Tool Search: Immunization Primary Review Summary
The Primary Review Summary (PRS) reports information schools are required to report to Oregon's Local Health Department. This report contains sections A-H. The Oregon Student Immunization and Susceptibility Report can be submitted as Section B of this report.
See the Oregon Immunization Rules article for vaccine compliance rules and requirements.

Extract Editor Fields
Field | Description | Image Click to enlarge |
Report Section(s) | Only the selected sections of the report generates. Options include:
| ![]() |
What students would you like to include in the report? | Options are:
| ![]() |
Grade | Limits the report results to students in the selected grade(s). The grade selection becomes available when the Grade radio button is marked. State grades listed come from a locked Attribute Dictionary. | |
Ad hoc Filter | Limits the report results to students included in a pre-saved Ad hoc Filter. The Ad hoc Filter selection becomes available when the Ad Hoc Filter radio button is marked. See the Filter Designer article for additional information. | |
Number of K-12 students excluded on exclusion day | The number of K-12 students excluded on exclusion day. This value displays on the report but does not factor into any calculations, nor is this saved to the database. | ![]() |
Number of PK students excluded on exclusion day | The number of PK students excluded on exclusion day. This value displays on the report but does not factor into any calculations, nor is this saved to the database. | |
Enrollment Date | Narrows the report results to students enrolled on this day. This date must be within the school year selected in the toolbar. | ![]() |
Generate Report | Generates the report in an HTML format. |
Report Population
Students report when:
- They are enrolled in the selected calendar on the Enrollment Date and have a current enrollment in the selected calendar. All enrollments end dated before the Enrollment Date are excluded.
- They are enrolled in the selected calendar on the Enrollment Date with a Service Type of P and are currently enrolled in the selected calendar. Students with an Enrollment Service Type of S or N count in the Total Enrollments and Students Not Counted data elements on the report layout.
Students are excluded when they are marked as No Show.
- Users receive an error when no school or calendar year is selected in the Campus toolbar before generating the report.
- Compliance data pulls in from the ImmComplianceStatus database table.
- The report can be run against a district's active year or prior years.
- The report generates in human-readable format (HTML).
- Only current vaccine compliance statuses report, but the report can be generated for a date in the past. This means that students enrolled on the past date report but vaccine compliance for the current date reports, so there may be a discrepancy.
Report Layout
Section A
Section A Header
Data Element Label | Description | Location |
Infinite Campus | Reports as Infinite Campus. Alphanumeric | N/A |
Name of school | Reports the name of the school. Alphanumeric | School Information > School Detail > Name |
Mailing address | Reports the school's mailing address. Alphanumeric | School Information > School Detail > Address, City, State, and Zip |
Physical Address | Reports the school's physical location address. Alphanumeric | School Information > School Detail > Physical Address, City, State, and Zip |
School District | Reports the school district's name. Alphanumeric | District Information > District Detail > Name |
Administrator's name | Reports the school principal's name. Alphanumeric | School Information > School Detail > Principal Name |
Administrator's email | Reports the school principal's email. Alphanumeric | School Information > School Detail > Principal Email |
Name of person completing the report | Reports the first and last name of the user generating the report. Alphanumeric | Demographics > First Name, Last Name |
Email of person completing the report | Reports the email of the user generating the report. Alphanumeric | Demographics > Email |
Preferred language of person completing report | Reports the primary language of the user generating the report. Alphanumeric | Demographics > Home Primary Language |
Grades serviced | Reports the grades included in the school. Alphanumeric | Calendar > Grade Level Editor > State Grade Level Code |
Date of report | The day the report is generated. MM/DD/YYYY | N/A |
Enrollment Date | The Enrollment Date entered on the extract editor. MM/DD/YYYY | Enrollment Date selected on extract editor |
Section A Layout
"Each student adjusted enrollment is counted in one of six categories (Data Elements 4-9). All six categories added up should equal the adjusted enrollment number (Data Elements 3)."
# | Data Element Label | Description |
1 | Total Enrollment | Counts the number of students with an active enrollment with a Service Type of P, S, or N on the Enrollment Date in State Grade KG, 01-12, and have a current enrollment. Numeric |
2 | Children not counted | Counts the number of students with an active secondary enrollment (Service Type N or S) on the Enrollment Date in State Grade KG, 01-12, and have a current enrollment. Numeric |
3 | Adjust enrollment | The Total Enrollment (Data Element 1) minus the Children not counted (Data Element 2). This should be a sum of Data Elements 4-9. Numeric |
4 | Number complete or up-to-date | The number of students who meet the following requirements for all vaccines:
Numeric |
5 | Number non-medical exemptions | The number of students who meet the following requirements for all vaccines:
Numeric |
6 | Number of permanent medical exemptions | The number of students with a State Exemption of PM: Permanent Medical for ANY vaccine. Numeric |
7 | Number temporary medical exemptions | The number of students who meet the following requirements:
8 | Number incomplete/insufficient | The number of students who meet the following requirements:
Numeric |
9 | Number no record | The number of student with no shot records or State Exemptions. Numeric |
Sections B, C, and D
The Student Immunization and Susceptibility Report can be submitted as Section B of this report. Sections C and D do not have any requirements.
Sections F, G, and H
Only students with a State Grade of KG-12 report in Sections F, G, and H. Only students with P: Primary enrollments should report, except for the Students Not Counted row. This row counts the number of students with secondary enrollments (Service Type of N or S).
