non-academic areas. |
No is selected from "Will the student participate with non-disabled students in extracurricular and non-academic areas?" |
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Other Factors to Consider
The Other Factors to Consider editor documents the areas the team considers when creating the student's plan.
Other Factors to Consider Editor
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Field |
Description |
Communication needs of the student |
Options are Yes or No. |
Braille instruction for students who are blind or visually impaired |
Options are Yes or No. |
Communication and language needs for students who are deaf/hard of hearing |
Options are Yes or No. |
Language needs for students with limited English proficiency |
Options are Yes or No. |
Options are Yes or No. |
Need for assistive technology devices and services |
Options are Yes or No. |
Intervention supports and strategies for students who have difficulty accessing and/or |
Options are Yes or No. |
Evidence-based reading interventions, supports, and strategies for students with limited reading proficiency |
Options are Yes or No. |
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Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks
The Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks editor includes the student's present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, including the assessment conducted to determine the level, resulting skills determined, and needs identified. This also includes goals and benchmarks.
Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks List Screen
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Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person editing the record. |
Sequence |
The order of the record. |
Area of Unique Need |
The area where the student requires special education services, supplementary aids and supports, and program modification or supports. |
Statement of Unique Need |
The type of special education service, supplementary aids and support, and program modification or support. |
Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Sequence Number Required |
The order of the record. |
This field automatically sequences for each new entry. Each sequence number must be unique. |
Area of Unique Need Required |
The area where the student requires special education services, supplementary aids and supports, and program modification or supports. |
This field is limited to 100 characters. |
Statement of unique need Required |
The type of special education service, supplementary aids and support, and program modification or support. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Describe accommodations and/or modifications the student needs to benefit from his/her special education program Required |
A description of the accommodation or modification. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Describe Present Levels of Educational Performance for the area/unique need above Required |
A description of the student's current level of educational performance. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Measurable Annual Goals and Benchmarks This side panel displays when selecting an existing record or clicking the New button. |
Area of Unique Need Read-only |
Displays the values entered into the "Area of Unique Need" field. |
N/A |
Present levels of Educational Performance Read-only |
Displays the values entered into the "Describe Present Levels of Educational Performance for the area/unique need above" field. |
N/A |
Annual Goal |
Sequence Number |
The order of the record. |
This field automatically sequences for each new entry. Each sequence number must be unique.
This indicates that this area is part of an extended school year program. |
When marked, the goal pulls into the ESY editor as read-only. |
Reading ESY |
Indicates the ESY program is for reading. |
N/A |
Related Service Goal |
This indicates that this area is part of a related service goal. |
When marked, the Related Service editor is required and cannot be placed in a Not Needed status. |
Annual Goal Required |
A description of the goal. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Benchmarks |
Sequence Number Required |
The order of the record. |
Benchmark Required |
The standard the student must achieve to make progress toward the annual goal. |
This field is limited to 2000 characters. |
Marking Period |
The terms associated with the enrollment for the active IEP.
This pulls from Calendar Setup. |
Progress The following fields display as read-only when a Progress Report document is created for this student's goals.- Progress
- Date Progress Reported
- Optional Narrative
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Specially Designed Instruction
The Specially Designed Instruction editor lists services for the student in a Special Education setting.
Specially Designed Instruction List Screen
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Specially Designed Instruction List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person editing the record.
Sequence |
The order of the record.
Specially Designed Instruction |
The service provided to the student. |
Frequency/Duration |
The amount of time the student requires the service. |
Setting |
The location of service. |
Related Service |
Indicates this is a related service. |
Initiation Date |
The first day of service. |
End Date |
The last day of service. |
Specially Designed Instruction Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Specially Designed Instruction Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Sequence Number Required |
The order of the record.
