MN v3.3 - Student Education Organization Association
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:11 am CDT
This association represents student information that is specific to a student’s relationship with an Education Organization.
Object Triggering Logic
This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post | When an enrollment is created and saved for a person and the enrollment overlaps a configured year. - Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude.
- Do not send a record if enrollment is in a School marked as State Exclude.
- Do not send a record if the No Show checkbox is checked on the enrollment.
- For all Enrollment-related data, if multiple Enrollments exist that overlap the SEOA record, report the data elements from the Enrollment record with the most recent start date.
- For all Identity-related data, if multiple Identity records exist that overlap the SEOA record, report the data elements from the Identity record with the most recent start date.
Put | When any student data is edited for the person in the Data Elements fields below: - Identity Record
- Race / Ethnicity
- Home Primary Language
- LEP Information
- Program Status
- Identified Date
- LEP Exit Date
- Parent Refused
- Response To Intervention (RTI) Plan
- Locked /Unlocked
- Plan name changes
- Student Characteristics
- Refugee
- Immigrant
- US Entry Type
- Economic Disadvantaged
- SES FRAM Eligibility record overlaps the configured year and meets the criteria selected in the Economic Disadvantaged resource preferences
- Start / End Dates are changed so record no longer overlaps configured year, the record is deleted
- Parent in Military
- A Military Connections record exists for a Guardian of the student, Start/End Dates are changed so record no longer overlaps configured year, the Guardian checkbox is checked/unchecked, the record is deleted.
Delete | This record will delete if:- Student no longer has an eligible enrollment in the District
- Enrollment is marked as a No Show
Resource Toggle and Resync Logic
This table describes the Resource Toggle and Trigger logic of this object.
Action | Business Rule |
None | If a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send. |
Resync | If a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table. |
Resync | If a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS. |
Resync | If a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes. |
Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic
This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.
Action | Business Rule |
Post/Delete | Natural Key Changes- If the District Number/Ed-Fi District Number changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the LEA ID Change triggers.
- If an Ed-Fi ID changes, this will happen with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
Delete | Cascading Deletes: N/A - no dependent resources |
Scope Year Logic
This table describes scope year logic of this object.
Logic |
A record will send to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with. - The enrollment must overlap with the scope year to report.
- Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
When using data in Campus that has a single date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to. - Current Year: Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report.
- Previous Years: The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
- Future Years: The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.
When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to. - Current Year: The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
- Previous Years: The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
- Future Years: The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.
Resource Preferences
This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.
Data Element Label | Mapping Needed |
Student Characteristic Descriptor | Career Tech Special Populations |
Economic Disadvantaged |
Foster Care |
Homeless |
Parents in Military |
US Entry Type |
Flags |
Race Descriptor | Race/Ethnicity |
Language Descriptor | Home Primary Language |
Disability Descriptor | Disability |
Limited English Proficiency Descriptor | EL Program Status |
Identity Mapping Object Key
This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.
campusObjectType | Object Key Data Source |
Person | personID |
Event Queue Detail
This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.
Campus Table | Ed-Fi Action | Fields |
enrollment | Post/Put/Delete Put | The primary table used for sending data for this resource. Reports Disabilities |
identity | Put | Reports Hispanic or Latino, Gender, Home Primary Language, US Entry Type. |
person | Put | Reports the Ed-FI ID. |
contact | Put | Reports the Telephone and Email information. |
householdlocation | Put | Determines if address is marked as Mailing or Private. |
householdmember | Put | Determines household membership with Start Date, End Date, Private. |
address | Put | PO Box, Number, Prefix, Street, Tag, Direction, Apt, City, State, Zip |
raceethnicity | Put | Reports Races. |
plantype | Put | Reports Indicators. |
plan | Put | Reports Disabilities, Indicators. |
planstate | Put | Reports Disabilities. |
programs | Put | Reports any Characteristic created in Flags. |
programparticipation | Put | Reports any Characteristic created in Flags. |
Title1 | Put | Reports Neglected or Delinquent. |
ImpactAidEmployment | Put | Reports Parent in Military. |
relatedpair | Put | Guardian checkbox for contact information and Parent in Military. |
section504 | Put | Reports Section 504 Handicapped. |
homeless | Put | Reports Homeless, Unaccompanied Youth, Runaway. |
Object Data Elements
This table describes data elements sent within the Student Education Organization Association resource. Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi.
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Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Business Rules | M, C or O | Location |
education Organization Id | The identifier assigned to an education organization. | - Report the Ed-Fi School ID.
- If Ed-Fi School ID is NULL, report:
ttddddsssmmm where: - tt = district type
- dddd = district number, left zero filled
- sss = school number, left zero filled
- mmm = 000 for all organizations reported in Ed-Fi
| M | School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > school record > Ed-Fi School ID
tt: School & District Settings > District > District Information > district record > Type
dddd: School & District Settings > District > District Information > district record > State District Number
