Push All Courses

Tool Search: Push All Courses

The Push All Courses tool pushes grading setup to all course sections in the calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. To push data for an individual course, use the Push to Sections option on the Course Information tool.

Districts should use caution pushing changes to sections once classes are in session as changes may affect grade calculations.

Screenshot of the Push All Courses tool, located at Grading & Standards, Grading & Standards AdministrationThe Push All Courses tool pushes course grading setup to sections.

Use the Course Awaiting Push Report, linked in the push tool, to review grading setup changes that have not been pushed to sections prior to using this tool.

Course Master Workflow

Expand to view how this tool fits into the workflow for managing Course Masters (step 12):

Click here to expand...
StepCampus Location
1.Grading & Standards > Grading and Standards Administration >  Course Catalogs
2.Assign the Course Catalog to the school.School & District Settings > Schools > School Information
3.Create Course Masters for the district.Grading & Standards > Course Masters > Add Course Master
4.Add Grading Tasks to the Course Master.Grading & Standards > Course Masters > Grading Tasks
5.Add Standards to the Course Master.Grading & Standards > Course Masters > Standards
6.Add Categories to the Course Master.Grading & Standards > Course Masters > Categories
7.Add Assessments to the Course Master.Grading & Standards > Course Masters > Assessments
8.Establish Grade Calc Options for the Course Master.Grading & Standards > Course Masters > Grade Calc Options
9.Push the Course Master to the Courses.Grading & Standards > Grading & Standards Administration > Push All Courses

Copy Course Master information to other Course Masters.

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Copy Course Master
11.Use the Push All Course Masters tool to update all Courses aligned to Course Masters in the Catalog with the current Course Master grading setup.

If desired, mark the option to Push locked data to Sections to push data all the way from the Course Master to the Section-level. Or use the Push All Courses tool to push data from Courses to Sections.
Grading & Standards > Grading & Standards Administration > Push All Course Masters

Push All Courses

A calendar must be selected in the Campus toolbar prior to making a push request. Data is pushed for all courses in the selected. calendar.

  1. By default, Categories, Grade Calc Options, Composite Grades and Weights, and Advisory are selected to be pushed to sections. Unmark any items to remove them from the push request. Additionally, mark Overwrite Categories to replace section-level categories with course-level ones.
  2. Click Submit to Batch. Because these push requests often involve a large amount of data, submitting requests to the batch queue allows the request to be processed in the background without interrupting system performance. Records of completed requests are available in the Batch Queue List. A notification is sent when the request is completed.

Additional Information

  • Be aware that changes to calculations in Grade Calc Options and Composite grading may result in changes to students' grades once classes are in session.
  • If a category pushed from a course and a category created by the teacher in the section have the same name, the teacher's category is appended with (1) to distinguish it from the category from the course.
  • Categories pushed to sections are locked from editing by teachers.