Teacher Course Student Record (Connecticut)

Tool Search: Teacher Course Student Record

The Teacher Course Student Record extract reports student course data and the teacher associated with each reported course section.

Screenshot of the Teacher Course Student Record extract editor.Teacher Course Student Record Editor

Report Logic

  • Students are NOT included if
    • their Enrollment End Date is prior to the first instructional day in the calendar.
    • their enrollment record is marked as No Show.
  • Calendars marked as Summer AND Exclude report in the extract.

Posted Records

  • If a student has an enrollment in multiple calendars, data reports from each calendar.
  • If a student has multiple enrollments in the same calendar, the enrollment is selected based on the following criteria:
    • Enrollment Type priority: P: Primary, then N: SPED then, S: Partial
    • Enrollment Start Date: The enrollment with the most recent start date reports.
    • Enrollment ID: If the previous criteria is the same for multiple enrollments, the highest enrollment ID reports.
  • Students that have an end date in the course report when they meet the following criteria:
    • They have an Outcome Grade Status on either a state reported grading task or on their roster.
    • They received 20 or more days of instruction in a course.
    • Their enrollment start date is on or before the report's effective date.
  • A record reports for each student in grades P3, PK, KE, KH, KF, 01-12 scheduled into any course where the course has a grading task assigned and marked as "State Reported."
  • Only courses marked as "Active" with rostered students report.
  • The following students will report based on the Effective Date entered in the Extract editor:
    • Students enrolled on the Effective Date.
    • Students with no roster End Date on the Effective Date. Students will report with or without a Final Grade.
    • Students with a roster End Date and a Final Grade. Students with a roster End Date that is before the section End Date and no Final Grade will not be included in the report.
  • Reports a record for each student/staff member that is active on the Staff History tool based on the Effective Date selected on the extract editor.
    • Staff members must have a role populated on an active Staff History record OR a title populated on an active district assignment for the school to which the course belongs.
    • If the Title is "undefined," it is considered unpopulated/null.
  • Teachers must have an active district assignment record to generate a record.
    • The district Assignment Start Date must be on or before the report Effective Date and the district assignment End Date must be null, on, or after the report Effective Date to generate.
  • Records report for ALL enrollments and NOT just primary enrollments.
  • A record will report for any student who has en eligible enrollment in the calendar but is not scheduled into any courses.

It is recommended that schools only have 1 state reported grading task per course as there is no identifying information on grading tasks.

  • When a Grading Task or Standard is deleted/no longer exists on a course, students do NOT report a record for the Grading Task/Standard.

Manually Added Records on the Transcript

A record reports for each transcript record added manually (not posted with the Post to Transcript tool) that meet all of the following criteria.

  • The student's transcript record has School Number and Course Number that match a Course Number and State Code in a calendar in which the student is enrolled.
  • The matched course has: A Grading Task with "State Reported" and  "Active"  marked while "State Exclude" is NOT marked.

The student must have

  • an enrollment in the calendar for at least 1 day.
  • a State Grade mapped to P3, PK, KE, KF, or 01-12 during the matched enrollment.

The teacher must have

  • an active district assignment record to generate a record.
  • the district Assignment Start Date on or before the report Effective Date and district assignment End Date must be null, on or after the report Effective Date.

Report Editor Fields

Effective DateThe date selected determines which data reports.
FormatThe in which the report should be generated. State Format (fixed width) is for submission to the state or select HTML or text format for data review and verification.
Ad Hoc FilterSelect an Ad Hoc filter to further narrow report results.
Include Manual Transcript Records

When this checkbox is marked, the report includes qualifying courses that were manually added to a student's transcript.

Record Types
All RecordsReports all TCS records that have all fields filled in and those that don't.
Only Complete RecordsOnly reports TCS records that have all mandatory report fields filled in. Does NOT consider the following fields since these are either disallowed or conditional:
  • CSDE Use (always reports blank)
  • EIN (conditional)
  • Course Credits Earned (conditional)
  • Dual Enrollment Code (conditional)
  • District Teacher ID (recommended)
  • Number of Membership Sessions Attended (recommended)
Only Incomplete RecordsOnly reports TCS records that have at least 1 mandatory field reporting blank. Does NOT consider the following fields since these are either disallowed or conditional:
  • CSDE Use (always reports blank)
  • EIN (conditional)
  • Course Credits Earned (conditional)
  • Dual Enrollment Code (conditional)
  • District Teacher ID (recommended)
  • Number of Membership Sessions Attended (recommended)
Includes a single record for students whose enrollment qualifies them to report, but who do not have any reportable courses. This means that the student may have in the calendar and year 
  • No rostered course
  • No active course
  • No course with a state reported Grading Task or Standard
  • < 20 instructional days enrolled into any course
  • No qualifying manual transcript course record

Only report courses that have a session end date in the date range entered:Select a Start Date and End Date to only report courses that have a session end date in the date range you select.
Exclude Cross-Site Data
When marked, Cross-Site data is not included in the report.
Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.