This field automatically sequences for each new entry. Each sequence number must be unique. |
Addresses Area(s) of Unique Need Required |
The area where the student requires special education services, supplementary aids and supports, and program modification or supports. |
This field populates with the Areas of Unique Need from the Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks editor. |
Addresses Goal(s) |
A description of the goal. |
This field populates with the Areas of Unique Need from the Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks editor. |
Related Service Checkbox |
Indicates this is a related service. |
N/A |
Related Service *Required, Dropdown | The specific related service provided to the student. Options include:- Audiological Services
- Counseling Services
- Interpreting Services
- Orientation and Mobility Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Parent Counseling and Training
- Psychological Services
- Physical Therapy
- Rehabilitation Counseling Services
- Recreational Services
- Speech/Language Pathology Services
- School Nurse Services
- Social Work Services
- Transportation
- Visual Impairment Services
| *This field is available and required when the Related Service checkbox is marked. |
Specially Designed Instruction
The service provided to the student. Options include:- SDI for reading
- SDI for math
- SDI for writing
- SDI for behavior
- SDI for social/emotional skills
- SDI for executive functioning
- SDI for speech and/or language
- SDI for occupational therapy
- SDI for other
Specify Other *Required | A description of the other service provided to the student. | *This field is available and required when SDI for other is selected as the Specially Designed Instruction.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Setting Required |
The location of service. Options are:
- General Education Setting
- Special Education Setting
N/A |
Accommodations |
Any accommodations related to the service. |
N/A |
Describe... |
A description of how the specially designed instruction addresses the student's needs by adapting their instruction. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Duration and Frequency |
Initiation Date Required |
The first day of service. |
This field populates with the Initiation Date from the Plan Header but can be modified as needed. |
End Date Required |
The last day of service. |
This field populates with the End Date from the Plan Header but can be modified as needed. |
Amount of time (in minutes) Required |
The number of minutes the student receives the service. |
N/A |
Number times per Required |
The number of times the student receives the service. |
N/A |
Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- Class period per month
- Class periods per school day
- Class periods per school week
- Days per month
- Days per school week
- Sessions per month
- Sessions per school day
- Sessions per school week
- Times per marking period
- Times per month
- Times per school day
- Times per school week
N/A |
Responsible Party Required | The person responsible for administering the service. Options include:- Special education staff
- Regular education staff
- Regular and special education staff
| N/A |
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Supplementary Aids and Services
The Supplementary Aids and Services editor lists the accommodations and modifications made to assist the student in participating in regular education.
Supplementary Aids and Services List Screen
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Supplementary Aids and Services List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person editing the record. |
Sequence |
The order of the record. |
Service |
The service provided to the student. |
Frequency/Duration |
The amount of time the student receives services. |
Setting |
The location of service. |
Initiation Date |
The first day of service. |
End Date |
The last day of service. |
Supplementary Aids and Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Supplementary Aids and Services Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Sequence Number Required |
The order of the record. |
This field automatically sequences for each new entry. Each sequence number must be unique. |
Addresses Area(s) of Unique Need Required |
The area where the student requires special education services, supplementary aids and supports, and program modification or supports. |
This field populates with the Areas of Unique Need from the Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks editor. |
Addresses Goal(s) |
A description of the goal. |
This field populates with the Areas of Unique Need from the Unique Needs/Present Levels/Annual Goals and Benchmarks editor. |
The service provided to the student. |
Setting Required |
The location of service. Options are:
- General Education Setting
- Special Education Setting
N/A |
Accommodations |
Any accommodations for the service. |
N/A |
Describe... |
A description of how the supplementary aids and services addresses the student's needs by adapting their instruction. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Duration and Frequency |
Initiation Date Required |
The first day of service. |
This field populates with the Initiation Date from the Plan Header but can be modified as needed. |
End Date Required |
The last day of service. |
This field populates with the End Date from the Plan Header but can be modified as needed. |
Amount of time (in minutes) Required |
The number of minutes the student receives the service. |
N/A |
Number times per Required |
The number of times the student receives the service. |
N/A |
Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- Class period per month
- Class periods per school day
- Class periods per school week
- Days per month
- Days per school week
- Sessions per month
- Sessions per school day
- Sessions per school week
- Times per marking period
- Times per month
- Times per school day
- Times per school week
N/A |
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The Transportation editor is used to document the student's transportation needs.
Transportation Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
Are there special transportation needs? Required |
Indicates the student requires additional transport services. Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
If yes, specify *Required |
A description of the transportation service needs of the student. |
*This field is available and required when Yes is selected for the Are there special transportation needs? question. |
Is it necessary to place this student, who is transported from the school bus into the charge of a parent or other authorized responsible person? |
Indicates the student must be placed in the care of a guardian or responsible person after transport. Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
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Participation in Statewide Assessments
The Participation in Statewide Assessments editor documents how the student will participate in statewide assessments.
Participation in Statewide Assessments List Screen
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Participation in Statewide Assessments List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
School Year |
The school year in which the assessment is taken. |
Participation in Statewide Assessment |
Indicates how the student participates in the statewide assessment. |
Participation in Statewide Assessments Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click the New button to view the detail screen.
Participation in Statewide Assessments Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
School Year |
The school year in which the assessment is taken.
