State Enrollment Verification Report

Tool Search: State Enrollment Verification Report 

This report allows a district to compare its local student enrollment data to that existing at the state level. It should be generated regularly to promote early identification of gaps and inconsistencies in student enrollment data.

Comparing this report's results with those of the State Person Identity Verification Report may help in troubleshooting enrollment issues, as proper person/identity syncing is a precursor to enrollment syncing.

screenshot of the state enrollment verification summary

This report is only applicable to users who operate at the district level of a Campus State Edition product.

A BIE-specific report exists. See the State Enrollment Verification Report (BIE).

The State Enrollment Verification Report layout includes the option to generate three sets of data for comparison:

  • Enrollment data existing at the district level, but not at the state level
  • Enrollment data existing at the state level, but not the district level
  • Enrollment data existing at both the district and state levels, but containing inconsistencies or mismatched information

A summary of the number of enrollments for each of the three data sets will also be returned.

Data within this report is also available within the Verification tool of the Data Interchange folder.

Report Logic

The logic used to generate results for this report is the same logic used for the Resync State Data Tool (District).

The report identifies people who have a district enrollment record that would sync to the state if a resync were performed. Identification of missing/incorrect records is based on students' enrollmentGUID.

Report Editor

The report options page is broken into four areas that control the data sets returned by the report.

Option Description
Select Which Enrollments To Include
Indicates which enrollments are included in the report.
To compare local enrollment records with the enrollment records at State Edition:
  1. Verify that the Selected School Year field reflects the proper year for the reportIf reporting on the 2018-19 school year, 2019 should be displayed in field. This field auto-populates with the ending year of the school year selected in the Year field of the current user's Campus toolbar.
  2. Select the School(s) to include in the the report results. Select multiple schools by holding the CTRL key while clicking, or select the All Schools options to select all schools within the district.
  3. Select the State Grade level(s) to include in the report.Select multiple grade levels by holding the CTRL key while clicking, or select the All Students options to select all students, regardless of grade level.
The grade levels list is based on the state grade levels that have been mapped to district grade levels. The local district grade levels must be mapped to the same state grade code at both the district and state levels for report totals to be accurate.
Exclude Enrollments Matching Any Of These Additional Criteria

Indicates which of the following options are excluded in the report. Marked options filter out those enrollments.

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Calendar Exclude

Excludes all students enrolled in a state-excluded calendar (the Exclude checkbox on the Calendar has been checked). Unmarking this checkbox may skew report results, as calendar-excluded enrollments (which do not sync/exist at the state level) would display in the Missing At State section of report results.

No Show

Excludes all students who have been determined "No Show" students (the No Show checkbox on his/her Enrollment record has been checked). Removing this checkbox may skew report results, as no-show enrollments (which do not sync/exist at the state level) would display in the Missing At State section of report results.

State Excluded

Excludes all students whose enrollment has been state-excluded (the State Exclude checkbox on his/her Enrollment tool has been checked). Removing this checkbox may skew report results, as state-excluded enrollments (which do not sync/exist at the state level) would display in the Missing At State section of report results.

State Exclude Grade Levels

Excludes all students enrolled in a state-excluded grade level (per the Exclude From State Reporting checkbox on the Grade Levels tool). Removing this checkbox may skew report results, as state-excluded enrollments (which do not sync/exist at the state level) would display in the Missing At State section of report results.

State Unmapped Grade Levels

Excludes all students enrolled in grade levels that are not mapped to state grades (per the State Grade Level Code field on the Grade Levels tool). Removing this checkbox may skew report results, as state-excluded enrollments (which do not sync/exist at the state level) would display in the Missing At State section of report results.

Select The Enrollment Fields To Compare Between District And State Edition

Indicates which student enrollment information is included in the report. This section of the report pulls from values of fields on the student Enrollments tool.

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State Grade Level

Displays state grade level mappings that do not match between district and state records.

Start Date

Displays any enrollment Start Dates that do not match between district and state records.

Start Status

Displays any enrollment Start Statuses that do not match between district and state records.


Displays student enrollment schedules that do not match between district and state. Values are compared based on GUID instead of names.

Next Calendar

Displays student enrollment records where Next Calendar values do not match between district and state. Values are compared based on GUID instead of names.

Next State Grade Level

Displays student enrollment records where Next State Grade Level values do not match between district and state records.

Drop Out Reason

Displays student enrollment records where Drop Out Reason values do not match between district and state records. This field is only available in Kentucky Editions of Campus.

Service Type

Displays any enrollment Service Types that do not match between district and state records.

End Date

Displays any enrollment End Dates that do not match between district and state records.

End Status

Displays any enrollment End Statuses that do not match between district and state records.

No Show (if included)

Displays any enrollment No Show values that do not match between district and state.

Next Schedule

Displays any enrollment records where Next Schedule values do not match between district and state. Values are compared based on GUID instead of names.

End Action

Displays any enrollment records where End Action values do not match between district and state.

Report Display Options

Determines the information to display on the generated report:

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Show Summary Totals

Displays a summary page with general error totals

Show Enrollment Missing at State

Displays all district-level enrollment records that do not exist at the state level.

Identify Students Missing at State Due to Overlap Prevention

Displays all enrollment records that do not exist at the state because they overlap with another district's enrollment record.

This checkbox is intended for use in states where overlap syncing is not allowed, based on the "Strict Prevent with Syncing" option selected from the Enrollment Overlap Behavior field of the state-level System Preferences.

Show Enrollments Missing at District

Displays all state-level enrollment records that do not exist at the district level.

Show Enrollments with a Field Difference

Displays all records that differ between district and state levels.

Show Value at District and State of Each Difference

Displays the details of values that differ between the district and state levels.

Report Format
Selection determines the desired format for the report - PDF, CSV or DOCX.

Generate the Report

Data on this report is queried and presented in the report; it is not stored in the database.

  1. Select the enrollments to include by selecting the School Year,Schools and State Grade levels.
  2. Mark which enrollment information to exclude from the report.
  3. Mark which enrollment information to include in the report.
  4. Select the desired Report Display Options.
  5. Select the desired format of the report.
  6. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in the selected format.

For the PDF and DOCX formats, If the Show Summary Totals checkbox was marked, the first page of the report is a summary page, containing data error totals. The subsequent pages of the report will contain details on mismatched data.

screenshot of the enrollment verification report.Image 2: District Summary Totals

screenshot of the enrollment verification report in PDF format.Image 3: PDF Example

screenshot of the enrollment verification report in CSV format.Image 4: CSV Example

screenshot of the enrollment verification report in DOCX format.Image 5: DOCX Example