Tool Search: Safe Schools
The Safe Schools Report provides a summary of behavior events and resolutions for the selected calendar(s). It also includes information on violence, weapons, controlled substances, and bullying data. This information will allow evaluations of prevention programs.
The aggregate reports provide schools and districts with aggregate counts of behavior incidents by type, location, and context, count of behavior resolutions, and legal sanctions.
This report is used to verify district Safe School data. After district verification, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) pulls the data from the state data warehouse on July 1st. This data is then provided to the Kentucky Center for School Safety (KCSS) and the Office of Education Accountability.

Selection Criteria
Student data is reported when the following criteria are met:
- Behavior data for student offenders and participants when the event is associated with select State Event codes, regardless of the resolution OR
- Behavior data for student offenders and participants assigned a state-coded resolution (SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP5, SSP7, SSP8, INSR).
- A behavior referral must be submitted and in a status of "In Progress" or "Complete" in order to be included in the extract and the error/warning report.
- A qualifying behavior incident must have a current student designated as the Offender or Participant.
When the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox is marked, the report does not include cross-site homeroom data. Cross-site must be enabled at the district level for this checkbox to display. This checkbox defaults to marked.
Report Logic
Student data included in the Safe Schools Report is based on Student Behavior information. Specific details on the Behavior Management editor and the Behavior Resolution editor, and how to enter behavior information are located on the Behavior Management Tool and Student Behavior page.
- Students who are marked as State Exclude via enrollment, calendar or grade level will not be listed in this report.
- The report will pull incidents that match the selection criteria when they have a status of 'In Progress' or 'Complete' in the Behavior Management tool.
- The report will report incidents/events associated with Unknown Persons. These individuals will be identifiable by the word Unknown in their name. It is up to districts to name the unknown persons consistently.
- Resolutions with one of these State Resolution Codes must contain a Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time, and End Date in order to report.
- SSP1: Expelled, Receiving Services
- SSP2: Expelled, Not Receiving Services
- SSP3: Out of School Suspension
- SSP5: Corporal Punishment
- SSP7: Restraint
- SSP8: Seclusion
- IAES 1: IAES Unilateral Removal by School Personnel
- IAES 2: IAES Removal by Hearing Officer
- INDR: In-District Removal
- INSR: In-School Removal
- For the Aggregate Reports - If no qualifying data exists, produce a row with zero counts at all levels.
- Do not report a row for schools without a calendar in the reporting year.
- Do not report a row for grade levels not offered in the school’s calendars.
- Aggregate Report output file when run in the Kentucky State Edition will exclude the Kentucky Tech System district (#777).
- A Behavior Response of Restraint or Seclusion must include a State Mapped Resolution of SSP7: Restraint or SSP8: Seclusion to appear in the extract.
Generate the Report
- Select the Extract Type:
- Detail - This report provides a summary of behavior events and resolutions for the selected calendar(s).
- Aggregate School Level - This report details aggregate Safe Schools data for the entire school.
- Aggregate District Level - This report details aggregate Safe Schools data for the entire district.
- Aggregate State Level - This report details aggregate Safe Schools data for the entire state. Note: This option is only available in the Kentucky State Edition of Infinite Campus.
- Select the Format in which the report should be generated. The State Format (CSV) is the only available option.
- Enter the Date Range. Only data within this date range within the selected calendar(s) is reported.
- When applicable, mark the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox. This checkbox defaults to marked. When marked, the report does not include cross-site homeroom data. Cross-site must be enabled at the district level for this checkbox to display.
- To generate all sub-reports, mark the All Reports checkbox. To generate specific sub-reports, mark each sub-report checkbox (SS1, SS2, SS3A, SS3B, SS3C, SS4, SS5). See the Understanding Safe Schools Sub-Reports section for more information.
- Mark the Active Special Ed at Time of Incident checkbox to only report students with a qualifying safe schools event who were considered active Special Education at the time of the incident (optional).
- Select which Grade(s) will report data OR select an Ad Hoc Filter.
- Select the Calendar(s) to include in the extract.
