Scheduling Prep: Calendar Setup For Upcoming Year - Study Guide

Data in Campus is stored by school year and calendar. Before scheduling of students can begin, the upcoming school year and school calendars need to be created.

Calendar Overview Whiteboard Videos

These whiteboard videos provide an overview of how calendars, years, calendar structures and grade levels are used in Campus.

Calendars And Years


Calendar Structure


Grade Levels


Terms, Period Schedules and Days




Create Next School Year And Calendar(s)

Define The Next School Year

The School Years tab lists all years for which data is stored in Campus. Before calendars can be created, the school year to which they are to be attached must exist.


Calendar Wizard Overview

The Calendar Wizard provides several options for use in creating school calendars. The document below provides an overview of these options.


Calendar Wizard: New Blank Calendars

"Create new blank Calendars" is typically used when there is a new school in the district. After the calendar is created, named, and given start/end dates additional configuration (e.g. courses, terms, schedule structures) will need to be completed.


Calendar Wizard: Roll Forward Existing Calendar(s)

Districts can create calendars for the upcoming school year by rolling data elements forward from a source calendar. These can include existing calendar structures, courses, scheduling elements and grading setups.


Calendar Wizard: Copy Data Into Existing Calendar(s)

The "Copy data into existing Calendars" feature gives districts expanded options for copying items that are already set up in one calendar to another calendar. These can include existing calendar structures, courses, scheduling elements and grading setups.


Set Up Calendar Details


Calendar tool is used to enter basic information about the calendar. Some of these settings impact state reporting and other calculations. 


Grade Levels

Students enrolled in district schools are assigned to a grade level. Sequences assigned to grade levels impact how students move from one level to another throughout the entire district when rolling students forward to an upcoming calendar.


Schedule Structures

By default, a Schedule Structure is created when a calendar is created. The content below explains what schedule structures are and how they are used. While it is possible to create additional schedule structures within the same calendar, for example a schedule for grades 1-5 and a separate kindergarten schedule, it is recommended to consult with Infinite Campus prior to creating additional schedule structures as there may be other ways to meet district scheduling needs.



Terms describe how a school year is divided, for example quarters, trimesters or semesters. Each term must have a name, sequence number, start date and end date.




Each calendar needs at least one period schedule that designates the names and times of periods meeting during the school day. Situations where multiple period schedules may be needed include schools with rotating days, schools that use responsive scheduling, or special circumstances such as late start or testing days.



School Calendar Days

The Days tool is is used to define details regarding days that fall within the school calendar. Before using any Days tools, verify that calendar and term dates are correct and that periods and period schedules have been created. 

