Behavior (Maine)

Tool Search: Behavior

Behavior Setup

The Behavior Admin tool is used to setup behavior events/incidents, resolutions, and responses. Behavior Admin fields that are specific to the state of Maine are described below. For all other inquiries, please visit the Event Types article.

Event Types

Screenshot of the Event Type detial.

Event Type Editor

State Event Code (Mapping)

State Event Codes indicate the reason a student was subject to a disciplinary action. These are the official state codes to which all district-defined behavior events/incidents should be mapped. Behavior events/incidents that are not mapped to a state event code do NOT report.

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IC CodeReported CodeDescriptionDefinition
24DrugRelatedOther Illicit Drug Related
Illicit drug related is the reason why the student was disciplined.
02AlcoholRelatedAlcohol Related
Alcohol related is the reason why the student was disciplined.
73WeaponsPossessionWeapons PossessionWeapons possession is the reason why the student was disciplined.
71WithPhysicalInjuryViolence w/Physical Injury
Violent Incident (with Physical Injury) is the reason why the student was disciplined.
72WithoutPhysicalInjuryViolence w/o Physical Injury
Violent Incident (without Physical Injury) is the reason why the student was disciplined.
77OtherOther - NOT Drug, Alcohol, Weapons, or Violence Related
Other - NOT related to illicit drug, alcohol, weapons possession, and/or violence is the reason why the student was disciplined.

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Event > stateEventCode


To report, an Incident MUST be associated with a RT-mapped State Resolution Code of 01-15.


Behavior Report

Resolution Types

Screenshot of the Resolution Type detail.

Behavior Resolution Detail Editor

State Resolution Code (Mapping)

State Resolution Codes indicate the type of disciplinary action taken for a student. These are the official state codes to which all district-defined behavior resolutions should be mapped. Behavior resolutions that are not mapped to a state event code do NOT report. 

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IC CodeReported CodeResolution ValueDescriptionDefinition
02OutOfSchoolRTOut of School Suspensions
Out of School Suspensions/Expulsions - removal from regular school for disciplinary purposes temporarily, for the remainder of the school year, or longer according to LEA policy.
05InSchoolRTIn School Suspensions
In School Suspensions - temporary removal from regular classroom(s) for disciplinary purposes but still under supervision of school personnel.
03REMDWRTRemoval to an interim alternative educational setting by School Personnel
Unilateral removal to an interim alternative educational setting by School Personnel for drugs, weapons, or serious bodily injury.
06REMHORTRemoval to an interim alternative educational setting by Hearing Officer
Removed to an interim alternative educational setting based on a Hearing Officer finding that there is substantial likelihood of injury to the child or others.
01EXPSERVRTExpulsion with services

Expulsion with services is a consequence of a non-weapons incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).

09EXPWOSERVRTExpulsion w/o services
Expulsion without services is a consequence of a non-weapons incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).
10EXPMODRTWeapon: Expulsion modified to less than one year with educational services under IDEA
Expulsion modified to less than one year with educational services under IDEA was the methods used to discipline student(s) who are children with disabilities (IDEA) involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.
11EXPNOTMODRTWeapon: One year expulsion with educational services under IDEA
One year expulsion with educational services under IDEA was the methods used to discipline student(s) who are children with disabilities (IDEA) involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.
12EXPNOTMODNOALTRTWeapon: One year expulsion with no educational services
One year expulsion and no educational services is the method used to discipline the student(s) who are not children with disabilities (IDEA) involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.
13EXPMODALTRTWeapon: Expulsion modified to less than one year with educational services
Expulsion modified to less than one year with educational services is the method used to discipline the student(s) who are not children with disabilities (IDEA) involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.
14EXPMODNOALTRTWeapon: Expulsion modified to less than one year without educational services
Expulsion modified to less than one year without educational services is the method used to discipline the student(s) who are not children with disabilities (IDEA) involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.
15EXPALTRTWeapon: One year expulsion and educational services
One year expulsion and educational services is the method used to discipline the student(s) who are not children with disabilities (IDEA) involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.

Be aware that Behavior Incidents and Other Consequences (codes 03076 - 03098) listed below do NOT report unless they are also associated with a RT-mapped State Resolution code (codes 01 - 15) listed above.

0307603076OCCommunity serviceCommunity service is a consequence of an incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).
0308803088OCJuvenile justice referralJuvenile justice referral is a consequence of an incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).
0308903089OCLaw enforcement referralLaw enforcement referral is a consequence of an incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).
Restitution is a consequence of an incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).
0309703097OCSubstance abuse counseling mandated
Substance abuse counseling mandated is a consequence of an incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).
0309803098OCSubstance abuse treatments mandated
Substance abuse treatment mandated is a consequence of an incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).
0308003080OCConflict resolution or anger management servConflict resolution or anger management services mandated is a consequence of an incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).
0308203082OCCounseling Mandated
Counseling mandated is a consequence of an incident for the student(s) involved in an incident as perpetrator(s).

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > stateResCode


Behavior Report

Behavior Management

Screenshot of the Incident Detail editor.

Behavior Incident Detail Editor


This indicates where a student committed an applicable offense. This is only used for district-tracking purposes.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Incident > location

Behavior Management Participant Fields

Behavior Participant Detail Editor


This field is NOT used for state reporting and is used only for district-tracking purposes.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Event > victim

Behavior Resolution Fields

Behavior Resolution Detail Editor