Tool Search: Ed-Fi
This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.
Object Triggering Logic
Action | Trigger |
Post | When an assessment is assigned to a student and the Assessment date is on or within the configuration year start and end dates.
Post | A field is changed and saved on the Test Information for the parent (non-child) assessment.
Delete/Post | When any part of the natural key is changed. |
Put | When any field that is not part of the natural key is changed and saved. |
Delete | All valid parent or child assessments are removed from the student. |
Delete | When the assessment scope year is changed to out of scope and that assessment is already tied to a student (which is still within the scope year), a delete isn't sent for StudentAssessment or Assessment as the record is tied to a student. |
Scope Year
Logic |
Record reports for students where Student test record exists within the scope year.
Resync Logic
Action | Trigger |
None | When a resource is toggled to OFF after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS but no new data is sent. |
Resync | When a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it is deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table. |
Resync | When a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it is deleted from the ODS. |
Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic
Action | Trigger |
Post/Delete | Natural Key changes:
Event Queue Detail
Campus Table | Ed-Fi Action | Fields |
Test Score | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table for sending data for this resource. |
Resource Preferences
This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.
Data Element Label | Mapping Needed |
Score Type | Assessment Reporting Method Descriptor |
Score Fields Selected | Result Datatype Type Descriptor |
Object Data Elements
Data Element Label | Business Requirements and Rules | Mandatory, Conditional, or Optional | Location |
id | The unique identifier of the resource. | M | |
studentAssessmentIdentifier | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an assessment administered to a student. The identifier is concatenated as follows: Assessment +" _" + Student State Identifier + "_" + School Year For example, the Dyslexia Screener Assessment for a student with a state identifier of 00000001: Dyslexia_00000001_2024 | M | |
assessmentReference | A reference to the related Assessment resource. Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the referenced Assessment resource. See the References section below. | M | |
reportedSchoolReference | A reference to the reported School resource.
| O | |
schoolYearTypeReference | Optional, does not report. | O | |
studentReference | A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a student. Reports the student's State Student Identifier. | M | |
accommodations | An unordered collection of studentAssessmentAccommodations. The specific type of special variation used in how an examination is presented, how it is administered or how the test taker is allowed to respond. This generally refers to changes that do not substantially alter what the examination measures. The proper use of accommodations does not substantially change academic level or performance criteria (e.g., Braille, Enlarged Monitor View, Extra Time, Large Print, Setting, Oral Administration). Optional, does not report. | O | |
administrationDate | The date and time an assessment was completed by the student. The use of ISO-8601 formats with a timezone designator (UTC or time offset) is recommended in order to prevent ambiguity due to time zones. Reports an Administration Date for the assessment. When not known, a default value of 07/01/2023 reports. | M | Student Information > Assessment > Test Scores > Date Test.startDate |
administrationEndDate | The date and time an assessment administration ended. Optional, does not report. | O | |
administrationEnvironmentDescriptor | The environment in which the test was administered. Optional, does not report. | O | |
administrationLanguageDescriptor | The language in which an assessment is written and/or administered. Optional, does not report. | O | |
assessedMinutes | Reported time student was assessed in minutes. Hard-coded to report 0 (zero). | O | |
eventCircumstanceDescriptor | An unusual event occurred during the administration of the assessment. This could include fire alarm, student became ill, etc. Optional, does not report. | O | |
eventDescription | Describes special events that occur before during or after the assessment session that may impact use of results. Optional, does not report. | O | |
items | An unordered collection of studentAssessmentItems. The student's response to an assessment item and the item-level scores such as correct, incorrect, or met standard. Optional, does not report. | O | |
performanceLevels | An unordered collection of studentAssessmentPerformanceLevels. The performance level(s) achieved for the student assessment. Optional, does not report. | O | |
period | The period or window in which an assessment is supposed to be administered. See the Array section below for details. | O | |
platformTypeDescriptor | The platform with which the assessment was delivered to the student during the assessment session. Optional, does not report. | O | |
reasonNotTestedDescriptor | The primary reason student is not tested. For example: Absent Refusal by parent Refusal by student Medical waiver Illness Disruptive behavior LEP Exempt. Optional, does not report. | O | |
reportedSchoolIdentifier | A reported school identifier for the school the enrollment at the time of the assessment used when the assigned SchoolId is not known by the assessment vendor. Optional, does not report. | ||
retestIndicatorDescriptor | Indicator for whether the test was retaken. For example: Primary administration First retest Second retest. Optional, does not report. | O | |
scoreResults | An unordered collection of studentAssessmentScoreResults. A meaningful score or statistical expression of the performance of an individual. The results can be expressed as a number, percentile, range, level, etc. See the Array section below for details. Does not report when any of the array Data Elements are either not mapped or score value is not entered. | O | |
serialNumber | The unique number for the assessment form or answer document. Optional, does not report. | O | |
studentObjectiveAssessments | An unordered collection of studentAssessmentStudentObjectiveAssessments. The student's score and/or performance levels earned for an objective assessment. For Dyslexia and State History/Government Assessments, reports the Identification Code and PerformanceLevelDescriptor. Otherwise, does not report. See Array section below for more information. | O | |
whenAssessedGradeLevelDescriptor | The grade level of a student when assessed. Optional, does not report. | O | |
proctorStaffReference | A unique alphanumeric code assigned to the staff. Reports for Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessments (KELPA). (staffUniqueId = State Staff ID ) | C | Census > Demographics > Staff State ID |
assessmentRequestDescriptor | The type of assessment requested for the student. Reports for Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessments (KELPA) | C | |
_etag | A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. | O |