N/A |
Student is not in a grade that is assessed |
Indicates the student is not in the grade assessed. |
Only one of the four checkboxes can be selected. |
Student will participate in general assessments without accommodations |
Indicates the student will take the assessment without accommodations. |
Only one of the four checkboxes can be selected.
Student will participate in general assessments with accommodations as documented on the attached Student Accommodation Form |
Indicates the student requires accommodations to participate in the assessment.
Only one of the four checkboxes can be selected.
Student will participate in alternate assessments, The Decision-Making Tool and Student Accommodation Form are attached |
Indicates the student requires an alternate assessment. |
Only one of the four checkboxes can be selected.
Multilingual Learner |
As an identified multilingual learner, student will participate in the annual English learner proficiency assessment with accommodations | Indicates the student will participate in the annual English proficiency assessment with accommodations. | N/A |
As an identified multilingual learner, student will participate in the annual English learner proficiency assessment without accommodations | Indicates the student will participate in the annual English proficiency assessment without accommodations. | N/A |
As an identified multilingual learner, student will participate in the annual alternate English learner proficiency assessment | Indicates the student will participate in the annual alternate English proficiency assessment. | N/A |
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The Discipline editor is used to note the student's adherence to the school's code of conduct.
Discipline Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
The student will adhere to School Code of Conduct |
Options include:
- Interventions and supports are described under services/supports and/or in goals
- Behavior intervention and support plan (see attached)
- Other
Mark all that apply. |
Specify Other Required |
A description of what other supports the student may need to follow the school code of conduct. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected above.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Participation in Twelve Month Program
The Participation in Twelve Month Program editor indicates the parent has chosen a twelve-month program for their student. Options are Yes, No, or Not Applicable.
Participation in Twelve Month Program Editor
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Consideration of Reading-Based Extended School Year Services
The Consideration of Reading-Based Extended School Year Services editor documents the student's need for an ESY reading program.
Consideration of Reading-Based Extended School Year Services Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
Age 7 or above |
Indicates the student is age 7 or older. Options are:
- Student IS age 7 or above
- Student IS NOT 7 or above
N/A |
Is student demonstrating phonological awareness? |
Indicates the student is demonstrating phonological awareness. Options are:
- Student IS demonstrating phonological awareness and ability to use letter sound knowledge and decode unknown words
- Student IS NOT demonstrating phonological awareness and ability to use letter sound knowledge and decode unknown words
N/A |
Reading-Based ESY Eligibility Determination |
Indicates the student's reading-based extended school year eligibility determination. Options are:
- Eligible
- Eligible, but declined by parent
- Eligible, but declined by IEP team
- Not eligible
N/A |
If the student is eligible, but Reading Based ESY Services were declined by the IEP team, provide a specific explanation of why such services are inappropriate *Required |
A description of why these services are inappropriate for this student. |
*This field is available and required when "Eligible, but declined by IEP team" is selected above.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Specify Goals |
The specific reading goals for the student. |
*This field is available and required when Eligible is selected above.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Reading-Based ESY Services
The Reading-Based ESY Services editor documents the services provided to the student in an Extended School Year program.
Reading-Based ESY Services List Screen
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Reading-Based ESY Services List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person editing the record. |
Sequence |
The order of the record. |
Service |
The service provided to the student. |
Type |
The type of service. |
Frequency |
The amount of time the student receives services. |
Initiation Date |
The first day of service. |
End Date |
The last day of service. |
Reading-Based ESY Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Reading-Based ESY Services Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Sequence Number Required |
The order of the record. |
This field automatically sequences for each new entry. Each sequence number must be unique. |
The service provided to the student. The only option is Reading Instruction. |
Service Type Required |
The type of service. The only option is Reading-Based ESY. |
N/A |
Grade |
The student's grade. |
N/A |
Setting Required |
The location of service. Options are:
- General Education Setting
- Special Education Setting
N/A |
Describe |
A description of how the service addresses the student's needs by adapting their instruction. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Duration and Frequency |
Initiation Date Required |
The first day of service. |
This field populates with the Initiation Date from the Plan Header but can be modified as needed. |
End Date Required |
The last day of service. |
This field populates with the End Date from the Plan Header but can be modified as needed. |
Amount of time (in minutes) Required |
The number of minutes the student receives the service. |
N/A |
Number times per Required |
The number of times the student receives the service. |
N/A |
Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- Class period per month
- Class periods per school day
- Class periods per school week
- Days per month
- Days per school week
- Sessions per month
- Sessions per day
- Sessions per week
- Times per marking period
N/A |
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The Extended School Year editor indicates the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks.
