Building General Information (DN) (Ohio)

Tool Search: Building General Information (DN)

Building General Information (DN)

Ohio Building General Information Detail (DN) Editor


Use this field to select the School/Building for which the data is being collected.

School Year

Users must select the School Year for which data is being collected.

District Group Fields

Use the District Group fields to track the number of months spent on each Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Implementation Stage.

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PBISIMPSTGNumber of months at Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Implementation Stage
  1. Use the drop-list to select the Implementation stage Status:
  • Not Yet Begun
  • Exploration and Adoption
  • Installation
  • Initial Implementation
  • Full Implementation
  • Innovation and Sustainability
  1. In the Months field, enter the number of months in the selected Implementation Stage.

Financial Group Fields

In the Financial Group fields, enter the square footage of the building, the percentage of meals served, and the percentage of district students who are bused to the school.

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BLDGSQFEETSquare footage of a buildingEnter the square footage of the building.
LUNCHRMPCTPercentage of meals served for the buildingUse this field to enter the percentage of meals served in the building.
TRANSPTPCTPercent of students, in the district, bused for the buildingIn this field, enter the percentage of district students who are bused to the building.

Physical Education Evaluation Group Fields

These elements record student levels of achievement and are required during the Traditional Districts End of Year Student (S) Collection and the SOES End of Year Student (S) Collection. The number of records submitted depends upon the grades at each building that are assessed.

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PHYSEDLMKGCount of students at the limited level in the KG-02 grade bandEnter the number of KG-02 students evaluated at a level of Limited.
PHYSEDPFKGCount of students at the proficient level in the KG-02 grade bandIn this field, enter the number of KG-02 students evaluated at a level of Proficient.
PHYSEDADKGCount of students at the advanced level in the KG-02 grade bandUse this field to enter the number of KG-02 students evaluated at a level of Advanced.
PHYSEDNEKGCount of students not evaluated in the KG-02 grade bandThis field is used to enter the number of KG-02 students who were not evaluated.
PHYSEDLM03Count of students at the limited level in the 03-05 grade bandEnter the number of 03-05 students evaluated at a level of Limited.
PHYSEDPF03Count of students at the proficient level in the 03-05 grade bandIn this field, enter the number of 03-05 students evaluated at a level of Proficient.
PHYSEDAD03Count of students at the advanced level in the 03-05 grade bandUse this field to enter the number of 03-05 students evaluated at a level of Advanced.
PHYSEDNE03Count of students at the advanced level in the 03-05 grade bandThis field is used to enter the number of 03-05 students who were not evaluated.
PHYSEDLM06Count of students at the limited level in the 06-08 grade bandEnter the number of 06-08 students evaluated at a level of Limited.
PHYSEDPF06Count of students at the proficient level in the 06-08 grade bandIn this field, enter the number of 06-08 students evaluated at a level of Proficient.
PHYSEDAD06Count of students at the advanced level in the 06-08 grade bandUse this field to enter the number of 06-08 students evaluated at a level of Advanced.
PHYSEDNE06Count of students not evaluated in the 06-08 grade bandThis field is used to enter the number of 06-08 students who were not evaluated.
PHYSEDLM09Count of students at the limited level in the 09-12 grade bandEnter the number of 09-12 students evaluated at a level of Limited.
PHYSEDPF09Count of students at the proficient level in the 09-12 grade bandIn this field, enter the number of 09-12 students evaluated at a level of Proficient.
PHYSEDAD09Count of students at the advanced level in the 09-12 grade bandUse this field to enter the number of 09-12 students evaluated at a level of Advanced.
PHYSEDNE09Count of students not evaluated in the 09-12 grade bandThis field is used to enter the number of 09-12 students who were not evaluated.

Student Group Fields

In these fields, users may determine the 5-year age requirement for kindergarten admittance, the number of home-school students within the district, students who are eligible for special education but are not being served by the district, the number of students who are not eligible for special education services, and the number of preschool transition conferences held by and after third birthdays.

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Maximum amount charged to all-day kindergarten students for fees
Enter the maximum amount charged to all-day kindergarten students for fees
Maximum amount charged to all-day kindergarten students for tuition
In this field, enter the maximum amount charged to all-day kindergarten students for tuition