- To generate the extract immediately, select the Run Extract button. Once the report has been generated and opened, users will be presented with an HTML Validation Report detailing any Warnings and Errors within the extract. Errors indicate problematic data that will not pull on the report. Warnings indicate potentially problematic data that will pull in the extract. After addressing any errors or warnings select the Click Here button to generate the State Format (CSV) file.\
- To schedule when the report will generate and reduce the performance impact generating the report may have on your system, select the Submit to Batch button. You can access the State Format (CSV) report in the Batch Queue List at the bottom of the Safe Schools editor.
Understand Safe School Sub-Reports
The following describes each Safe School sub-report option. See the State Event Codes table below for a complete list of which codes initiate which sub-report:
When all or multiple sub-reports are generated together, the report will be sorted by district, then school, then State Event Codes for sub-reports SS1, SS2, SS3A, SS3B, SS3C, SS4, and finally SS5.
- SS1: Assault or Violence
- SS2: Possession of Guns or other Deadly Weapons
- SS3A: Possession/Use or Distribution of Drugs
- SS3B: Possession/Use or Distribution of Alcohol
- SS3C: Possession/Use or Distribution of Tobacco Products
- SS4: Bullying or Harassment
- SS5: Other Events Resulting in State Resolutions
SS1: Assault or Violence
This sub-report indicates all behavior events where the student committed a State Event code Mapping related to assault or violence (regardless of resolution).
- Only behavior events with one of the following State Event Code Mappings is reported:
- V01: 1st Degree Assault
- V02: 2nd Degree Assault
- V03: 3rd Degree Assault
- V04: 4th Degree Assault
- V05: Abuse of a Teacher
- V06: Arson
- V07: Criminal Abuse
- V08: Homicide
- V09: Kidnapping
- V10: Menacing
- V11: Rape
- V12: Robbery/Theft
- V13: Sexual Assault
- V14: Sexual Offense (non-touch)
- V15: Terroristic - Bomb
- V16: Terroristic Threat
- V17: Terroristic-Chem/Bio/Nuc
- V18: Wanton Endangerment
- V19: Hazing 1st Degree
- V20: Hazing 2nd Degree
SS2: Possession of Guns or other Deadly Weapons
This sub-report indicates all behavior events where the student committed a State Event Code related to the possession of a deadly weapon (regardless of resolution).
- Only behavior events with one of the following State Event Code Mappings is reported:
- W01: Weapon Possession
- W02: Weapon Distribution
- W03: Weapon Use
SS3A: Possession/Use or Distribution of Drugs
This sub-report indicates all behavior events where the student committed a State Event Code related to the possession, use, or distribution of a drug (regardless of resolution).
- Only behavior events with one of the following State Event Code Mappings is reported:
- D01: Drug Distribution
- D02: Drug Possession
- D03: Drug Use
SS3B: Possession/Use or Distribution of Alcohol
This sub-report indicates all behavior events where the student committed a State Event Code related to the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol (regardless of resolution).
- Only behavior events with one of the following State Event Code Mappings is reported:
- A01: Alcohol Distribution
- A02: Alcohol Possession
- A03: Alcohol Use
SS3C: Possession/Use or Distribution of Tobacco Products
This sub-report indicates all behavior events where the student committed a State Event Code related to the possession, use, or distribution of tobacco products.
- Only behavior events with one of the following State Event Code Mappings is reported:
- T01: Tobacco Distribution
- T02: Tobacco Possession
- T03: Tobacco Use
SS4: Bullying or Harassment
This sub-report indicates all behavior events where the student committed a State Event Code related to bullying or harassment.
- Only behavior events with one of the following State Event Code Mappings is reported:
- H01: Bullying
- H02: Harassing Communications
- H03: Harassment
- H04: Stalking
- H05: Threatening another Student
- H06: Threatening Staff
- H07: Verbal Abuse
SS5: Other Events Resulting in State Resolutions
This sub-report indicates all behavior events not reported in sub-reports SS1-SS4 and have a State Resolution of SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP5, SSP7, SSP8, INDR, INSR, IAES1 or IAES2.
