Custom Tools and Codes

Information on creating and publishing custom tools and codes for State Editon.

Core Attribute DictionaryThe Core Attribute/Dictionary tool shows all core fields and code values created for the current Release Pack version and localized for the applicable district or state.
Custom Attribute/DictionaryThe Custom Attribute/Dictionary is used to view and create new custom fields for the user interface.
Custom Tool Setup
Custom Tool Setup allows users to create custom tools for tracking local or state-level information.
Custom Form Setup
The Custom Forms Setup
Documents that can be attached to a student.
 tool uploads and manages supplemental documents that can then be linked to a person's record. Custom Forms can be set up to pull information directly from Campus and/or have data entered into a form queried and reported in Ad hoc.
Publish Custom Tools
Publish Custom Tool allows State Edition users to publish custom tools and links down to DIS-linked districts. 
Code DefiningThe Code-Defining tool tracks the meaning of a field value so that Infinite Campus can utilize codes from various locations throughout the product to aid in logic used for reports and/or calculations.
Task SchedulerThe Task Scheduler tool allows users to schedule and manage automated system tasks. 
Custom Help ArticlesThe Custom Help Articles tool allows users to create their own help articles, which are available to all users.