Family Relationship Requests (Portal Request Processor)

Tool Search: Portal Request Processor

The Family Relationship Requests contain changes for contact information, such as:

  • Relationship types
  • Legal Guardian Relationship
  • Emergency Priority

These options are determined by the Portal Self Service Options. 

Portal Request Processor - Family Demographic Requests

Parents/Guardians see the following, depending on Self Service options chosen by the district. 

Screenshot of Family Relationship Request UpdatesFamily Relationship Request Updates

Tool Rights

Staff persons who have rights to the Family Relationship Portal Request Processor have two options:

Read Functionality

Write Functionality

Allows a user to view the Family Relationship Information requests if:

  1. The user is assigned the Family Relationship Information tool right AND
  2. At least one person in the relationship request is either related to or in a household with a student enrolled in a school for which they have current year calendar rights.

Allows a user to view, approve and deny the Family Relationship Information requests if:

  1. The user is assigned Write rights for the Family Relationship Information request tool right AND
  2. At least one person in the relationship request is either related to or in a household with a student enrolled in a school for which they have current year calendar rights.


    Staff who have these rights see the Begin Approval and Deny buttons on the Portal Request Processor.

In addition to these rights, if the staff person does not have rights to other items that require subrights (i.e., Social Security numbers), the user is not able to approve change requests to these items.

View Family Relationship Requests

  1. Select a Family Relationship request from the User Request List. The information entered in the request display in the Change Request section.
  2. Review the Change Request of submitted data. 

Approve Family Relationship Requests

  1. Select a Pending Family Relationship request from the User Request List. The information entered in the request displays in the Change Request section.
  2. Click the Begin Approval button. 
  3. Review the entered information (highlighted in yellow).
  4. Enter Comments for the request.
  5. Select the Approve Change Request button. A confirmation of the request being approved displays.

The person who made the request receives a notification in their Process Inbox indicating the request was approved.

Deny Family Relationship Requests

  1. Select a Pending Family Relationship Request request from the User Request List. The information entered in the request displays in the Change Request section.
  2. Click the Deny button. 
  3. Enter Comments for the reason for denial of the request. This comment field displays to parents/guardians on the Portal if Self Service options have been selected.
  4. Click the Deny button when finished.  A warning message displays indicating the request has been denied.  In addition, the list of requests will update this item to have a status of Denied. 

The person who made the request receives a notification in their Process Inbox indicating the request was denied.