Consideration of Eligibility for Extended School Year Services (ESY) Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
Is ESY needed? Required |
Indicates ESY is needed. Options include:
- Yes
- No
- ESY offered, but declined by parent
N/A |
Rationale for Decision Required |
A description of the decision rationale. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
If yes, describe ESY goal(s) *Required |
A description of the ESY goals. |
*This field is available and required when Yes is selected from the "Is ESY needed" dropdown.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Specify Goals Read-only |
A read-only view of the ESY Goal. |
N/A |
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ESY Services
The Extended School Year Services editor documents the ESY services provided to the student.
ESY Services List Screen
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ESY Services List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person editing the record. |
Sequence |
The order of the record. |
Service |
The service provided to the student. |
Type |
The type of service. |
Frequency |
The amount of time the student requires the service. |
Initiation Date |
The first day of service. |
End Date |
The last day of service. |
ESY Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
ESY Services Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Sequence Number Required |
The order of the record. |
This field automatically sequences for each new entry. Each sequence number must be unique. |
The service provided to the student.
- AUDESY: Audiology
- COESY: Counseling Services
- INSTMA: Instruction - Math
- INSTREA: Instruction - Reading
- INSESY: Instruction
- INTESY: Interpreting Services
- OTESY: Occupational Therapy
- OMESY: Orientation and Mobility Services
- PARCOESY: Parent Counseling and Training
- PTESY: Physical Therapy
- PSESY: Psychological Services
- RECESY: Recreation
- REHABESY: Rehabilitation Counseling Services
- SNESY: School Nurse Services
- SWESY: Social Work Services
- STESY: Speech/Language Pathology Services
- TRANSESY: Transportation
Service Type Required |
The type of service.
- AUDESY: Audiology
- COESY: Counseling Services
- INSTMA: Instruction - Math
- INSTREA: Instruction - Reading
- INSESY: Instruction
- INTESY: Interpreting Services
- OTESY: Occupational Therapy
- OMESY: Orientation and Mobility Services
- PARCOESY: Parent Counseling and Training
- PTESY: Physical Therapy
- PSESY: Psychological Services
- RECESY: Recreation
- REHABESY: Rehabilitation Counseling Services
- SNESY: School Nurse Services
- SWESY: Social Work Services
- STESY: Speech/Language Pathology Services
- TRANSESY: Transportation
N/A |
Grade |
The student's grade. |
N/A |
Setting Required |
The location of service. Options are:
- General Education Setting
- Special Education Setting
N/A |
Describe |
A description of how the service addresses the student's needs by adapting their instruction. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Duration and Frequency |
Initiation Date Required |
The first day of service. |
This field populates with the Initiation Date from the Plan Header but can be modified as needed. |
End Date Required |
The last day of service. |
This field populates with the End Date from the Plan Header but can be modified as needed. |
Amount of time (in minutes) Required |
The number of minutes the student receives the service. |
N/A |
Number times per Required |
The number of times the student receives the service. |
N/A |
Frequency Required |
The frequency of service. Options include:
- Class period per month
- Class periods per school day
- Class periods per school week
- Days per month
- Days per school week
- Sessions per month
- Sessions per school day
- Sessions per school week
- Times per marking period
- Times per month
- Times per school day
- Times per school week
N/A |
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Least Restrictive Environment/Placement
The Least Restrictive Environment/Placement editor documents where the student receives services.
Least Restrictive Environment/Placement List Screen
Click here to expand...
Least Restrictive Environment/Placement List Screen
Field |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person editing the record. |
Least Restrictive Environment/Placement |
The student's placement. |
Initiation Date |
The first day of the placement. |
End Date |
The last day of the placement. |
Least Restrictive Environment/Placement Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Least Restrictive Environment/Placement Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Use the options below to determine the appropriate setting Required |
The student's setting. Click the expand link to view the values available.
Click here to expand...
Options include:
- A. Regular Setting includes pull-out related services and team classrooms. Student served inside the regular classroom greater than or equal to 80% of the day
- B. Services Provided Both in Separate Education Classes and Regular Setting Student served inside the regular classroom greater than or equal to 40% of the day and no more than 79% of the day
- C. Separate Special Education in an Integrated Setting Student served inside the regular classroom less than 40% of the day
- D. Separate School Student served in public or private separate day school facility for greater than 50% of the school day or a residential facility of student does not live at the facility
- E. Residential Facility where student resides during the school week
- F. Homebound or Hospital
- G. Correctional Facilities (only used by DSCYF and Prison Education) Students placed in a short-term detention or correctional facilities
Only one option can be selected. |
An explanation must be provided about the extent, if any, to which the child will not participate with non-disabled children in the regular class Required |
A description of how the student will not participate with non-disabled peers in the regular classroom. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Building Required |
The location of the placement. |
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Initiation Date Required |
The first day of the placement. |
N/A |
End Date Required |
The last day of the placement. |
N/A |
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The Signatures editor documents the parent/guardian(s)' or student's (if over 18) consent of the proposed plan documented in the rest of the IEP.