SSS: School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > school record > State School Number
School.entityID District.type District.number School.number |
disabilities | The disability condition(s) that best describes an individual’s impairment, as determined by evaluation(s) conducted by the education organization. | This is optional, does not report. |
electronicMails | The numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the individual or organization belongs. | This is optional, does not report. |
languages | The language(s) the individual uses to communicate. It is strongly recommended that entries use only ISO 639-3 language codes. | See Array section below for data logic for each field. |
limitedEnglishProficiency Descriptor | An indication that the student has been identified as limited English proficient by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient. | This is optional, does not report. |
sexDescriptor | A person's gender. | Report from the latest identity record overlapping the enrollment.- Check to see if the "Report Legal Identifies when provided" checkbox is selected.
- If yes, check to see if Legal Gender is populated.
- If yes, report the value.
- If no, report the Gender value.
- If no, report the Gender value.
| M | Census > People > Identities > Gender
identity.Gender |
characteristics | Reflects important characteristics of the student’s home situation: - Displaced Homemaker
- Immigrant
- Migratory
- Military Parent
- Pregnant Teen
- Single Parent
- Unaccompanied Youth
| See Array section for reporting logic. | C |
identificationCodes | A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student. | See Array section for reporting logic. | C |
studentIndicators | An unordered collection of studentEducation OrganizationAssociationStudent Indicators. Indicator(s) or metric(s) computed for the student (e.g., at risk) to influence more effective education or direct specific interventions. | See Array section for reporting logic. | C |
telephones | The 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the person. | This is optional, does not report. | O |
AncestryEthnicOrigin | An unordered collection of studentEducation OrganizationAssociationAncestryEthnicOrigins. The ancestry ethnic origins that pertain to the general racial categories with which the individual identifies. | - Report the mapped Ed-Fi Code value associated with any "More Detailed Ancestry/Ethnicity Codes" records saved in the student's record.
- If no mappings exist for the code, or no value exists, do not report.
- If "Individual Hispanic/Latino" is marked as "Yes", report the mapped Ed-Fi Code value associated with any "More Detailed Hispanic/Latino Codes" records saved in the student's record.
- If "Individual Hispanic/Latino" is marked as "No", do not report any "More Detailed Hispanic/Latino Codes" records.
- If no mappings exist for the code, or no value exists, do not report.
| C | Census > People > Identities > More Detailed Ancestry/Ethnicity Codes
Census > People > Identities > More Detailed Hispanic/Latino Codes
Identity.raceSubcategory Identity.hispanicSubcategory |
birthdate | The month, day, and year on which an individual was born. | Report the Birth Date value from the most recent Identity record. | M | Census > People > Identities > Birth Date
identity.birthdate |
FirstName | A name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change. | - Report from the latest identity record overlapping the enrollment.
- Check to see if the "Report Legal Identities when provided" checkbox is selected.
- If yes, check to see if Legal First Name is populated.
- If yes, report the value.
- If no, report the First Name value.
- If no, report the First Name value.
| M | Census > People > Identities > First Name
Census > People > Identities > Legal First Name
identity.firstName |
Generation Code Suffix | An appendage, if any, used to denote an individual’s generation in the family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). | - Report from the latest identity record overlapping the enrollment.
- Check to see if the "Report Legal Identities when provided" checkbox is selected.
- If yes, check to see if Legal First Name is populated.
- If yes, report the value from Legal Suffix.
- If no, report the Suffix value.
- If no, report the Suffix value.
- If Null, do not report.
| C | Census > People > Identities > Suffix
Census > People > Identities > Legal Suffix
Identity.suffix Identity.legalSuffix |
LastName | The name borne in common by members of a family. | - Report from the latest identity record overlapping the enrollment.
- Check to see if the "Report Legal Identities when provided" checkbox is selected.
- If yes, check to see if Legal First Name is populated.
- If yes, report the value from Legal Last Name.
- If no, report the Last Name value.
- If no, report the Last Name value.
| M | Census > People > Identities > Last Name
Census > People > Identities > Legal Last Name
identity.lastName |
MiddleName | A secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony. | - Report from the latest identity record overlapping the enrollment.
- Check to see if the "Report Legal Identities when provided" checkbox is selected.
- If yes, check to see if Legal First Name is populated.
- If yes, report the value from Legal Middle Name.
- If no, report the Middle Name value.
- If no, report the Middle Name value.
- If Null, do not report.
| C | Census > People > Identities > Legal Middle Name
Census > People > Identities > Middle Name
identity.middleName |
OptOutIndicatorsDescriptor | An unordered collection of studentEducation OrganizationAssociationOptOutIndicators. | - Report 'MNC' if there is any FRAM record that:
- Has Start Date on or after July 1st of the Scope Year; and
- 'Opt Out SCHIP' is selected.
- Otherwise, do not report.
| M | FRAM > Application Processing > Eligibility > Start Date
FRAM > Application Processing > Eligibility > OptOut SCHIP
POSEligibility.optOutSCHIP |
Array Data Elements
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Student Characteristics
Data Element Label | Business Rules | M, C or O | Location |
Active Duty Parent | Report values whereBranch is: Code | Name |
1 | Air Force | 2 | Air Force Reserve | 3 | Air National Guard | 4 | Army | 5 | Army Reserve | 6 | Army National Guard | 7 | Coast Guard | 8 | Coast Guard Reserve | 9 | Marine Corps | 10 | Marine Corps Reserve | 11 | Navy | 12 | Navy Reserve |
Status is: Code | Name |
1 | Active Duty, Deployed | 2 | Active Duty, Not Deployed |
