Tool Search: Calendar
Missouri Calendar Tools
Within Calendar, there are nine tools: Calendar, Grade Levels, Schedule Structure, Terms, Periods, Days, Overrides, Calendar GPA, and Copy Section Placements. The fields that are specific to the state of Missouri are described below. Not all fields within the Calendar tool are specific to Missouri but are critical to ensuring accurate state reporting. For inquires regarding these fields, please see the appropriate linked article above.
The Calendar tool stores basic information about the calendar, including many fields which impact how the calendar is included within state reports and accountability calculations. Fields specific to the state of Missouri are defined below. Specific information to help clarify how certain fields affect reporting are also found below. Please see the Calendar article for all other inquiries.
Missouri Calendar Information
Career Center
An Area Career Center is operated by a school district and serves both in-district and out-of-district students. It provides students with focused, active learning that prepares them for college and career opportunities. Mark this option to indicate the calendar is a Career Center calendar.
OLR Exclude
Use this checkbox to ensure the calendar is NOT included in Online Registration (OLR).
GPA Scale
The GPA Scale field is used to indicate the grading scale used by the district. This is the numerical value assigned to the letter grade.
Grade Levels
The Grade Level tool lists the grades that attend the selected school. Only students in the listed grades can be enrolled into that calendar. Fields that are specific to the state of Missouri are defined below. Specific information to help clarify how certain fields affect reporting are also found below. Please see the Grade Levels article for all other inquiries.
Grade Level Detail Editor
State Grade Level Code
The Grade Level Code indicates the current grade level of the student.