Student Enrollments Upload (Montana)

Location: MT Data Upload > Student Enrollments

The Student Enrollments Upload provides districts with the ability to upload enrollment records to Montana state edition.  

Screenshot of the import editor highlighting the Import Type field with Student Enrollments chosen.Image 1: MT Uploads - Student Enrollments

Student Enrollments Upload Layout

The following lists the data elements and formats for the Student Enrollments Upload.

The Retrieve New Student State ID File option is only relevant to Student Demographic uploads. Please ignore this option when uploading Enrollments data.

Header Layout

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

Record Type

The abbreviation for the type of file upload entered.  This will always report as HD.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Not dynamically stored

Not dynamically stored


The most recent date a change was made on the file, or the date the file was generated.

Date field, 10 characters

Not dynamically stored

Not dynamically stored


The most recent time a change was made on the file, or the date the file was generated.

Time field, 8 characters

Not dynamically stored

Not dynamically stored


The most current version of the file interface specification and references to the application system. This field will always report as MT9.1.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters 

Not dynamically stored

Not dynamically stored

Upload Layout

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

Record Type

The abbreviation for the type of file upload entered.  This will always report as EN.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Not dynamically stored

Not dynamically stored

District Number

This is a unique system number that identifies the district uploading the information, assigned by the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

Numeric, 4 digits


District Information > District Number

School Number

This is a unique number assigned by the Office of Public Instruction that identifies the school into which the students are enrolled.

Numeric, 4 digits


School Information > School Number

Calendar Number

This is a unique system number that identifies the calendar(s) chosen on the extract editor. This number needs to correspond with the Calendar Number reported in the School Calendar Extract.

Numeric, 1-3 digits


Calendar Information

Student State ID

Unique student ID number assigned by OPI.

Numeric, 9 digits


Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID

Student Local ID

Unique student ID number assigned by the school of enrollment.

Numeric, 15 digits


Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Last Name

Student's legal last name

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

First Name

Student's legal first name

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Service Type

Indicates the type of services received by a student at the district. Options are:

  • P: Primary
  • S: Secondary
  • N: Special Education

Alphabetic, 1 character


Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Service Type

Start Date

Student's start date of enrollment for the current school year.  This date must be greater than or equal to the Calendar State Date.

Date field, 10 characters

enrollment.start Date

 Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date

Start Status

Selection of the reason the student entered the school district on the entry date for the current record.

  • Value on import must match one of the active dictionary values available in Local Start Status on Enrollment.
  • Must be two digits. Zero padding may be used.

For more information, see the list of available Start Status values in the Import Field Values section below.

Numeric, 2 digits


Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Local Start Status

End Date

Student's last day of enrollment for the current school year.  This date must be less than or equal to the Calendar End Date.

Date field, 10 characters


Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > End Date

End Status

Selection of the reason the student is no longer enrolled in a school for the current school year.

  • This field is required entry if the End Date is populated.
  • If the End Date field is not populated, this field must be blank.
  • Value in the import must match one of the active dictionary values available in Local End Status on Enrollment.
  • When the student's Grade Level is P1, PK, KH, KF or 01-06, the End Status cannot be 300, 310, 320, 330 or 340.

For more information, see the list of available End Status values in the Import Field Values section below.

Numeric, 3 digits


Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Local End Status

Dropout Reason

Selection indicates the student was enrolled in school at some time during the previous school year and is not enrolled on October 1 of the current school year.

  • This field is required entry if the End Status is 300, 310, 320 330 or 340 and the Grade Level is 07-12.
  • If the End Date is null, this field must be null
  • When the End Status is not 300, 310, 320, 330 or 340, this field must be null.

For more information, see the list of available Dropout Reason values in the Import Field Values section below.

Numeric, 2 digits


Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Dropout Reason

No Show

Filler Field. No longer reported




Sort By Field

This field is used at the discretion of the district to determine how assessments (CRT) will be sorted by testing contractor. 

Alphanumeric, 15 characters


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Sort By


Indicates the student's grade level of enrollment

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade Level

Diploma Date

The date on which the student was awarded a diploma.  This is a required field if the Enrollment End Status is 400.  If the Enrollment End Status is NOT 400, this field must be null.

Date field, 10 characters



Graduation > Diploma Date

Diploma Type

The type of diploma the student was awarded by the district. This is a required field is the Enrollment End Status is 400.  If the Enrollment End Status is NOT 400, this field must be null.

For more information, see the list of available Diploma Type values in the Import Field Values section below.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Graduation > Diploma Type

Diploma Period

Indicate the time that a student took to graduate from the first time they were identified as a 9th grade student to the date of graduation.  This is a required field is the Enrollment End Status is 400.  If the Enrollment End Status is NOT 400, this field must be null.

