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Add Address

Tool Search: Add Address

The Add Address Wizard allows users to add addresses to the product with the intent of attaching those addresses to households. These addresses can be within the district boundaries or outside the district boundaries.

Screenshot of the Add Address tool, loacted at Census, AddressAdd Address

Address Search

The Census module is designed with built-in checks to eliminate the creation of multiple households with identical members and contact information. If search criteria is entered with the same information as an existing household, those existing results display.

The following provides definitions of the available Address Search Fields.



House/P.O. #

The street location or the Post Office box number of the address.

Street Name

The name of the street on which the house or building exists.

Street Tag

Type of street (Avenue, Street, etc.).

Apt #

Apartment Number of the address.


Town or city where the address is located.

Home Phone

Household phone number attached to the address.

Legal Description

Provides a definition of the address used in Impact Aid reporting when a street location is not available. Each county determines what a legal description is (lot and block data).

See the Impact Aid section for more information.

Search for Addresses

  1. Enter the search criteria for finding the address.
  2. Click the Search button. Matching results will appear to the right of the search fields.
  3. If one of the results matches the desired address, select that address to view details about that address. This changes the view of the interface from the Add Address Wizard to the Address Info tab.
  4. If results were not returned or the returned results are not the appropriate address, click the New Address button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Screenshot of the Add Address tool highligthing the New Address button. New Address Creation

Add a New Address

After selecting the New Address button, an Address Information screen displays.

  1. Enter the address fields in the appropriate areas. See the Address Fields definition for guidance.
  2. Select the District for where students attend school when living at this address.
  3. If this new address is on a federal site and the Impact Aid reporting preference is set to yes, enter the Legal Description of the address and select the Impact Aid Site option.
  4. Click the Save icon when finished.

Upon saving, the interface will change to the Address Info tab where additional details about the address can be added.

Screenshot of the Address Information editor. Newly Saved Address
Address Info Definitions

The following table defines the fields available on the Address Info tab.



Post Office Box

Indicates the address is not a physical location but a mailing location.


House Number of the address, or Box number if the address is a P.O. Box address.

In the address 7750 South Barstow Street NE, My Town MN 55555, 7750 is the number. Only enter the number of the address.


Direction of the street in the address.

In the address 7750 South Barstow Street NE, MyTown MN 55555, South is the prefix.


Name of the street.

In the address 7750 South Barstow Street NE, My Town MN 55555, Barstow is the street name. Enter only the name of the street.


Label of the entered street - Avenue, Street, Blvd., etc.

In the address 7750 South Barstow Street NE, My Town MN 55555, Street is the tag. Enter only the tag in this field.


Direction indicating the placement of the street within the city limits.

In the address 7750 South Barstow Street NE, MyTown MN 55555, NE is the direction. Enter only the direction in this field.


Apartment number if this address is for an apartment building location.

In the address 7750 South Barstow Street NE, Apt. 101 My Town MN 55555, 101 is the Apartment number.


Postal city for the address.


Two-digit state code for the address.

Zip Code

Postal zip code (plus 4 if available).


County in which the address is located.

Other Address Fields

Location CodeNumeric representation number to accurately locate the address.

Numeric representation of the address based on north and south placement, generally imported from a district GIS application.

Use the magnifying glass to locate the latitude of the address (also referred to as the Geocode). The house number and street name must be populated in order to populate the address latitude. It is also recommended that one or all of the following also be entered:

  • City
  • State
  • Zip code

This field allows for a 10-digit number - 4 digits before the decimal point, 6 digits after the decimal point. The total Geocode value may be up to 14 digits, but only 10 digits saves.

If an error message displays, verify the entered values for the address are correct. You may need to change the street name or add a direction. For example, Lexington Ave may need to be entered as County Road 17.


Numeric representation of the address based on east and west placement, generally imported from a district GIS application.

Use the magnifying glass to locate the longitude of the address by clicking the icon next to the Longitude field. The house number and street name must be populated in order to populate the address longitude. It is also recommended that one or all of the following also be entered:

  • City
  • State
  • Zip code

This field allows for a 10-digit number - 4 digits before the decimal point, 6 digits after the decimal point. The total Geocode value may be up to 14 digits, but only 10 digits saves. 

If an error message displays, verify the entered values for the address are correct. You may need to change the street name or add a direction. For example, Lexington Ave may need to be entered as County Road 17.

TractProvides a general placement of the address if specific address fields are not available.
BlockProvides a general placement of the address if specific address fields are not available.
Legal Description

Provides a definition of the address used in Impact Aid reporting when a street location is not available. Each county determines what a legal description is (lot and block data).

This field only shows when the Impact Aid System Preference is turned on.

See the Impact Aid section for more information.

CommentsProvides any additional notes on the address and are for internal reference only.
DistrictIndicates the school district to which students at the address attend. This is often used in school choice settings.
Impact Aid Site

Lists any Impact Aid Site associated with the address. When this field is populated, the Impact Aid tool displays the address is part of federal land.

See the Impact Aid section for more information.