- Start Date / End Date overlaps the configured year...then report 'StudentCharacteristicDescriptor#1'.
| C | Census > People > Military Connections
ImpactAidEmployment.militaryBranchImpactAidEmployment.militaryStatus ImpactAidEmployment.startDate ImpactAidEmployment.endDate
Immigrant | If Immigrant is checked, report 'StudentCharacteristicDescriptor2'.- Otherwise, do not report.
Calendar Override Mapping logic: If a student has an enrollment that is tied to a state-excluded grade level, but is mapped to a non-excluded grade level via the calendar override mapping tool, report the immigrant characteristics based on that enrollment. | C | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting > Immigrant
Enrollment.immigrant |
Recently Arrived English Learner (RAEL) | Report 'StudentCharacteristicDescriptor#5' if RAEL has an Identified Date on the EL editor.- Otherwise, do not report.
| C | Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > "RAEL Identified Date"
lep.raelIdentifiedDate |
SLIFE | If SLIFE is checked, report 'StudentCharacteristicDescriptor#6'- Otherwise, do not report.
- Report beginDate from the EL Identified Date on the EL editor.
| C | Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > "SLIFE"/"SLIFE Identified Date"
Lep.slife Lep.slifeIdentifiedDate
Migrant | Do not report. | O |
Ancestry | If Race Ethnicity is marked as either '01' or '03', report 'StudentCharacteristic Descriptor#2'. - Otherwise, do not report.
| C | Census > People > Identities/Demographics > Race Ethnicity
Identity.raceEthnicity |
Student Identification Codes
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Business Rules | M, C or O | Location |
studentIdentificationSystemDescriptor | A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student. | Report "Local". | M | N/A |
assigningOrganizationIdentificationCode | The organization code or name assigning the StudentIdentificationCode. | Report "Assigning District ID". | M | N/A |
identificationCode | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity. | Report the personID. | M | Census > People > Demographics > personID
Person.personID |
Student Indicators
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Business Rules | M, C or O | Location |
indicatorName | The name of the indicator or metric. | - If a Digital Equity record exists for the student that falls within the config year, report the following:
- "InternetAccessInResidence" as the Indicator Name for the first record in the array.
- Report "InternetAccessTypeIn Residence" for the 2nd record.
- Report "InternetPerformance" for the 3rd record.
- Report "DigitalDevice" for the 4th record.
- Report "PrimaryLearningDevice Provider" for the 5th record.
- Report "PrimaryLearningDeviceAccess" for the 6th record.
- If multiple Digital Equity records exist for the student, report the most recent record.
- If no record exists, do not report.
| C | Student Information > State Programs > Digital Equity: EdFi endpoint | Campus UI | Campus db |
InternetAccess InResidence | Internet Access In Residence | DigitalEquity.internetAccessInResidence | InternetAccessType InResidence | Primary Internet Access Type in Res | DigitalEquity.internetAccessType | InternetPerformance | Internet Performance | DigitalEquity.internetPerformance | DigitalDevice | Primary Digital Device | DigitalEquity.digitalDevice | PrimaryLearning DeviceProvider | Primary Learning Device Provider | TBD | PrimaryLearning DeviceAccess | Primary Device Access | DigitalEquity.deviceAccess |
indicator | The value of the indicator or metric. | If a Digital Equity record exists for the student that falls within the configuration year, report the name for the value selected for each indicatorName. | C | Student Information > State Programs > Digital Equity (see chart above) |
indicatorGroup | The name for a group of indicators. | If a Digital Equity record exists for the student that falls within the configuration year, report "DigitalEquity" for each indicatorName | C | N/A |
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Business Rule | M, C, or O | Location |
languageDescriptor | The language(s) the individual uses to communicate. It is strongly recommended that entries use only ISO 639-3 language codes | Report the Language from the Home Primary Language saved on the student's current identity record.- Look for a mapping saved to the Language Descriptor Override section in preferences. If there is a mapped value, report that mapping.
- If an override is not there, look to see if the language standard code matches an Ed-Fi code, if yes report that value.
- Report default value if saved on the Attribute and the standard code matches an Ed-Fi code.
- Otherwise, report blank.
| M | Census > People > Identities > Home Primary Language
uses | A description of how the language is used (e.g. Home Language, Native Language, Spoken Language). |
| O |
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Business Rule | M, C, or O | Location |
raceDescriptor | The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies. | - Determine the Race/Ethnicity(s) that are checked on the student's current identity record.
- Use the Identity Race Ethnicity table to determine all of the check boxes checked for the student's current identity id.
- Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the corresponding Race Ethnicity.
- Report all races if the student has more than 1 selected.
- Do not report if the person does not have a Race/Ethnicity checked or there is not a corresponding mapping.
| M | Census > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity
IdentityRaceEthnicity and racethnicity.raceid
Type / Descriptors
Student Characteristics
Code Value | Description | Namespace |
1 | Active Duty Parent (ADP) | uri:// |
2 | American Indian - Alaskan Native (Minnesota) | uri:// |
3 | Migrant | uri:// |
4 | Immigrant | uri:// |
5 | Recently Arrived English Learner (RAEL) | uri:// |
6 | Student with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) | uri:// |
Resource Preferences Continued
The Ed-Fi Configuration tool is used to establish
The following describes how to set the resource preferences for the Student Education Organization Association resource. If the Configure or Edit buttons do not display, then the resource does not need to be mapped and the toggle button can be used to turn the resource on or off.
If a mapping is changed, a resync must be performed on the resource in order for the new mappings to send correctly. Any item not mapped will not report to Ed-Fi.
1. Indicate if the resource should report Legal Identities.