For more information, see the list of available Diploma Period values in the Import Field Values section below.

Numeric, 2 digits.


Graduation > Diploma Period

Start Comments

Any comments entered in the Start Comments field on the enrollment are imported.

All existing information is overwritten by data within this field unless this field is null in the import. If null, existing Start Comment data is preserved.


Added as of the E.1509 Release Pack.

VarcharEnrollment.startCommentsEnrollments > Start Comments
End Comments

Any comments entered in the End Comments field on the enrollment are imported.

All existing information is overwritten by data within this field unless this field is null in the import. If null, existing End Comments data is preserved.


Added as of the E.1509 Release Pack.

VarcharEnrollment.endCommentsEnrollments > End Comments


Indicates the year of the enrollment record, based on the last year of the school year. For example, enrollments in the 2010-11 school year will report as 2011.

Numeric, 4 digits


 Calendar Information

Import Field Values

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Dropout Reasons 




Academic Difficulty


Attendance Difficulty


Economic Reasons








Job Corps or Similar Reason


Language Difficulty






Needed at Home


Over Compulsory Age




Poor Personal Relationships


Reached Maximum Age Set by District Policy


Other Known Reason


Unknown Reason


HiSET Pursuing


Suspended, Did Not Return


Harassment/Feeling Unsafe at School


Entered Adult Correctional Facility


Lack of Childcare


Completed GED


Diploma Type




Regular Diploma


Completed IEP Goals

Diploma Period




Early Graduate less than 7 Semesters


Early Graduate 7 Semesters


4 Years or with IEP Allowing for Longer


Graduated in More than 4 Years

Start Status Options

The following is a list of start statuses, including state specific options, that appear for Montana users.




First time receiving educational services


Continued enrollment same school, no interruption


Re-entry to the same school after withdrawal


Transfer from public school in district or state


Transfer from public school under NCLB school choice


Transfer from an out of state school


Transfer from a school from out of the country


Transfer from a private school within the state


Transfer from home school within the state


Transfer form a Montana state-funded school

20Transfer from Montana Youth Challenge
40Military Connected: Transfer from public school in district or state
60Military Connected: Transfer from an out of state school
80Military Connected: Transfer from a school out of the country

End Status Options

End statuses with asterisks are considered drop out codes when used for students in Grades 7-12, UM or UH.




End of year, returning to same school next year


Change in grade level during regular school year


Promoted to another school in the same district


Transfer to a public school in the same district


Transfer to a public school under NCLB school choice


Transfer to a public school in another district in Montana

145Military Connected: Transfer to public school in another district in MT


Transfer to Montana state-funded school

155Military Connected: Transfer to a school out of the country


Transfer to a private school in the state


Transfer to a home school in the state

175Transfer to Montana Youth Challenge


Transfer to a school out of state

185Military Connected: Transfer to a school out of state


Transfer out of the country


Medical care or treatment, eligible to return


Enrolled in a foreign exchange program


Enrolled in an early submission college program


Withdrawn, under age for compulsory school attendance


Expelled, eligible to return


Unknown (Grades PK-6)


Dropped out, subsequent re-enrollment


Withdrew for personal or academic reasons


Exceeded age requirement set by district policy


Removed or Expelled, without option to return


Withdrew to enroll in non-diploma program






Student died


Student is permanently incapacitated

Enrollment Import Logic and Validations

The following import elements are considered key fields:

  • District Number
  • School Number
  • Calendar Number
  • State ID (Student)
  • Start Date (Enrollment)
  • Year

A match on a student's identity record must occur before enrollment or graduation data can be imported for the student. The following match logic is used:

  • A student enrollment is identified when a match occurs on the following: DistrictID, personID
    • DistrictID is logically derived by identifying the ID using the district number provided in the import
    • personID is logically derived by using the stateID and districtNumber

Once a match has been made to a student Identity, Campus will attempt a match on enrollment to determine if a new or existing enrollment should be created.

  • A student enrollment is identified when a match occurs on the following: DistrictID, endYear, personID, calendarID, structureID, startDate
    • DistrictID as identified via the identify match
    • endYear is the value provided in the import
    • PersonID as identified via the identify search in the identity match
    • calendarID is logically derived by using districtNumber, schoolNumber, calendarNumber and endYear as provided in the import
    • structureID is logically derived by using the calendarID (Campus expects only 1 schedule structure per calendar)
    • startDate is the value provided in the import
      • A new enrollment will be created for students where the start date of the enrollment record in the import does NOT match the current enrollment located within Campus.

