Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics

Tool Search: Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics

The Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics tool details the total number of events that entered the Ed-Fi Event Queue and how many events were processed and inserted in the past five days.

Screenshot of the Event Queue Statisitic Report.Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics Report

Read - Access and read data in the Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics tool.
Write - Provides no function for this tool.
Add - Provides no function for this tool.
Delete - Provides no function for this tool.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see this Tool Rights article.


  • Ed-Fi functionality must be enabled via the Enable Ed-FI System Preferences tool.
  • In order to properly use Ed-Fi tools, proper values must be established within the Ed-Fi Config tool. This ensures Campus is communicating with Ed-Fi and successfully sending data to their servers.
  • Ed-Fi IDs should be assigned to users via the Demographics tab.
  • Ed-Fi events must have occurred in the past five days in order for data to appear within this tool.

Understanding the Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics Tool

The Ed-Fi Event Queue Statistics tool details how many Ed-Fi records were inserted and processed per Campus Table for the past five days.

By using this tool, users can better understand where data changes are coming from on a daily basis and for larger and more active districts, see which Campus tables/resources are highly impacted by mass updates of data (such as using the Task Scheduler). 

Screenshot of theTables Describing Records Inserted and Records ProcessedTables Describing Records Inserted from Database Changes
SCreenshot of Tables Describing Records Processed from Database ChangesTables Describing Records Processed from Database Changes
Screenshot of Tables Describing Records Inserted from Resync.Tables Describing Records Inserted from Resync
Screenshot of Tables Describing Records Processed from Resync.Tables Describing Records Processed from Resync

Refreshing Data

To refresh queue statistics and ensure the most up-to-date information is displayed, click the Refresh button. 

Screenshot with the Refresh button highlighted.Refreshing Data