English Learners (EL) (Texas)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:10 am CDT
Tool Search: EL
The English Learners (EL) tools allow schools and districts to manage student EL programs, assessments, services, and accommodations. The EL tab provides a central location for managing EL information such as the date the student was identified as EL, when the student entered/exited an EL program, when the student is expected to leave an EL program and First Year/Second Year Monitoring data. For students who exited and/or re-entered an EL program, an historical record is kept and displayed on the tab which can be viewed in both State and District Editions of Infinite Campus.
Some fields in the EL tab are specific to your state. All other fields in the EL tab do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the English Learners (EL) article.
English Learners (EL)
Program Status
Program Status codes indicate the student's EL status. While the codes defined by Infinite Campus are not specific to Texas, the LEP Indicator Codes defined by Texas have been aligned to correlate with these codes. See below for translation of this alignment.
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IC Code | Texas Code | Definition |
Not EL | 0 | Not LEP |
EL | 1 | Identified As Limited English Proficient (LEP) |
Exited EL | F | Student Exited From LEP Status - Monitored 1 (M1) – student has met criteria for bilingual/ESL program exit, is no longer classified as LEP in PEIMS, and is in his/her first year of monitoring and is not eligible for funding due to the fact that he or she is not LEP. |
Exited EL | S | Student Exited From LEP Status - Monitored 2 (M2) – student has met criteria for bilingual/ESL program exit, is no longer classified as LEP in PEIMS, and is in his/her second year of monitoring and is not eligible for funding due to the fact that he or she is not LEP. |
Pending | N/A | Not State-reportable. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > EL > EL > programStatus
EL Services
The EL Services tool allows users to add, edit, delete, and view existing EL Services. Please see the English Learners (EL) article for more information. Fields that are specific to Texas are described below.
EL Services Detail
Users are able to enter specific service details in the EL Services Detail editor.
EL Services Detail Editor
Service Type
Bilingual Service Type codes indicate whether the student is participating in a state-approved bilingual education program which is a full-time program of dual-language instruction through the TEKS in the content areas (mathematics, science, health, and social studies) in the primary language of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students and also for carefully structured and sequenced mastery of English cognitive academic language development.
ESL Service Type codes indicate whether the student is participating in a state-approved English as a Second Language (ESL) program. An ESL program in grades PK–8 is a program of intensive instruction in English from teachers either certified or endorsed in ESL who use second language acquisition information to teach LEP students the ESL TEKS. An ESL program in grades 9–12 is a program of intensive instruction in English from teachers trained in recognizing and dealing with language differences.
Bilingual/ESL Summer School codes indicate whether the student participated in the Bilingual/ESL Summer School program. To be eligible for enrollment in the Bilingual/ESL Summer Program, a student must be Limited English Proficient (LEP) and must be eligible for admission to kindergarten or first grade at the beginning of the next school year. LEP shall be determined by screening students using oral proficiency instruments approved by the Commissioner of Education.
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Code | Description | Definition |
B0 | No Bilingual Program Participation | Student does not participate in the Bilingual Education Program |
B2 | Transitional Bilingual Early Exit | A bilingual program that serves students identified as students of limited English proficiency in both English and Spanish, or another language, and transfers students to English-only instruction. It provides instruction in literacy and academic content areas through the medium of the student’s first language, along with instruction in English oral and academic language development. Non-academic subjects such as art, music, and physical education may also be taught in English. Exiting to an all English program of instruction will occur not earlier than the end of first grade, or if the student enrolls in school during or after first grade, the student will remain in the program for a minimum of two to five years before being eligible to exit the bilingual program. Students who have met exit criteria may continue receiving services but the school district will not be allocated the bilingual allotment. Students who are proficient in English may also be served in this program only with appropriate parental permission, but are not eligible for Bilingual Program allotment. See your state documentation for more information. |
B3 | Transitional Bilingual Late Exit | A bilingual program that serves students identified as students of limited English proficiency in both English and Spanish, or another language, and transfers a student to English-only instruction; academic growth is accelerated through cognitively challenging academic work in the student’s first language along with meaningful academic content taught through the student’s second language, English. The goal is to promote high levels of academic achievement and full academic language proficiency in the student’s first language and English. Students enrolled in the transitional bilingual/late exit program are eligible to exit the program not earlier than six or later than seven years after the students enroll in school. Students who have met exit criteria may continue receiving services but the school district will not be allocated the bilingual allotment. Students who are proficient in English may also be served in this program only with appropriate parental permission, but are not eligible for Bilingual Program allotment. See your state documentation for more information. |
B4 | Dual Language Immersion/two-way | A biliteracy program that integrates students proficient in English and students identified as students of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in both English and Spanish, or another language, and transfers a student identified as a student of limited English proficiency to English-only instruction; instruction is provided to both native English speakers and native speakers of another language in an instructional setting where language learning is integrated with content instruction. Academic subjects are taught to all students through both English and the other language. Program exit will occur not earlier than six or later than seven years after the student enrolls in school; students who have met exit criteria may continue receiving services but the school district will not be allocated the bilingual allotment. See your state documentation for more information. |