- Only behavior events with one of the following State Event Code Mappings is reported:
- N01: Academic Cheating/Plagiarism
- N02: Attendance Policy Violation
- N03: Burglary
- N04: Bus Rule Violation
- N05: Dangerous Instrument Possession
- N06: Destruction of Property
- N07: Disorderly Conduct
- N08: Disrespectful Behavior
- N09: Disruptive Behavior
- N10: Dress Code Incident
- N11: Drug Paraphernalia Violation
- N12: Failure to Attend Detention
- N13: Fighting - Student to Other (physical aggression)
- N14: Fighting - Student to Staff (physical aggression)
- N15: Fighting - Student to Student (physical aggression)
- N16: Forgery
- N17: Fraud
- N18: Gambling
- N19: Insubordination
- N20: Leaving Campus
- N21: Loitering
- N22: Motor Vehicle Theft
- N99: No State Violation
- N23: Out of Area Violation
- N24: Possession of Stolen Property
- N25: Profanity or Vulgarity
- N26: Self-Endangerment
- N27: Skipping Class
- N28: Skipping School
- N29: Tardy to Class
- N30: Theft/Stealing
- N31: Trespassing
- N32: Truancy
- N33: Vandalism
- N34: Violation of District Acceptable Use Policy
- N35: Violation of Personal Electronic/Telecommunication Device Policy
Validation Checks
Validations are included when users generate the report.
The report will generate in the State Format (CSV). An HTML validation page listing errors and warnings will appear first, with the option of selecting a Click Here button to display the actual report.
- Errors - Indicate problematic data that will not pull on the report.
- Warnings - Indicate potentially problematic data that will pull in the extract.
To go directly to a specific error or warning, select the hyperlink within the Error/Warning Table of Contents (see Image 3).
To generate all error/warning information into a CSV file, click the Export to CSV button.
Understand Safe School Errors
The following is a list of errors that can appear when generating the report:
- Error 1: Resolutions - Missing End Dates and/or End Times
- Error 3: Events without a Participant
- Error 4: Behavior Incident Date outside of Selected Calendar(s) Enrollments(s)
- Error 5: Suspension Attendance without a Corresponding SSP3 Resolution
- Error 6: Restraint or Seclusion Behavior Response without a Corresponding Resolution
- Error 7: Exceeds Maximum Interim Resolution Length
Error 1: Resolutions - Missing Start/End Dates and/or Start/End Times
ER01: The following students have state resolutions without a start/end date and/or time. These behavior events will not pull on the report.
This error will appear any time a student has a State Resolution (SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP5, SSP7, SSP8, INDR, INSR, IAES1 or IAES2) without a resolution start date/end date and/or start time/end time. Below is an example of reported error data.
Error 3: Events without a Participant
ER03: The following behavior events do not have a participant selected, so they will not appear on the report.
This error will appear any time an event with a qualifying Law or Board Violation exists without a participant.
Below is an example of reported error data.
Error 4: Behavior Incident Date outside of Selected Calendar(s) Enrollments(s)
ER04: The following students have a resolution for a behavior event that occurred outside of the selected calendar(s) enrollment(s).
This error will appear for students with a qualifying behavior event, outside of any active selected calendar(s) enrollment, that had a resolution within their enrollment.
This error is expected if the school the student was enrolled in as of the incident date was not selected in the extract editor. If the error persists after running the report against the entire district, the error should be investigated.
A Safe School qualifying behavior event is one the meets the following logic:
- The Incident Date is not within an enrollment and the event has a Law or Board Violation Code which reports in sub-reports SS1-SS4 OR
- The Incident Date is not within an enrollment, the event has a Law or Board Violation Code not reported in sub-reports SS1-SS4 and a State Resolution of IAES1, IAES2, INDR, INSR, SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP5, SSP7 or SSP8.
Error 5: Suspension Attendance without a Corresponding SSP3 Resolution
ER05: Critical Error 5: Suspension Attendance without a corresponding Resolution of SSP3 Out of Schools Suspension. These events will not pull on the report.
This error will appear for students with Suspension Attendance records outside of an SSP3 resolution time period.
- This includes a list of students who have a state attendance code of 'S: Suspension' in their attendance record and do not have a corresponding SSP3 Resolution for the entire time of their suspension attendance.
- This error will appear if the student has an 'S: Suspension' attendance outside of an SSP3 resolution time period.
Error 6: Restraint or Seclusion Behavior Response of SSP7 or SSP8 without a Corresponding Resolution
ER06: The following students have a Behavior Response of Restraint or Seclusion of SSP7 or SSP8 and no corresponding State Resolutions of SSP7 or SSP8. These behavior events will not pull on the report.