The following elements on Enrollment record will be updated when a match to a Student Identity and corresponding Enrollment occurs:

  • Service Type
  • Local Start Status
  • End Date
  • Local End Status
  • Drop Out Reason
  • Sort By Field
  • Grade

Blank fields provided in the Import will OVERWRITE any existing values.

Logic will match the import record to a student identity and update/create a new Graduation record based on the following logic:

  • A student is identified when a match occurs on the following: DistrictID, personID
    • DistrictID is logically derived by identifying the ID using the district number provided in the import
    • personID is logically derived by using the stateID provided in the import and districtNumber
  • If there is no match, an error is presented and logic ends.
  • If a match is found, the following Graduation logic occurs:
    • If the Grade in the import equals = 09, logic creates a new Graduation record ONLY if no other previously existing record is present in Campus. If a Graduation already exists, logic will update the existing record with the information in the import file.
    • If the Grade in the import equals = 10, 11, 12, or any number less than 9, logic will update any existing Graduation record or if no Graduation record exists, no records are updated nor created.
  • When Campus generates a Graduation record for an imported 9th Grade student, the following Graduation record values are auto-populated:
    • Date First Entered the 9th Grade = The Start Date from the 9th Grade Enrollment record
    • NCLB Cohort End Year = The end year of the 9th Grade enrollment record + three years.
    • NGA Cohort End Year = The end year of the 9th Grade enrollment record + three years.

Addition import logic is as follows

  • Enrollment End Statuses cannot be 300, 310, 320, 330 or 340 when Grade Level is P1, PK, KH, KF or 01-06.
  • The Dropout Reason must be NULL when the Enrollment End Status is not 300-340.
  • The Diploma Date field must be NULL if the Enrollment End Status is not 400.
  • The Diploma Type field must be NULL if the Enrollment End Status is not 400.
  • The Diploma Period field must be NULL if the Enrollment End Status is not 400.
  • The tool will allow multiple calendars to be imported at one however, calendar with multiple schedule structures will not be imported and an error will be returned.

Enrollment Start and End Status Codes:

  • District Edition users have the ability to map local codes to state codes.
  • Only state codes will sync to the state. Local Enrollment Start and End Status codes will not sync.
  • Montana Edition users do not have the ability to map local codes to state codes. The dictionaries for both Local and State Enrollment Status codes are identical. Montana Edition users will import State Codes and the import will match the State Code provided to the Local Enrollment Status Code.
  • For District Edition users, the Local Enrollment Status codes MUST match State Status Codes or validation logic within the import will fail causing unexpected import results.

Student Enrollments Import Warnings and Errors

The following table describes the possible warnings and errors you could receive when importing the Enrollment file: 

Errors are considered fatal. Warnings are considered informational.

Message Type
Cannot identify District

Using the District Number provided in the import, check for a District ID

If District ID does not exist, stop processing

ErrorCant find district
Cannot identify School

Using the School Number provided in the import, check for valid School

If School does not exist, stop processing

ErrorSchool number (S###) does not exist within district number (D###)
Cannot identify Calendar

Using the following information provided in the import, check for a valid calendar

  • District Number
  • School Number
  • Calendar Number
  • End year

If a valid calendar does not exist, stop processing

ErrorThere is no calendar with number <calendar number as provided in import>
Calendar cannot have more than one Schedule StructureIf the calendar has MORE THAN one schedule structure, display Message and stop processingErrorThe calendar provided has more than one schedule structure. In order to import or update an enrollment, the calendar number provided on the import must have only 1 schedule structure.
Cannot find student with State ID

Using the district number provided in the import, identify the District ID

Using the Student State ID provided in the import and the District ID search for a match on person

If not match is found, error but continue processing to identify more errors

ErrorThere is no Student ID with State ID <Student State ID as provided in import> 
Grade provided on import must be a valid state grade

Once a calendar is found for the import record, find the grades tied to the calendar.

Using the grade provided in the import match on state grade.