B5 | Dual Language Immersion/one-way | A biliteracy program that serves only students identified as students of limited English proficiency in both English and Spanish, or another language, and transfers a student to English-only instruction in an instructional setting where language learning is integrated with content instruction. Academic subjects are taught to all students through both English and the other language. Program exit will occur not earlier than six or later than seven years after the student enrolls in school; students who have met exit criteria may continue receiving services but the school district will not be allocated the bilingual allotment. Students who are proficient in English may also be served in this program only with appropriate parental permission, but are not eligible for Bilingual Program allotment. |
E0 | No ESL Program Participation | Student does not participate in the English as a Second Language (ESL) program |
E2 | ESL Content-based | An English program that serves students identified as students of limited English proficiency in English only by providing a certified full-time teacher to provide supplementary instruction for all content area instruction. It integrates English-as-a-second-language instruction with subject matter instruction which focuses not only on learning a second language, but using that language as a medium to learn mathematics, science, social studies, or other academic subjects. Exiting to an all English program of instruction will occur not earlier than the end of first grade, or if the student enrolls in school during or after first grade, the student will remain in the program for a minimum of two to five years before being eligible to exit the ESL program. Students who have met state requirements for exit criteria may continue receiving services but the school district will not be allocated the bilingual allotment; at the high school the LEP student receives sheltered instruction in all content areas. |
E3 | ESL Pull-out | An English program that serves students identified as students of limited English proficiency in English only by providing a certified teacher to provide English language arts instruction exclusively, while the student remains in a mainstream instructional arrangement in the remaining content areas. Instruction may be provided by the ESL teacher in a pull-out or inclusionary delivery model. Exiting to an all English program of instruction will occur not earlier than the end of first grade, or if the student enrolls in school during or after first grade, the student will remain in the program for a minimum of two to five years before being eligible to exit the ESL program. Students who have met state requirements for exit criteria may continue receiving services but the school district will not be allocated the bilingual allotment. |
SS | Bilingial/ESL Summer School | This applies to students who are enrolled in a LEP program that takes place in the extended school year. Be aware that this code does NOT report.
NP | No Program Participation | Use this code to flag students who are determined to be LEP but are not participating in any LEP programs. Be aware that this code does NOT report.
NS | No Service | This applies to students who are determined to be LEP but are not participating in any LEP programs. Be aware that this code does NOT report.
AB | Alternative Bilingual Language Program | The LEA is implementing an alternative bilingual language program approved by the Texas Education Agency due to the submission of a bilingual education exception for the current school year. An alternative language program must be approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) due to the LEAs submission of a bilingual education exception waiver for the current school year. |
AE | Alternative ESL Language Program | The LEA is implementing an alternative ESL language program approved by the Texas Education Agency due to the submission of an ESL waiver for the current school year. An alternative language program must be approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) due to the LEAs submission of a English as a second language (ESL) waiver for the current school year. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > EL > EL Service > LEPService
Parental Permission Code
The Parental Permission Code indicates whether the student's parent or legal guardian has approved placement of the student in the required bilingual or English as a Second Language (ESL) program.
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Code | Description | Definition |
3 | Req Plcmnt of Non-LEP Student in Bil prgm | Parent or guardian has requested placement of a non-LEP student in the bilingual program |
7 | Parent or Guardian Did Not Respond | Parent or guardian did not respond |
8 | Parent or Guardian Was Not Contacted | Parent or guardian was not contacted |
C | Denied Plcmnt in any Special Language prgm | Parent or guardian has denied placement of a LEP student in any special language program |
G | Approval of plcmnt of recent exit Non-LEP | Parent or guardian has approved the placement of a recently exited non-LEP student in a bilingual or English as a Second Language (ESL) special language program |
H | Req Plcmnt of Non-LEP in Eng as 2nd Language | Parent or guardian has requested placement of a non-LEP student in the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program |
A | Denied Plcmnt in Bil but approved in ESL prgm | Parent or guardian has denied placement of a LEP student in the required Bilingual Program, but has approved placement of a LEP student in the ESL program |
D | Approved Placement of LEP Student in the Bil prgm | Parent or guardian has approved placement of a LEP student in the Bilingual Program |
E | App'd Bil prgm, but prmg not available | Parent or guardian has approved placement of a LEP student in the Bilingual Program, but the district has requested an exception; parent has therefore approved placement of a LEP student in the ESL Program. |
J | App'd Plcmnt of LEP Student in ESL as Alt Language | Parent or guardian has approved the placement of a LEP student in the ESL program, but the program is an Alternative Language Program approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Districts that use Parental Permission Code J have, or should have, submitted a waiver to the TEA ESL program. |
K | Approved Plcmnt of LEP student in the ESL prgm | Parent or guardian has approved placement of a LEP/English learner (EL) student in the ESL program. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > EL > EL Service > parentRefusedServices
Bilingual/ESL Funding
Use this field to indicate the language program in which the student participates during the reporting period.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > EL > EL Service > funding2