This error will appear any time a student has a Behavior Response of Restraint or Seclusion without a Corresponding State Resolution of SSP7: Restraint or SSP8: Seclusion.
- Incidents must have a Response Type mapped to a state code of SSP7 or SSP8 to trigger this error.
- If the Response Type is mapped to a state code of SSP7, the incident must not have a Resolution Type mapped to the state code of SSP7 to appear in this error.
- If the Response Type is mapped to a state code of SSP8, the incident must not have a Resolution Type mapped to the state code of SSP8 to appear in this error.
Ex. Error 6
Error 7: Exceeds Maximum Interim Resolution Length
ER07: The following students have an Interim Alternative Education Setting (IAES) state resolution that exceeds the maximum resolution length of 45 days. These behavior events will not pull on the report.
This error will appear when students have a Safe Schools qualifying behavior incident where the duration in school days resolution of IAES1 or IAES2 exceeds 45 days.
Ex. Error 7
Understand Safe School Warnings
The following is a list of warnings that can appear when generating the report:
- Warning 1: Out of School Suspension/Attendance Dates and/or Times Inconsistent
- Warning 2: Restraint or Seclusion Resolution without a Corresponding Behavior Response
- Warning 3: Student Behavior Resolution Date Not Within a District Enrollment
Warning 1: Out of School Suspension/Attendance Dates and/or Times Inconsistent
WA01: Suspension/Attendance Dates and/or Times are Inconsistent. These events will pull on the report.
This warning will appear for students who received a state resolution of Out of School Suspension (SSP3) and are not marked absent using the 'S' state attendance code for every minute of the SSP3 behavior resolution and the resolution time period does not overlap a shortened day in the calendar.
Days not marked as both Instructional and Attendance are ignored.
Below is an example of reported warning data.
This warning will not appear for State Editions of Campus because Attendance data is not synced to the State Edition. Events that appear within Warning 1 at the District level will pull on the Safe Schools CSV report in State Edition.
School | Incident Title | Incident Date | Referral Name | Status | State ID | Last Name | First Name | Grade | Event ID | Event Type | Resolution ID | Resolution Type | Res Start Date | Res Start Time | Res End Date | Res End Time | Suspension Attendance Start Date | Suspension Attendance Start Time | Suspension Attendance End Date | Suspension Attendance End Time |
Middle School | Disorderly Conduct | 9/11/2013 | Admin, System | IP | 1212121212 | Bluegrass | Kenny | 06 | 555874 | 01B Skipping Class | 579849 | SSP3 Out of School Suspension | 9/12/2013 | 9:17 AM |
9/12/2013 | 9:20 AM |
Warning 2: Restraint or Seclusion Resolution without a Corresponding Behavior Response
WA02: The following students have a behavior resolution of SSP7: Restraint or SSP8: Seclusion without a corresponding Behavior Response of Restraint or Seclusion. These behavior events will pull on the report.
This warning will appear for students who have a Behavior Resolution of SSP7: Restraint or SSP8: Seclusion without a Corresponding Behavior Response of Restraint or Seclusion.
- Only Resolution Types mapped to a state code of SSP7 or SSP8 can trigger this warning.
- The event cannot also have a Response Type mapped to a state code of SSP7 or SSP8 in order to trigger the error.
- Response State Code can return blank
School | Incident Title | Incident Date | Referral Name | Status | State ID | Last Name | First Name | Event ID | Event Type | Resolution ID | Resolution State Code | Resolution State Code |
Middle School | Disorderly Conduct | 2/11/2013 | Admin, System | IP | 1212121212 | Bluegrass | Kenny | 555876 | 09L: Mooning | 579777 | SSP8 |
Issue 4: Add State Student ID (W2.DE6) to WA02 – not complete in staging; state SSID is not included in the warning detail.
Warning 3: Student Behavior Resolution Date Not Within a District Enrollment
WA03: Student behavior resolution start date is not within a district enrollment. These events will pull on the report.
This warning will appear for students who have a behavior event within the current enrollment that is linked to a behavior resolution outside of their enrollment start and end dates within the district. Resolutions that are not state-mapped will not trigger a warning.
Below is an example of reported warning data.
