Textbook Opt-Out Program (Indiana)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:10 am CDT
Tool Search: Textbook Opt-Out
The Textbook Opt-Out program allows schools to identify students with FRAM records who opt out of the Curricular Material Program. The school/district can create an ad hoc filter to find any students whose application indicates the student/family declined textbook assistance. The Federal/State Program Updater can be used to mass populate the 'Textbook Opt-Out' Program using the ad hoc filter.
Textbook Opt-Out record dates may not overlap. Users must end date a record before creating a new record. The new record must have a start date that is AFTER the end date of the old record.
Indiana Textbook Opt-Out Detail Editor
Start Date
Use this field to enter the date on which the Textbook Opt-Out record for the student was created.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Programs > ProgramOptOut > startDate
Ed-Fi Resources:
Students are excluded from the Student Curricular Material Program Associations (Indiana v3.6) resource if they have a Textbook Opt-Out record containing the following: a date that overlaps with a calendar AND the Opt-Out box is checked.
End Date
The End Date field is used to enter the date on which the Textbook Opt-Out record for the student was ended.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Programs > ProgramOptOut > endDate
Ed-Fi Resources:
Students are excluded from the Student Curricular Material Program Associations (Indiana v3.6) resource if they have a Textbook Opt-Out record containing the following: a date that overlaps with a calendar AND the Opt-Out box is checked.
Opt Out
Check this field if the student, or student's family, has declined textbook assistance.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Programs > ProgramOptOut > optOut
Ed-Fi Resources:
Students are excluded from the Student Curricular Material Program Associations (Indiana v3.6) resource if they have a Textbook Opt-Out record containing the following: a date that overlaps with a calendar AND the Opt-Out box is checked.