This editor is often filled out and electronically signed by the student's parent/guardian. In order to send the plan for eSignature, this editor must be placed in the status Complete Pending eSignature OR Not Needed. See the Delaware Plan eSignature Editors process article for additional information.
Signatures Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Procedural Safeguards. My due process rights under these Procedural Safeguards have been explained to me |
Indicates the parent has received the Procedural Safeguards document. Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
I agree with the program described in this document |
Indicates the parent agrees with the proposed program for their student. Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
I agree with the placement decision as noted above and discussed at this meeting |
Indicates the parent agrees with the proposed placement for their student. Options are Yes or No. |
N/A |
At least one year before the age of majority (18), the student has been informed that rights will transfer to him/her unless a legal guardian has been appointed |
Indicates the student has been informed that their rights will transfer to them unless a legal guardian is appointed. Options are Yes or Not Applicable. |
N/A |
If Parent Does Not Attend |
Name |
The name of the case manager. |
This field populates with the Case Manager name from the Team Members tool. |
Position |
The role of the case manager |
This field populates with the Case Manager role from the Team Members tool. |
Method of Contact |
The form of communicating with the parent. Options include:
- In Person
- Via Email
- Via Mail
- Via Phone
- Other
N/A |
Specify Other *Required |
The other form of communication. |
*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Method of Contact. |
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The Medicaid Consent editor is used to document the parent/guardian's consent for the district to disclose the student's information in regard to seeking Medicaid funding.
This editor is often filled out and electronically signed by the student's parent/guardian. In order to send the plan for eSignature, this editor must be placed in the status Complete Pending eSignature OR Not Needed. See the Delaware Plan eSignature Editors process article for additional information.
Medicaid Editor
Click here to expand...
Field |
Description |
Validation |
YES, I give the school permission to share this student's education and health-related information with Medicaid, including billing information |
Indicates the person gives permission to the school to share the student's information with Medicaid. |
N/A |
NO, I do not give the school permission to share this student's education and health-related information with Medicaid |
Indicates the person does NOT give permission to the school to share the student's information with Medicaid. |
N/A |
Signed by |
The person signing the Medicaid consent. Options include:
- Student (if over 18 years of age)
- Parent
- Guardian
- Custodian
Only one option can be selected. |
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Prior Written Notice
The Prior Written Notice editor documents the proposed or refused actions considered by the IEP team and the notice dates provided to the parent/guardian(s).
This editor is often filled out and electronically signed by the student's parent/guardian. In order to send the plan for eSignature, this editor must be placed in the status Complete Pending eSignature OR Not Needed. See the Delaware Plan eSignature Editors process article for additional information.
Prior Written Notice List Screen
Click here to expand...
Prior Written Notice List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person editing the record. |
Date Notice Provided |
The date of the notice. |
Description of why the School District is Proposing or Refusing to Take the Action |
Displays the first 100 characters of the description from the detail screen. |
Prior Written Notice Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.
Prior Written Notice Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Print Student PWN |
Indicates the Prior Written Notice prints. |
N/A |
1. Description of the Action the School District Proposes or Refuses to Take Required |
A description of the proposed action. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
2. Explanation of Why the School District is Proposing or Refusing to Take the Action Required |
An explanation of why the school is proposing or refusing to take action. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
3. Description of Each Evaluation Procedure, Assessment, Record, or Report the School District Used in Deciding to Propose or Refuse the Action Required |
A description of the evidence used to decide to propose or refuse action. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
4. Description of Any Other Choices the IEP Team Considered and the Reasons Why Those Choices Were Rejected Required |
A description of the choices considered and rejected by the IEP team. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
5. Description of Other Reasons Why the School District Proposed or Refused the Action Required |
Any other reasons why the school proposed or refused action. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
This Notice is provided to you on Required |
The date on which the notice was provided. |
N/A |
I waive the waiting period of 10 school days before implementation of the proposed action described in section 1 and agree that the proposed action described in section 1 can be implemented as soon as possible. |
Indicates the person waives the waiting period before the implementation of the proposed action. |
N/A |
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