Foster Care (Kentucky)

PATH: Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care

The Foster Care tool is used to indicate whether a student is in Foster Care. A start and end date is associated with each instance of a Foster Care record. These records are not tied to student enrollments or calendars.

See the core Foster Care article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Foster Care records.

Screenshot of the Foster Care tool.

Image 1: Foster Care Tab

Tool Rights for Foster Care

Tool rights must be assigned to this tab.

  • Read (R) - allows the user to view existing Foster Care records
  • Write (W) - allows the user to edit existing Foster Care records
  • Add (A) - allows the user to add new Foster Care records
  • Delete (D) - allows the user to remove Foster Care records

Screenshot of the Tool Rights tool, highlighting the Foster Care rights.

Image 2: Foster Care Tool Rights

Create a New Foster Care Record

To create a new Foster Care record for a student, click the New icon. See the details below for additional steps and information on filling out the new record.

Screenshot highlighting the New button and showing a new, blank record. 

Image 3: Creating a New Foster Care Record

To Create a Foster Care Record:

  1. Click the New icon. A Foster Care Detail editor displays.
  2. Enter the student's Start Date for Foster Care.
  3. Enter the School of Origin for the selected student.
  4. Enter any Comments related to the student's Foster Care record.
  5. If applicable, enter information for state-specific and district-specific Foster Care fields (see the table below for more information about these fields).
  6. Click the Save icon when finished. The new record is visible in the Foster Care Editor.

To modify a Foster Care record, select it from the editor and enter the new information (end date, new comments, etc.).

When a student moves out of Foster Care, edit the record and enter an End Date.

If a record was entered in error, click the Delete icon to completely remove it.

FieldDescriptionDatabase LocationAd Hoc Field and Location

Start Date


Indicates the date the student was first considered to be in the Foster Care program.

Dates are entered in mmddyy format, or can be chosen by clicking the calendar icon.



Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Foster Care > startDate

End Date

Indicates the date the student was no longer considered to be in the Foster Care program.

Dates are entered in mmddyy format, or can be chosen by clicking the calendar icon.



Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Foster Care > endDate

School of OriginIndicates the school in which the student is enrolled at the time of placement in Foster Care.FosterCare.


Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Foster Care > schoolOfOrigin

CommentsLists any additional information related to the student's placement into Foster Care or movement out of Foster Care.FosterCare.comments


Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Foster Care > comments

AgencyThe foster care agency.

Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Foster Care > agency

DCBS Case Worker First NameThe first name of the DCBS Foster Care worker.FosterCare.


Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Foster Care > caseWorkerFName

DCBS Case Worker Last NameThe last name of the DCBS Foster Care worker.FosterCare.


Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Foster Care > caseWorkerLName

Foster IDThe FosterID of the student in foster care. FosterCare.fosterID


Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Foster Care > fosterID

DCBS Case Worker PhoneThe phone number of the DCBS Foster Care worker.FosterCare.


Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner > Foster Care > caseWorkerPhone

District Defined ElementsDisplays any district-specific fields that are used for recording Foster Care information at a specific district. These are created in the Custom toolset.

Overlapping records are not allowed.

  • If a new record is added before an existing record has an end date, a warning message displays. Enter an End Date on the existing record before adding a new record.
  • If a new record is added that with a start date that is between the start and end dates of a historical record, a warning message displays. Verify the entered date on the new record is correct.

Print a Foster Care Summary Report

Click the Print Summary Report to display a PDF view of the student's Foster Care records.

Screenshot highlighting the Print Summary Report button and showing an example of the report that displays. 

Image 4: Generating the Summary Report

Publish Foster Care Records from a State Edition to a District Edition

PATH: Program Admin > Federal Programs Publishing

Foster Care records can be published for an individual student from a State Edition to a District Edition using the Federal Programs Publishing tool. This tool is only available to State Edition users.

Screenshot of the Federal Programs Publishing tool. 

Publish State Foster Care Records

Manage Document Upload

To view documents, click the Documents button on the action bar. Users with the appropriate tool rights may also complete the following tasks.

Screenshot highlighting the Documents button. 

Image 5: Adding Documents to a Student's Foster Care Tab