Generate Report
Submit to Batch
Users have the option of submitting the report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background without disrupting the use of Campus.

Teacher Course Student Record Extract Format

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location

State Assigned ID (SASID)

The state assigned student ID.

Numeric, 10 characters

Census > People > Demographics > State Student ID


Reporting District

Three-digit code for the district of attendance.

Numeric, 3 characters

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number


District Student ID

ID generated by local district/school-based system

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Local Student Number


Date of Birth

The student's date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Birth date


Educator Identification Number (EIN)

The educator's license number.

Numeric, 10 characters

Census > Staff > District Employment > License Number


Teacher Type

The code from the Role found on the Staff History tool. See the Teacher Type Codes for a complete list of codes.

If the Role on Staff History is NULL, the Title on the District Assignment tool with the most recent start date reports. If the District Assignment start date is the same, the Title from the highest assignment ID reports.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Section Staff History > Role


Census > People > Demographics > District Assignments > Title


District Teacher ID

The District Teacher ID.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Staff Number


Course Facility Code

The NCES District ID.

Alphanumeric, 7 characters

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number


School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School Editor > School Detail > State School Number


School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School Editor > School Detail > Institution code


NCES Course Code

The course code assigned by the state. Reports based on the SCED fields selected in the NCES Data section. Options are SCED Subject Area + SCED Course Identifier + SCED Course Level + SCED Available Credit as a 3 digit decimal (such as 0.50) + SCED Sequence (part n of m parts) OR SCED Subject Area + SCED Course Identifier + SCED Course Level + SCED Lowest Grade + SCED Highest Grade + SCED Sequence (part n of m parts). 

Numeric, 12 characters

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > NCES Data


Local Course Code

The locally assigned course code.

Numeric, 20 characters

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Number


Section Number

The section number for the course plus the state school number.

Numeric, 30 characters

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Section Number


School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School Editor > School Detail > State School Number


Outcome Grade

The student's final grade for the course. Returns the score given to a task when the Grading Task on the Grading Tasks tool is marked "State Reported."

If the student does not have a posted grade, the code from the Outcome/Grade Status reports.

If the state reported grading task for a course is not graded (is NULL) and there is no Outcome/Grade Status for a P3, PK, KE, KH, KF, 01, or 06 student, then the following reports:

  • When (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Standards-based) is marked, SB reports.
  • When (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Standards-based) is NOT marked, P reports.

The "SB" and "P" Outcome Grade records only report when no other record for the student/section is reported.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Grading Tasks

Grading Score.score

Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-in Scheduler


Scheduling & Courses > Course > Section Roster Batch Edit


Facility Code

Reports the District Code + School Code + Institution Code from the school of the student's primary enrollment.

Numeric, 7 characters

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number


School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School Editor > School Detail > Institution code


Session Begin DateThe date the class/section began.

Date, 10 characters


Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Term Setup > Term Detail > Start Date

Session End DateThe date the class/section ended.

Date, 10 characters


Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Term Setup > Term Detail > End Date

Outcome/Grade Status

An indicator to clarify the Outcome/Grade field that describes the circumstances under which the student exited from membership in a class section.

The code reports the State Score from the student's posted grade that is marked as state reported. If the student does not have a posted grade, the code reports from the Outcome/Grade Status that is selected in the Roster Edit or Roster Batch Edit dropdown list.

If the student does not have a posted grade or an Outcome/Grade Status, then

  • Grades P3, PK, KE, KH, KF or 01-06 report all students as P - Passing Grade.
  • Grades 07-12 report as blank.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-in Scheduler


Scheduling & Courses > Course > Section Roster Batch Edit


Class/Section Credits EarnedThe number of Carnegie credits the student earned in the course, expressed as a number with 2 decimal places. This is only for courses using NCES Secondary Course Codes.
  • When a student in the associated course/section roster has Section > Roster Batch Edit > No Credit marked, 0.00 reports.
  • When a student in the associated course/section roster does not have Section > Roster Batch Edit > No Credit marked or when the connection back to the course section cannot be made, Campus 
    • Uses credit attempted & credit earned on posted or manually added transcript record for course as multiplier to determine Carnegie credits earned. Campus divides the credits earned by the  credits attempted to determine the multiplier. 
      • If the Credits Earned is greater than 0 and Credits Attempted is NULL or 0,  ERR reports to indicate a data error.
      • If the Credits Attempted is greater than 0 and the SCED Available Credits is NULL or 0, ERR reports to indicate a data error.
      • If the Credits Attempted AND Credits Earned are NULL or 0, reports blank.
      • Once a multiplier is determined, Campus multiplies that number by the SCED Available Credits entered (Carnegie Units) entered on the course and reports that value.
      • Otherwise, this field reports blank.
Numeric, 4 characters
Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > NCES Data > SCED Available Credit
Number of Membership Sessions

The number entered in the Membership Sessions Override field on the course. If that field is blank, the number of instructional days the course section meets reports by using the period schedule/day rotation based on the section schedule placement for that course section.