If state grade is not found, error but continue processing to identify more errors

ErrorThe Grade on the record does not match the instructional grades available in the calendar. Record will not be processed
A field on the import is required, see data element logicRequired FieldErrorCore Error

A field on the import must be of a value specified in the attribute dictionary

e.g. Start Status on Import must be P, N or S

Field must of a specified set of values, error but continue processing to identify more errorsErrorCore Error
A field on the import must meet datatype, min/max size and/or specified format, see data element logicField must of specified datatype, format or size; error but continue processing to identify more errorsErrorCore Error
Student Local ID cannot exceed 15 charactersIf Student's Local ID is greater than 15 characters, display MessageWarningStudent Local ID exceeds 15 character limit
Start Date must be within Start and End Date of calendarStart Date must be greater than or equal to Calendar Start Date of the calendar as identified by Calendar Number on the importErrorEnrollment start date must be between the enrollment start date and calendar end date
Start Status is required to import recordStart Status is RequiredErrorStart Status must be specified for student with stateID (<State ID>) and localID (<Local>) who is reported to have a Start Date.
End Date must be within start date of enrollment on import and End Date of calendarEnd Date must be AFTER the Start Date provided on the import and BEFORE OR EQUAL to the Calendar End Date of the calendar as identified by Calendar Number on the importErrorEnrollment end date must be between the enrollment start date and calendar end date
End Status should be provided if End Date is populatedEnd Status must be NULL if End Date on Import is NULLErrorEnd Status must be left blank when End Date is NOT reported.
End Status should NOT be provided if End Date is NOT populatedEnd Status is required if End Date on Import is NOT NULLErrorEnd Status must be specified when End Date is reported
Enrollment End Status must be of valid value based on gradeValue in End Status CANNOT EQUAL 300, 310, 320, 330, OR 340 If Grade on Import EQUALS P1, PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, OR 06ErrorEnrollment End Status can not be 300, 310, 320, 330, or 340 for grades PK-06
Dropout Reason is required if End Status and Grade is of valid valueRequired if End Status on Import EQUALS 300, 310, 320, 330, OR 340 AND Grade on Import EQUALS 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, OR 12ErrorDropout Reason must be specified if End Status is 300, 310, 320, 330, or 340
Dropout Reason must be NULL if End Date is not providedDropout Reason must be NULL if End Date on Import is NULLErrorDropout Reason must be left blank when End Date is blank
Dropout Reason must be populated when End Status is of valid valueDropout Reason must be NULL if End Status on Import IS NOT EQUAL to 300, 310, 320, 330, OR 340ErrorDropout Reason must be blank if End Status is not 300, 310, 320, 330, or 340
Diploma Date must NOT be provided when End Status is not Graduated

If End Status is NOT EQUAL to 400, Diploma Date must be NULL

ErrorDiploma Date must be blank if End Status is not 400

Diploma Type must NOT be provided when End Status is not Graduated

If End Status is NOT EQUAL to 400, Diploma Type must be NULLErrorDiploma Type must be blank if End Status is not 400

Diploma Period must NOT be provided when End Status is not Graduated

If End Status is NOT EQUAL to 400, Diploma Period must be NULLErrorDiploma Period must be blank if End Status is not 400
For End Status of Graduated, Diploma Date cannot be blankIf End Status EQUALS 400, Diploma Date must be NOT NULLErrorDiploma Date must be specified if End Status is Graduated
For End Status of Graduated, Diploma Type cannot be blankIf End Status EQUALS 400, Diploma Type must be NOT NULLErrorDiploma Type must be specified if End Status is Graduated
For End Status of Graduated, Diploma Period cannot be blankIf End Status EQUALS 400, Diploma Period must be NOT NULLErrorDiploma Period must be specified if End Status is Graduated
A graduation record will NOT be created for students of 10th grade or higher if NO 9th grade enrollment record exists.

If the Grade in the import equals = 10, 11, 12, or any number less than 9, logic will update any existing Graduation record or if no Graduation record exists, no records are updated nor created.

WarningGraduation details for the student will not be updated until a 9th grade enrollment or a graduation record for the student is created. 
Graduation detail will not be updated for students less than 9th grade

If Grade on Import EQUALS < 9


Diploma Date AND/OR Diploma Type AND/OR Diploma Period on the Import are NOT EQUAL to NULL  

WarningThe graduation detail provided on the import will not be updated for students of grades less than 9th
The Start Status must be an active typeIf Start Status in Import is NOT activeErrorThe start status provided in the import it NOT an active start status type
The End Status must be an active typeIf End Status in Import is NOT activeErrorThe end status provided in the import it NOT an active start status type
Military Connected Status is NULL

This warning appears if State Start Status in Import equals:

  • 40 - Military Connected: Transfer from public school in district or state
  • 60 - Military Connected: Transfer from an out of state school
  • 80 - Military Connected: Transfer from a school out of the country


If State End Status in Import equals

  • 145 - Military Connected: Transfer to public school in another District in MT
  • 155 - Military Connected: Transfer to a school out of the country
  • 185 - Military Connected: Transfer to a school out of state


Military Connected Status is NULL

The record still imports.

WarningThis student's enrollment Start and/or End Status indicates they have a military connection, Military Connected Status under the State Reporting fields on enrollment needs to be populated.