Responsive Schedule Designer

Tool Search: Responsive Designer, Schedule Designer

The Responsive Scheduling Designer establishes a responsive day, providing the necessary structure that is needed for teachers to create offerings and assign students to that offering, and for administrators or counselors to create offering windows and manage offerings.

Screenshot of Responsive Schedule Designer

Responsive Scheduling Workflow

Before using the Responsive Schedule Designer, verify that Responsive Periods have been established and Responsive Courses have been created. See the Workflow above (steps 2, 3, 4) for more information.
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This section covers step 6 in the Responsive Scheduling Workflow

TaskResponsible StaffCampus Location
1.Review your overall approach to educating students prior to implementing this tool.Curriculum Director, Teachers, School Administrator, Counselor, etc.N/A

Create a separate period schedule for the responsive courses, if necessary (when these are special days outside of the main period schedule).

If necessary, mark that period schedule as an Exception/Special Day. When this is done, the period schedule is excluded from the Day Rotation process and would need to be manually added to a Day.

Campus Administrator/Tech DirectorSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods

Mark which periods in the period schedule can be marked as responsive, indicating responsive courses can be scheduled into them.

Campus Administrator/Tech DirectorSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods

Assign the Responsive Period Schedule to appropriate Calendar Days.

Campus Administrator/Tech DirectorSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days

Mark the courses that allow responsive offerings.

It is recommended that separate courses be created for use with Responsive Scheduling, and that these courses are excluded from state reporting and a state code is not associated with them.

Curriculum DirectorScheduling > Courses > Course > Course Information

Use the Responsive Schedule Designer to establish a responsive day and allow the teachers and administrators (principals, counselors, etc.) to create offerings and schedule students to those offerings.

Curriculum DirectorScheduling > Responsive Scheduling > Responsive Schedule Designer

Create an offering for the responsive day.

TeachersCampus Instruction > Responsive Scheduling
8.Build the Responsive Schedule Course Sections.Curriculum DirectorScheduling > Responsive Scheduling > Section Builder
9.Determine if Responsive Scheduling information should be available in Campus Student and Campus Parent. If yes, mark the Display Option for Responsive Scheduling.Campus Administrator/Tech DirectorSystem Administration > Portal > Preferences > Display Options
10.Request responsive day offerings.StudentsCampus Student Portal > Responsive Scheduling
11.Schedule any students who are not scheduled for a session.Curriculum DirectorScheduling > Schedule Gap Filler

Responsive Schedule Designer Editors

The Designer is organized into four sections:

  • Responsive Schedule List
  • Responsive Schedule Detail
  • Responsive Schedule Placement
  • Responsive Courses

Responsive Schedule List

The Responsive Schedule List displays all existing responsive schedules, and is simply a name for the responsive schedule. It is a grouping of courses that are offered for a day and period defined in a period schedule. Saved responsive schedules display here, and can be selected for additional management of the schedule.

Items are listed here once a responsive schedule is saved.

Screenshot of Responsive Schedule List

Responsive Schedule Detail

The Responsive Schedule Detail editor houses the details of the responsive day schedule.

Screenshot of Responsive Schedule Detail




Displays (when saved) in the Responsive Schedule List. It's also chosen by the teachers when creating their responsive day offerings.

Teacher Offering Window


Indicates how many calendar days (must be a whole number) before a responsive day session a teacher can create offerings, and how many days prior to the session the teach can make changes to their offerings for the responsive course.

  • The Open Days Before Session indicates how many days prior to the session teachers can create and modify an offering. Changes can be made to the offering up until the number of days before the session.
  • The Close Days Before Session indicates how many days prior to the offering teachers can make changes.

This window only applies to creating and modifying offerings, not to scheduling students. 

A value greater than zero (0) can be entered.

  • Open Days needs to be a greater value or the same value that is entered for Close Days.
  • The Student Request Window Open and Close days can overlap with the Teacher Offering Window Open and Close days.