2. Set the Student Education Organization Association Descriptors:
Primary Learning Device Access Descriptors: Indicates whether the student shares the device with anyone else in the household.
Digital Equity Primary Device Access
Attribute Dictionary | System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Digital Equity |
UI Location | Student Information > State Programs > Digital Equity

Primary Learning Device Provider Descriptors: Indicates if the primary learning device is a personal device or a school provided device.
Digital Equity Primary Learning Device Provider
Attribute Dictionary | System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Digital Equity |
UI Location | Student Information > State Programs > Digital Equity

Digital Device Descriptors: Indicates the type of device the student most often uses to complete school work at home.
Digital Equity Primary Digital Device
Attribute Dictionary | System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Digital Equity |
UI Location | Student Information > State Programs > Digital Equity

Race Descriptors: The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual’s recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies.
Race Descriptors |
Attribute Dictionary | System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Identity > Race/Ethnicity |
UI Location | Census > People > Identities |

Student Language Override: The language the individual uses to
The Student Language Override mapping only needs to be populated if the code does not match a code that is in the Ed-Fi Code list.
Student Language Overrides |
UI Location | Census > People > Identities |

Ancestry Ethnic Origin Descriptors: The general category which most clearly reflects the individual’s recognition of his or her ethnic ancestry.
Identity Race Subcategory |
Attribute Dictionary | System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Identity > Race Subcategory |
UI Location | Census > People > Identities |

Internet Access In Residence Descriptors: Indicates if the student can access the internet on their primary learning device at home.
Digital Equity Primary Internet Access in Residence
Attribute Dictionary | System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Digital Equity
UI Location | Student Information > State Programs > Digital Equity

Internet Access Type In Residence Descriptors: Indicates the type of internet access the student has at home.
Digital Equity Primary Internet Access Type in Res
Attribute Dictionary | System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Digital Equity |
UI Location | Student Information > State Programs > Digital Equity

Internet Performance Descriptors: Indicates the performance of the student's internet service.
Digital Equity Internet Performance
Attribute Dictionary | System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Digital Equity |
UI Location | Student Information > State Programs > Digital Equity

3. Click Save.