Section F, G, and H Header
Data Element Label | Description | Location |
Infinite Campus | Reports as Infinite Campus. Alphanumeric | N/A |
Name of school | Reports the name of the school. Alphanumeric | School Information > School Detail > Name |
Grades | Reports the grades included in the school. Alphanumeric | Calendar > Grade Level Editor > State Grade Level Code |
Name of person completing report | Reports the first and last name of the user generating the report. Alphanumeric | Demographics > First Name, Last Name |
Enrollment Date | Reports the Enrollment Date. MM/DD/YYYY | Entered Enrollment Date from the Extract Editor |
Phone | The work phone number of the user generating the report. Alphanumeric | Demographics > Work Phone |
Email of person completing the report | Reports the email of the user generating the report. Alphanumeric | Demographics > Email |
Sections F, G, and H Layout 1
Students can count in more than one row for this section. A column displays for Kindergarten, 7th Grade, and Full School Grades K-12 per data element.
# | Data Element Label | Description | Location |
1 | How many student in grades K-12 were excluded on Exclusion Day? | Reports the number entered into the "Number of K-12 students excluded on exclusion day" field on the extract editor. Numeric | Extract editor |
2 | Total enrollment | The total number of students with a primary and secondary enrollments (Service Type of P, N, or S). Numeric | Enrollments > Service Type |
3 | Students not counted | The number of students with secondary enrollments (Service Type of N or S). | Enrollments > Service Type |
4 | Adjusted enrollment (Total enrollment minus students not counted) | The total enrolled minus the students not counted (Data Element 2 minus Data Element 3). Numeric | Enrollments > Service Type |
5 | No record | The number of students with no shot dose records or State Exemptions. Numeric | Student Immunization tool |
6 | Medical exemptions | The number of students with a State Exemption of PM (Permanent Medical) or TM (Temporary Medical) for any vaccine. Numeric | Student Immunization tool |
7 | Non-Medical Exemptions | The number of students with one or more vaccines with a State Exemption of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner). Numeric | Student Immunization tool |
8 | How many nonmedical exemptions are from the online module | The number of students with one or more vaccines with an NMO (Non-Medical Online) State Exemption. | Student Immunization tool |
9 | How many nonmedical exemptions are from a health care practitioner | The number of students with one or more vaccines with an NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner) State Exemption. | Student Immunization tool |
Sections F, G, and H Layout 2
- MMR1 must be less than MMR.
- Students do not count in the exemption category and the vaccine category.
- A column displays for Kindergarten, 7th Grade, and Full School K-12 per data element. Each grade column is also broken up into Number with vaccines and Number with nonmedical exemptions columns.
Vaccine | Count Logic |
DTaP: Grades K-6: 5 doses, or 4 if the last dose is given at 4 years old or older; or Tdap: Grades 7-12: 1 dose Tdap | Number with Vaccines: For grade KG-06, the report counts students with all Complete or No Requirement statuses for DTaP AND with no State Exemption Codes of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner). For grades 07-12, the report counts students with all Complete or No Requirement statuses for Tdap AND with no State Exemption Codes of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner). Number with Nonmedical Exemptions: For each grade, the report counts the students with one or more vaccines with a State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner) for DTaP. |
Polio: 4 doses or 3 if the last dose is given at 4 years old or older | Number with Vaccines: For each grade, the report counts the students with all Complete or No Requirement statuses for Polio AND with no State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner). Number with Nonmedical Exemptions: For each grade, the report counts the students with one or more vaccines with a State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner) for Polio. |
Varicella: 1 or more dose or history of chickenpox disease | Number with Vaccines: For each grade, the report counts the students with all Complete or No Requirement statuses OR State Exemption of I: Immunity for Varicella AND with no State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner). Number with Nonmedical Exemptions: For each grade, the report counts the students with one or more vaccines with a State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner) for Varicella. |
MMR1: 1 or more dose | Number with Vaccines: For each grade, the report counts the number of students with:
Number with Nonmedical Exemptions: For each grade, the report counts the students with one or more vaccines with a State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner) for MMR or MMRV. Students do not when they are Complete for MMR1. |
MMR2: 2 doses of MMR or measles | Number with Vaccines: For each grade, the report counts the students with all Complete or No Requirement statuses OR State Exemption of I: Immunity for MMR or MMRV AND with no State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner). Number with Nonmedical Exemptions: For each grade, the report counts the students with one or more vaccines with a State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner) for MMR or MMRV. |
Hepatitis B: 3 doses | Number with Vaccines: For each grade, the report counts the students with all Complete or No Requirement statuses OR State Exemption of I: Immunity for Hepatitis B AND with no State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner). Number with Nonmedical Exemptions: For each grade, the report counts the students with one or more vaccines with a State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner) for Hepatitis B. |
Hepatitis A: 2 doses | Number with Vaccines: For each grade, the report counts the students with all Complete or No Requirement statuses OR State Exemption of I: Immunity for Hepatitis A AND with no State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner). Number with Nonmedical Exemptions: For each grade, the report counts the students with one or more vaccines with a State Exemption Code of NMO (Non-Medical Online) or NMH (Non-Medical Healthcare Practitioner) for Hepatitis A. |
All: Student has all vaccines or all nonmedical exemptions | Number with Vaccines: For each grade, the report counts the students with:
Tool Rights
Read - Generate the report.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A
For additional information, see the Individual User Tool Rights article.