MOSIS Direct Match (Missouri)

Tool Search: MOSIS Extracts

The Direct Match reports all enrolled students in a selected calendar who are may be eligible for direct certification for free and reduced meals. Information on this extract is then uploaded into MOSIS.

This report is due in Fall and Spring.

Screenshot of the MOSIS Direct Match editor.MOSIS Direct Match

Read - Generate the Direct Match report.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information, see this Tool Rights article.

Report Logic and Report Population

One record per student is reported for both primary and partial enrollments.

  • When a student has more than one enrollment in a selected calendar, only one record reports. Reports the primary enrollment when one is primary and another is secondary. When both are primary, the latest Enrollment Start Date record reports. When start dates are the same, the highest Enrollment ID record reports.
  • When a student has enrollments in multiple schools, a record for each school of enrollment reports when that school is one of the selected calendars. 

Students do not report when:

  • The grade level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The enrollment is marked as No Show or as State Exclude.

Report Editor

The following table defines the fields available on the report editor.

Extract TypeSelection determines which extract generates. For this report, choose Direct Match.
Report Protected IdentitiesWhen marked, student identity information (last name, first name, etc.) reports from the Protected Identity Information fields.
Report State Excluded StudentsWhen marked, students who meet the report population requirements but their enrollment record is marked as State Exclude report along with all other records.

When not marked, students marked as State Exclude on their enrollment record are excluded from the report.
Effective DateEntered date is used to return students who were enrolled as of that date. The current date is pre-populated, but can be modified by entering a new date in mmddyy format or by using the calendar icon to select a date.
Optional Fields Allowed

When marked, includes the fields in the report layout that are optional. These fields are:

  • Local Student ID
  • Middle Name
  • Suffix
  • Student Grade Level
  • Gender
  • Race/Ethnicity
Ad hoc FilterSelecting an ad hoc filter limits the students reported to only those in the filter.
FormatThe extract can be generated in CSV, HTML, Tab-Delimited, or XML. Use the State Format (Tab-delimited) when submitting the extract to the state; use the other formats for testing and data review prior to state submission.
Note: when reporting to the state, the Tab Delimited file is submitted without header records.
Select CalendarsAt least one calendar must be selected in other to generate the extract. Calendars can be chosen by Active Year, School Year or Year.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Direct Match extract as the Extract Type.
  2. Mark the Report Protected Identities checkbox.
  3. Mark the Report State Excluded Students checkbox.
  4. Enter an Effective Date.
  5. To include optional fields in the extract, mark the Optional Fields Allowed field.
  6. Optional: select an Ad hoc Filter to return only those students in the filter.
  7. Select the desired Format in which the extract generates.
  8. Select the desired Calendar(s).
  9. Click the Generate Extract or Submit to Batch buttons. The report displays in the selected format.

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
Record TypeAlways reports as ID.

Text, 2 characters
Current School CodeThe code aligned to the attending school.

When blank, the State School Number reports.

Text, 4 characters
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attending School

School Information > State School Number
Resident District CodeThe residing district code.

When blank, the State District Number reports.

Text, 6 characters
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Residing District

District Information > State District Number
Legal Last NameThe last name of the student.

Legal Last Name reports from the Protected Identity Information fields. When blank, reports the student Last Name from the Demographics tool.

Text, 60 characters
Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name

Demographics > Last Name

Legal First NameThe first name of the student.

Legal First Name reports from the Protected Identity Information fields. When blank, reports the student First Name from the Demographics tool.

Text, 60 characters
Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name

Demographics > First Name

Filler 1 - 2
Does not reportDoes not report
GenderThe student's gender.

Legal Gender reports from the Protected Identity Information fields. When blank, reports the student Gender from the Demographics tool.

Text, 1 character
Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender

Demographics > Gender

Date of BirthThe student's birth date.

Text, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
Demographics > Birth Date

Current Grade LevelThe student's grade level.

Reports as PK, K, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, or AD.

Text, 2 characters
Enrollment > Grade

Local Student IDReports the district-assigned student identification number.

Text, 20 characters
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student ID

Filler 3Does not reportDoes not report
Race/EthnicityThe student's race/ethnicity.

Reports as A, B, H, I, W, P, or M.

Text, 1 character
Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

State IDThe student's State ID number.

Text, 20 characters
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID
Current District CodeThe attending district code.

When blank, the state district number reports.

Text, 6 characters
Enrollments > Attending District

District Information > State District Number
Current School YearThe end year from the reported calendar.

Text, 4 characters
School Years > End Year
Filler 5 - 42Does not reportDoes not report
Submission PurposeReports as 001.

Text, 3 characters
Person TypeReports as 01 for students with a Grade Level of PK. Reports as 02 for all other students.

Text, 2 characters
Enrollments > Grade

Active Inactive IndicatorIndicates the student has an active enrollment.

Reports as 0 (Inactive) when the student has an Enrollment End Date before the generation date of the report. Otherwise, 1 (Active) reports.

Text, 1 character
Enrollments > End Date

Filler 43 - 62Does not reportDoes not report
Record Update DateReports as 1.

Text, 1 character