MOSIS Student Assignment (Missouri)

Tool Search: MOSIS Extracts

The Student Assignment extract is generated two times during the school year, in October and June (for summer school). The extract reports the courses taken by a student during the regular school year or in summer school.

When a course section has multiple primary teachers associated with it, a record for each teacher who taught that section during the date range entered on the extract editor reports.

Screenshot of the MOSIS Student Assignment extract editor.MOSIS Student Assignment Extract Editor

Read - Generate the MOSIS Student Assignment Extract.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

Report Logic

The Student Assignment Extract collects assignments for the entire regular school year in two cycles:

  • The October data collection requires one or more records for each student in a given educator's teaching assignment. 
  • The June Summer School collected requires one or more records for each student in a given educator's teaching assignment. 
  • The June collection returns only for those calendars marked as Summer School.

Any course marked as Exclude from State Reporting is not included. Any Course Section that has an Assignment Number value of 0 is not included.

The educator must have a Teaching Assignment with a Position Code of 60.

This extract returns data on instructional and non-instructional periods for any student enrolled in any course at any time during the reporting period that is also reported in the Course Assignment extract.

All courses report on the extract when an End Dated Enrollment was active during any portion of the school year.

Report Editor

The following fields are available for selection on the MOSIS Student Assignment Extract.

Extract Option


Extract Type

Determines the extract that generates. Selection should be Student Assignment.

Reporting Period

Indicates the section of the school year for which student data is being reported. Each selection contains the same layout, but certain fields may be required in certain extracts, and optional in others.

Report Protected IdentitiesWhen marked, student identity information (last name, first name, etc.) reports from the Protected Identity Information fields.
Report State Excluded Course SectionsWhen marked, course sections where the Assignment Number field on the Course Section editor has a value zero (0), those sections are included in the report, as long as the sections meet all other reporting population logic.

Marking this checkbox also includes courses where the Exclude from State Reporting checkbox are marked on the Course editor.
Report State Excluded StudentsWhen marked, students who meet the report population requirements but their enrollment record is marked as State Exclude report along with all other records.

When not marked, students marked as State Exclude on their enrollment record are excluded from the report.

Optional Fields Allowed

When selected, optional fields are included in the extract. These optional fields may be blank depending on the available student data.

Date Range

Entered dates are used to return students enrolled during that time frame. Enter dates in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to choose a date.

Ad hoc Filter

Selection includes only those students included in the filter.


Determines how the extract generates. Use the State Format (CSV) when submitting the final data to MOSIS. Use the other available formats (HTML, Tab Delimited, XML) for data review and testing.


Selected calendar indicates which students will be included in the report. Multiple calendars can be selected at one time; it is recommended that all calendars in a district not be selected as this increases the amount of time it takes to generate the extract. The calendar chosen in the Campus toolbar is already selected.

Generate Extract

Displays the selected calendar information and extract immediately for data review and printing purposes in one of the selected formats.

Generate the Student Assignment Extract

  1. Select the Student Assignment report.
  2. Select the Reporting Period.
  3. Mark the Report Protected Identities checkbox, if desired.
  4. Mark the Report State Excluded Course Sections, if desired.
  5. Mark the Report State Excluded Students checkbox, if desired.
  6. Mark the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox, if applicable.
  7. Enter the Date Range for the selected reporting period.
  8. Select any applicable Ad hoc Filters.
  9. Select the Format of the extract.
  10. Select which Calendar(s) to include within the extract.
  11. Click the Generate Extract button.

Screenshot of a CSV report example.Student Assignment - State Format (CSV)

Screenshot of an HTML example.Student Assignment - HTML Format

Screenshot of a tab delimited example.Student Assignment - Tab Delimited FormatScreenshot of an XML report example.Student Assignment - XML Format

Report Layout

For each reporting period, the elements in this extract are labeled as follows:

  • R = Required
  • C = Conditional
  • O = Optional
  • N = Not Allowed

Element Name



Collection Version

Reports a value of 20XXOct1.0StuAssign or 20XXJun1.0SumCrsAssign, depending on the reporting period selected.

The June collection uses the start year of the summer school calendar, not the end year.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (R)

Text, 50 characters

Data not stored

Current School Year

The ending year of the current school year (i.e., 2012 for the 2011-2012 school year). 