School | Incident Title | Incident Date | Referral Name | Status | State ID | Last Name | First Name | Grade | Event ID | Event Type | Resolution ID | Resolution Type | Res Start Date | Res Start Time | Res End Date | Res End Time | Resolution State Code |
Middle School | Disorderly Conduct | 2/11/2013 | Admin, System | IP | 1212121212 | Bluegrass | Kenny | 06 | 555876 | 08B Chewing Tobacco | 579850 | Office Time Out | 12/12/2012 | 12:04 PM | SSP3 |
Detail Report Layout
The extract is sorted by district number, then school number, then sub-report, then law violation code, then board violation code, then student ID.
Element Name | Description | Location |
School Year |
The academic year of the reporting behavior data. Logic concatenates the calendar start year and end year. |
Calendar.StartYear Calendar.EndYear |
District Number |
Identifies the district's unique identification number. |
School & District Settings > District >District Information > State District Number
District.number |
District Name | The reporting student's district name. | School & District Settings > District >District Information > Name |
School Number |
Identifies the school's unique identification number. |
School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Location Number
School.number |
School Name | The reporting student's school name. | School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Name |
State Classification | The school's classification. | School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > State Classification
School.stateClassification |
State Student ID |
Identifies the ten-digit state-assigned student identification number of the offender/participant connected with the event. |
Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID
Person.stateID |
State Grade |
Identifies the student's State Grade code of enrollment. |
Census > People > Enrollments > Grade
Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade
Gradelevel.stateGrade |
Last Name |
Identifies the student's last name. |
Demographics > Person Information > Last Name
Identity.lastName |
First Name |
Identifies the student's first name. |
Demographics > Person Information > First Name
Identity.firstName |
Gender ID |
Indicates the student's gender.
Demographics > Person Information > Gender
Identity.gender |
Race ID |
Indicates the student's federally designated race/ethnicity.
If Race ID is blank/null, report blank. |
Identity > Race/Ethnicity
Identity.raceEthnicityFed |
Economic Status |
Identifies whether the student is approved to receive free or reduced meals on the day of the reported incident.
FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility
POSEligibility.eligibility |
Active Special Education |
Indicates whether the student had an active, locked IEP as of the day of the incident.
Special Education > Documents > IEP > Education Plan > Start Date, End Date
Calculated field
Logic checks for a locked, active IEP record, not a particular field.
If…Person has at least one record in the Plan table where typeID has planType.module = ‘specialed’ AND plan.locked = 1 AND (plan.startDate <= incident date AND (plan.endDate >= incident date OR plan.endDate is NULL)) AND Plan.disability1 is NOT NULL AND PlanState.specialEdStatus is NOT NULL AND PlanState.specialEdSetting is NOT NULL |
Primary Disability |
Reports students Primary Disability as indicated on student’s active, locked IEP on the date the incident occurred. If Active Special Education = Yes; populate Primary Disability based on the value selected on their IEP:
Special Ed > Documents Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability
Calculated Field Logic checks for a locked, active IEP record as of December 1st of the reporting year. Primary Disability is reported from that IEP. |
English Learner (EL) |
Reports students EL status of the offender/participant. Eligible EL records must meet the following criteria:
Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Accommodations > Type Calculated Field |
Program 504 | Reports students indicated as Program 504. | Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > 504
Enrollment.section504 |
Homeless Status |
Indicates if the student is identified as homeless.
Report Y, if any homeless record from the same district overlaps the incident date, Else report N |
Program Participation > Homeless
Homeless.StartDate Homeless.EndDate Homeless.DistrictID |
Foster Care |
Reports if student was in Foster Care at the time of the incident.
Report Y, if any foster care record from the same district overlaps the incident date, Else report N |
Program Participation > Foster Care
FosterCare.StartDate FosterCare.EndDate FosterCare.DisrictID |
Gifted and Talented |
Reports if student was Gifted & Talented at the time of the incident. Primary Talent Pool (Category = 12) is only valid for grades 00-03.
Program Participation > Gifted & Talented
giftedstatusKY.StartDate giftedstatusKY.EndDate giftedstatusKY.Category giftedstatusKY.DisrictID |
Migrant |
Reports if student was Migrant at the time of the incident.
Program Participation > Migrant
Migrant. lastQualifyingArrivalDate Migrant. eligibilityExpirationDate Migrant.DisrictID |
Military Connected |
Reports if student was Military Connected at the time of the incident.
