Error Log - Synchronization and Messaging

Tool Search: Error Log

The Error Log tool may be used by district and/or state system administrators to view recent activity and errors related to synchronization and messaging.

The Filter field of the Error Log has two settings:

  • All Entries - Displays all log entries related to synchronization and messaging within the system.
  • DIS/ZIS Server Entries Only - Displays only the log entries of the data interchange server.

screenshot of the error log tool

Image 1. Error Log

Read - User is allowed to generate the Error Log.
Write - User is allowed to generate the Error Log.
Add - User is allowed to generate the Error Log.
Delete - User is allowed to generate the Error Log and clear existing logs.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

To generate the log:

  1. Select a Filter.
  2. Click Generate Report. The log will be generated.

Screenshot of a sample error log.

To clear messages from the log:

  1. Select a Filter.
  2. Click Clear Log. The log will be cleared, and only new messages will appear.