Teachers can only request their own students to be scheduled into their offerings. If a student of theirs is already requested to attend another of that student's teacher offerings, the teacher cannot override that request; the teachers would need to determine the best offering for the student.

The values for the Teacher Offering Window can overlap with the Student Request Window values.

Teacher Auto Schedule on Save

When marked, a teacher can save a responsive offering, and a section for that offering is automatically created and scheduled, as long as the teacher creates the offering and schedules students into that offering. 

  • After the offering is scheduled, teachers are unable to edit the course, the offering name, the offering description and the preferred room.
  • If a teacher deletes an offering, section and roster records are also deleted.

After the Teacher Offering Window closes:

  • Teachers are unable to delete the responsive section.
  • Teachers are unable to modify the max student allowed value.
  • The New, Copy, and Requests options are no longer displayed.
  • The Offering Name is no longer a link.

When an administrator creates the offering, but the teacher schedules the students into that offering, the section is not automatically created or automatically scheduled.

Student Request Window

When marked, students are allowed to request responsive day offerings during the Open and Close Days window (calendar days). This is done through the Student Portal (Responsive Schedule tool). When not marked, these fields are inactive, and students are not able to request offerings through the Student Portal. The offerings would then be managed by the teachers, counselors and administrators.

  • The Open Days Before Session allows students to request which offerings created by their teachers they would like to attend.
  • The Close Days Before Session would be set to whatever number of days is necessary to allow counselors and administrators to schedule offerings and rosters.

Open Days need to be higher than or the same as the entered value for Close Days.

Students can request offerings from any teachers offering sections. If a student's Math teacher has already requested that student to be in the Math offering, the student cannot override a teacher's request. But a counselor can modify a student's request from a teacher.

The values for the Student Request Window can overlap with the values for Teacher Offering Window. 

Notify Students ___ Days Before Session


Indicates how many days (whole number) prior to the offering a student is aware of their schedule for the responsive day.

A student receives a notification in Campus Student when this day threshold is reached.

Responsive Schedule Placement

The Schedule Placement represents in what periods on what day the responsive day happens. In this example, there is a separate period schedule associated with responsive days, and the periods that allow responsive courses are marked. Mark in which period responsive courses are to be scheduled.

Period structures that are not responsive are not editable.

Screenshot of Responsive Schedule Placement

Responsive programs associated with inactive scheduling trials are ignored. It is recommended that:
  • Offerings be created only after the final schedule is set. 
  • Offerings be deleted before copying a trial. 

Responsive Courses

For each responsive course, mark which courses are available for the responsive day schedule, and enter a start and end date for those courses. Not all responsive courses need to be offered for each schedule, depending on how your school decides to manage responsive scheduling. 

Start dates need to be before or on the entered end date. End dates need to be on or after the entered start date. Dates for courses do not need to be entered, but if a date is entered, it means the teacher is not wanting to conduct a class for all of the days in the responsive schedule.

Entered dates must be inclusive of all responsive periods in the calendar. An alert message displays when entered dates do not cover the all responsive periods.

Screenshot of Responsive Courses

For every responsive day in the calendar, an offering must be available.

Create a Responsive Schedule

  1. Click the New Responsive Schedule icon.
  2. Enter a Name for the schedule.
  3. Enter the Open Days and Close Days for the Teacher Offering Window.
  4. If desired, mark the Teacher Auto Schedule on Save checkbox.
  5. Determine if students can request responsive day offerings. If yes, mark the Student Request Window checkbox.
  6. Enter the Open Days and Close Days for the Student Request Window.
  7. Enter the number of days prior to the session that students will be notified of their scheduled offering in the Notify Students Days Before Session field.
  8. Mark the period in which responsive courses will be scheduled in the Responsive Schedule Placement grid.
  9. Mark which courses will be available on that responsive day and when that course is held by entering a Start Date and End Date.
  10. Click the Save icon when finished. The new schedule displays in the Responsive Schedule List, and teachers can begin creating responsive day offerings.