Census > People > Military Connections
ConnectionsSummary.DisrictID |
Incident ID |
Identifies the unique ID associated with the behavior incident. |
Behavior Management > Incident
Incident Date |
Identifies the date of the behavior incident. |
Behavior Management > Date
Incident Time |
Identifies the time the incident occurred. |
Behavior Management > Incident > Time
Context |
The context for the behavior incident. The Context code is reported:
Behavior Management > Incident > Context
BehaviorIncident. context |
Event Location |
The location of the behavior incident. The Location code is reported:
Behavior Management > Incident > Location
BehaviorIncident.location |
Event ID |
Identifies the unique behavior event ID. |
Behavior Management > Incident > Event ID
BehaviorEvent.eventID |
Role |
Reports the role assigned to the student in the behavior event. O = Offender
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Role
BehaviorRole.role |
State Event Code Mapping | Indicates the State Event Code (Mapping) aligned to the behavior event. | Behavior Management > > Event > Event Type > State Event Code (Mapping)
Behavior.stateEventCode |
Call to Police |
Indicates police were called as a result of the event.
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Call to Police
Arrest |
Indicates an arrest was made as a result of the event.
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participant > Arrest
BehaviorRole.arrest |
Charges |
Indicates charges were filed as a result of the event.
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Charges Filed
BehaviorRole.charge |
Gang Related |
Indicates the event was gang-related.
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Gang Related
Civil Proceedings |
Indicates the event caused a civil proceeding to occur.
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participant > Civil Proceedings
School Resource Office |
Indicates whether or not a School Resource Office (SRO) was involved in the behavior event. 1 : Yes
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > School Resource Officer
BehaviorEvent.schoolResourceOfficer |
Court Designated Worker |
Indicates whether or not a Court Designed Worker reported the behavior event.
Behavior Management > Incident Event > Court Designated Worker
BehaviorEvent.courtDesignatedWorker |
Medical Services Provided
Indicates whether or not the incident resulted in medical services.
Reports as 1 when the Event Type (State Code) is D01, D02, D03, T01, T02, or T03 AND Medical Services Provided checkbox is marked. Otherwise, this reports as 0. |
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participants Detail > Medical Service Provided
Harassment Type |
Reports the type of harassment for events where the law or board violation is classified as harassment.
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participant > Harassment Type
BehaviorHarassment. harassmentType |
Drug, Alcohol, or Tobacco Type |
Indicates the type of drug associated with the event when the State Event Code (Mapping) is classified as Drug. Logic reports the selected Drug Type description:
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participant > Drug Type
BehaviorDrug.drugType |
Weapon Type |
Indicates the type of weapon associated with the event when the State Event Code (Mapping) is classified as Weapon. Logic reports the selected Weapon Type description:
Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participant > Weapon Type
BehaviorWeapon.weaponType |
Resolution State Code |
Indicates the code associated with the resolution. The event will only be reported if resolution is one of the following:
Reports blank if State Resolution Code is null.
If a student has multiple state resolution codes for a single event, report a row for each state resolution. |
Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > State Resolution Code Mapping
Resolution Type | The local district resolution type. If Resolution Type is blank/null, a blank value is reported. | Behavior > Behavior Management Tool > Incident > Resolution > Resolution Type
BehaviorResType. resolutionName |
Resolution Start Date |
Identifies the date the resolution began. |
Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution Start Date
Resolution Start Time |
Identifies the time the resolution began. |
Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution Start Time
Resolution End Date |
Identifies the date the resolution ended and the student returned to school (if applicable). |
Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution End Date
BehaviorResolution. |
Resolution End Time |
Identifies the time the resolution ended and the student returned to school (if applicable). |
Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution End Time
BehaviorResolution. |
Resolution Length |
The length of the behavior resolution tied to a state code, based on the start and end dates as compared to school days in the calendar. The Resolution Length is calculated by comparing each day of the behavior resolution to the corresponding day in the calendar and determining how much of the day was missed during the resolution to a 10th of a day. Multi-day resolutions are summed together and displayed as the resolution length to a tenth of a day. The calendar day must be marked as both School Day and Instructional in order to be counted. A number entered in the Duration in School Days field does NOT overrule the calculated value reported in this field. State Resolutions that will calculated Resolution Length include:
Not dynamically stored |
IAES Removal Reason | The reason for the student's removal.
