Tool Search: Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics
The Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics tool details the total number of events that entered the Ed-Fi Event Queue and how many events were processed and inserted in the past five days.
Read - Access and read data in the Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics tool.
Write - Provides no function for this tool.
Add - Provides no function for this tool.
Delete - Provides no function for this tool.
For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see this Tool Rights article.
- Ed-Fi functionality must be enabled via the Enable Ed-FI System Preferences tool.
- In order to properly use Ed-Fi tools, proper values must be established within the Ed-Fi Config tool. This ensures Campus is communicating with Ed-Fi and successfully sending data to their servers.
- Ed-Fi IDs should be assigned to users via the Demographics tab.
- Ed-Fi events must have occurred in the past five days in order for data to appear within this tool.
Understanding the Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics Tool
The Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics tool details how many Ed-Fi records were inserted and processed per Campus Table for the past five days.
By using this tool, users can better understand where data changes are coming from on a daily basis and for larger and more active districts, see which Campus tables/resources are highly impacted by mass updates of data (such as using the Task Scheduler).
Refreshing Data
To refresh queue statistics and ensure the most up-to-date information is displayed, click the Refresh button.