Plan eSignature Editors (Massachusetts)

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

The Massachusetts Individual Education Plan can be sent to parents/guardians to sign (eSign) on the Campus Parent Portal electronically.

See the core Special Ed eSignature Process article for information on the overall process and setup for eSignature documents.

Complete the plan creation process and fill out the plan in Campus. Two editors, Response Section and Amend Response, require parent/guardian eSignatures, which are indicated with an eSign label on the Editor Home. To send the plan to the student's parent/guardian, these editors must be placed in the Complete Pending eSignature or Not Needed status. All other editors must be in a Complete status.

See the Massachusetts Individual Education Plan article for the most updated print format.

Screenshot of the Massachusetts IEP editor home highlighting the eSign editor.Massachusetts Editor Home - eSign Editors

Response Section

Screenshot of the Response Section Editor.Response Section Editor
  1. Navigate to the Response Section editor. 
  2. Fill out the Name and Role of LEA representative and Date fields.
  3. To complete the editor, only one of the checkboxes needs to be marked. The parent/guardian fills out the rest of the editor during the eSignature process. 
  4. Click the down arrow next to the Complete button in the action bar, then click Complete Pending eSignature. The editor is now in the correct status to send to the parent/guardian for eSignature. Note that this editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status. Screenshot of the complete pending eSignature button.
    Complete Pending eSignature Button

Amend Response

Screenshot of the Amend Response Editor.Amend Response Editor
  1. Navigate to the Amend Response editor.
  2. Fill out the Name and Role of LEA representative and Date fields.
  3. To complete the editor, only one of the checkboxes needs to be marked. The parent/guardian fills out the rest of the editor during the eSignature process.
  4. Click the down arrow next to the Complete button in the action bar, then click Complete Pending eSignature OR Not Needed. The editor is now in the correct status to send to the parent/guardian for eSignature.
    Not Needed or Complete Pending eSignature Button