Tool Search: English Learners
The English Learners (EL) tools allow schools and districts to manage student EL programs, assessments, services, and accommodations. The EL tool provides a central location for managing EL information such as the date the student was identified as EL, when the student entered/exited an EL program, when the student is expected to leave an EL program and First Year/Second Year Monitoring data. For students who exited and/or re-entered an EL program, an historical record is kept and displayed and can be viewed in both State and District Editions of Infinite Campus.
See the core English Learners (EL) article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Early Learning records.
English Learners (EL) Editor
Program Status
Program Status codes indicate the student's EL status. These codes are not specific to Oregon. Use the Click here to expand below for translation of this alignment.
English learner students are those students for whom there is a report of a primary language other than English on the state-approved Home Language Survey and who, on the basis of the state approved oral language (grades kindergarten through grade twelve) assessment procedures and literacy (grades three through twelve only), have been determined to lack the clearly defined English language skills of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing necessary to succeed in the school's regular instructional programs.
Indicates the student has limited interrupted formal education.
State of Emergency
Indicates the student is enrolled in EL programming during a state of emergency when identification of EL Status is not feasible.
EL Services
The EL Services tool allows users to add, edit, delete, and view existing EL Services. Please see the English Learners (EL) article for more information. Fields that are specific to Oregon are described below. Users are able to enter specific service details in the EL Services Detail editor.
EL Services
Service Type
Waiver for Service Date
Indicates the date in which LEP service was waved.