Display description only.
Report ‘Serious Bodily Injury’ for resolutions with a Resolution State Code of IAES2. |
Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > IAES Removal Reason
BehaviorResolution.removalReason |
Sub-Report |
Indicates which Safe Schools sub-report the event qualifies for.
Calculated field based on Safe Schools selection criteria. |
Distinct Count |
This field reports a value of 1 for first row where the State ID/Event ID combination is unique. Subsequent rows where State ID/Event ID combination is duplicated reports a value of 0. |
Calculated |
Aggregate Report Layout (School, District, and State Level)
The Aggregate Report details aggregate Safe Schools data for an entire school, district, or state and only includes schools with state classifications of A1-A6, A8, B1, B2, C2, and D1.
State-level aggregation is only available in the Kentucky State Edition of Infinite Campus.
Element Name |
Description |
Location |
The academic year of reporting behavior data. Logic concatenates the calendar start year and end year. |
Calendar.startYear Calendar.endYear |
The district and school reporting data, represented by their District and School Number concatenated into a 6 digit number. The first 3 digits represent the school number, the last 3 digits represent the district number. A value of 999000 represents the state aggregation. |
District.number School.number
District Information > Number System Administration > Resources > School > Number |
Name of the district where the behavior data was recorded. This field reports blank for the state aggregation. |
District Information > Name |
Name of the school where the behavior data was recorded. This field reports blank for the state aggregation. |
School > Name |
Table name for method by which data is being reported. Options include:
N/A |
Category names specific to the table of data. See the Categories section for a detailed list and description of all available categories. |
N/A |
Reports a count by table/category for offender/participants. Counts 1 for each student. |
Calculated |
Reports a count by table/category for offender/participants. Count 1 for each event or resolution. |
Calculated |
Reports a count by table/category of white offender/participants. Counts 1 for each offender/participant with a Race of 6. |
Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity |
Reports a count by table/category of black/african american offender/participants. Counts 1 for each offender/participant with a Race of 4. |
Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity |
Reports a count by table/category of white non-Hispanic offender/participants. Counts 1 for each offender/participant with a Race of 1. |
Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity |
Reports a count by table/category of asian offender/participants. Counts 1 for each offender/participant with a Race of 3. |
Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity |
Reports a count by table/category of alaskan offender/participants. Counts 1 for each offender/participant with a Race of 2. |
Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity |
Reports a count by table/category of pacific islander offender/participants. Counts 1 for each offender/participant with a Race of 5. |
Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity |
Reports a count by table/category of mutli-race offender/participants. Counts 1 for each offender/participant with a Race of 7. |
Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity |
Reports a count by table/category of male offender/participants. | Calculated
Census > People > Identity > Race/Ethnicity |
Reports a count by table/category of female offender/participants. | Census > People > Demographics > Gender |
Reports a count by table/category of socially economically disadvantaged offender/participants. Logic counts 1 for each student with an Economic Status of F or R. |
FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility |
Reports a count by table/category of active special education disability offender/participants with locked, active IEP. Logic counts 1 for each student with an active Special Ed of Y. |
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Education Plan > Start Date & End Date |
Reports a count by table/category of English Learner offender/participants. Logic counts 1 for each student with an English Learner (EL) of Y. |
Student Information > Program Participation > LEP > LEP > Program Status Student Information > Program Participation > LEP > LEP Accommodations > Type |
Reports a count by table/category of Foster offender/participants. Logic counts 1 for each student with a Foster Care Status of Y. |
Student Information > General > Program Participation > Foster Care |
Reports a count by table/category of Gifted and Talented offender/participants. Logic counts 1 for each student with a Gifted and Talented Status of Y. |
Student Information > General > Program Participation > Gifted and Talented |
Reports a count by table/category of homeless offender/participants. Logic counts 1 for each student with a Homeless Status of Y. |
Student Information > General > Program Participation > Homeless |
Reports a count by table/category of Migrant offender/participants Logic counts 1 for each student with a Migrant Status of Y. |
Student Information > General > Program Participation > Migrant |
Reports a count by table/category of Military Connected offender/participants. Logic counts 1 for each student with a Military Connected Status of Y. |
Student Information > General > Program Participation > Military Connected |