When a student is enrolled into sections belonging to the same course, the Number of Membership Sessions is not counted more than once per section.

The course must be marked as Attendance for this field to report.

Numeric, 3 characters

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Membership Sessions Override

Number of Membership Sessions Attended

The number of instructional days for which the student was present for the course.

The course must be marked as Attendance for this field to report.

To determine the total number of Instructional days the student was in the course, Campus uses the students roster start and end dates. If those dates are blank, Campus uses the course section term start and end dates. If the Membership Sessions Override field is populated, the number of days cannot exceed that value.

Campus also subtracts the total number of Course absences from the Instructional day value calculated. The student must have an attendance status = A and must be marked absent for the entire length of the period(s) the course occurs to be considered absent.

When the student has dropped and re-added the same course-section to their schedule, Campus
  • Adds their Number of Sessions Attended (but not the Number of Membership Sessions), and output the student/class combination in a single row. 
  • The NumberAttended is counted across all enrollments into the section during the period.

When the student has only 1 enrollment in the course/section during the period, Campus Count the number of instructional days the student was present for that course based on students roster start and end dates.

Numeric, 3 characters

Not dynamically stored
Dual Enrollment Code 

A code created by the Department of Education. The Dual Enrollment Code indicates courses for which a college has agreed to issue credit.

See the following Dual Enrollment Codes table for a comprehensive list of codes.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Dual Enrollment





 End of Record Marker 

Reports as X.


Teacher Type Codes

101Certified Teacher, Teacher of Record
102Certified Teacher, Instructional Support
103Certified Teacher, Co-Teacher
104Certified Teacher, In-class Facilitator
105Certified Teacher, Online-class Facilitator
106Certified Teacher, Tutor of Homebound Student
107Certified Teacher, Tutor of Expelled Student
201Non-certified Teacher, Teacher of Record
202Non-certified Teacher, Instructional Support
203Non-certified Teacher, Co-Teacher
204Non-certified Teacher, In-class Facilitator
205Non-certified Teacher, Online-class Facilitator
206Non-certified Teacher, Tutor of Homebound Student
207Non-certified Teacher, Tutor of Expelled Student
301Long-term Sub with EIN, Teacher of Record
302Long-term Sub with EIN, Instructional Support
303Long-term Sub with EIN, Co-Teacher
304Long-term Sub with EIN, In-class Facilitator
305Long-term Sub with EIN, Online-class Facilitator
401Long-term Sub without EIN, Teacher of Record
402Long-term Sub without EIN, Instructional Support
403Long-term Sub without EIN, Co-Teacher
404Long-term Sub without EIN, In-class Facilitator
405Long-term Sub without EIN, Online-class Facilitator
501Teacher of student placed Out of State
502International Guest Teacher
503Teacher of student placed Out of District
504Teacher of Transfer Student
505Case Worker
506Occupational/Physical Therapist
507Professor - Community College
508Teachers with Rotating Schedules
509Teacher with Teach for America
510Case Manager of student in Transitional Program/TVSP (ages 18-21)

Outcome/Grade Status Codes



NGNo Grade
SEWorking Towards IEP Goals/Objectives

Dual Enrollment Codes



1000039Albertus Magnus College
1030039Clemens College
1040039Connecticut College
1050039Fairfield University
1100039Lincoln College of New England
1120039Mitchell College
1130039Paier College of Art
1140039Post University
1150039Quinnipiac University
1160039Rensselaer at Hartford
1170039Sacred Heart University
1180039Sanford-Brown College
1200039St. Joseph College
1220039St. Vincent's College
1250039Trinity College
1260039University of Bridgeport
1270039University of Hartford
1280039University of New Haven
1290039Wesleyan University
1300039Yale University
5420039Goodwin College
5750038Asnuntuck Community College
5760038Capital Community College
5770038Gateway Community College
5780038Housatonic Community College
5790038Manchester Community College
5800038Middlesex Community College
5810038Naugatuck Valley Community College
5820038Northwestern Connecticut Community College
5830038Norwalk Community College
5840038Quinebaug Valley Community College
5850038Tunxis Community College
5860038Three Rivers Community College
7010038Central Connecticut State University
7020038Eastern Connecticut State University
7030038Southern Connecticut State University
7040038Western Connecticut State University
9470038University of Connecticut
9990199Generic Other-In State
9990299Generic Other-Out of State