ISBE Extracts: ISBE Early Childhood Programs

Tool Search: ISBE Extracts

The ISBE Early Childhood Programs Extract reports data on students 3-5 years of age participating in Early Childhood Programs. Student Early Learning records are used to report data.

Screenshot of the ISBE Early Childhood Programs extract editor. ISBE Early Childhood Programs

Report Logic

The report includes students who have an active enrollment in the selected calendar that has an Early Learning Program record. The Early Learning Program record uses the following date logic to determine if the record reports:

  • The Start Date of the Early Learning Program starts BEFORE the Start Date entered on the Report Editor;
  • The Start Date of the Early Learning Program starts BEFORE the Start Date entered on the Report Editor, but the End Date on the Program record is blank (program has not ended);
  • The Start Date of the Early Learning Program starts BEFORE the Start Date entered on the Report Editor and ends ON or BETWEEN the Start and End Date entered on the Report Editor;
  • The Start Date of the Early Learning Program starts ON or BETWEEN the entered Start and End Date entered on the Report Editor, and the End Date on the Program record is blank (program has not ended).

Early Learning records with FUTURE End Dates are included in the report.

Early Learning Programs are NOT reported when:

  • The Program ends BEFORE the Start Date entered on the Report Editor.
  • The Program starts AFTER the End Date entered on the Report Editor.
  • The Program Start Date is BEFORE the Enrollment Start Date.

Primary enrollments are reported first; if the student does not have a primary enrollment in the selected calendar, partial and special education enrollments are included. 

Students must have an enrollment in State Grade 14 in order to be included. 

Students are NOT included when:

  • The enrollment record is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • The grade level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude. 
  • The calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.  

Report Editor

The following fields are available for selection.

Extract TypeSelection indicates what extract generated. For this extract, choose Early Childhood Programs.
Start Date
End Date
Indicates the date range used to determined which students are included in the report. See the Report Logic section for details.

Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by using the calendar icon.
File IdentifierA numeric field that notes the number of times the report has been generated. This field is used in the File Naming Convention of the extract to be used when submitting the extract in the State Format (EC + RCDT or District Name + __ + MMDDYYY_File Identifier).
Students without State IDsWhen marked, the report returned students who do not have state IDs assigned.
Strip Apostrophes

When marked, the following marks are removed from student names and other reported data:

  • Apostrophes ('), Commas (,), Periods (.)
  • Umlaut (Ö)
  • Tilde (Ñ)
  • Grave Accents (Ò), Acute Accents (Ó)
  • Circumflex (Ô)

When not marked, these marks are not removed.

Report Protected IdentitiesWhen marked, student identity information (last name, first name, etc.) reports from the Protected Identity Information fields.
FormatDetermines how the report generates. Use the State Format (Comma Delimited) when submitting the report to the state. Use the HTML or Tab Delimited option when reviewing data prior to state submission.

Note that the State Format does NOT include column headings. 
Ad hocSelect a saved ad hoc filter to use when generating this report. Only those students included in the filter will be returned on the report if they meet the reporting requirements.
Calendar SelectionAt least one calendar needs to be selected for the report to generate. Calendars can be chosen by Active Year, by School or by Year. If a calendar is selected in the Campus toolbar, that calendar is automatically selected.
Report GenerationThe report can be generated immediately using the Generate Extract button. When there is a larger amount of data chosen (several calendars, large date range, etc.), use the Submit to Batch button, which allows the user to choose when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Report

  1. Select Early Childhood Programs  from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter the desired Start Date and End Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  3. Enter the File Identifier.
  4. Check the Students w/o stateIDs checkbox, if desired, to include students without assigned state IDs within the report.
  5. If desired, mark the Strip Apostrophes checkbox.
  6. If desired, mark the Report Protected Identities checkbox.
  7. Select the Format. To review data prior to submission, use the HTML format. When submitting data to the state, use the State Format (Comma Delimited).
  8. Select an Ad hoc Filter to use as the student set in the report.
  9. Select which Calendar(s) to include within the report.
  10. Select the Generate Extract button or use the Submit to Batch option. The report will appear in a separate window in the designated format.

Screenshot of an example of the Early Childhood Programs extract in HTML format. Early Childhood Programs - HTML Format

Screenshot of an example of the Early Childhood Programs extract in State format (Comma Delimited). Early Childhood Programs - State Format (Comma Delimited)

Screenshot of an example of the Early Childhood Programs extract in Tab Delimited format. Early Childhood Programs - Tab Delimited

ISBE Early Childhood Programs Extract Layout

Header Layout





The name of the extract being generated. Will always report a value of Early Childhood Programs.


Total Records

The total amount of records generated.



File Name

EarlyChildhoodPrograms_RCDT_Date_Fileidentifier.ext (or .csv, .txt)



The date the extract was generated.




The Region-County-District-Type-School code that uniquely identifies the school generating the extract.


School & District Setup > District Information > State District Number, Type, Region Number, County; School & District Setup > School Information > State School Number





Extract Layout




State ID

The student identifier assigned in the ISBE SIS.

Numeric, 9 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Local SAP ID

The Student ID number used by the school to identify the student within their local system.

Numeric, 50 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Legal Last Name

The student's legal last name.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's last name reports from the Legal Last Name field if populated.

Alphabetical, 30 characters

Census > People > Person Information > Last Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


 Legal First Name

The student's legal first name.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's first name reports from the Legal First Name field if populated.

Alphabetical, 30 characters

Census > People > Person Information > First Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Birth Date

The student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


RCDTS for Home School

The Region-County-District-Type-School code that uniquely identifies the elementary, middle/junior, or high school the student attends or would attend if not placed/transferred to another school/program to receive needed services.


School & District Setup > District Information > State District Number, Type, Region Number, County




School & District Setup > School Information > State School Number


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Home School, Home District



RCDTS for Serving School

The Region-County-District-Type-School code that uniquely identifies the school/program where a student is being education.


School & District Setup > District Information > State District Number, Type, Region Number, County




School & District Setup > School Information > State School Number


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving School

Enrollment.serving School

ProgramReports the code selected for the Preschool Program where children ages 3-5 are provided educational services.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Programs

Service LocationReports the code selected for the agency type where the student received the primary service.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Service Location

Service TypeReports the code selected for the type of service provided by the program.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Service Type

Program Start DateReports the start date of the program.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Start Date

Program End DateReports the end date of the program.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > End Date

Reason for Ending ProgramReports the reason the program ended.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Reason for Ending Program

Provider TypeReports the provider type for the program.

Numeric, 3 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Provider Type

IENReports the Illinois Education Number for the teacher leading the program.

Numeric, 10 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > EI Number

Gateway Registry Member ID
Reports the Gateway ID assigned to the staff person providing the Early Learning education.

Numeric, 10 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Gateway Registry Member ID

Provider Has a Gateways Credential
Indicates the staff person has a Gateways Credential, used to show an individual's knowledge, skill and experience in caring for and educating children.

Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 02 (No).

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Provider has a Gateways Credential

Provider Start DateReports the start date of the provider.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Date Services Began

Provider End DateReports the end date of the provider.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Date Services Ended

Reason for Ending ProviderReports the code for the reason the provider assignment ended.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Reason Ending Provider