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (R) 

Numeric, 4 digits

School Years > School Year Editor > School Year Detail > End Year


Reporting District Code

DESE-assigned 6-digit county district code for the reporting district.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (R) 

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

District Information > State District Number


Reporting School Code

DESE-assigned 6-digit school code for the reporting school.

Reports the selected code entered on the State Reporting Fields Enrollment editor, if populated.

  • When not populated, the Reporting School Code on the Course reports.
  • When the Reporting School field on the Enrollment record is not populated and the Reporting School Code on the Course is not populated, the Calendar Type is used to determine the reported value. If the Calendar Type Code is AP: Alternative Program School, all students enrolled in that calendar report the value entered in the Residing School field on the State Reporting Enrollment editor.
  • When the Reporting School field is not populated and the Calendar Type is not AP, the School Organization Type is used. When the School Organization Type Code is AP: Alternative Program School, all students enrolled in that school report the value entered in the Residing School field on the State Reporting Enrollment editor. 
  • When the Reporting School field is not populated and the Calendar Type is not AP and the School Organization Type is not AP, the Reporting School reports from the State School Number.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (R) 

Numeric, 6 digits*

*Note: while this report displays the full 6 digit school code, the state only accepts 4 and this value will need to be manually adjusted before submitting to the state.

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Reporting School; Residing School



Course > Reporting School Code


Calendar > Calendar > Type


School Information > School Org Type; State School Number



State ID

State-assigned student identification number.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (R) 

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Local Student ID

Local student ID maintained by the district. 

Reporting Period:

October (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student ID


Last Name

Legal last name as it appears on the student's birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's last name reports from the Legal Last Name field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


First Name

Legal first name as it appears on the student's birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's first name reports from the Legal First Name field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Middle Name

Legal middle Name as it appears on the birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's middle name reports from the Legal Middle Name field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name



Generational indication (Jr., III, etc.) part of the name, if any.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's middle name reports from the Legal Suffix field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Suffix


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix


Date of Birth

Student's birth date.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (R)

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Demographics > Person Information > Date of Birth


Student Grade Level

Student's grade level of enrollment at the time data is being submitted.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
June (C)

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade


Student Gender

Indication of the student being either Male or Female.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's gender reports from the Legal First Name field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (O)

Alphabetic, 1 character (M or F)

Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Student Race Ethnicity

Indication of the student's race/ethnicity.

  • H - Hispanic
  • A - Asian
  • P - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • I - American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • B - Black or African American
  • W - White
  • M - Multiracial

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (O)

Alphabetic, 1 character

Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity


 Assignment Number 

The number used to uniquely identify an instance of educator's course assignment also used to link that course to the records of the students within the course.

A record must exist in the Course Assignment Extract with the same Assignment Number, EDSSN, Current School Year, Reporting District Code, Reporting School Code, Pos Code and CTE Program Type in order to match.

The value reports from the Section Assignment Number field. If that field is not populated, a concatenated value of the course ID plus the section ID reports. 

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Course > Section > Assignment Number



Dual Credit Site

Site at which instruction of a college credit course is given.

When the Career Center checkbox is marked on the calendar, Dual Credit reports from the Course for ALL students enrolled in courses for the selected calendar. If the Dual Credit field on the Course editor is not populated, a blank value reports.

When the Career Center checkbox is not marked on the calendar, Dual Credit reports from the Course editor. The Dual Credit Site field must also be populated on the Course Section. This reports for ALL students enrolled in the Course Section.

When the Dual Credit field on the Course is populated and the Dual Credit Site Code Override field on the Roster Batch Edit is populated, that value reports fr ALL students enrolled in the Course Section. The Course Section Dual Credit Site field may or may not be populated. 

Dual Credit Site must be DIST, COLL, ITV, or ACC. 

The Dual Credit Site Override value reports if populated, unless the value entered for a student is equal to the student's Attending District Assignment. Then, this field reports a blank value.

When the student does not meet any of these requirements, the value selection on the Course Section editor reports.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
June (O)

Numeric, 4 digits

Course > Dual Credit


Course > Section > Dual Credit Site


Section > Roster Batch Edit > Dual Credit Site Override


Receiving Coll District Code

Six digit number and name of the sending district.

