Graduation (Oregon)

Tool Search: Graduation

The Graduation tool provides districts with the ability to track graduation information used in state reporting, AYP (Average Yearly Progress) determinations and on-target diploma information. Districts can track when a student first entered ninth grade and calculate their expected graduation date.

See the core Graduation article for additional information. 

Screenshot of the Student Graduation record, located at Student Information, General.Student Graduation Record

General Graduation Information

Screenshot of the General Graduation Information section. General Graduation Information Editor

Diploma Type

Indicates the graduation plan under which the student graduated. Detailed explanations of these diploma types are defined by the Oregon Department of Education and available here.

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0Not Applicable

1Regular High School Diploma

The Oregon Diploma is designed to prepare each student for success in all aspects of their life, including college and career, citizenship, and life-long learning.

To earn a diploma, students need to successfully complete the following: 

  • demonstrate proficiency in the Essential Skills,
  • complete personalized learning requirements, and
  • earn credit requirements.
2Modified High School DiplomaThis diploma is given to students who:
  • have a Documented History, meaning there is evidence in the cumulative record and education plans of a student that demonstrates the inability over time to maintain grade level achievement even with appropriate modifications and accommodations. 
  • have an Instructional barrier, meaning there is a significant physical, cognitive or emotional barrier that impairs a student’s ability to maintain grade level achievement. 
  • is enrolled in a Modified course, meaning a course that has been systematically changed or altered for a student only after reasonable alternative instructional strategies (e.g. accommodations, remediation) are exhausted. 
  • Receives Other services needed for learning.
3Adult High School DiplomaThe Adult High School Diploma program provides an opportunity for persons with an exemption from compulsory attendance to earn a diploma.

This diploma fulfills all state requirements for high school graduation and the community college program requirements. Credit is earned by the student prior to enrolling in or earned outside of the program for academic coursework and community college proficiency and life experience.
4Extended High School Diploma

A school district or public charter school can award an extended diploma to students who have demonstrated the inability to meet the full set of academic content standards for a high school diploma with reasonable modifications and accommodations. 

A school district or public charter school may award an extended diploma to a student only upon the consent of the parent or guardian of the student, or upon the consent of the adult student or emancipated minor student. A district or school must receive the consent in writing and during the school year in which the extended diploma is awarded.

This diploma is given to students who receive Other services for leaning, defined as:
  • Services are paid for or provided by another agency, such as Vocational Rehabilitations.
  • Services such as school assemblies, student orientations, testing, etc., are considered in the calculation of the total number of hours that equals at least the total number of instructional hours required to be provided to students who are attending public high school.

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > diplomaType (graduation.diplomaType)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

State Reporting Graduation Fields

Screenshot of the State Reporting Graduation Fields section. State Reporting Graduation Editor

Reading Essential Skill Code

Code indicating how the assessment of the essential skill requirement Read and Comprehend a variety of text was met. 

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0Not Applicable
1Completed via Statewide Summative Assessment in English
2Completed via Work Sample in English
4Completed via other approved standardized assessment in English
5Completed via locally developed assessment in English
7Completed via Extended Assessment
8Completed via Modified cut score on Statewide Summative Assessment in English
ACompleted via Modified Work Sample in English
BCompleted via Modified Work Sample in a language other than English
ECompleted via Work Sample in a language other than English
FCompleted via other approved standardizes assessment in a language other than English
GCompleted via locally developed assessment in a language other than English
ICompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in English - scored locally
JCompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in English - scored externally
KCompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in a language other than English - scored locally
LCompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in a language other than English - scored externally

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > gradPathReading (graduation.gradPathReading)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

Reading Essential Skill Date

Date the test was administered or work samples were submitted that serves as evidence of proficiency for the Reading Essential Skill. Enter dates in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > gradPathReadingDate (graduation.gradPathReadingDate)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

Writing Essential Skill Code

Code indicating how the assessment of the essential skill requirement to Write clearly and accurately was met.

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0Not Applicable
1Completed via Statewide Summative Assessment in English
2Completed via Work Sample in English
4Completed via other approved standardized assessment in English
5Completed via locally developed assessment in English
7Completed via Extended Assessment
8Completed via Modified cut score on Statewide Summative Assessment in English
ACompleted via Modified Work Sample in English
BCompleted via Modified Work Sample in a language other than English
ECompleted via Work Sample in a language other than English
FCompleted via other approved standardizes assessment in a language other than English
GCompleted via locally developed assessment in a language other than English
ICompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in English - scored locally
JCompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in English - scored externally
KCompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in a language other than English - scored locally
LCompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in a language other than English - scored externally

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > gradPathWriting (graduation.gradPathWriting)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

Writing Essential Skill Date

Date the test was administered or work samples were submitted that serves as evidence of proficiency for the Writing Essential Skill. Enter dates in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > gradPathWritingDate (graduation.gradPathWritingDate)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

Speaking Essential Skill Code

Code indicating how the assessment of essential skill requirement to Listen actively and speak clearly and coherently was met.

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0Not Applicable
2Completed via Work Sample in English
4Completed via other approved standardized assessment in English
5Completed via locally developed assessment in English

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > gradPathSpeaking (graduation.gradPathSpeaking)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

Speaking Essential Skill Date

Date the test was administered or work samples were submitted that serves as evidence of proficiency for the Speaking Essential Skill. Enter dates in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > gradPathSpeakingDate (graduation.gradPathSpeakingDate)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

Math Essential Skill Code

Code indicating how the assessment of essential skill requirement to Apply mathematics in a variety of settings was met. 

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0Not Applicable
1Completed via Statewide Summative Assessment in English
2Completed via Work Sample in English
4Completed via other approved standardized assessment in English
5Completed via locally developed assessment in English
7Completed via Extended Assessment
8Completed via Modified cut score on Statewide Summative Assessment in English
ACompleted via Modified Work Sample in English
BCompleted via Modified Work Sample in a language other than English
ECompleted via Work Sample in a language other than English
FCompleted via other approved standardizes assessment in a language other than English
GCompleted via locally developed assessment in a language other than English
ICompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in English - scored locally
JCompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in English - scored externally
KCompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in a language other than English - scored locally
LCompleted via Modified locally developed assessment in a language other than English - scored externally

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > gradPathMath (graduation.gradPathMath)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

Math Essential Skill Date

Date the test was administered or work samples were submitted that serves as evidence of proficiency for the Math Essential Skill. Enter dates in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > gradPathMathDate (graduation.gradPathMathDate)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

State Seal Information

The State Seal Information section provides a way to add certain areas of proficiency to a student's graduation record.

Screenshot of the State Seal Information section. State Seal Editor

State Seals and Certificates

Identities students who have earned a seal or certificate on their high school diploma in one of the following areas: 

  • 00: World Language Proficiency Certificate
  • 01: Gold bilingual or multilingual seal
  • 02: Platinum bilingual or multilingual seal

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > Graduation Seal > stateSeal (graduationSeal.stateSeal)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File

Date Earned 

Date a state seal or certificate was earned by a student. 

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > Graduation Seal > earnedDate (graduationSeal.earnedDate)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File


Lists the language in which the seal of biliteracy was earned.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > Graduation Seal > language (graduationSeal.language)


Cumulative Average Daily Membership File