Preschool Screener (Minnesota)

Tool Search: Preschool Screener

Preschool Screener is a new State Program that allows multiple screening records to be created and reported for students in Ed-Fi. State-reported fields for Screener and Screener Exit Status have been moved from the Early Childhood tool to the Preschool Screener program editor.

Early Childhood Screening is used to identify possible health or developmental concerns in infants and young children who may need additional assessment, evaluation or resources to address those concerns. Screening may link families to free early learning opportunities and resources such as Head Start or other programs. Preschool Screener is a State Program used to record data for children who have been screened. 

Screenshot of Preschool Screener program with summary records for a studentPreschool Screener

Screenshot of the Program Information editor for a sttudent's Preschool Screener recordPreschool Screener - Program InformationScreenshot showing two Preschool Screener records on a PDF Preschool Screener SummaryPreschool Screener Summary

Preschool Screener Program Information

  1. Click New to enter a new record, or select an existing record to modify or view the record in the Program Information Detail editor. The name and timestamp indicate when the record was last modified and by whom.
  2. Start Date must be entered to save a record. See the table below for information about available fields. Follow district practices when populating the remaining fields in the editor.
  3. Use Print Summary Report to generate a PDF report summarizing data entered for each of the selected students' Preschool Screening records. Note that Created By identifies the district in which the record was created.
  4. Districts using the Campus Digital Repository may choose to upload Documents related to the selected student's records. See the Manage Document Attachments article to learn how to do this.

Tool Rights

Read - Access and generate the report
Write - Modify field data and generate the report
Add - Refresh data and generate the report
Delete - Provides no function for this tool

The Tool Rights Outline Path for this tool is Student Information > State Programs > Preschool Screener. For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see this Tool Rights article.

Preschool Screener Ad hoc Reporting Fields

In Ad hoc, Preschool Screening editor fields are located under Student > Learner > Preschool Screener.Screenshot of the Ad hoc fields found under Student, learner, preschool screenerAd hoc - Preschool Screener

Preschool Screening Detail Editor

Field NameDescriptionAd hoc Fields
Start Date
End Date
Start Date is a required field. The Start Date is used in Early Education reporting.

Date Field
Program StatusProgram associated with the screening being recorded.

Drop list, single select
LocationLocation is a required field. Location describes the place where the screening took place.

Drop list, single select
ScreenerScreener is a required field. Screener describes the type of screening that was done.

Drop list, single select
Screener Exit StatusDescribes outcome of screening.

Drop list, single select
CommentsText field that can contain a maximum of 255 characters used to enter information pertaining to the selected record.preschoolScreener.comments