When the Career Center checkbox is marked on the Calendar, the following logic is used for ALL students enrolled in courses in the calendar:

  • When the Dual Credit Site Code Override field is populated on the Roster Batch Edit, that code reports. When the value entered in the Section Dual Credit Site Code is null, the value entered into the Dual Credit Site Code field reports.
  • When the Dual Credit Site Code is null on the on the Roster Batch Edit, the State District Number reports.

When the Career Center checkbox is not marked on the calendar, this field only reports when the Dual Credit field on the Course is DIST, COLL, ACC, or ITV.

  • When the Dual Credit Site Code Override field is populated on the Roster Batch Edit, that code reports. 
  • When the Dual Credit Site Code Override field is null on the Roster Batch Edit, the Dual Credit Site Code on the Course Section reports. 
  • When the Dual Credit Site Code is null, the State District Number reports.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
June (O)

Numeric, 6 digits

Course > Section Editor > Dual Credit Site 


Section > Roster Batch Edit > Dual Credit Site Override


Sending District Code

Resident district of the student.

When the Career Center checkbox is marked on the Calendar, the Sending District reports from the Course editor for ALL students. 

When the Sending District field is not populated on the Course Editor then it reports from Resident District field on the student's Enrollment record.

When the Career Center checkbox is not marked, the Sending District reports when the Course Dual Credit is DIST, COLL, ACC, or ITV. When the Sending District field is not populated on the Course, Sending District reports from the student's Resident District field on the student's Enrollment record.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
June (O)

Numeric, 6 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


Course > Custom Data Elements > Sending District


Sending School Code

Four digit number of the sending high school. This value reports only when the Sending District Code field is reported.

When the Career Center Center checkbox is marked, all students report the sending school from the Sending School field on the Course editor.

When not populated, the value reports from the Residing School field on the Enrollment record.

When the Career Center checkbox is not marked on the Calendar editor, this field reports from the Sending District field on the Course tab and the Dual Credit field must be DIST, COLL, ACC or ITV. 

When the Sending School field is not populated on the Course Editor, this field reports from Residing School in the Enrollments tab of Student Information.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
June (O)

Numeric, 4 digits

Course > Sending School Code


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Residing School


Course > Custom Data Elements > Sending District


Educator's Social Security Number

The educator's Social Security number.


When a teacher has a Start and End Date outside the Date Range selected on the extract editor, Educator's Social Security Number does NOT report.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 11 characters (XXX-XX-XXXX)

Demographics > Person Information > Soc Sec Number


Position Code

The Assignment Code of the teacher providing instruction for the course. See the Position Codes table for a list of options.

When this field is null, the Assignment Code for the Primary Teacher reports. If both the Position Code field and the Assignment Code field are null, a value of 60 reports.

If the code is greater than two digits, the value is truncated to report to the return the first 2 digits only.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (R)

Numeric, 2 digits

District > Assignments > Employment Assignment Information > Assignment Code


Course/Section > Section Editor > Position Code

CTE Program Type

Program type of the CTE approved program.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
June (O)

Numeric, 4 digits

Course > CTE Program Type



Indicates the student being served is considered disadvantaged.

  • When the student has an active eligibility status of Free or Reduced within the School Year and the date range entered in the extract editor, a value of Y reports.
  • When a student does not have an eligibility status of Free or Reduced but the Disadvantaged checkbox is marked on the student's enrollment, a value of Y reports.
  • When the student has an eligibility status of Paid or Non-reimbursable, a value of N reports.
  • When the Disadvantaged checkbox on the student's enrollment is not marked, a value of N reports.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
June (O)

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Disadvantaged


IEP Disability

The student's most dominant disability reports.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
June (O)

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability



Indicates whether a student is considered an adult student taking a special adult program.

When the CTE Program Type is reported, this field is required.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
June (O)

Numeric, 1 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > CTE Adult

Local Course Number

Course code that identifies the assignment.

October (O)
June (O)

Course > Number


Local Course Name

Reports the name of the course.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 12 characters

Course > Name

Local Section Number

Reports the section number of the course.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Course > Section > Number


Course Number

Reports the state code associated with the course.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

Course > State Code
