Student Summary Report

Tool Search: Student Summary Report

The Student Summary Report returns a list of assignments per student that are assigned to the student along with any scores that the student has received. Grading Tasks are listed first, followed by Standards. 

Screenshot of student summary report print options.Student Summary Report

Select printing options, grade summary information, sort options and extra information to include on the report. These options are detailed in the Report Editor section.

Report Editor

The Report Editor allows users to select various options for this report. Teachers should consider what options to select and how many assignments to include in the report, as these decisions affect the layout and appearance of the report.

Italicized options indicate options selected by default.

Report Options

Page Printing Options

These options indicate how the report prints:

  • Student Grades Summary - Multiple Students Per Page: Generates a summary of student scores with multiple students per page. 

  • Student Grades Summary - One Student Per Page: Generates a summary of student scores with one student per page, suitable for handing out to students and parents.

  • Show Assignment Detail - One Student Per Page: Generates assignment details following the Grade Summary, based on the options selected, with one student per page. When this option is selected, the following Assignment Detail Options can be selected as desired:

    • [Assignment] Name
    • Category Name
    • Due Date
    • Assigned Date
    • Multiplier
    • Score
    • Points Possible
    • Percent
    • Score Comments
    • Description
    • Objectives
    • References
    • Shade Alternate Rows

Grade Summary

These options display additional information about assignment and scores earned in the Grade Summary section of the report:

  • Show Assignment Categories: Displays the Categories aligned to each Grading Task.
  • Show Total Points: Displays the total points possible for the student.

  • Show In-Progress Grade: Displays the In-Progress grade for the student calculated at the time the report is generated.

  • Show Final Grade: Displays the Final grade for the student for any Grading Tasks for which grades have been posted.

  • Show Grade Percentages: Displays the percentage earned for the In-Progress and Final grades.

Extra Items

These options are not related to student scores and can be included as desired:

  • Parent/Guardian Signature: Displays a signature line at the end of the report where Parents/Guardians can sign to indicate they have viewed the report. This options is best used when a Printing Option of one student per page is used.

  • Attendance Summary: Displays a summary of student absences and tardies at the top of the report.

  • Student-level Comments: Displays the comments entered for the student in the Grade Book in the expanded student section. If teacher comments are entered in the report editor, both student-level comments and teacher comments display under the Teacher Comments header.

  • Hide Exempt Assignments: Assignments marked as are not included in the report.

  • Report Card Comments: Includes any Report Card Comments entered for this student in the Grade Book. Comments are entered in the Grade Book > Grade Totals > Posted section > Rpt Crd Comments.

Teacher Comments

Displays an additional comment for every student. This comment could be used to explain the nature of the report or indicate that students should return the signed report to the teacher, if the Signature Line option is included.

Format Options

Student Sort

Students can be sorted in the report as follows:

  • By Student Name (alphabetical by last name, first name) Note: if selected, students are sorted alphabetically even if student number is displayed instead of student name.
  • By Student Number (numerical by student number)
  • Randomly

Shades alternate rows in the grid for easier reading. Options are:

  • Alternate Grading Task Rows
  • Alternate Assignment Rows (only when Show Assignment Detail is selected)
Display StudentDisplay student Name or student Number. Identifying students by number increases the anonymity of the report.

Student and Assignment Selection

Mark the checkbox next to a student's name to include that student in the report. All active students are marked by default. Inactive students display in red text.

Mark the checkbox next to a Task and Standard, Category, or Assignment to include student scores for that item in the report. Use the Select All option to mass mark or unmark all items. Marking a Task, Standard, or Category automatically marks all assignments, but individual assignments can be marked or unmarked as desired. All items are selected by default.

Note that Category Weights display in the assignments list if they have been entered for your Categories. However, Category Weights only display in the report if "Weight Categories" has been marked in the Grade Calculation Options.

Generate a Student Summary Report

  1. Select the Term and Section for which you want to view missing assignments.
  2. Select the desired Page Printing Options to determine how the report will print.
  3. Select the Grade Summary options to indicate what score information to include in the Grade Summary.
  4. Select any Extra Items to be included in the report.
  5. Enter Teacher Comments if desired.
  6. Indicate how the report should be Sorted.
  7. Indicate if alternate rows should be Shaded.
  8. Indicate if the report should identify students by Name or Number.
  9. Review the Selected Students and modify if necessary.
  10. Review the Selected Grading Tasks, Standards and Assignments and modify if necessary.
  11. Click Generate PDF to view the report in PDF format or click the arrow button next to Generate to select a different format.

The report generates beginning with the Grade Summary and followed by the Assignment Detail, if that Print Option is selected.

The following example is a report generated with all options selected, including Assignment Detail, for one Grading Task and one Standard.

Screenshot of printed student summary report.Student Summary Report